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0001 #include "DQM/HcalTasks/interface/RecHitTask.h"
0002 #include <cmath>
0004 using namespace hcaldqm;
0005 using namespace hcaldqm::constants;
0006 using namespace hcaldqm::filter;
0008 RecHitTask::RecHitTask(edm::ParameterSet const& ps)
0009     : DQTask(ps), hcalDbServiceToken_(esConsumes<HcalDbService, HcalDbRecord, edm::Transition::BeginRun>()) {
0010   _tagHBHE = ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("tagHBHE", edm::InputTag("hbhereco"));
0011   _tagHO = ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("tagHO", edm::InputTag("horeco"));
0012   _tagHF = ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("tagHF", edm::InputTag("hfreco"));
0013   _tagPreHF = ps.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("tagPreHF", edm::InputTag(""));
0014   _hfPreRecHitsAvailable = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("hfPreRecHitsAvailable", false);
0016   _tokHBHE = consumes<HBHERecHitCollection>(_tagHBHE);
0017   _tokHO = consumes<HORecHitCollection>(_tagHO);
0018   _tokHF = consumes<HFRecHitCollection>(_tagHF);
0019   _tokPreHF = consumes<HFPreRecHitCollection>(_tagPreHF);
0021   _cutE_HBHE = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("cutE_HBHE", 5);
0022   _cutE_HO = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("cutE_HO", 5);
0023   _cutE_HF = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("cutE_HF", 5);
0024   _thresh_unihf = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("thresh_unihf", 0.2);
0026   //    order must be the same as in RecoFlag enum
0027   _vflags.resize(nRecoFlag);
0028   _vflags[fUni] = flag::Flag("UniSlotHF");
0029   _vflags[fTCDS] = flag::Flag("TCDS");
0030   _vflags[fUnknownIds] = flag::Flag("UnknownIds");
0031 }
0033 /* virtual */ void RecHitTask::bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker& ib, edm::Run const& r, edm::EventSetup const& es) {
0034   DQTask::bookHistograms(ib, r, es);
0036   //    GET WHAT YOU NEED
0037   edm::ESHandle<HcalDbService> dbs = es.getHandle(hcalDbServiceToken_);
0038   _emap = dbs->getHcalMapping();
0040   std::vector<uint32_t> vVME;
0041   std::vector<uint32_t> vuTCA;
0042   vVME.push_back(
0043       HcalElectronicsId(constants::FIBERCH_MIN, constants::FIBER_VME_MIN, SPIGOT_MIN, CRATE_VME_MIN).rawId());
0044   vuTCA.push_back(HcalElectronicsId(CRATE_uTCA_MIN, SLOT_uTCA_MIN, FIBER_uTCA_MIN1, FIBERCH_MIN, false).rawId());
0045   _filter_VME.initialize(filter::fFilter, hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fElectronics, vVME);
0046   _filter_uTCA.initialize(filter::fFilter, hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fElectronics, vuTCA);
0047   std::vector<uint32_t> vhashHF;
0048   vhashHF.push_back(
0049       hcaldqm::hashfunctions::hash_did[hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdet](HcalDetId(HcalForward, 29, 1, 1)));
0051   _filter_HF.initialize(filter::fPreserver, hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdet, vhashHF);
0054   //    Energy
0055   _cEnergy_Subdet.initialize(_name,
0056                              "Energy",
0057                              hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdet,
0058                              new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fEnergy),
0059                              new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN, true),
0060                              0);
0061   _cEnergy_depth.initialize(_name,
0062                             "Energy",
0063                             hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fdepth,
0064                             new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fieta),
0065                             new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fiphi),
0066                             new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fEnergy, true),
0067                             0);
0069   //    Timing
0070   _cTimingCut_SubdetPM.initialize(_name,
0071                                   "TimingCut",
0072                                   hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdetPM,
0073                                   new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fTiming_ns),
0074                                   new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN, true),
0075                                   0);
0076   _cTimingvsEnergy_SubdetPM.initialize(_name,
0077                                        "TimingvsEnergy",
0078                                        hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdetPM,
0079                                        new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fEnergy, true),
0080                                        new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fTiming_ns),
0081                                        new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN, true),
0082                                        0);
0084   _cTimingCut_HBHEPartition.initialize(_name,
0085                                        "TimingCut",
0086                                        hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fHBHEPartition,
0087                                        new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fTiming_ns),
0088                                        new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN),
0089                                        0);
0090   _cTimingCut_depth.initialize(_name,
0091                                "TimingCut",
0092                                hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fdepth,
0093                                new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fieta),
0094                                new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fiphi),
0095                                new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fTiming_ns),
0096                                0);
0097   _cTimingCutvsLS_SubdetPM.initialize(_name,
0098                                       "TimingCutvsLS",
0099                                       hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdetPM,
0100                                       new hcaldqm::quantity::LumiSection(_maxLS),
