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0001 /*
0002  * \file
0003  *
0004  * Class for DT Data Integrity
0005  * at Online DQM (Single Thread)
0006  * expected to monitor uROS
0007  * Class with MEs vs Time/LS
0008  *
0009  * \author Javier Fernandez (Uni. Oviedo) 
0010  *
0011  */
0013 #include "DQM/DTMonitorModule/interface/DTDataIntegrityTask.h"
0014 #include "DQM/DTMonitorModule/interface/DTTimeEvolutionHisto.h"
0015 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
0016 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0017 #include "DataFormats/FEDRawData/interface/FEDNumbering.h"
0018 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
0020 #include <cmath>
0021 #include <fstream>
0022 #include <map>
0023 #include <string>
0024 #include <vector>
0026 using namespace std;
0027 using namespace edm;
0029 DTDataIntegrityTask::DTDataIntegrityTask(const edm::ParameterSet& ps)
0030     : nevents(0), FEDIDmin(FEDNumbering::MINDTUROSFEDID), FEDIDmax(FEDNumbering::MAXDTUROSFEDID) {
0031   LogTrace("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask") << "[DTDataIntegrityTask]: Constructor" << endl;
0033   fedToken = consumes<DTuROSFEDDataCollection>(ps.getUntrackedParameter<InputTag>("dtFEDlabel"));
0035 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0036   neventsFED = 0;
0037   neventsuROS = 0;
0038 #endif
0040   fedIntegrityFolder = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("fedIntegrityFolder", "DT/FEDIntegrity");
0041   nLinksForFatal = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("nLinksForFatal", 15);  //per wheel
0043   string processingMode = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("processingMode", "Online");
0045   // processing mode flag to select plots to be produced and basedirs CB vedi se farlo meglio...
0046   if (processingMode == "Online") {
0047     mode = 0;
0048   } else if (processingMode == "SM") {
0049     mode = 1;
0050   } else if (processingMode == "Offline") {
0051     mode = 2;
0052   } else if (processingMode == "HLT") {
0053     mode = 3;
0054   } else {
0055     throw cms::Exception("MissingParameter") << "[DTDataIntegrityTask]: processingMode :" << processingMode
0056                                              << " invalid! Must be Online, SM, Offline or HLT !" << endl;
0057   }
0058 }
0060 DTDataIntegrityTask::~DTDataIntegrityTask() {
0061 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0062   LogTrace("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0063       << "[DTDataIntegrityTask]: Destructor. Analyzed " << neventsFED << " events" << endl;
0064   LogTrace("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0065       << "[DTDataIntegrityTask]: postEndJob called!" << endl;
0066 #endif
0067 }
0069 /*
0070   Folder Structure uROS:
0071   - 3 uROS Summary plots: Wheel-1/-2 (FED1369), Wheel0 (FED1370), Wheel+1/+2 (FED1371)
0072   - One folder for each FED
0073   - Inside each FED folder the uROSStatus histos, FED histos
0074   - One folder for each wheel and the corresponding ROSn folders
0075   - Inside each ROS folder the TDC and ROS errors histos, 24 Links/plot
0076 */
0078 void DTDataIntegrityTask::bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker& ibooker,
0079                                          edm::Run const& iRun,
0080                                          edm::EventSetup const& iSetup) {
0081   LogTrace("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask") << "[DTDataIntegrityTask]: postBeginJob" << endl;
0083   LogTrace("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0084       << "[DTDataIntegrityTask] Get DQMStore service" << endl;
0086   // Loop over the DT FEDs
0088   LogTrace("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0089       << " FEDS: " << FEDIDmin << " to " << FEDIDmax << " in the RO" << endl;
0091   // book FED integrity histos
0092   bookHistos(ibooker, FEDIDmin, FEDIDmax);
0094   // static booking of the histograms
0096   if (mode == 0 || mode == 2) {
0097     for (int fed = FEDIDmin; fed <= FEDIDmax; ++fed) {  // loop over the FEDs in the readout
0099       bookHistos(ibooker, string("FED"), fed);
0101       bookHistos(ibooker, string("CRATE"), fed);
0103       for (int uRos = 1; uRos <= NuROS; ++uRos) {  // loop over all ROS
0104         bookHistosuROS(ibooker, fed, uRos);
0105       }
0106     }
0108     for (int wheel = -2; wheel < 3; ++wheel) {
0109       for (int ros = 1; ros <= NuROS; ++ros) {  // loop over all ROS
0110         bookHistosROS(ibooker, wheel, ros);
0111       }
0112     }
0114   }  //Not in HLT or SM mode
0115 }
0117 void DTDataIntegrityTask::bookHistos(DQMStore::IBooker& ibooker, const int fedMin, const int fedMax) {
0118   ibooker.setCurrentFolder("DT/EventInfo/Counters");
0119   nEventMonitor = ibooker.bookFloat("nProcessedEventsDataIntegrity");
0121   // Standard FED integrity histos
0122   ibooker.setCurrentFolder(topFolder(true));
0124   int nFED = (fedMax - fedMin) + 1;
0126   hFEDEntry = ibooker.book1D("FEDEntries", "# entries per DT FED", nFED, fedMin, fedMax + 1);
0127   hFEDFatal = ibooker.book1D("FEDFatal", "# fatal errors DT FED", nFED, fedMin, fedMax + 1);
0129   if (mode == 1)
0130     return;  // to avoid duplication in FEDIntegrity_EvF folder
0132   string histoType = "ROSSummary";
0133   for (int wheel = -2; wheel < 3; ++wheel) {
