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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from DQM.EcalMonitorClient.PNIntegrityClient_cfi import ecalPNIntegrityClient
0004 from DQM.EcalMonitorClient.LaserClient_cfi import ecalLaserClient
0005 from DQM.EcalMonitorClient.LedClient_cfi import ecalLedClient
0006 from DQM.EcalMonitorClient.TestPulseClient_cfi import ecalTestPulseClient
0007 from DQM.EcalMonitorClient.PedestalClient_cfi import ecalPedestalClient
0009 from DQM.EcalCommon.CommonParams_cfi import *
0011 activeSources = ['Laser', 'Led']
0013 ecalCalibrationSummaryClient = cms.untracked.PSet(
0014     params = cms.untracked.PSet(
0015         laserWavelengths = ecaldqmLaserWavelengths,
0016         ledWavelengths = ecaldqmLedWavelengths,
0017         testPulseMGPAGains = ecaldqmMGPAGains,
0018         testPulseMGPAGainsPN = ecaldqmMGPAGainsPN,
0019         pedestalMGPAGains = ecaldqmMGPAGains,
0020         pedestalMGPAGainsPN = ecaldqmMGPAGainsPN,
0021         activeSources = cms.untracked.vstring(activeSources),
0022     ),
0023     sources = cms.untracked.PSet(
0024         Laser = ecalLaserClient.MEs.QualitySummary,
0025         LaserPN = ecalLaserClient.MEs.PNQualitySummary,
0026         Led = ecalLedClient.MEs.QualitySummary,
0027         LedPN = ecalLedClient.MEs.PNQualitySummary,
0028         Pedestal = ecalPedestalClient.MEs.QualitySummary,        
0029         PedestalPN = ecalPedestalClient.MEs.PNQualitySummary,
0030         PNIntegrity = ecalPNIntegrityClient.MEs.QualitySummary,
0031         TestPulse = ecalTestPulseClient.MEs.QualitySummary,        
0032         TestPulsePN = ecalTestPulseClient.MEs.PNQualitySummary
0033     ),
0034     MEs = cms.untracked.PSet(
0035         PNQualitySummary = cms.untracked.PSet(
0036             path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sSummaryClient/%(prefix)s PN global quality'),
0037             kind = cms.untracked.string('TH2F'),
0038             otype = cms.untracked.string('MEM2P'),
0039             btype = cms.untracked.string('Crystal'),
0040             description = cms.untracked.string('Summary of the calibration data quality for the PN diodes. Channel is red if it is red in any of the Laser 3, Led 1 and 2, Pedestal gain 12, and Test Pulse gain 12 quality summary.')
0041         ),
0042         QualitySummary = cms.untracked.PSet(
0043             path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sSummaryClient/%(prefix)s global calibration quality%(suffix)s'),
0044             kind = cms.untracked.string('TH2F'),
0045             otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal3P'),
0046             btype = cms.untracked.string('SuperCrystal'),
0047             description = cms.untracked.string('Summary of the calibration data quality. Channel is red if it is red in any of the Laser 3, Led 1 and 2, Pedestal gain 12, and Test Pulse gain 12 quality summary.')
0048         )
0049     )
0050 )