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0004 #include <map>
0005 #include <tuple>
0007 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
0008 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0009 #include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/ModuleDef.h"
0010 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0011 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
0012 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0013 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/InputTag.h"
0014 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0016 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMEDAnalyzer.h"
0017 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMEDAnalyzer.h"
0018 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
0019 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/MonitorElement.h"
0021 #include "CondFormats/GEMObjects/interface/GEMeMap.h"
0022 #include "Validation/MuonGEMHits/interface/GEMValidationUtils.h"
0024 #include "DataFormats/GEMDigi/interface/GEMDigiCollection.h"
0026 #include "Geometry/GEMGeometry/interface/GEMGeometry.h"
0027 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/MuonGeometryRecord.h"
0029 class GEMDQMBase : public DQMEDAnalyzer {
0030 public:
0031   // Borrwed from DQM/GEM/interface/GEMOfflineDQMBase.h
0032   class BookingHelper {
0033   public:
0034     BookingHelper(DQMStore::IBooker &ibooker, const TString &name_suffix, const TString &title_suffix)
0035         : ibooker_(&ibooker), name_suffix_(name_suffix), title_suffix_(title_suffix) {}
0037     ~BookingHelper() {}
0039     MonitorElement *book1D(TString name,
0040                            TString title,
0041                            int nbinsx,
0042                            double xlow,
0043                            double xup,
0044                            TString x_title = "",
0045                            TString y_title = "Entries") {
0046       name += name_suffix_;
0047       title += title_suffix_ + ";" + x_title + ";" + y_title;
0048       return ibooker_->book1D(name, title, nbinsx, xlow, xup);
0049     }
0051     MonitorElement *book1D(TString name,
0052                            TString title,
0053                            std::vector<double> &x_binning,
0054                            TString x_title = "",
0055                            TString y_title = "Entries") {
0056       name += name_suffix_;
0057       title += title_suffix_ + ";" + x_title + ";" + y_title;
0058       TH1F *h_obj = new TH1F(name, title, x_binning.size() - 1, &x_binning[0]);
0059       return ibooker_->book1D(name, h_obj);
0060     }
0062     MonitorElement *book2D(TString name,
0063                            TString title,
0064                            int nbinsx,
0065                            double xlow,
0066                            double xup,
0067                            int nbinsy,
0068                            double ylow,
0069                            double yup,
0070                            TString x_title = "",
0071                            TString y_title = "") {
0072       name += name_suffix_;
0073       title += title_suffix_ + ";" + x_title + ";" + y_title;
0074       return ibooker_->book2D(name, title, nbinsx, xlow, xup, nbinsy, ylow, yup);
0075     }
0077     MonitorElement *bookProfile2D(TString name,
0078                                   TString title,
0079                                   int nbinsx,
0080                                   double xlow,
0081                                   double xup,
0082                                   int nbinsy,
0083                                   double ylow,
0084                                   double yup,
0085                                   double zlow,
0086                                   double zup,
0087                                   TString x_title = "",
0088                                   TString y_title = "") {