0134     string wheel_s = to_string(wheel);
0135     string histoName = "ROSSummary_W" + wheel_s;
0136     string fed_s = to_string(FEDIDmin + 1);  //3 FEDs from 2018 onwards
0137     if (wheel < 0)
0138       fed_s = to_string(FEDIDmin);
0139     else if (wheel > 0)
0140       fed_s = to_string(FEDIDmax);
0141     string histoTitle = "Summary Wheel" + wheel_s + " (FED " + fed_s + ")";
0143     ((summaryHistos[histoType])[wheel]) = ibooker.book2D(histoName, histoTitle, 11, 0, 11, 12, 1, 13);
0144     MonitorElement* histo = ((summaryHistos[histoType])[wheel]);
0145     histo->setBinLabel(1, "Error 1", 1);
0146     histo->setBinLabel(2, "Error 2", 1);
0147     histo->setBinLabel(3, "Error 3", 1);
0148     histo->setBinLabel(4, "Error 4", 1);
0149     histo->setBinLabel(5, "Not OKflag", 1);
0150     // TDC error bins
0151     histo->setBinLabel(6, "TDC Fatal", 1);
0152     histo->setBinLabel(7, "TDC RO FIFO ov.", 1);
0153     histo->setBinLabel(8, "TDC L1 buf. ov.", 1);
0154     histo->setBinLabel(9, "TDC L1A FIFO ov.", 1);
0155     histo->setBinLabel(10, "TDC hit err.", 1);
0156     histo->setBinLabel(11, "TDC hit rej.", 1);
0158     histo->setBinLabel(1, "Sector1", 2);
0159     histo->setBinLabel(2, "Sector2", 2);
0160     histo->setBinLabel(3, "Sector3", 2);
0161     histo->setBinLabel(4, "Sector4", 2);
0162     histo->setBinLabel(5, "Sector5", 2);
0163     histo->setBinLabel(6, "Sector6", 2);
0164     histo->setBinLabel(7, "Sector7", 2);
0165     histo->setBinLabel(8, "Sector8", 2);
0166     histo->setBinLabel(9, "Sector9", 2);
0167     histo->setBinLabel(10, "Sector10", 2);
0168     histo->setBinLabel(11, "Sector11", 2);
0169     histo->setBinLabel(12, "Sector12", 2);
0170   }
0171 }
0173 void DTDataIntegrityTask::bookHistos(DQMStore::IBooker& ibooker, string folder, const int fed) {
0174   string wheel = "ZERO";
0175   if (fed == FEDIDmin)
0176     wheel = "NEG";
0177   else if (fed == FEDIDmax)
0178     wheel = "POS";
0179   string fed_s = to_string(fed);
0180   LogTrace("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0181       << " Booking histos for FED: " << fed_s << " folder: " << folder << endl;
0183   string histoType;
0184   string histoName;
0185   string histoTitle;
0186   MonitorElement* histo = nullptr;
0188   // Crate (old DDU) Histograms
0189   if (folder == "CRATE") {
0190     ibooker.setCurrentFolder(topFolder(false) + "FED" + fed_s);
0192     histoType = "EventLength";
0193     histoName = "FED" + fed_s + "_" + histoType;
0194     histoTitle = "Event Length (Bytes) FED " + fed_s;
0195     (fedHistos[histoType])[fed] = ibooker.book1D(histoName, histoTitle, 501, 0, 30000);
0197     if (mode == 3 || mode == 1)
0198       return;  //Avoid duplication of Info in FEDIntegrity_EvF
0200     histoType = "uROSStatus";
0201     histoName = "FED" + fed_s + "_" + histoType;
0202     (fedHistos[histoType])[fed] = ibooker.book2D(histoName, histoName, 12, 0, 12, 12, 1, 13);
0203     histo = (fedHistos[histoType])[fed];
0204     // only placeholders for the moment
0205     histo->setBinLabel(1, "Error G 1", 1);
0206     histo->setBinLabel(2, "Error G 2", 1);
0207     histo->setBinLabel(3, "Error G 3", 1);
0208     histo->setBinLabel(4, "Error G 4", 1);
0209     histo->setBinLabel(5, "Error G 5", 1);
0210     histo->setBinLabel(6, "Error G 6", 1);
0211     histo->setBinLabel(7, "Error G 7", 1);
0212     histo->setBinLabel(8, "Error G 8", 1);
0213     histo->setBinLabel(9, "Error G 9", 1);
0214     histo->setBinLabel(10, "Error G 10", 1);
0215     histo->setBinLabel(11, "Error G 11", 1);
0216     histo->setBinLabel(12, "Error G 12", 1);
0218     histo->setBinLabel(1, "uROS 1", 2);
0219     histo->setBinLabel(2, "uROS 2", 2);
0220     histo->setBinLabel(3, "uROS 3", 2);
0221     histo->setBinLabel(4, "uROS 4", 2);
0222     histo->setBinLabel(5, "uROS 5", 2);
0223     histo->setBinLabel(6, "uROS 6", 2);
0224     histo->setBinLabel(7, "uROS 7", 2);
0225     histo->setBinLabel(8, "uROS 8", 2);
0226     histo->setBinLabel(9, "uROS 9", 2);
0227     histo->setBinLabel(10, "uROS 10", 2);
0228     histo->setBinLabel(11, "uROS 11", 2);
0229     histo->setBinLabel(12, "uROS 12", 2);
0231     if (mode == 0) {  //Info for Online only
0233       histoType = "FEDAvgEvLengthvsLumi";
0234       histoName = "FED" + fed_s + "_" + histoType;
0235       histoTitle = "Avg Event Length (Bytes) vs LumiSec FED " + fed_s;
0236       (fedTimeHistos[histoType])[fed] = new DTTimeEvolutionHisto(ibooker, histoName, histoTitle, 200, 10, true, 0);
0238       //Not used for the moment due to wrong coding from AMC13
0239       /*
0240     histoType = "TTSValues";
0241     histoName = "FED" + fed_s + "_" + histoType;
0242     (fedHistos[histoType])[fed] = ibooker.book1D(histoName, histoName, 6, 0, 6);
0243     histo = (fedHistos[histoType])[fed];
0244     histo->setBinLabel(1, "Ready", 1);
0245     histo->setBinLabel(2, "Overflow Warning ", 1);
0246     histo->setBinLabel(3, "Busy", 1);
0247     histo->setBinLabel(4, "Sync lost", 1);
0248     histo->setBinLabel(5, "Error", 1);
0249     histo->setBinLabel(6, "Unknown", 1);
0250     */
0251       histoType = "uROSList";
0252       histoName = "FED" + fed_s + "_" + histoType;
0253       histoTitle = "# of uROS in the FED payload (FED" + fed_s + ")";
0254       (fedHistos[histoType])[fed] = ibooker.book1D(histoName, histoTitle, 13, 0, 13);