0101                                       new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fTiming_ns),
0102                                       0);
0104   //    Occupancy
0105   _cOccupancy_depth.initialize(_name,
0106                                "Occupancy",
0107                                hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fdepth,
0108                                new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fieta),
0109                                new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fiphi),
0110                                new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN),
0111                                0);
0113   _cOccupancyvsLS_Subdet.initialize(_name,
0114                                     "OccupancyvsLS",
0115                                     hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdet,
0116                                     new hcaldqm::quantity::LumiSection(_maxLS),
0117                                     new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN_to8000),
0118                                     0);
0120   _cOccupancyCut_depth.initialize(_name,
0121                                   "OccupancyCut",
0122                                   hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fdepth,
0123                                   new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fieta),
0124                                   new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fiphi),
0125                                   new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN),
0126                                   0);
0128   if (_hfPreRecHitsAvailable) {
0129     _cDAAsymmetryVsCharge_SubdetPM.initialize(
0130         _name,
0131         "ChargeVsAsymmetry",
0132         hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdetPM,
0133         new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fDualAnodeAsymmetry),
0134         new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fQIE10fC_400000),
0135         new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN),
0136         0);
0137     _cDAAsymmetryMean_cut_depth.initialize(_name,
0138                                            "AsymmetryMean",
0139                                            hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fdepth,
0140                                            new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fieta),
0141                                            new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fiphi),
0142                                            new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fDualAnodeAsymmetry),
0143                                            0);
0144     _cDAAsymmetry_cut_SubdetPM.initialize(_name,
0145                                           "Asymmetry",
0146                                           hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdetPM,
0147                                           new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fDualAnodeAsymmetry),
0148                                           new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN),
0149                                           0);
0150   }
0152   //    INITIALIZE HISTOGRAMS to be used only in Online
0153   if (_ptype == fOnline) {
0154     _cEnergyvsieta_Subdet.initialize(_name,
0155                                      "Energyvsieta",
0156                                      hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdet,
0157                                      new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fieta),
0158                                      new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fEnergy_1TeV),
0159                                      0);
0160     _cEnergyvsiphi_SubdetPM.initialize(_name,
0161                                        "Energyvsiphi",
0162                                        hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdetPM,
0163                                        new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fiphi),
0164                                        new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fEnergy_1TeV),
0165                                        0);
0166     _cEnergyvsLS_SubdetPM.initialize(_name,
0167                                      "EnergyvsLS",
0168                                      hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdetPM,
0169                                      new hcaldqm::quantity::LumiSection(_maxLS),
0170                                      new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fEnergy_1TeV),
0171                                      0);
0172     _cEnergyvsBX_SubdetPM.initialize(_name,
0173                                      "EnergyvsBX",
0174                                      hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdetPM,
0175                                      new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fBX),
0176                                      new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fEnergy_1TeV),
0177                                      0);
0178     _cTimingCutvsieta_Subdet.initialize(_name,
0179                                         "TimingCutvsieta",
0180                                         hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdet,
0181                                         new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fieta),
0182                                         new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fTiming_ns),
0183                                         0);
0184     _cTimingCutvsiphi_SubdetPM.initialize(_name,
0185                                           "TimingCutvsiphi",
0186                                           hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdetPM,
0187                                           new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fiphi),
0188                                           new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fTiming_ns),
0189                                           0);