0089       name += name_suffix_;
0090       title += title_suffix_ + ";" + x_title + ";" + y_title;
0091       return ibooker_->bookProfile2D(name, title, nbinsx, xlow, xup, nbinsy, ylow, yup, zlow, zup);
0092     }
0094     DQMStore::IBooker *getBooker() { return ibooker_; }
0096   private:
0097     DQMStore::IBooker *ibooker_;
0098     const TString name_suffix_;
0099     const TString title_suffix_;
0100   };  // BookingHelper
0102   template <class M, class K>
0103   class MEMapInfT {
0104   public:
0105     MEMapInfT() : bOperating_(false), bIsNoUnderOverflowBin_(false) {}
0107     MEMapInfT(
0108         GEMDQMBase *pDQMBase, TString strName, TString strTitle, TString strTitleX = "", TString strTitleY = "Entries")
0109         : pDQMBase_(pDQMBase),
0110           strName_(strName),
0111           strTitle_(strTitle),
0112           strTitleX_(strTitleX),
0113           strTitleY_(strTitleY),
0114           log_category_own_(pDQMBase->log_category_) {}
0116     MEMapInfT(GEMDQMBase *pDQMBase,
0117               TString strName,
0118               TString strTitle,
0119               Int_t nBinsX,
0120               Double_t dXL,
0121               Double_t dXH,
0122               TString strTitleX = "",
0123               TString strTitleY = "Entries")
0124         : pDQMBase_(pDQMBase),
0125           strName_(strName),
0126           strTitle_(strTitle),
0127           strTitleX_(strTitleX),
0128           strTitleY_(strTitleY),
0129           bOperating_(true),
0130           bIsProfile_(false),
0131           bIsNoUnderOverflowBin_(false),
0132           nBinsX_(nBinsX),
0133           dXL_(dXL),
0134           dXH_(dXH),
0135           nBinsY_(-1),
0136           log_category_own_(pDQMBase->log_category_) {}
0138     MEMapInfT(GEMDQMBase *pDQMBase,
0139               TString strName,
0140               TString strTitle,
0141               std::vector<Double_t> &x_binning,
0142               TString strTitleX = "",
0143               TString strTitleY = "Entries")
0144         : pDQMBase_(pDQMBase),
0145           strName_(strName),
0146           strTitle_(strTitle),
0147           strTitleX_(strTitleX),
0148           strTitleY_(strTitleY),
0149           bOperating_(true),
0150           bIsProfile_(false),
0151           bIsNoUnderOverflowBin_(false),
0152           nBinsX_(-1),
0153           nBinsY_(-1),
0154           log_category_own_(pDQMBase->log_category_) {
0155       for (Int_t i = 0; i < (Int_t)x_binning.size(); i++)
0156         x_binning_.push_back(x_binning[i]);
0157     };
0159     MEMapInfT(GEMDQMBase *pDQMBase,
0160               TString strName,
0161               TString strTitle,
0162               Int_t nBinsX,
0163               Double_t dXL,
0164               Double_t dXH,
0165               Int_t nBinsY,
0166               Double_t dYL,
0167               Double_t dYH,
0168               TString strTitleX = "",
0169               TString strTitleY = "")
0170         : pDQMBase_(pDQMBase),
0171           strName_(strName),
0172           strTitle_(strTitle),
0173           strTitleX_(strTitleX),
0174           strTitleY_(strTitleY),
0175           bOperating_(true),
0176           bIsProfile_(false),
0177           bIsNoUnderOverflowBin_(false),
0178           nBinsX_(nBinsX),
0179           dXL_(dXL),
0180           dXH_(dXH),
0181           nBinsY_(nBinsY),
0182           dYL_(dYL),
0183           dYH_(dYH),
0184           dZL_(0),
0185           dZH_(1024),
0186           log_category_own_(pDQMBase->log_category_) {}
0188     MEMapInfT(GEMDQMBase *pDQMBase,  // For TProfile2D
0189               TString strName,
0190               TString strTitle,
0191               Int_t nBinsX,
0192               Double_t dXL,
0193               Double_t dXH,
0194               Int_t nBinsY,
0195               Double_t dYL,
0196               Double_t dYH,
0197               Double_t dZL,
0198               Double_t dZH,
0199               TString strTitleX = "",