0256       histoType = "BXID";
0257       histoName = "FED" + fed_s + "_BXID";
0258       histoTitle = "Distrib. BX ID (FED" + fed_s + ")";
0259       (fedHistos[histoType])[fed] = ibooker.book1D(histoName, histoTitle, 3600, 0, 3600);
0260     }  // mode == 0 for Online only
0261   }
0263   // uROS Histograms
0264   if (folder == "FED") {  // The summary of the error of the ROS on the same FED
0265     ibooker.setCurrentFolder(topFolder(false));
0267     if (mode == 3 || mode == 1)
0268       return;  //Avoid duplication of Info in FEDIntegrity_EvF
0270     histoType = "uROSSummary";
0271     histoName = "FED" + fed_s + "_uROSSummary";
0272     string histoTitle = "Summary Wheel" + wheel + " (FED " + fed_s + ")";
0274     ((summaryHistos[histoType])[fed]) = ibooker.book2D(histoName, histoTitle, 12, 0, 12, 12, 1, 13);
0275     MonitorElement* histo = ((summaryHistos[histoType])[fed]);
0276     // ROS error bins
0277     // Placeholders for Global Errors for the moment
0278     histo->setBinLabel(1, "Error G 1", 1);
0279     histo->setBinLabel(2, "Error G 2", 1);
0280     histo->setBinLabel(3, "Error G 3", 1);
0281     histo->setBinLabel(4, "Error G 4", 1);
0282     histo->setBinLabel(5, "Error G 5", 1);
0283     histo->setBinLabel(6, "Error G 6", 1);
0284     histo->setBinLabel(7, "Error G 7", 1);
0285     histo->setBinLabel(8, "Error G 8", 1);
0286     histo->setBinLabel(9, "Error G 9", 1);
0287     histo->setBinLabel(10, "Error G 10", 1);
0288     histo->setBinLabel(11, "Error G 11", 1);
0289     histo->setBinLabel(12, "Error G 12", 1);
0291     histo->setBinLabel(1, "uROS1", 2);
0292     histo->setBinLabel(2, "uROS2", 2);
0293     histo->setBinLabel(3, "uROS3", 2);
0294     histo->setBinLabel(4, "uROS4", 2);
0295     histo->setBinLabel(5, "uROS5", 2);
0296     histo->setBinLabel(6, "uROS6", 2);
0297     histo->setBinLabel(7, "uROS7", 2);
0298     histo->setBinLabel(8, "uROS8", 2);
0299     histo->setBinLabel(9, "uROS9", 2);
0300     histo->setBinLabel(10, "uROS10", 2);
0301     histo->setBinLabel(11, "uROS11", 2);
0302     histo->setBinLabel(12, "uROS12", 2);
0303   }
0304 }
0306 void DTDataIntegrityTask::bookHistosROS(DQMStore::IBooker& ibooker, const int wheel, const int ros) {
0307   string wheel_s = to_string(wheel);
0308   string ros_s = to_string(ros);
0309   ibooker.setCurrentFolder(topFolder(false) + "Wheel" + wheel_s + "/Sector" + ros_s);
0311   string histoType = "ROSError";
0312   int linkDown = 0;
0313   string linkDown_s = to_string(linkDown);
0314   int linkUp = linkDown + 24;
0315   string linkUp_s = to_string(linkUp);
0316   string histoName = "W" + wheel_s + "_" + "Sector" + ros_s + "_" + histoType;
0317   string histoTitle = histoName + " (Channel " + linkDown_s + "-" + linkUp_s + " error summary)";
0318   unsigned int keyHisto = (uROSError) * 1000 + (wheel + 2) * 100 + (ros - 1);
0319   if (mode < 1)  // Online only
0320     urosHistos[keyHisto] = ibooker.book2D(histoName, histoTitle, 11, 0, 11, 25, 0, 25);
0321   else if (mode > 1)
0322     urosHistos[keyHisto] = ibooker.book2D(histoName, histoTitle, 5, 0, 5, 25, 0, 25);
0324   MonitorElement* histo = urosHistos[keyHisto];
0325   // uROS error bins
0326   // Placeholders for the moment
0327   histo->setBinLabel(1, "Error 1", 1);
0328   histo->setBinLabel(2, "Error 2", 1);
0329   histo->setBinLabel(3, "Error 3", 1);
0330   histo->setBinLabel(4, "Error 4", 1);
0331   histo->setBinLabel(5, "Not OKFlag", 1);
0332   if (mode < 1) {  //Online only
0333                    // TDC error bins
0334     histo->setBinLabel(6, "TDC Fatal", 1);
0335     histo->setBinLabel(7, "TDC RO FIFO ov.", 1);
0336     histo->setBinLabel(8, "TDC L1 buf. ov.", 1);
0337     histo->setBinLabel(9, "TDC L1A FIFO ov.", 1);
0338     histo->setBinLabel(10, "TDC hit err.", 1);
0339     histo->setBinLabel(11, "TDC hit rej.", 1);
0340   }
0341   for (int link = linkDown; link < linkUp; ++link) {
0342     int sector = ros;
0344     int station = int(link / 6) + 1;
0345     if (link == 18)
0346       station = 3;
0348     int rob = link % 6;
0349     if (link == 18)
0350       rob = 6;
0351     else if (link > 18)
0352       rob = rob - 1;
0354     //Sector 4 exceptions
0355     if (ros == 4) {
0356       if (link > 18 && link < 22)
0357         rob = rob + 2;
0358       else if (link == 22 || link == 23) {
0359         sector = 13;
0360         rob = rob - 1;
0361       }
0362     }
0364     //Sector 9 exceptions
0365     if (ros == 9 && (link == 22 || link == 23)) {
0366       sector = 13;
0367       rob = rob - 3;
0368     }
0370     //Sector 10 exceptions
0371     if (ros == 10) {
0372       if (link > 18 && link < 22)
0373         sector = 14;
0374       else if (link == 22 || link == 23)
0375         rob = rob - 3;
0376     }
0378     //Sector 11 exceptions
0379     if (ros == 11 && (link == 22 || link == 23)) {
0380       sector = 4;
0381       rob = rob - 3;
0382     }
0384     string sector_s = to_string(sector);
0385     string st_s = to_string(station);
0386     string rob_s = to_string(rob);
0387     histo->setBinLabel(link + 1, "S" + sector_s + " MB" + st_s + " ROB" + rob_s, 2);
0388   }
0390   int link25 = linkUp;
0391   string label25[12] = {"S1 MB4 ROB5",
0392                         "S2 MB4 ROB5",
0393                         "S3 MB4 ROB5",
0394                         "S13 MB4 ROB4",