0190     _cTimingCutvsBX_SubdetPM.initialize(_name,
0191                                         "TimingCutvsBX",
0192                                         hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdetPM,
0193                                         new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fBX),
0194                                         new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fTiming_ns),
0195                                         0);
0196     _cOccupancyvsiphi_SubdetPM.initialize(_name,
0197                                           "Occupancyvsiphi",
0198                                           hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdetPM,
0199                                           new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fiphi),
0200                                           new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN),
0201                                           0);
0202     _cOccupancyvsieta_Subdet.initialize(_name,
0203                                         "Occupancyvsieta",
0204                                         hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdet,
0205                                         new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fieta),
0206                                         new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN),
0207                                         0);
0208     _cOccupancyCutvsiphi_SubdetPM.initialize(_name,
0209                                              "OccupancyCutvsiphi",
0210                                              hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdetPM,
0211                                              new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fiphi),
0212                                              new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN),
0213                                              0);
0214     _cOccupancyCutvsieta_Subdet.initialize(_name,
0215                                            "OccupancyCutvsieta",
0216                                            hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdet,
0217                                            new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fieta),
0218                                            new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN),
0219                                            0);
0220     _cOccupancyCutvsBX_Subdet.initialize(_name,
0221                                          "OccupancyCutvsBX",
0222                                          hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdet,
0223                                          new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fBX),
0224                                          new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN),
0225                                          0);
0226     _cOccupancyCutvsiphivsLS_SubdetPM.initialize(_name,
0227                                                  "OccupancyCutvsiphivsLS",
0228                                                  hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdetPM,
0229                                                  new hcaldqm::quantity::LumiSection(_maxLS),
0230                                                  new hcaldqm::quantity::DetectorQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fiphi),
0231                                                  new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN),
0232                                                  0);
0233     _cOccupancyCutvsLS_Subdet.initialize(_name,
0234                                          "OccupancyCutvsLS",
0235                                          hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fSubdet,
0236                                          new hcaldqm::quantity::LumiSection(_maxLS),
0237                                          new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN_to8000),
0238                                          0);
0239   }
0241   // FED-based plots
0242   if (_ptype != fOffline) {  // hidefed2crate
0243     std::vector<int> vFEDs = hcaldqm::utilities::getFEDList(_emap);
0244     std::vector<int> vFEDsVME = hcaldqm::utilities::getFEDVMEList(_emap);
0245     std::vector<int> vFEDsuTCA = hcaldqm::utilities::getFEDuTCAList(_emap);
0247     //  push the rawIds of each fed into the vector
0248     for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = vFEDsVME.begin(); it != vFEDsVME.end(); ++it)
0249       _vhashFEDs.push_back(HcalElectronicsId(FIBERCH_MIN, FIBER_VME_MIN, SPIGOT_MIN, (*it) - FED_VME_MIN).rawId());
0250     for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = vFEDsuTCA.begin(); it != vFEDsuTCA.end(); ++it) {
0251       std::pair<uint16_t, uint16_t> cspair = utilities::fed2crate(*it);
0252       _vhashFEDs.push_back(HcalElectronicsId(cspair.first, cspair.second, FIBER_uTCA_MIN1, FIBERCH_MIN, false).rawId());
0253     }
0255     _cTimingCut_FEDuTCA.initialize(_name,
0256                                    "TimingCut",
0257                                    hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fFED,
0258                                    new hcaldqm::quantity::ElectronicsQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fSlotuTCA),
0259                                    new hcaldqm::quantity::ElectronicsQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fFiberuTCAFiberCh),
0260                                    new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fTiming_ns),
0261                                    0);
0262     _cTimingCutvsLS_FED.initialize(_name,
0263                                    "TimingCutvsLS",
0264                                    hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fFED,
0265                                    new hcaldqm::quantity::LumiSection(_maxLS),
0266                                    new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fTiming_ns),
0267                                    0);
0268     _cTimingCut_ElectronicsuTCA.initialize(_name,
0269                                            "TimingCut",