0200               TString strTitleY = "")
0201         : pDQMBase_(pDQMBase),
0202           strName_(strName),
0203           strTitle_(strTitle),
0204           strTitleX_(strTitleX),
0205           strTitleY_(strTitleY),
0206           bOperating_(true),
0207           bIsProfile_(true),
0208           bIsNoUnderOverflowBin_(false),
0209           nBinsX_(nBinsX),
0210           dXL_(dXL),
0211           dXH_(dXH),
0212           nBinsY_(nBinsY),
0213           dYL_(dYL),
0214           dYH_(dYH),
0215           dZL_(dZL),
0216           dZH_(dZH),
0217           log_category_own_(pDQMBase->log_category_) {}
0219     //MEMapInfT(GEMDQMBase *pDQMBase,
0220     //          TString strName,
0221     //          TString strTitle,
0222     //          std::vector<Double_t> &x_binning,
0223     //          std::vector<Double_t> &y_binning,
0224     //          TString strTitleX = "",
0225     //          TString strTitleY = "")
0226     //    : pDQMBase_(pDQMBase),
0227     //      strName_(strName),
0228     //      strTitle_(strTitle),
0229     //      strTitleX_(strTitleX),
0230     //      strTitleY_(strTitleY),
0231     //      bOperating_(true),
0232     //      bIsNoUnderOverflowBin_(false),
0233     //      nBinsX_(nBinsX),
0234     //      dXL_(dXL),
0235     //      dXH_(dXH),
0236     //      nBinsY_(nBinsY),
0237     //      dYL_(dYL),
0238     //      dYH_(dYH),
0239     //      log_category_own_(pDQMBase->log_category_){};
0241     ~MEMapInfT() {}
0243     Bool_t isOperating() { return bOperating_; };
0244     void SetOperating(Bool_t bOperating) { bOperating_ = bOperating; };
0245     void TurnOn() { bOperating_ = true; };
0246     void TurnOff() { bOperating_ = false; };
0247     void SetNoUnderOverflowBin() { bIsNoUnderOverflowBin_ = true; };
0249     Bool_t isProfile() { return bIsProfile_; };
0250     void SetProfile(Bool_t bIsProfile) { bIsProfile_ = bIsProfile; };
0252     TString GetName() { return strName_; };
0253     void SetName(TString strName) { strName_ = strName; };
0254     TString GetTitle() { return strTitle_; };
0255     void SetTitle(TString strTitle) { strTitle_ = strTitle; };
0256     TString GetTitleX() { return strTitleX_; };
0257     void SetTitleX(TString strTitleX) { strTitleX_ = strTitleX; };
0258     TString GetTitleY() { return strTitleY_; };
0259     void SetTitleY(TString strTitleY) { strTitleY_ = strTitleY; };
0261     Int_t GetNbinsX() { return nBinsX_; };
0262     void SetNbinsX(Int_t nBinsX) { nBinsX_ = nBinsX; };
0263     Double_t GetBinLowEdgeX() { return dXL_; };
0264     void SetBinLowEdgeX(Double_t dXL) { dXL_ = dXL; };
0265     Double_t GetBinHighEdgeX() { return dXH_; };
0266     void SetBinHighEdgeX(Double_t dXH) { dXH_ = dXH; };
0267     // FIXME: x_binning_
0269     Int_t GetNbinsY() { return nBinsY_; };
0270     void SetNbinsY(Int_t nBinsY) { nBinsY_ = nBinsY; };
0271     Double_t GetBinLowEdgeY() { return dYL_; };
0272     void SetBinLowEdgeY(Double_t dYL) { dYL_ = dYL; };
0273     Double_t GetBinHighEdgeY() { return dYH_; };
0274     void SetBinHighEdgeY(Double_t dYH) { dYH_ = dYH; };
0276     Double_t GetBinLowEdgeZ() { return dZL_; };
0277     void SetBinLowEdgeZ(Double_t dZL) { dZL_ = dZL; };
0278     Double_t GetBinHighEdgeZ() { return dZH_; };
0279     void SetBinHighEdgeZ(Double_t dZH) { dZH_ = dZH; };
0281     void SetBinConfX(Int_t nBins, Double_t dL = 0.5, Double_t dH = -1048576.0) {
0282       nBinsX_ = nBins;
0283       dXL_ = dL;
0284       if (dH <= dL)
0285         dH = dL + nBins;
0286       dXH_ = dH;
0287     };
0289     void SetBinConfY(Int_t nBins, Double_t dL = 0.5, Double_t dH = -1048576.0) {
0290       nBinsY_ = nBins;
0291       dYL_ = dL;
0292       if (dH <= dL)
0293         dH = dL + nBins;
0294       dYH_ = dH;
0295     };
0297     void SetPointUOFlow() {
0298       dXU_ = dXL_ + (dXH_ - dXL_) / nBinsX_ * 0.5;
0299       dXO_ = dXL_ + (dXH_ - dXL_) / nBinsX_ * (nBinsX_ - 0.5);