0395                         "S5 MB4 ROB5",
0396                         "S6 MB4 ROB5",
0397                         "S7 MB4 ROB5",
0398                         "S8 MB4 ROB5",
0399                         "S10 MB4 ROB3",
0400                         "S10 MB4 ROB2",
0401                         "S14 MB4 ROB3",
0402                         "S12 MB4 ROB5"};
0403   histo->setBinLabel(link25 + 1, label25[ros - 1], 2);
0405   if (mode > 1)
0406     return;
0408   histoType = "TDCError";
0409   linkDown = 0;
0410   linkDown_s = to_string(linkDown);
0411   linkUp = linkDown + 24;
0412   linkUp_s = to_string(linkUp);
0413   histoName = "W" + wheel_s + "_" + "Sector" + ros_s + "_" + histoType;
0414   histoTitle = histoName + " (Channel " + linkDown_s + "-" + linkUp_s + " error summary)";
0415   keyHisto = (TDCError) * 1000 + (wheel + 2) * 100 + (ros - 1);
0416   urosHistos[keyHisto] = ibooker.book2D(histoName, histoTitle, 24, 0, 24, 25, 0, 25);
0417   histo = urosHistos[keyHisto];
0418   // TDC error bins
0419   histo->setBinLabel(1, "Fatal", 1);
0420   histo->setBinLabel(2, "RO FIFO ov.", 1);
0421   histo->setBinLabel(3, "L1 buf. ov.", 1);
0422   histo->setBinLabel(4, "L1A FIFO ov.", 1);
0423   histo->setBinLabel(5, "hit err.", 1);
0424   histo->setBinLabel(6, "hit rej.", 1);
0425   histo->setBinLabel(7, "Fatal", 1);
0426   histo->setBinLabel(8, "RO FIFO ov.", 1);
0427   histo->setBinLabel(9, "L1 buf. ov.", 1);
0428   histo->setBinLabel(10, "L1A FIFO ov.", 1);
0429   histo->setBinLabel(11, "hit err.", 1);
0430   histo->setBinLabel(12, "hit rej.", 1);
0431   histo->setBinLabel(13, "Fatal", 1);
0432   histo->setBinLabel(14, "RO FIFO ov.", 1);
0433   histo->setBinLabel(15, "L1 buf. ov.", 1);
0434   histo->setBinLabel(16, "L1A FIFO ov.", 1);
0435   histo->setBinLabel(17, "hit err.", 1);
0436   histo->setBinLabel(18, "hit rej.", 1);
0437   histo->setBinLabel(19, "Fatal", 1);
0438   histo->setBinLabel(20, "RO FIFO ov.", 1);
0439   histo->setBinLabel(21, "L1 buf. ov.", 1);
0440   histo->setBinLabel(22, "L1A FIFO ov.", 1);
0441   histo->setBinLabel(23, "hit err.", 1);
0442   histo->setBinLabel(24, "hit rej.", 1);
0444   for (int link = linkDown; link < linkUp; ++link) {
0445     int sector = ros;
0447     int station = int(link / 6) + 1;
0448     if (link == 18)
0449       station = 3;
0451     int rob = link % 6;
0452     if (link == 18)
0453       rob = 6;
0454     else if (link > 18)
0455       rob = rob - 1;
0457     //Sector 4 exceptions
0458     if (ros == 4) {
0459       if (link > 18 && link < 22)
0460         rob = rob + 2;
0461       else if (link == 22 || link == 23) {
0462         sector = 13;
0463         rob = rob - 1;
0464       }
0465     }
0467     //Sector 9 exceptions
0468     if (ros == 9 && (link == 22 || link == 23))
0469       rob = rob - 3;
0471     //Sector 10 exceptions
0472     if (ros == 10) {
0473       if (link > 18 && link < 22)
0474         sector = 14;
0475       else if (link == 22 || link == 23)
0476         rob = rob - 3;
0477     }
0479     //Sector 11 exceptions
0480     if (ros == 11 && (link == 22 || link == 23)) {
0481       sector = 4;
0482       rob = rob - 3;
0483     }
0485     string sector_s = to_string(sector);
0486     string st_s = to_string(station);
0487     string rob_s = to_string(rob);
0488     histo->setBinLabel(link + 1, "S" + sector_s + " MB" + st_s + " ROB" + rob_s, 2);
0489   }
0491   link25 = linkUp;
0492   histo->setBinLabel(link25 + 1, label25[ros - 1], 2);
0494 }  //bookHistosROS
0496 void DTDataIntegrityTask::bookHistosuROS(DQMStore::IBooker& ibooker, const int fed, const int uRos) {
0497   string fed_s = to_string(fed);
0498   string uRos_s = to_string(uRos);
0499   ibooker.setCurrentFolder(topFolder(false) + "FED" + fed_s + "/uROS" + uRos_s);
0501   if (mode >= 1)
0502     return;
0504   string histoType = "uROSEventLength";
0505   string histoName = "FED" + fed_s + "_uROS" + uRos_s + "_" + "EventLength";
0506   string histoTitle = "Event Length (Bytes) FED " + fed_s + " uROS" + uRos_s;
0507   unsigned int keyHisto = (uROSEventLength) * 1000 + (fed - FEDIDmin) * 100 + (uRos - 1);
0508   urosHistos[keyHisto] = ibooker.book1D(histoName, histoTitle, 101, 0, 5000);
0510   histoType = "uROSAvgEventLengthvsLumi";
0511   histoName = "FED" + fed_s + "_ROS" + uRos_s + "AvgEventLengthvsLumi";
0512   histoTitle = "Event Length (Bytes) FED " + fed_s + " ROS" + uRos_s;
0513   keyHisto = (fed - FEDIDmin) * 100 + (uRos - 1);
0514   urosTimeHistos[keyHisto] = new DTTimeEvolutionHisto(ibooker, histoName, histoTitle, 200, 10, true, 0);
0516   histoType = "TTSValues";
0517   histoName = "FED" + fed_s + "_" + "uROS" + uRos_s + "_" + histoType;
0518   keyHisto = TTSValues * 1000 + (fed - FEDIDmin) * 100 + (uRos - 1);
0519   urosHistos[keyHisto] = ibooker.book1D(histoName, histoName, 4, 1, 5);
0520   MonitorElement* histo = urosHistos[keyHisto];
0521   histo->setBinLabel(1, "Overflow Warning ", 1);
0522   histo->setBinLabel(2, "Busy", 1);
0523   histo->setBinLabel(3, "Ready", 1);
0524   histo->setBinLabel(4, "Unknown", 1);
0525 }
0527 void DTDataIntegrityTask::processuROS(DTuROSROSData& data, int fed, int uRos) {
0528 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0529   neventsuROS++;
0531   LogTrace("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0532       << "[DTDataIntegrityTask]: " << neventsuROS << " events analyzed by processuROS" << endl;