0270                                            hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fElectronics,
0271                                            new hcaldqm::quantity::FEDQuantity(vFEDsuTCA),
0272                                            new hcaldqm::quantity::ElectronicsQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fSlotuTCA),
0273                                            new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fTiming_ns),
0274                                            0);
0276     _cOccupancy_FEDuTCA.initialize(_name,
0277                                    "Occupancy",
0278                                    hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fFED,
0279                                    new hcaldqm::quantity::ElectronicsQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fSlotuTCA),
0280                                    new hcaldqm::quantity::ElectronicsQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fFiberuTCAFiberCh),
0281                                    new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN),
0282                                    0);
0283     _cOccupancy_ElectronicsuTCA.initialize(_name,
0284                                            "Occupancy",
0285                                            hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fElectronics,
0286                                            new hcaldqm::quantity::FEDQuantity(vFEDsuTCA),
0287                                            new hcaldqm::quantity::ElectronicsQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fSlotuTCA),
0288                                            new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN),
0289                                            0);
0291     _cOccupancyCut_FEDuTCA.initialize(_name,
0292                                       "OccupancyCut",
0293                                       hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fFED,
0294                                       new hcaldqm::quantity::ElectronicsQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fSlotuTCA),
0295                                       new hcaldqm::quantity::ElectronicsQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fFiberuTCAFiberCh),
0296                                       new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN),
0297                                       0);
0298     _cOccupancyCut_ElectronicsuTCA.initialize(_name,
0299                                               "OccupancyCut",
0300                                               hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fElectronics,
0301                                               new hcaldqm::quantity::FEDQuantity(vFEDsuTCA),
0302                                               new hcaldqm::quantity::ElectronicsQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fSlotuTCA),
0303                                               new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fN),
0304                                               0);
0305     if (_ptype == fOnline) {
0306       _cSummaryvsLS_FED.initialize(_name,
0307                                    "SummaryvsLS",
0308                                    hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fFED,
0309                                    new hcaldqm::quantity::LumiSection(_maxLS),
0310                                    new hcaldqm::quantity::FlagQuantity(_vflags),
0311                                    new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fState),
0312                                    0);
0313       _cSummaryvsLS.initialize(_name,
0314                                "SummaryvsLS",
0315                                new hcaldqm::quantity::LumiSection(_maxLS),
0316                                new hcaldqm::quantity::FEDQuantity(vFEDs),
0317                                new hcaldqm::quantity::ValueQuantity(hcaldqm::quantity::fState),
0318                                0);
0320       _xUniHF.initialize(hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fFEDSlot);
0321       _xUni.initialize(hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fFED);
0322     }
0323   }
0325   //    BOOK HISTOGRAMS
0326   char cutstr[200];
0327   sprintf(cutstr, "_EHBHE%dHO%dHF%d", int(_cutE_HBHE), int(_cutE_HO), int(_cutE_HF));
0328   char cutstr2[200];
0329   sprintf(cutstr2, "_EHF%d", int(_cutE_HF));
0331   //    Energy
0332, _emap, _subsystem);
0333, _emap, _subsystem);
0335   //    Timing
0336, _emap, _subsystem);
0337, _emap, _subsystem);
0338   if (_ptype != fOffline) {  // hidefed2crate
0339, _emap, _filter_VME, _subsystem);
0340, _emap, _filter_VME, _subsystem);
0341   }
0342, _emap, _subsystem);
0343, _emap, _subsystem);
0344, _emap, _subsystem);
0345   if (_ptype != fOffline) {  // hidefed2crate
0346, _emap, _subsystem);
0347   }
0349   //    Occupancy
0350, _emap, _subsystem);
0351   if (_ptype != fOffline) {  // hidefed2crate
0352, _emap, _filter_VME, _subsystem);
0353, _emap, _filter_VME, _subsystem);
0354   }
0355, _emap, _subsystem);
0356, _emap, _subsystem);
0357   if (_ptype != fOffline) {  // hidefed2crate
0358, _emap, _filter_VME, _subsystem);
0359, _emap, _filter_VME, _subsystem);
0360   }
0362   if (_hfPreRecHitsAvailable) {
0363, _emap, _filter_HF, _subsystem);
0364, _emap, _filter_HF, _subsystem);
0365, _emap, _filter_HF, _subsystem);
0366   }
0368   //    BOOK HISTOGRAMS to be used only in Online
0369   if (_ptype == fOnline) {
0370, _emap, _subsystem);
0371, _emap, _subsystem);
0372, _emap, _subsystem);
0373, _emap, _subsystem);
0374, _emap, _subsystem);
0375, _emap, _subsystem);
0376, _emap, _subsystem);
0377, _emap, _subsystem);
0378, _emap, _subsystem);
0379, _emap, _subsystem);
0380, _emap, _subsystem);
0381, _emap, _subsystem);
0382, _emap, _subsystem);
0383, _emap, _subsystem);
0384, _emap, _subsystem);
0385, _subsystem);
0387     std::vector<uint32_t> vhashFEDHF;
0388     vhashFEDHF.push_back(HcalElectronicsId(22, SLOT_uTCA_MIN, FIBER_uTCA_MIN1, FIBERCH_MIN, false).rawId());
0389     vhashFEDHF.push_back(HcalElectronicsId(29, SLOT_uTCA_MIN, FIBER_uTCA_MIN1, FIBERCH_MIN, false).rawId());
0390     vhashFEDHF.push_back(HcalElectronicsId(32, SLOT_uTCA_MIN, FIBER_uTCA_MIN1, FIBERCH_MIN, false).rawId());