0300       dYU_ = dYL_ + (dYH_ - dYL_) / nBinsY_ * 0.5;
0301       dYO_ = dYL_ + (dYH_ - dYL_) / nBinsY_ * (nBinsY_ - 0.5);
0302       dZU_ = dZL_ + (dZH_ - dZL_) / nBinsZ_ * 0.5;
0303       dZO_ = dZL_ + (dZH_ - dZL_) / nBinsZ_ * (nBinsZ_ - 0.5);
0304     };
0306     M &map() { return mapHist; }
0307     int bookND(BookingHelper &bh, K key) {
0308       if (!bOperating_)
0309         return 0;
0310       SetPointUOFlow();
0311       if (bIsProfile_) {
0312         mapHist[key] = bh.bookProfile2D(
0313             strName_, strTitle_, nBinsX_, dXL_, dXH_, nBinsY_, dYL_, dYH_, dZL_, dZH_, strTitleX_, strTitleY_);
0314       } else if (nBinsY_ > 0 && nBinsX_ > 0) {
0315         mapHist[key] = bh.book2D(strName_, strTitle_, nBinsX_, dXL_, dXH_, nBinsY_, dYL_, dYH_, strTitleX_, strTitleY_);
0316         return 0;
0317       } else if (!x_binning_.empty()) {
0318         mapHist[key] = bh.book1D(strName_, strTitle_, nBinsX_, dXL_, dXH_, strTitleX_, strTitleY_);
0319         return 0;
0320       } else if (nBinsX_ > 0) {
0321         mapHist[key] = bh.book1D(strName_, strTitle_, nBinsX_, dXL_, dXH_, strTitleX_, strTitleY_);
0322         return 0;
0323       }
0325       return -1;
0326     };
0328     dqm::impl::MonitorElement *FindHist(K key) {
0329       if (mapHist.find(key) == mapHist.end()) {
0330         edm::LogError(log_category_own_)
0331             << "WARNING: Cannot find the histogram corresponing to the given key\n";  // FIXME: It's about sending a message
0332         return nullptr;
0333       }
0334       return mapHist[key];
0335     };
0337     int SetLabelForChambers(K key, Int_t nAxis, Int_t nNumBin = -1, Int_t nIdxStart = 1) {
0338       if (!bOperating_)
0339         return 0;
0340       if (nNumBin <= 0) {
0341         if (nAxis == 1)
0342           nNumBin = nBinsX_;
0343         else if (nAxis == 2)
0344           nNumBin = nBinsY_;
0345         else
0346           return -1;
0347       }
0348       dqm::impl::MonitorElement *histCurr = FindHist(key);
0349       if (histCurr == nullptr)
0350         return -999;
0351       for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nNumBin; i++) {
0352         histCurr->setBinLabel(i, Form("%i", nIdxStart + i - 1), nAxis);
0353       }
0354       return 0;
0355     };
0357     int SetLabelForIEta(K key, Int_t nAxis, Int_t nNumBin = -1) { return SetLabelForChambers(key, nAxis, nNumBin); };
0359     int SetLabelForVFATs(K key, Int_t nNumEtaPartitions, Int_t nAxis, Int_t nNumBin = -1) {
0360       if (!bOperating_)
0361         return 0;
0362       if (nNumBin <= 0) {
0363         if (nAxis == 1)
0364           nNumBin = nBinsX_;
0365         else if (nAxis == 2)
0366           nNumBin = nBinsY_;
0367         else
0368           return -1;
0369       }
0370       dqm::impl::MonitorElement *histCurr = FindHist(key);
0371       if (histCurr == nullptr)
0372         return -999;
0373       if (std::get<1>(key) == 2) {
0374         Int_t nNumVFATPerModule = 12;  // FIXME: A better way to get this?
0375         if (nNumBin > nNumVFATPerModule) {
0376           for (Int_t i = 0; i < nNumBin; i++) {
0377             Int_t nIModule = i / nNumVFATPerModule + 1;
0378             histCurr->setBinLabel(
0379                 i + 1, Form((nAxis == 1 ? "#splitline{%i}{M%i}" : "%i (M%i)"), i % nNumVFATPerModule, nIModule), nAxis);
0380           }
0381         } else {
0382           for (Int_t i = 0; i < nNumBin; i++) {
0383             histCurr->setBinLabel(i + 1, Form("%i", i), nAxis);
0384           }
0385         }
0386       } else {
0387         for (Int_t i = 0; i < nNumBin; i++) {
0388           Int_t nIEta = pDQMBase_->getIEtaFromVFAT(std::get<1>(key), i);
0389           histCurr->setBinLabel(i + 1, Form("%i (%i)", i, nIEta), nAxis);
0390         }
0391       }
0392       return 0;
0393     };
0395     int Fill(K key, Double_t x) {
0396       if (!bOperating_)
0397         return 0;
0398       dqm::impl::MonitorElement *hist = FindHist(key);
