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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 ecalIntegrityTask = cms.untracked.PSet(
0004     MEs = cms.untracked.PSet(
0005         GainSwitch = cms.untracked.PSet(
0006 #            path = cms.untracked.string('Ecal/Errors/Integrity/GainSwitch/'),
0007             path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sIntegrityTask/GainSwitch/%(prefix)sIT gain switch %(sm)s'),
0008             kind = cms.untracked.string('TH2F'),
0009             otype = cms.untracked.string('SM'),
0010             btype = cms.untracked.string('Crystal'),
0011             description = cms.untracked.string('')
0012         ),
0013         BlockSize = cms.untracked.PSet(
0014 #            path = cms.untracked.string('Ecal/Errors/Integrity/BlockSize/'),
0015             path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sIntegrityTask/TTBlockSize/%(prefix)sIT TTBlockSize %(sm)s'),
0016             kind = cms.untracked.string('TH2F'),
0017             otype = cms.untracked.string('SM'),
0018             btype = cms.untracked.string('SuperCrystal'),
0019             description = cms.untracked.string('')
0020         ),
0021         MapByLumi = cms.untracked.PSet(
0022             path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sIntegrityTask/%(prefix)sIT%(suffix)s integrity errors map by lumi'),
0023             kind = cms.untracked.string('TH2F'),
0024             otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal3P'),
0025             btype = cms.untracked.string('Crystal'),
0026             description = cms.untracked.string('Integrity error occupancy map for this lumisection. Includes Gain, ChId, GainSwitch, TowerId, and BlockSize errors.')
0027         ),
0028         ByLumi = cms.untracked.PSet(
0029             path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sIntegrityTask/%(prefix)sIT weighted integrity errors by lumi'),
0030             kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'),
0031             otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'),
0032             btype = cms.untracked.string('DCC'),
0033             perLumi = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0034             description = cms.untracked.string('Total number of integrity errors for each FED in this lumi section.')
0035         ),
0036         Gain = cms.untracked.PSet(
0037 #            path = cms.untracked.string('Ecal/Errors/Integrity/Gain/'),
0038             path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sIntegrityTask/Gain/%(prefix)sIT gain %(sm)s'),
0039             kind = cms.untracked.string('TH2F'),
0040             otype = cms.untracked.string('SM'),
0041             btype = cms.untracked.string('Crystal'),
0042             description = cms.untracked.string('')
0043         ),
0044         Total = cms.untracked.PSet(
0045             path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sSummaryClient/%(prefix)sIT integrity quality errors summary'), # In SummaryClient for historical reasons
0046             kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'),
0047             otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'),
0048             btype = cms.untracked.string('DCC'),
0049             description = cms.untracked.string('Total number of integrity errors for each FED.')
0050         ),
0051         TrendNErrors = cms.untracked.PSet(
0052             path = cms.untracked.string('Ecal/Trends/IntegrityTask number of integrity errors'),
0053             kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'),
0054             otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal'),
0055             btype = cms.untracked.string('Trend'),
0056             description = cms.untracked.string('Trend of the number of integrity errors.')
0057         ),
0058         ChId = cms.untracked.PSet(
0059 #            path = cms.untracked.string('Ecal/Errors/Integrity/ChId/'),
0060             path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sIntegrityTask/ChId/%(prefix)sIT ChId %(sm)s'),
0061             kind = cms.untracked.string('TH2F'),
0062             otype = cms.untracked.string('SM'),
0063             btype = cms.untracked.string('Crystal'),
0064             description = cms.untracked.string('')
0065         ),
0066         TowerId = cms.untracked.PSet(
0067 #            path = cms.untracked.string('Ecal/Errors/Integrity/TowerId/'),
0068             path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sIntegrityTask/TTId/%(prefix)sIT TTId %(sm)s'),
0069             kind = cms.untracked.string('TH2F'),
0070             otype = cms.untracked.string('SM'),
0071             btype = cms.untracked.string('SuperCrystal'),
0072             description = cms.untracked.string('')
0073         ),
0074         TTIDTotal = cms.untracked.PSet(
0075             path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sIntegrityTask/%(prefix)sIT weighted TTID errors'),
0076             kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'),
0077             otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'),
0078             btype = cms.untracked.string('DCC'),
0079             description = cms.untracked.string('Total number of TTID errors for each FED. Histogram filled weighted by no.of crystals per tower to be compatible with the other integrity errors which are binned by crystals.')
0080         ),
0081         TTIDByLumi = cms.untracked.PSet(
0082             path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sIntegrityTask/%(prefix)sIT weighted TTID errors by lumi'),
0083             kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'),
0084             otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'),
0085             btype = cms.untracked.string('DCC'),
0086         perLumi = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0087             description = cms.untracked.string('Total number of TTID errors for each FED in this lumi section. Histogram filled weighted by no.of crystals per tower to be compatible with the other integrity errors which are binned by crystals.')
0088         )
0089     )
0090 )