0391     vhashFEDHF.push_back(HcalElectronicsId(22, SLOT_uTCA_MIN + 6, FIBER_uTCA_MIN1, FIBERCH_MIN, false).rawId());
0392     vhashFEDHF.push_back(HcalElectronicsId(29, SLOT_uTCA_MIN + 6, FIBER_uTCA_MIN1, FIBERCH_MIN, false).rawId());
0393     vhashFEDHF.push_back(HcalElectronicsId(32, SLOT_uTCA_MIN + 6, FIBER_uTCA_MIN1, FIBERCH_MIN, false).rawId());
0394     HashFilter filter_FEDHF;
0395     filter_FEDHF.initialize(filter::fPreserver, hcaldqm::hashfunctions::fFED, vhashFEDHF);
0397     _gids = _emap->allPrecisionId();
0398     if (_ptype != fOffline) {  // hidefed2crate
0399, filter_FEDHF);
0401     }
0402   }
0404   //    initialize hash map
0405   _ehashmap.initialize(_emap, hcaldqm::electronicsmap::fD2EHashMap);
0407   //    book some mes...
0408   ib.setCurrentFolder(_subsystem + "/" + _name);
0409   auto scope = DQMStore::IBooker::UseLumiScope(ib);
0410   meUnknownIds1LS = ib.book1DD("UnknownIds", "UnknownIds", 1, 0, 1);
0411   _unknownIdsPresent = false;
0412 }
0414 /* virtual */ void RecHitTask::_resetMonitors(hcaldqm::UpdateFreq uf) {
0415   switch (uf) {
0416     case hcaldqm::f1LS:
0417       _unknownIdsPresent = false;
0418       break;
0419     default:
0420       break;
0421   }
0423   DQTask::_resetMonitors(uf);
0424 }
0426 /* virtual */ void RecHitTask::_process(edm::Event const& e, edm::EventSetup const&) {
0427   edm::Handle<HBHERecHitCollection> chbhe;
0428   edm::Handle<HORecHitCollection> cho;
0429   edm::Handle<HFRecHitCollection> chf;
0431   if (!(e.getByToken(_tokHBHE, chbhe)))
0432     _logger.dqmthrow("Collection HBHERecHitCollection not available " + _tagHBHE.label() + " " + _tagHBHE.instance());
0433   if (!(e.getByToken(_tokHO, cho)))
0434     _logger.dqmthrow("Collection HORecHitCollection not available " + _tagHO.label() + " " + _tagHO.instance());
0435   if (!(e.getByToken(_tokHF, chf)))
0436     _logger.dqmthrow("Collection HFRecHitCollection not available " + _tagHF.label() + " " + _tagHF.instance());
0438   edm::Handle<HFPreRecHitCollection> cprehf;
0439   if (_hfPreRecHitsAvailable) {
0440     if (!(e.getByToken(_tokPreHF, cprehf)))
0441       _logger.dqmthrow("Collection HFPreRecHitCollection not available " + _tagPreHF.label() + " " +
0442                        _tagPreHF.instance());
0443   }
0445   //    extract some info per event
0446   int bx = e.bunchCrossing();
0448   auto lumiCache = luminosityBlockCache(e.getLuminosityBlock().index());
0449   _currentLS = lumiCache->currentLS;
0451   //  To fill histograms outside of the loop, you need to determine if there were
0452   //  any valid det ids first
0453   uint32_t rawidHBValid = 0;
0454   uint32_t rawidHEValid = 0;
0456   double ehbm = 0;
0457   double ehbp = 0;
0458   double ehem = 0;
0459   double ehep = 0;
0460   int nChsHB = 0;
0461   int nChsHE = 0;
0462   int nChsHBCut = 0;
0463   int nChsHECut = 0;
0464   for (HBHERecHitCollection::const_iterator it = chbhe->begin(); it != chbhe->end(); ++it) {
0465     double energy = it->energy();
0466     double timing = it->time();
0468     //  Explicit check on the DetIds present in the Collection
0469     HcalDetId did = it->id();
0470     uint32_t rawid = _ehashmap.lookup(did);
0471     /*
0472          * Needs to be removed as DetIds that belong to the HEP17 after combination
0473          * are not present in the emap
0474          * Removed until further notice!
0475          *
0476          */
0477     //if (rawid==0)
0478     //{meUnknownIds1LS->Fill(1); _unknownIdsPresent=true;continue;}
0480     HcalElectronicsId const& eid(rawid);
0481     if (did.subdet() == HcalBarrel)
0482       rawidHBValid = did.rawId();
0483     else if (did.subdet() == HcalEndcap)
0484       rawidHEValid = did.rawId();
0486     _cEnergy_Subdet.fill(did, energy);
0487     _cTimingvsEnergy_SubdetPM.fill(did, energy, timing);
0488     _cOccupancy_depth.fill(did);
0489     did.subdet() == HcalBarrel ? did.ieta() > 0 ? ehbp += energy : ehbm += energy
0490     : did.ieta() > 0           ? ehep += energy
0491                                : ehem += energy;
0493     //  ONLINE ONLY!
0494     if (_ptype == fOnline) {
0495       _cOccupancyvsiphi_SubdetPM.fill(did);
0496       _cOccupancyvsieta_Subdet.fill(did);
0497     }
0498     //  ^^^ONLINE ONLY!
0499     //
0500     if (_ptype != fOffline) {  // hidefed2crate
0501       //    Also, for these electronics plots, require that the channel was found in the emap.
0502       if (rawid != 0) {
0503         if (!eid.isVMEid()) {
0504           _cOccupancy_FEDuTCA.fill(eid);
0505           _cOccupancy_ElectronicsuTCA.fill(eid);
0506         }
0507       }
0508     }
0510     if (energy > _cutE_HBHE) {
0511       //    ONLINE ONLY!
0512       if (_ptype == fOnline) {
0513         _cEnergyvsLS_SubdetPM.fill(did, _currentLS, energy);
0514         _cEnergyvsBX_SubdetPM.fill(did, bx, energy);
0515         _cEnergyvsieta_Subdet.fill(did, energy);
0516         _cEnergyvsiphi_SubdetPM.fill(did, energy);
0517         _cTimingCutvsieta_Subdet.fill(did, timing);
0518         _cTimingCutvsiphi_SubdetPM.fill(did, timing);
0519         _cTimingCutvsBX_SubdetPM.fill(did, bx, timing);
0520         _cOccupancyCutvsiphi_SubdetPM.fill(did);
0521         _cOccupancyCutvsieta_Subdet.fill(did);
0522         _cOccupancyCutvsiphivsLS_SubdetPM.fill(did, _currentLS);
0523       }
0524       //    ^^^ONLINE ONLY!
0525       _cEnergy_depth.fill(did, energy);
0526       _cTimingCut_SubdetPM.fill(did, timing);
0527       _cTimingCut_HBHEPartition.fill(did, timing);
0528       _cTimingCutvsLS_SubdetPM.fill(did, _currentLS, timing);
0530       //    ONLINE
0531       if (_ptype == fOnline) {
0532         if (rawid != 0) {
0533           _cTimingCutvsLS_FED.fill(eid, _currentLS, timing);
0534         }
0535         _cTimingCut_depth.fill(did, timing);
0536         //  ^^^ONLINE
0537       } else {
0538         if (_ptype != fOffline) {  // hidefed2crate
0539           if (rawid != 0) {
0540             _cTimingCutvsLS_FED.fill(eid, _currentLS, timing);
0541           }
0542         }
0543         _cTimingCut_depth.fill(did, timing);
0544       }
0545       _cOccupancyCut_depth.fill(did);
0546       if (_ptype != fOffline) {  // hidefed2crate
0547         if (rawid != 0) {
0548           if (eid.isUTCAid()) {
0549             if (_ptype == fOnline) {
0550               //    time constraints are explicit!