0399       if (hist == nullptr)
0400         return -999;
0401       if (bIsNoUnderOverflowBin_) {
0402         if (x <= dXL_)
0403           x = dXU_;
0404         else if (x >= dXH_)
0405           x = dXO_;
0406       }
0407       hist->Fill(x);
0408       return 1;
0409     };
0411     int Fill(K key, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t w = 1.0) {
0412       if (!bOperating_)
0413         return 0;
0414       dqm::impl::MonitorElement *hist = FindHist(key);
0415       if (hist == nullptr)
0416         return -999;
0417       if (bIsNoUnderOverflowBin_) {
0418         if (x <= dXL_)
0419           x = dXU_;
0420         else if (x >= dXH_)
0421           x = dXO_;
0422         if (y <= dYL_)
0423           y = dYU_;
0424         else if (y >= dYH_)
0425           y = dYO_;
0426       }
0427       hist->Fill(x, y, w);
0428       return 1;
0429     };
0431     int FillBits(K key, Double_t x, UInt_t bits, Double_t w = 1.0) {
0432       if (!bOperating_)
0433         return 0;
0434       dqm::impl::MonitorElement *hist = FindHist(key);
0435       if (hist == nullptr)
0436         return -999;
0438       if (nBinsY_ <= 0)
0439         return -888;
0440       UInt_t unMask = 0x1;
0441       for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nBinsY_; i++) {
0442         if ((unMask & bits) != 0)
0443           hist->Fill(x, i, w);
0444         unMask <<= 1;
0445       }
0447       return 1;
0448     };
0450   private:
0451     GEMDQMBase *pDQMBase_;
0453     M mapHist;
0454     TString strName_, strTitle_, strTitleX_, strTitleY_;
0455     Bool_t bOperating_;
0456     Bool_t bIsProfile_;
0457     Bool_t bIsNoUnderOverflowBin_;
0459     std::vector<double> x_binning_;
0460     Int_t nBinsX_;
0461     Double_t dXL_, dXH_;
0462     Int_t nBinsY_;
0463     Double_t dYL_, dYH_;
0464     Int_t nBinsZ_;
0465     Double_t dZL_, dZH_;
0466     Double_t dXU_, dXO_;
0467     Double_t dYU_, dYO_;
0468     Double_t dZU_, dZO_;
0470     std::string log_category_own_;
0471   };
0473   typedef MEMapInfT<MEMap2Ids, ME2IdsKey> MEMap2Inf;
0474   typedef MEMapInfT<MEMap3Ids, ME3IdsKey> MEMap3Inf;
0475   typedef MEMapInfT<MEMap4Ids, ME4IdsKey> MEMap4Inf;
0476   typedef MEMapInfT<MEMap5Ids, ME5IdsKey> MEMap5Inf;
0478   class MEStationInfo {
0479   public:
0480     MEStationInfo() : nNumChambers_(-1) {}
0481     MEStationInfo(Int_t nRegion,
0482                   Int_t nStation,
0483                   Int_t nLayer,
0484                   Int_t nNumChambers,
0485                   Int_t nNumModules,
0486                   Int_t nNumEtaPartitions,
0487                   Int_t nMaxVFAT,
0488                   Int_t nFirstStrip,
0489                   Int_t nNumDigi,
0490                   Int_t nMinIdxChamber,
0491                   Int_t nMaxIdxChamber)
0492         : nRegion_(nRegion),
0493           nStation_(nStation),
0494           nLayer_(nLayer),
0495           nNumChambers_(nNumChambers),
0496           nNumModules_(nNumModules),
0497           nNumEtaPartitions_(nNumEtaPartitions),
0498           nMaxVFAT_(nMaxVFAT),
0499           nFirstStrip_(nFirstStrip),
0500           nNumDigi_(nNumDigi),
0501           nMinIdxChamber_(nMinIdxChamber),
0502           nMaxIdxChamber_(nMaxIdxChamber),
0503           fMinPhi_(0) {}
0505     bool operator==(const MEStationInfo &other) const {
0506       return (nRegion_ == other.nRegion_ && nStation_ == other.nStation_ && nLayer_ == other.nLayer_ &&
0507               nNumChambers_ == other.nNumChambers_ && nNumModules_ == other.nNumModules_ &&
0508               nNumEtaPartitions_ == other.nNumEtaPartitions_ && nMaxVFAT_ == other.nMaxVFAT_ &&
0509               nFirstStrip_ == other.nFirstStrip_ && nNumDigi_ == other.nNumDigi_);
0510     };
0512     Int_t nRegion_;            // the region index
0513     Int_t nStation_;           // the station index
0514     Int_t nLayer_;             // the layer