0533 #endif
0535   if (mode == 3)  // || mode == 1)
0536     return;       //Avoid duplication of Info in FEDIntegrity_EvF
0538   MonitorElement* uROSSummary = nullptr;
0539   MonitorElement* uROSStatus = nullptr;
0541   unsigned int slotMap = (data.getboardId()) & 0xF;
0542   if (slotMap == 0)
0543     return;                               //prevention for Simulation empty uROS data
0544   unsigned int ros = theROS(slotMap, 0);  //first sector correspondign to link 0
0545   int ddu = theDDU(fed, slotMap, 0, false);
0546   int wheel = (ddu - 770) % 5 - 2;
0547   int sector4 = 3;  //Asymmetry  in mapping
0549   MonitorElement* ROSSummary = nullptr;
0550   ROSSummary = summaryHistos["ROSSummary"][wheel];
0552   // Summary of all Link errors
0553   MonitorElement* uROSError0 = nullptr;
0554   MonitorElement* uROSError1 = nullptr;
0555   MonitorElement* uROSError2 = nullptr;
0556   MonitorElement* uROSErrorS4 = nullptr;
0558   if (mode <= 2) {
0559     if (uRos > 2) {  //sectors 1-12
0560       if (mode != 1) {
0561         uROSSummary = summaryHistos["uROSSummary"][fed];
0562         uROSStatus = fedHistos["uROSStatus"][fed];
0563         if (!uROSSummary) {
0564           LogError("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0565               << "Trying to access non existing ME at FED " << fed << std::endl;
0566           return;
0567         }
0569         uROSError0 = urosHistos[(uROSError) * 1000 + (wheel + 2) * 100 + (ros - 1)];  //links 0-23
0570         uROSError1 = urosHistos[(uROSError) * 1000 + (wheel + 2) * 100 + (ros)];      //links 24-47
0571         uROSError2 = urosHistos[(uROSError) * 1000 + (wheel + 2) * 100 + (ros + 1)];  //links 48-71
0572         uROSErrorS4 = urosHistos[(uROSError) * 1000 + (wheel + 2) * 100 + 3];
0574         if ((!uROSError2) || (!uROSError1) || (!uROSError0)) {
0575           LogError("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0576               << "Trying to access non existing ME at uROS " << uRos << std::endl;
0577           return;
0578         }
0579       }
0581       // uROS errors
0582       for (unsigned int link = 0; link < 72; ++link) {
0583         for (unsigned int flag = 0; flag < 5; ++flag) {
0584           if ((data.getokxflag(link) >> flag) & 0x1) {  // Undefined Flag 1-4 64bits word for each MTP (12 channels)
0586             int value = flag != 0 ? flag : 5;  //if flag = 0 move it to the 5th bin
0587             if (link < 24) {
0588               errorX[value - 1][ros - 1][wheel + 2] += 1;
0589               if (mode != 1)
0590                 uROSError0->Fill(value - 1, link);  //bins start at 0 despite labeling
0591             } else if (link < 48) {
0592               if ((link == 46 || link == 57) && ros == 10)
0593                 errorX[value - 1][sector4][wheel + 2] += 1;
0594               else
0595                 errorX[value - 1][ros][wheel + 2] += 1;
0596               if (mode != 1) {
0597                 if ((link == 46 || link == 57) && ros == 10)
0598                   uROSErrorS4->Fill(value - 1, link - 24);
0599                 else
0600                   uROSError1->Fill(value - 1, link - 24);
0601               }
0602             } else if (link < 72) {
0603               errorX[value - 1][ros + 1][wheel + 2] += 1;
0604               if (mode != 1)
0605                 uROSError2->Fill(value - 1, link - 48);
0606             }
0607           }  //flag value
0608         }  //loop on flags
0609       }  //loop on links
0610     }  //uROS>2
0612     else {  //uRos<3  25th Channel slot
0614       for (unsigned int link = 0; link < 12; ++link) {
0615         for (unsigned int flag = 0; flag < 5; ++flag) {
0616           if ((data.getokxflag(link) >> flag) & 0x1) {  // Undefined Flag 1-4 64bits word for each MTP (12 channels)
0617             int value = flag;
0618             int ch25 = 24;
0619             int sector = link + 1;
0620             if (flag == 0)
0621               value = 5;  //move it to the 5th bin
0623             if (value > 0) {
0624               if (mode != 1) {
0625                 if (sector == 9)
0626                   sector = 10;
0627                 unsigned int keyHisto =
0628                     (uROSError) * 1000 + (wheel + 2) * 100 + abs(sector - 1);  //ros -1 = link in this case
0629                 uROSError0 = urosHistos[keyHisto];
0630                 if (!uROSError0) {
0631                   LogError("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0632                       << "Trying to access non existing ME at uROS " << uRos << std::endl;
0633                   return;
0634                 }
0635               }
0636               errorX[value - 1][sector - 1][wheel + 2] += 1;  // ros-1=link in this case
0637               if (mode != 1)
0638                 uROSError0->Fill(value - 1, ch25);  //bins start at 0 despite labeling, this is the old SC
0639             }
0640           }  //flag values
0641         }  //loop on flags
0642       }  //loop on links
0643     }  //else uRos<3
0645     if (mode != 1) {
0646       // Global Errors for uROS
0647       for (unsigned int flag = 4; flag < 16; ++flag) {
0648         if ((data.getuserWord() >> flag) & 0x1) {
0649           uROSSummary->Fill(flag - 4, uRos);
0650           uROSStatus->Fill(flag - 4, uRos);  //duplicated info?