0551               _cTimingCut_FEDuTCA.fill(eid, timing);
0552               _cTimingCut_ElectronicsuTCA.fill(eid, timing);
0553             } else {
0554               _cTimingCut_FEDuTCA.fill(eid, timing);
0555               _cTimingCut_ElectronicsuTCA.fill(eid, timing);
0556             }
0557             _cOccupancyCut_FEDuTCA.fill(eid);
0558             _cOccupancyCut_ElectronicsuTCA.fill(eid);
0559           }
0560         }
0561       }
0562       did.subdet() == HcalBarrel ? nChsHBCut++ : nChsHECut++;
0563     }
0564     did.subdet() == HcalBarrel ? nChsHB++ : nChsHE++;
0565   }
0567   if (rawidHBValid != 0 && rawidHEValid != 0) {
0568     _cOccupancyvsLS_Subdet.fill(HcalDetId(rawidHBValid), _currentLS, nChsHB);
0569     _cOccupancyvsLS_Subdet.fill(HcalDetId(rawidHEValid), _currentLS, nChsHE);
0571     //  ONLINE ONLY!
0572     if (_ptype == fOnline) {
0573       _cOccupancyCutvsBX_Subdet.fill(HcalDetId(rawidHBValid), bx, nChsHBCut);
0574       _cOccupancyCutvsBX_Subdet.fill(HcalDetId(rawidHEValid), bx, nChsHECut);
0575       _cOccupancyCutvsLS_Subdet.fill(HcalDetId(rawidHBValid), _currentLS, nChsHBCut);
0576       _cOccupancyCutvsLS_Subdet.fill(HcalDetId(rawidHEValid), _currentLS, nChsHECut);
0577     }
0578     //  ^^^ONLINE ONLY!
0579   }
0581   //  To fill histograms outside of the loop, you need to determine if there were
0582   //  any valid det ids first
0583   uint32_t rawidValid = 0;
0585   int nChsHO = 0;
0586   int nChsHOCut = 0;
0587   double ehop = 0;
0588   double ehom = 0;
0589   for (HORecHitCollection::const_iterator it = cho->begin(); it != cho->end(); ++it) {
0590     double energy = it->energy();
0591     double timing = it->time();
0593     //  Explicit check on the DetIds present in the Collection
0594     HcalDetId did = it->id();
0595     uint32_t rawid = _ehashmap.lookup(did);
0596     if (rawid == 0) {
0597       meUnknownIds1LS->Fill(1);
0598       _unknownIdsPresent = true;
0599       continue;
0600     }
0601     HcalElectronicsId const& eid(rawid);
0602     if (did.subdet() == HcalOuter)
0603       rawidValid = did.rawId();
0605     _cEnergy_Subdet.fill(did, energy);
0606     _cTimingvsEnergy_SubdetPM.fill(did, energy, timing);
0607     _cOccupancy_depth.fill(did);
0608     did.ieta() > 0 ? ehop += energy : ehom += energy;
0611     if (_ptype == fOnline) {
0612       _cOccupancyvsiphi_SubdetPM.fill(did);
0613       _cOccupancyvsieta_Subdet.fill(did);
0614     }
0615     //  ONLINE ONLY!
0617     if (_ptype != fOffline) {  // hidefed2crate
0618       if (!eid.isVMEid()) {
0619         _cOccupancy_FEDuTCA.fill(eid);
0620         _cOccupancy_ElectronicsuTCA.fill(eid);
0621       }
0622     }
0624     if (energy > _cutE_HO) {
0625       //    ONLINE ONLY!
0626       if (_ptype == fOnline) {
0627         _cEnergyvsLS_SubdetPM.fill(did, _currentLS, energy);
0628         _cEnergyvsBX_SubdetPM.fill(did, bx, energy);
0629         _cEnergyvsieta_Subdet.fill(did, energy);
0630         _cEnergyvsiphi_SubdetPM.fill(did, energy);
0631         _cTimingCutvsieta_Subdet.fill(did, timing);
0632         _cTimingCutvsiphi_SubdetPM.fill(did, timing);
0633         _cTimingCutvsBX_SubdetPM.fill(did, bx, timing);
0634         _cOccupancyCutvsiphi_SubdetPM.fill(did);
0635         _cOccupancyCutvsieta_Subdet.fill(did);
0636         _cOccupancyCutvsiphivsLS_SubdetPM.fill(did, _currentLS);
0637       }
0638       //    ^^^ONLINE ONLY!