0515     Int_t nNumChambers_;       // the number of chambers in the current station
0516     Int_t nNumModules_;        // the number of modules in each chamber
0517     Int_t nNumEtaPartitions_;  // the number of eta partitions of the chambers
0518     Int_t nMaxVFAT_;     // the number of all VFATs in each chamber (= # of VFATs in eta partition * nNumEtaPartitions_)
0519     Int_t nFirstStrip_;  // the index of the first strip
0520     Int_t nNumDigi_;     // the number of digis of each VFAT
0522     Int_t nMinIdxChamber_;
0523     Int_t nMaxIdxChamber_;
0524     Float_t fMinPhi_;
0526     std::vector<Float_t> listRadiusEvenChamber_;
0527     std::vector<Float_t> listRadiusOddChamber_;
0528   };
0530   int readGeometryRadiusInfoChamber(const GEMStation *station, MEStationInfo &stationInfo);
0531   int readGeometryPhiInfoChamber(const GEMStation *station, MEStationInfo &stationInfo);
0533 public:
0534   explicit GEMDQMBase(const edm::ParameterSet &cfg);
0535   ~GEMDQMBase() override {}
0537   enum {
0543   };
0545   Int_t nRunType_;
0547   std::string log_category_;
0549 protected:
0550   int initGeometry(edm::EventSetup const &iSetup);
0551   int loadChambers();
0553   int GenerateMEPerChamber(DQMStore::IBooker &ibooker);
0554   virtual int ProcessWithMEMap2(BookingHelper &bh, ME2IdsKey key) { return 0; };              // must be overrided
0555   virtual int ProcessWithMEMap2WithEta(BookingHelper &bh, ME3IdsKey key) { return 0; };       // must be overrided
0556   virtual int ProcessWithMEMap2AbsReWithEta(BookingHelper &bh, ME3IdsKey key) { return 0; };  // must be overrided
0557   virtual int ProcessWithMEMap3(BookingHelper &bh, ME3IdsKey key) { return 0; };              // must be overrided
0558   virtual int ProcessWithMEMap4(BookingHelper &bh, ME4IdsKey key) { return 0; };              // must be overrided
0559   virtual int ProcessWithMEMap5(BookingHelper &bh, ME5IdsKey key) { return 0; };              // must be overrided
0560   /********************/
0561   virtual int ProcessWithMEMap2WithChamber(BookingHelper &bh, ME3IdsKey key) { return 0; };
0562   /*********************/
0563   /********************/
0564   virtual int ProcessWithMEMap2WithEtaCh(BookingHelper &bh, ME4IdsKey key) { return 0; };
0565   /*********************/
0567   virtual int ProcessWithMEMap4WithChamber(BookingHelper &bh, ME4IdsKey key) { return 0; };  // must be overrided
0568   virtual int ProcessWithMEMap5WithChamber(BookingHelper &bh, ME5IdsKey key) { return 0; };  // must be overrided
0570   int keyToRegion(ME2IdsKey key) { return std::get<0>(key); };
0571   int keyToRegion(ME3IdsKey key) { return std::get<0>(key); };
0572   int keyToRegion(ME4IdsKey key) { return std::get<0>(key); };
0573   int keyToRegion(ME5IdsKey key) { return std::get<0>(key); };
0574   int keyToStation(ME2IdsKey key) { return std::get<1>(key); };
0575   int keyToStation(ME3IdsKey key) { return std::get<1>(key); };
0576   int keyToStation(ME4IdsKey key) { return std::get<1>(key); };
0577   int keyToStation(ME5IdsKey key) { return std::get<1>(key); };
0578   int keyToLayer(ME3IdsKey key) { return std::get<2>(key); };
0579   int keyToLayer(ME4IdsKey key) { return std::get<2>(key); };
0580   int keyToLayer(ME5IdsKey key) { return std::get<2>(key); };
0581   int keyToModule(ME4IdsKey key) { return std::get<3>(key); };
0582   int keyToModule(ME5IdsKey key) { return std::get<3>(key); };
0583   int keyToChamber(ME4IdsKey key) { return std::get<3>(key); };
0584   int keyToChamber(ME5IdsKey key) { return std::get<4>(key); };
0585   /**********/
0586   int keyToChamber(ME3IdsKey key) { return std::get<2>(key); };
0587   /*************/
0588   int keyToIEta(ME4IdsKey key) { return std::get<3>(key); };
0589   int keyToIEta(ME5IdsKey key) { return std::get<4>(key); };
0591   ME2IdsKey key3Tokey2(ME3IdsKey key) {
0592     auto keyNew = ME2IdsKey{keyToRegion(key), keyToStation(key)};
0593     return keyNew;
0594   };
0596   ME3IdsKey key4Tokey3(ME4IdsKey key) {