0651         }
0652       }
0653     }
0655   }  //mode<=2
0657   if (mode != 1) {
0658     // Fill the ROSSummary (1 per wheel) histo
0659     for (unsigned int iros = ros - 1; iros < (ros + 2); ++iros) {
0660       for (unsigned int bin = 0; bin < 5; ++bin) {
0661         if (errorX[bin][iros][wheel + 2] != 0) {
0662           ROSSummary->Fill(bin, iros + 1, errorX[bin][iros][wheel + 2]);  //bins start at 1
0663         }
0664       }
0665     }
0666   }
0668   // ROS error
0669   for (unsigned int icounter = 0; icounter < data.geterrors().size(); ++icounter) {
0670     int link = data.geterrorROBID(icounter);
0671     int tdc = data.geterrorTDCID(icounter);
0672     int error = data.geterror(icounter);
0673     int tdcError_ROSSummary = 0;
0674     int tdcError_ROSError = 0;
0675     int tdcError_TDCHisto = 0;
0677     if (error & 0x4000) {
0678       LogTrace("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0679           << " ROS " << uRos << " ROB " << link << " Internal fatal Error 4000 in TDC " << error << endl;
0681       tdcError_ROSSummary = 5;
0682       tdcError_ROSError = 5;
0683       tdcError_TDCHisto = 0;
0685     } else if (error & 0x0249) {
0686       LogTrace("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0687           << " ROS " << uRos << " ROB " << link << " TDC FIFO overflow in TDC " << error << endl;
0689       tdcError_ROSSummary = 6;
0690       tdcError_ROSError = 6;
0691       tdcError_TDCHisto = 1;
0693     } else if (error & 0x0492) {
0694       LogTrace("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0695           << " ROS " << uRos << " ROB " << link << " TDC L1 buffer overflow in TDC " << error << endl;
0697       tdcError_ROSSummary = 7;
0698       tdcError_ROSError = 7;
0699       tdcError_TDCHisto = 2;
0701     } else if (error & 0x2000) {
0702       LogTrace("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0703           << " ROS " << uRos << " ROB " << link << " TDC L1A FIFO overflow in TDC " << error << endl;
0705       tdcError_ROSSummary = 8;
0706       tdcError_ROSError = 8;
0707       tdcError_TDCHisto = 3;
0709     } else if (error & 0x0924) {
0710       LogTrace("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0711           << " uROS " << uRos << " ROB " << link << " TDC hit error in TDC " << error << endl;
0713       tdcError_ROSSummary = 9;
0714       tdcError_ROSError = 9;
0715       tdcError_TDCHisto = 4;
0717     } else if (error & 0x1000) {
0718       LogTrace("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0719           << " uROS " << uRos << " ROB " << link << " TDC hit rejected in TDC " << error << endl;
0721       tdcError_ROSSummary = 10;
0722       tdcError_ROSError = 10;
0723       tdcError_TDCHisto = 5;
0725     } else {
0726       LogWarning("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0727           << " TDC error code not known " << error << endl;
0728     }
0730     if (uRos < 3) {
0731       int sector = link + 1;
0732       if (tdcError_ROSSummary == 5)
0733         errorX[5][link][wheel + 2] += 1;
0734       if (mode != 1) {
0735         if (sector == 9)
0736           sector = 10;
0737         ROSSummary->Fill(tdcError_ROSSummary, sector - 1);  //link 0 = ROS 1
0738         int ch25 = 24;
0739         if (mode <= 2) {
0740           urosHistos[(uROSError) * 1000 + (wheel + 2) * 100 + (sector - 1)]->Fill(tdcError_ROSError, ch25);
0741           if (mode < 1)
0742             urosHistos[(TDCError) * 1000 + (wheel + 2) * 100 + (sector - 1)]->Fill(tdcError_TDCHisto + 6 * tdc,
0743                                                                                    ch25);  // ros-1=link in this case
0744         }  //mode <= 2
0745       }  //mode!=1
0746     }  //uRos<3
0747     else {  //uRos>2
0748       if (link < 24) {
0749         if (tdcError_ROSSummary == 5)
0750           errorX[5][ros - 1][wheel + 2] += 1;
0751         if (mode != 1)
0752           ROSSummary->Fill(tdcError_ROSSummary, ros);
0753       } else if (link < 48) {
0754         if (tdcError_ROSSummary == 5) {
0755           if ((link == 46 || link == 57) && ros == 10)
0756             errorX[5][sector4][wheel + 2] += 1;
0757           else
0758             errorX[5][ros][wheel + 2] += 1;
0759         }
0760         if (mode != 1) {
0761           if ((link == 46 || link == 57) && ros == 10)
0762             ROSSummary->Fill(tdcError_ROSSummary, sector4);
0763           else
0764             ROSSummary->Fill(tdcError_ROSSummary, ros + 1);
0765         }
0766       } else if (link < 72) {
0767         if (tdcError_ROSSummary == 5)
0768           errorX[5][ros + 1][wheel + 2] += 1;
0769         if (mode != 1)
0770           ROSSummary->Fill(tdcError_ROSSummary, ros + 2);
0771       }
0773       if (mode <= 2 && mode != 1) {
0774         if (link < 24)