0640       _cEnergy_depth.fill(did, energy);
0641       _cTimingCut_SubdetPM.fill(did, timing);
0642       _cTimingCutvsLS_SubdetPM.fill(did, _currentLS, timing);
0643       if (_ptype != fOffline) {  // hidefed2crate
0644         _cTimingCutvsLS_FED.fill(eid, _currentLS, timing);
0645       }
0646       _cOccupancyCut_depth.fill(did);
0647       _cTimingCut_depth.fill(did, timing);
0648       if (_ptype != fOffline) {  // hidefed2crate
0649         if (!eid.isVMEid()) {
0650           _cTimingCut_FEDuTCA.fill(eid, timing);
0651           _cTimingCut_ElectronicsuTCA.fill(eid, timing);
0652           _cOccupancyCut_FEDuTCA.fill(eid);
0653           _cOccupancyCut_ElectronicsuTCA.fill(eid);
0654         }
0655       }
0656       nChsHOCut++;
0657     }
0658     nChsHO++;
0659   }
0661   if (rawidValid != 0) {
0662     _cOccupancyvsLS_Subdet.fill(HcalDetId(rawidValid), _currentLS, nChsHO);
0663     //  ONLINE ONLY!
0664     if (_ptype == fOnline) {
0665       _cOccupancyCutvsBX_Subdet.fill(HcalDetId(rawidValid), bx, nChsHOCut);
0666       _cOccupancyCutvsLS_Subdet.fill(HcalDetId(rawidValid), _currentLS, nChsHOCut);
0667     }
0668     //  ^^^ONLINE ONLY!
0669   }
0671   //reset
0672   rawidValid = 0;
0674   int nChsHF = 0;
0675   int nChsHFCut = 0;
0676   double ehfp = 0;
0677   double ehfm = 0;
0678   for (HFRecHitCollection::const_iterator it = chf->begin(); it != chf->end(); ++it) {
0679     double energy = it->energy();
0680     double timing = it->time();
0682     //  Explicit check on the DetIds present in the Collection
0683     HcalDetId did = it->id();
0684     uint32_t rawid = _ehashmap.lookup(did);
0685     if (rawid == 0) {
0686       meUnknownIds1LS->Fill(1);
0687       _unknownIdsPresent = true;
0688       continue;
0689     }
0690     HcalElectronicsId const& eid(rawid);
0691     if (did.subdet() == HcalForward)
0692       rawidValid = did.rawId();
0694     _cEnergy_Subdet.fill(did, energy);
0695     _cTimingvsEnergy_SubdetPM.fill(did, energy, timing);
0696     _cOccupancy_depth.fill(did);
0697     did.ieta() > 0 ? ehfp += energy : ehfm += energy;
0699     //  IMPORTANT:
0700     //  only for Online Processing
0701     //
0702     if (_ptype == fOnline) {
0703       _cOccupancyvsiphi_SubdetPM.fill(did);
0704       _cOccupancyvsieta_Subdet.fill(did);
0705     }
0706     //  ONLINE ONLY!
0708     if (_ptype != fOffline) {  // hidefed2crate
0709       if (!eid.isVMEid()) {
0710         _cOccupancy_FEDuTCA.fill(eid);
0711         _cOccupancy_ElectronicsuTCA.fill(eid);
0712       }
0713     }
0715     if (energy > _cutE_HF) {
0716       //    ONLINE ONLY!
0717       if (_ptype == fOnline) {
0718         _cEnergyvsLS_SubdetPM.fill(did, _currentLS, energy);
0719         _cEnergyvsBX_SubdetPM.fill(did, bx, energy);
0720         _cEnergyvsieta_Subdet.fill(did, energy);
0721         _cEnergyvsiphi_SubdetPM.fill(did, energy);
0722         _cTimingCutvsieta_Subdet.fill(did, timing);
0723         _cTimingCutvsiphi_SubdetPM.fill(did, timing);
0724         _cTimingCutvsBX_SubdetPM.fill(did, bx, timing);
0725         _cOccupancyCutvsiphi_SubdetPM.fill(did);
0726         _cOccupancyCutvsieta_Subdet.fill(did);
0727         _cOccupancyCutvsiphivsLS_SubdetPM.fill(did, _currentLS);
0728         if (_ptype != fOffline) {  // hidefed2crate
0729           _xUniHF.get(eid)++;
0730         }
0731       }
0732       //    ^^^ONLINE ONLY!
0733       _cEnergy_depth.fill(did, energy);
0734       _cTimingCut_SubdetPM.fill(did, timing);
0735       _cTimingCutvsLS_SubdetPM.fill(did, _currentLS, timing);
0736       if (_ptype != fOffline) {  // hidefed2crate
0737         _cTimingCutvsLS_FED.fill(eid, _currentLS, timing);
0738       }
0739       _cOccupancyCut_depth.fill(did);
0740       _cTimingCut_depth.fill(did, timing);
0741       if (_ptype != fOffline) {  // hidefed2crate
0742         if (!eid.isVMEid()) {
0743           _cTimingCut_FEDuTCA.fill(eid, timing);
0744           _cTimingCut_ElectronicsuTCA.fill(eid, timing);
0745           _cOccupancyCut_FEDuTCA.fill(eid);
0746           _cOccupancyCut_ElectronicsuTCA.fill(eid);
0747         }
0748       }
0749       nChsHFCut++;
0750     }
0751     nChsHF++;
0752   }
0754   if (rawidValid != 0) {
0755     _cOccupancyvsLS_Subdet.fill(HcalDetId(rawidValid), _currentLS, nChsHF);
0756     //  ONLINE ONLY!