0597     auto keyNew = ME3IdsKey{keyToRegion(key), keyToStation(key), keyToLayer(key)};
0598     return keyNew;
0599   };
0601   ME4IdsKey key5Tokey4(ME5IdsKey key) {
0602     auto keyNew = ME4IdsKey{keyToRegion(key), keyToStation(key), keyToLayer(key), keyToModule(key)};
0603     return keyNew;
0604   };
0606   int SortingLayers(std::vector<ME4IdsKey> &listLayers);
0607   dqm::impl::MonitorElement *CreateSummaryHist(DQMStore::IBooker &ibooker, TString strName);
0609   template <typename T>
0610   inline bool checkRefs(const std::vector<T *> &);
0612   int getNumEtaPartitions(const GEMStation *);
0613   inline int getVFATNumber(const int, const int, const int);
0614   inline int getVFATNumberGE11(const int, const int, const int);
0615   inline int getVFATNumberByDigi(const int, const int, const int);
0616   inline int getIEtaFromVFAT(const int station, const int vfat);
0617   inline int getIEtaFromVFATGE0(const int vfat);
0618   inline int getIEtaFromVFATGE11(const int vfat);
0619   inline int getIEtaFromVFATGE21(const int vfat);
0620   inline int getMaxVFAT(const int);
0621   inline int getNumModule(const int);
0622   inline int getIdxModule(const int, const int);
0623   inline int getDetOccXBin(const int, const int, const int);
0624   inline Float_t restrictAngle(const Float_t fTheta, const Float_t fStart);
0625   inline std::string getNameDirLayer(ME3IdsKey key3);
0626   inline std::string getNameDirLayer(ME4IdsKey key4);
0627   inline std::string getNameDirChamber(ME4IdsKey key4);
0629   const GEMGeometry *GEMGeometry_;
0630   edm::ESGetToken<GEMGeometry, MuonGeometryRecord> geomToken_;
0632   std::vector<GEMDetId> listChamberId_;
0633   std::map<GEMDetId, std::vector<const GEMEtaPartition *>> mapEtaPartition_;
0635   std::map<ME2IdsKey, bool> MEMap2Check_;
0636   std::map<ME3IdsKey, bool> MEMap2WithEtaCheck_;
0637   std::map<ME3IdsKey, bool> MEMap2AbsReWithEtaCheck_;
0638   /************/
0639   std::map<ME3IdsKey, bool> MEMap2WithChCheck_;
0640   /************/
0641   /************/
0642   std::map<ME4IdsKey, bool> MEMap2WithEtaChCheck_;
0643   /************/
0644   std::map<ME3IdsKey, bool> MEMap3Check_;
0645   std::map<ME4IdsKey, bool> MEMap4Check_;
0646   std::map<ME4IdsKey, bool> MEMap4WithChCheck_;
0647   std::map<ME5IdsKey, bool> MEMap5WithChCheck_;
0648   std::map<ME5IdsKey, bool> MEMap5Check_;
0650   int nMaxNumCh_;
0651   std::map<ME3IdsKey, MEStationInfo> mapStationInfo_;
0652   std::map<ME4IdsKey, int> mapStationToIdx_;
0653 };
0655 // Borrwed from DQM/GEM/interface/GEMOfflineDQMBase.h
0656 template <typename T>
0657 inline bool GEMDQMBase::checkRefs(const std::vector<T *> &refs) {
0658   if (refs.empty())
0659     return false;
0660   if (refs.front() == nullptr)
0661     return false;
0662   return true;
0663 }
0665 // The 'get...' functions in the below are borrwed from DQM/GEM/interface/GEMOfflineDQMBase.h
0666 inline int GEMDQMBase::getMaxVFAT(const int station) {
0667   if (station == 0)
0668     return GEMeMap::maxVFatGE0_;
0669   if (station == 1)
0670     return GEMeMap::maxVFatGE11_;
0671   else if (station == 2)
0672     return GEMeMap::maxVFatGE21_ / 2;
0673   else
0674     return -1;
0675 }
0677 inline int GEMDQMBase::getNumModule(const int station) {
0678   if (station == 0)
0679     return 1;
0680   if (station == 1)
0681     return 1;
0682   else if (station == 2)
0683     return 4;
0684   else
0685     return -1;
0686 }
0688 inline int GEMDQMBase::getIdxModule(const int station, const int chamberType) {
0689   if (station == 0)
0690     return 1;
0691   if (station == 1)
0692     return 1;
0693   else if (station == 2)
0694     return chamberType - 20;
0695   else
0696     return -1;
0697 }
0699 inline int GEMDQMBase::getVFATNumber(const int station, const int ieta, const int vfat_phi) {
0700   if (station == 1)
0701     return getVFATNumberGE11(station, ieta, vfat_phi);
0702   return getVFATNumberGE11(station, ieta, vfat_phi);  // FIXME: What about GE21 and GE0?