0775           uROSError0->Fill(tdcError_ROSError, link);
0776         else if (link < 48)
0777           if ((link == 46 || link == 57) && ros == 10)
0778             uROSError1->Fill(tdcError_ROSError, sector4);
0779           else
0780             uROSError1->Fill(tdcError_ROSError, link - 24);
0781         else if (link < 72)
0782           uROSError2->Fill(tdcError_ROSError, link - 48);
0784         if (mode < 1) {
0785           if (link < 24)
0786             urosHistos[(TDCError) * 1000 + (wheel + 2) * 100 + (ros - 1)]->Fill(tdcError_TDCHisto + 6 * tdc, link);
0787           else if (link < 48)
0788             urosHistos[(TDCError) * 1000 + (wheel + 2) * 100 + (ros)]->Fill(tdcError_TDCHisto + 6 * tdc, link - 24);
0789           else if (link < 72)
0790             urosHistos[(TDCError) * 1000 + (wheel + 2) * 100 + (ros + 1)]->Fill(tdcError_TDCHisto + 6 * tdc, link - 48);
0792         }  //mode<1
0793       }  //mode<=2 && mode != 1
0794     }  //uROS>2
0795   }  //loop on errors
0797   // 1D histograms for TTS values per uROS
0798   if (mode < 1) {
0799     int ttsCodeValue = -1;
0800     int value = (data.getuserWord() & 0xF);
0801     switch (value) {
0802       case 1: {  //warning overflow
0803         ttsCodeValue = 1;
0804         break;
0805       }
0806       case 4: {  //busy
0807         ttsCodeValue = 2;
0808         break;
0809       }
0810       case 8: {  //ready
0811         ttsCodeValue = 3;
0812         break;
0813       }
0814       default: {
0815         LogError("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0816             << "[DTDataIntegrityTask] FED User control: wrong TTS value " << value << " in FED " << fed << " uROS "
0817             << uRos << endl;
0818         ttsCodeValue = 4;
0819       }
0820     }
0822     urosHistos[TTSValues * 1000 + (fed - FEDIDmin) * 100 + (uRos - 1)]->Fill(ttsCodeValue);
0824     // Plot the event length //NOHLT
0825     int uRosEventLength = (data.gettrailer() & 0xFFFFF) * 8;
0826     urosTimeHistos[(fed - FEDIDmin) * 100 + (uRos - 1)]->accumulateValueTimeSlot(uRosEventLength);
0828     if (uRosEventLength > 5000)
0829       uRosEventLength = 5000;
0830     urosHistos[uROSEventLength * 1000 + (fed - FEDIDmin) * 100 + (uRos - 1)]->Fill(uRosEventLength);
0831   }
0832 }
0834 void DTDataIntegrityTask::processFED(DTuROSFEDData& data, int fed) {
0835 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0836   neventsFED++;
0837   if (neventsFED % 1000 == 0)
0838     LogTrace("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0839         << "[DTDataIntegrityTask]: " << neventsFED << " events analyzed by processFED" << endl;
0840 #endif
0842   if (fed < FEDIDmin || fed > FEDIDmax)
0843     return;
0845   hFEDEntry->Fill(fed);
0847   if (mode == 3)
0848     return;  //Avoid duplication of Info in FEDIntegrity_EvF
0850   if (mode != 1) {
0851     //1D HISTOS: EVENT LENGHT from trailer
0852     int fedEvtLength = data.getevtlgth() * 8;  //1 word = 8 bytes
0853     //   if(fedEvtLength > 16000) fedEvtLength = 16000; // overflow bin
0854     fedHistos["EventLength"][fed]->Fill(fedEvtLength);
0856     if (mode == 0) {
0857       fedTimeHistos["FEDAvgEvLengthvsLumi"][fed]->accumulateValueTimeSlot(fedEvtLength);
0859       // fill the distribution of the BX ids
0860       fedHistos["BXID"][fed]->Fill(data.getBXId());
0862       // size of the list of ROS in the Read-Out
0863       fedHistos["uROSList"][fed]->Fill(data.getnslots());
0864     }
0866   }  //mode != 1
0868   // Fill the status summary of the TTS
0870   //1D HISTO WITH TTS VALUES form trailer
0871   //Not used for the moment due to wrong coding from AMC13
0872   /*
0873   int ttsCodeValue = -1;
0874   int value = data.getTTS();
0875   switch (value) {
0876     case 0: {  //ready
0877       ttsCodeValue = 0;
0878       break;
0879     }
0880     case 1: {  //warning overflow
0881       ttsCodeValue = 1;
0882       break;
0883     }
0884     case 2: {  //busy
0885       ttsCodeValue = 2;
0886       break;
0887     }
0888     case 4: {  //synch lost
0889       ttsCodeValue = 3;
0890       break;
0891     }
0892     case 8: {  //error
0893       ttsCodeValue = 4;
0894       break;
0895     }
0896     default: {
0897       LogError("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0898           << "[DTDataIntegrityTask] FED TTS control: wrong TTS value " << value << " in FED " << fed << endl;
0899       ttsCodeValue = 5;
0900     }
0901   }
0902   if (mode < 1)
0903     fedHistos["TTSValues"][fed]->Fill(ttsCodeValue);
0904   */
0906   //FEDFatal definition per wheel: 5*TDCFatal/6000 + 5*NotOKFlag/1500
0907   int wheel = 0;
0908   if (fed == FEDIDmin)
0909     wheel = -2;
0910   else if (fed == FEDIDmax)
0911     wheel = 1;
0913   float sumTDC = 0., sumNotOKFlag = 0.;
0914   for (int ros = 0; ros < 12; ros++) {