0757     if (_ptype == fOnline) {
0758       _cOccupancyCutvsBX_Subdet.fill(HcalDetId(rawidValid), bx, nChsHFCut);
0759       _cOccupancyCutvsLS_Subdet.fill(HcalDetId(rawidValid), _currentLS, nChsHFCut);
0760     }
0761     //  ^^^ONLINE ONLY!
0762   }
0764   // Loop over HFPreRecHits to get charge and charge asymmetry
0765   if (_hfPreRecHitsAvailable) {
0766     for (HFPreRecHitCollection::const_iterator it = cprehf->begin(); it != cprehf->end(); ++it) {
0767       HcalDetId did = it->id();
0768       if (_filter_HF.filter(did)) {
0769         continue;
0770       }
0771       std::pair<float, bool> chargeAsymmetry = it->chargeAsymmetry(0.);
0772       std::pair<float, bool> chargeAsymmetryCut = it->chargeAsymmetry(20.);
0774       if (chargeAsymmetry.second) {
0775         _cDAAsymmetryVsCharge_SubdetPM.fill(did, chargeAsymmetry.first, it->charge());
0776       }
0777       if (chargeAsymmetryCut.second) {
0778         _cDAAsymmetryMean_cut_depth.fill(did, chargeAsymmetryCut.first);
0779         _cDAAsymmetry_cut_SubdetPM.fill(did, chargeAsymmetryCut.first);
0780       }
0781     }
0782   }
0783 }
0785 std::shared_ptr<hcaldqm::Cache> RecHitTask::globalBeginLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlock const& lb,
0786                                                                        edm::EventSetup const& es) const {
0787   return DQTask::globalBeginLuminosityBlock(lb, es);
0788 }
0790 /* virtual */ void RecHitTask::globalEndLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlock const& lb, edm::EventSetup const& es) {
0791   if (_ptype != fOnline)
0792     return;
0794   auto lumiCache = luminosityBlockCache(lb.index());
0795   _currentLS = lumiCache->currentLS;
0797   //
0799   //
0800   //    for (std::vector<HcalGenericDetId>::const_iterator it=gids.begin();
0801   //        it!=gids.end(); ++it)
0802   //    {}
0804   for (uintCompactMap::const_iterator it = _xUniHF.begin(); it != _xUniHF.end(); ++it) {
0805     uint32_t hash1 = it->first;
0806     HcalElectronicsId eid1(hash1);
0807     double x1 = it->second;
0809     for (uintCompactMap::const_iterator jt = _xUniHF.begin(); jt != _xUniHF.end(); ++jt) {
0810       if (jt == it)
0811         continue;
0812       double x2 = jt->second;
0813       if (x2 == 0)
0814         continue;
0815       if (x1 / x2 < _thresh_unihf)
0816         _xUni.get(eid1)++;
0817     }
0818   }
0820   if (_ptype != fOffline) {  // hidefed2crate
0821     for (std::vector<uint32_t>::const_iterator it = _vhashFEDs.begin(); it != _vhashFEDs.end(); ++it) {
0822       flag::Flag fSum("RECO");
0823       HcalElectronicsId eid = HcalElectronicsId(*it);
0825       std::vector<uint32_t>::const_iterator cit = std::find(_vcdaqEids.begin(), _vcdaqEids.end(), *it);
0826       if (cit == _vcdaqEids.end()) {
0827         //  not @cDAQ
0828         for (uint32_t iflag = 0; iflag < _vflags.size(); iflag++)
0829           _cSummaryvsLS_FED.setBinContent(eid, _currentLS, int(iflag), int(flag::fNCDAQ));
0830         _cSummaryvsLS.setBinContent(eid, _currentLS, int(flag::fNCDAQ));
0831         continue;
0832       }
0834       //    FED is @cDAQ
0835       if (hcaldqm::utilities::isFEDHF(eid) && (_runkeyVal == 0 || _runkeyVal == 4)) {
0836         if (_xUni.get(eid) > 0)
0837           _vflags[fUni]._state = flag::fPROBLEMATIC;
0838         else
0839           _vflags[fUni]._state = flag::fGOOD;
0840       }
0842       if (_unknownIdsPresent)
0843         _vflags[fUnknownIds]._state = flag::fBAD;
0844       else
0845         _vflags[fUnknownIds]._state = flag::fGOOD;
0847       int iflag = 0;
0848       for (std::vector<flag::Flag>::iterator ft = _vflags.begin(); ft != _vflags.end(); ++ft) {
0849         _cSummaryvsLS_FED.setBinContent(eid, _currentLS, int(iflag), int(ft->_state));
0850         fSum += (*ft);
0851         iflag++;
0853         //  reset after using
0854         ft->reset();
0855       }
0856       _cSummaryvsLS.setBinContent(eid, _currentLS, fSum._state);
0857     }
0858     _xUniHF.reset();
0859     _xUni.reset();
0860   }
0862   //    in the end always do the DQTask::endLumi
0863   DQTask::globalEndLuminosityBlock(lb, es);
0864 }