0703 }
0705 inline int GEMDQMBase::getVFATNumberGE11(const int station, const int ieta, const int vfat_phi) {
0706   return vfat_phi * GEMeMap::maxiEtaIdGE11_ + (GEMeMap::maxiEtaIdGE11_ - ieta);
0707 }
0709 inline int GEMDQMBase::getVFATNumberByDigi(const int station, const int ieta, const int digi) {
0710   const int vfat_phi = digi / GEMeMap::maxChan_;
0711   return getVFATNumber(station, ieta, vfat_phi);
0712 }
0714 inline int GEMDQMBase::getIEtaFromVFAT(const int station, const int vfat) {
0715   if (station == 0)
0716     return getIEtaFromVFATGE0(vfat);
0717   if (station == 1)
0718     return getIEtaFromVFATGE11(vfat);
0719   if (station == 2)
0720     return getIEtaFromVFATGE21(vfat);
0721   return getIEtaFromVFATGE11(vfat);  // FIXME: What about GE21 and GE0?
0722 }
0724 inline int GEMDQMBase::getIEtaFromVFATGE0(const int vfat) {
0725   return GEMeMap::maxiEtaIdGE0_ - (vfat % GEMeMap::maxiEtaIdGE0_);
0726 }
0728 inline int GEMDQMBase::getIEtaFromVFATGE11(const int vfat) {
0729   return GEMeMap::maxiEtaIdGE11_ - (vfat % GEMeMap::maxiEtaIdGE11_);
0730 }
0732 inline int GEMDQMBase::getIEtaFromVFATGE21(const int vfat) {
0733   return GEMeMap::maxiEtaIdGE21_ - (vfat % GEMeMap::maxiEtaIdGE21_);
0734 }
0736 inline int GEMDQMBase::getDetOccXBin(const int chamber, const int layer, const int n_chambers) {
0737   return n_chambers * (chamber - 1) + layer;
0738 }
0740 inline Float_t GEMDQMBase::restrictAngle(const Float_t fTheta, const Float_t fStart) {
0741   Float_t fLoop = (fTheta - fStart) / (2 * M_PI);
0742   int nLoop = (fLoop >= 0 ? (int)fLoop : (int)fLoop - 1);
0743   return fTheta - nLoop * 2 * M_PI;
0744 }
0746 inline std::string GEMDQMBase::getNameDirLayer(ME3IdsKey key3) {
0747   auto nStation = keyToStation(key3);
0748   char cRegion = (keyToRegion(key3) > 0 ? 'P' : 'M');
0749   auto nLayer = keyToLayer(key3);
0750   return std::string(Form("GE%i1-%c-L%i", nStation, cRegion, nLayer));
0751 }
0753 inline std::string GEMDQMBase::getNameDirLayer(ME4IdsKey key4) {
0754   auto nStation = keyToStation(key4);
0755   char cRegion = (keyToRegion(key4) > 0 ? 'P' : 'M');
0756   auto nLayer = keyToLayer(key4);
0757   if (nStation == 2) {
0758     auto nModule = keyToModule(key4);
0759     return std::string(Form("GE%i1-%c-L%i-M%i", nStation, cRegion, nLayer, nModule));
0760   }
0761   return std::string(Form("GE%i1-%c-L%i", nStation, cRegion, nLayer));
0762 }
0764 inline std::string GEMDQMBase::getNameDirChamber(ME4IdsKey key4) {
0765   auto nStation = keyToStation(key4);
0766   char cRegion = (keyToRegion(key4) > 0 ? 'P' : 'M');
0767   auto nChamber = keyToChamber(key4);
0768   return std::string(Form("GE%i1-%c-Ch%i", nStation, cRegion, nChamber));
0769 }
0770 #endif  // DQM_GEM_INTERFACE_GEMDQMBase_h