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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from DQM.EcalMonitorTasks.EcalMonitorTask_cfi import *
0005 # Customization to run the CPU vs GPU comparison task if the job runs on a GPU enabled machine
0006 from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.gpuValidationEcal_cff import gpuValidationEcal
0007 from DQM.EcalMonitorTasks.ecalGpuTask_cfi import ecalGpuTask
0009 gpuValidationEcal.toModify(ecalGpuTask.params, runGpuTask = True)
0010 gpuValidationEcal.toModify(ecalMonitorTask.workers, func = lambda workers: workers.append("GpuTask"))
0011 gpuValidationEcal.toModify(ecalMonitorTask, workerParameters = dict(GpuTask = ecalGpuTask))
0013 # Skip consuming and running over the EcalRawData collection for all GPU WFs
0014 # This is to be used as long as the GPU unpacker unpacks a dummy EcalRawData collection
0015 from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.gpu_cff import gpu
0016 gpu.toModify(ecalMonitorTask.skipCollections, func = lambda skipCollections: skipCollections.append("EcalRawData"))