0915     sumNotOKFlag += errorX[4][ros][wheel + 2];
0916     sumTDC += errorX[5][ros][wheel + 2];
0917   }
0919   if (wheel != 0) {  // consider both wheels for FEDs 1369 & 1371
0920     wheel += 1;
0921     for (int ros = 0; ros < 12; ros++) {
0922       sumNotOKFlag += errorX[4][ros][wheel + 2];
0923       sumTDC += errorX[5][ros][wheel + 2];
0924     }
0925   }
0927   //Divide by 2 for egde FEDs to normalize per wheel
0928   sumNotOKFlag = sumNotOKFlag / ((wheel != 0) ? 2. : 1.);
0929   sumTDC = sumTDC / ((wheel != 0) ? 2. : 1.);
0931   if (sumNotOKFlag > nLinksForFatal || sumTDC > nLinksForFatal)
0932     hFEDFatal->Fill(fed);
0933 }
0935 std::string DTDataIntegrityTask::topFolder(bool isFEDIntegrity) const {
0936   string folder = isFEDIntegrity ? fedIntegrityFolder : "DT/00-DataIntegrity/";
0938   if (mode == 0)
0939     folder = "DT/00-DataIntegrity/";  //Move everything from FEDIntegrity except for SM and HLT modes
0941   return folder;
0942 }
0944 std::shared_ptr<dtdi::LumiCache> DTDataIntegrityTask::globalBeginLuminosityBlock(const edm::LuminosityBlock& ls,
0945                                                                                  const edm::EventSetup& es) const {
0946   return std::make_shared<dtdi::LumiCache>();
0947 }
0949 void DTDataIntegrityTask::globalEndLuminosityBlock(const edm::LuminosityBlock& ls, const edm::EventSetup& es) {
0950   int lumiBlock =;
0951   const auto nEventsLS = luminosityBlockCache(ls.index())->nEventsLS;
0953   map<string, map<int, DTTimeEvolutionHisto*> >::iterator fedIt = fedTimeHistos.begin();
0954   map<string, map<int, DTTimeEvolutionHisto*> >::iterator fedEnd = fedTimeHistos.end();
0955   for (; fedIt != fedEnd; ++fedIt) {
0956     map<int, DTTimeEvolutionHisto*>::iterator histoIt = fedIt->second.begin();
0957     map<int, DTTimeEvolutionHisto*>::iterator histoEnd = fedIt->second.end();
0958     for (; histoIt != histoEnd; ++histoIt) {
0959       histoIt->second->updateTimeSlot(lumiBlock, nEventsLS);
0960     }
0961   }
0963   map<unsigned int, DTTimeEvolutionHisto*>::iterator urosIt = urosTimeHistos.begin();
0964   map<unsigned int, DTTimeEvolutionHisto*>::iterator urosEnd = urosTimeHistos.end();
0965   for (; urosIt != urosEnd; ++urosIt) {
0966     urosIt->second->updateTimeSlot(lumiBlock, nEventsLS);
0967   }
0968 }
0970 void DTDataIntegrityTask::analyze(const edm::Event& e, const edm::EventSetup& c) {
0971   nevents++;
0972   nEventMonitor->Fill(nevents);
0973   luminosityBlockCache(e.getLuminosityBlock().index())->nEventsLS++;
0975   //errorX[6][12][5] = {0};  //5th is notOK flag and 6th is TDC Fatal; ros; wheel
0976   fill(&errorX[0][0][0], &errorX[0][0][0] + 360, 0);
0978   LogTrace("DTRawToDigi|TDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask") << "[DTDataIntegrityTask]: preProcessEvent" << endl;
0980   // Digi collection
0981   edm::Handle<DTuROSFEDDataCollection> fedCol;
0982   e.getByToken(fedToken, fedCol);
0983   DTuROSFEDData fedData;
0984   DTuROSROSData urosData;
0986   if (fedCol.isValid()) {
0987     for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fedCol->size(); ++j) {
0988       fedData = fedCol->at(j);
0989       int fed = fedData.getfed();  //argument should be void
0990       if (fed > FEDIDmax || fed < FEDIDmin) {
0991         LogError("DTRawToDigi|DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTDataIntegrityTask")
0992             << "[DTDataIntegrityTask]: analyze, FED ID " << fed << " not expected." << endl;
0993         continue;
0994       }
0996       if (mode == 3)
0997         continue;  //Not needed for FEDIntegrity_EvF
0999       for (int slot = 1; slot <= DOCESLOTS; ++slot) {
1000         urosData = fedData.getuROS(slot);
1001         if (fedData.getslotsize(slot) == 0 || urosData.getslot() == -1)
1002           continue;
1003         processuROS(urosData, fed, slot);
1004       }
1005       processFED(fedData, fed);
1006     }
1007   }
1008 }
1010 // Conversions
1011 int DTDataIntegrityTask::theDDU(int crate, int slot, int link, bool tenDDU) {
1012   int ros = theROS(slot, link);
1014   int ddu = 772;
1015   //if (crate == 1368) { ddu = 775; }
1016   //Needed just in case this FED should be used due to fibers length
1018   if (crate == FEDNumbering::MINDTUROSFEDID) {
1019     if (slot < 7)
1020       ddu = 770;
1021     else
1022       ddu = 771;
1023   }
1025   if (crate == (FEDNumbering::MINDTUROSFEDID + 1)) {
1026     ddu = 772;
1027   }
1029   if (crate == FEDNumbering::MAXDTUROSFEDID) {
1030     if (slot < 7)
1031       ddu = 773;
1032     else
1033       ddu = 774;
1034   }
1036   if (ros > 6 && tenDDU && ddu < 775)
1037     ddu += 5;
1039   return ddu;
1040 }
1042 int DTDataIntegrityTask::theROS(int slot, int link) {
1043   if (slot % 6 == 5)
1044     return link + 1;
1046   int ros = (link / 24) + 3 * (slot % 6) - 2;
1047   return ros;
1048 }