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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:07:41

0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 import sys
0004 from Configuration.Eras.Era_Run3_cff import Run3
0005 process = cms.Process("DQM", Run3)
0007 unitTest = False
0008 if 'unitTest=True' in sys.argv:
0009     unitTest=True
0011 if unitTest:
0012   process.load("DQM.Integration.config.unittestinputsource_cfi")
0013   from DQM.Integration.config.unittestinputsource_cfi import options
0014 else:
0015   # for live online DQM in P5
0016   process.load("DQM.Integration.config.inputsource_cfi")
0017   from DQM.Integration.config.inputsource_cfi import options
0018 # used in the old input source
0019 #process.DQMEventStreamHttpReader.SelectHLTOutput = cms.untracked.string('hltOutputHLTDQM')
0021 # for testing in lxplus
0022 #process.load("DQM.Integration.config.fileinputsource_cfi")
0023 #from DQM.Integration.config.fileinputsource_cfi import options
0025 #process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
0026 #    input = cms.untracked.int32(100)
0027 #)
0029 process.load("DQM.Integration.config.environment_cfi")
0031 process.dqmEnv.subSystemFolder = 'HLT'
0032 process.dqmSaver.tag = 'HLT'
0033 process.dqmSaver.runNumber = options.runNumber
0034 process.dqmSaverPB.tag = 'HLT'
0035 process.dqmSaverPB.runNumber = options.runNumber
0037 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.GeometryRecoDB_cff")
0038 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.MagneticField_cff")
0039 process.GlobalTrackingGeometryESProducer = cms.ESProducer( "GlobalTrackingGeometryESProducer" ) # for muon hlt dqm
0040 process.HLTSiStripClusterChargeCutNone = cms.PSet(  value = cms.double( -1.0 ) )
0041 process.ClusterShapeHitFilterESProducer = cms.ESProducer( "ClusterShapeHitFilterESProducer",
0042     ComponentName = cms.string( "ClusterShapeHitFilter" ),
0043     PixelShapeFileL1 = cms.string( "RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/data/pixelShapePhase1_loose.par" ),
0044     clusterChargeCut = cms.PSet(  refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTSiStripClusterChargeCutNone" ) ),
0045     PixelShapeFile = cms.string( "RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/data/pixelShapePhase1_noL1.par" )
0046 )
0047 #SiStrip Local Reco
0048 process.load("CalibTracker.SiStripCommon.TkDetMapESProducer_cfi")
0049 #Track refitters
0050 process.load("RecoTracker.TrackProducer.TrackRefitters_cff")
0052 #---- for P5 (online) DB access
0053 process.load("DQM.Integration.config.FrontierCondition_GT_cfi")
0054 # Condition for lxplus: change and possibly customise the GT
0055 #from Configuration.AlCa.GlobalTag import GlobalTag as gtCustomise
0056 #process.GlobalTag = gtCustomise(process.GlobalTag, 'auto:run3_data', '')
0058 process.hltESSHcalSeverityLevel = cms.ESSource( "EmptyESSource",
0059     iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool( True ),
0060     recordName = cms.string( "HcalSeverityLevelComputerRcd" ),
0061     firstValid = cms.vuint32( 1 )
0062 )
0063 process.hcalRecAlgos = cms.ESProducer( "HcalRecAlgoESProducer",
0064   RecoveredRecHitBits = cms.vstring( 'TimingAddedBit',
0065     'TimingSubtractedBit' ),
0066   SeverityLevels = cms.VPSet(
0067     cms.PSet(  ChannelStatus = cms.vstring(  ),
0068       RecHitFlags = cms.vstring(  ),
0069       Level = cms.int32( 0 )
0070     ),
0071     cms.PSet(  ChannelStatus = cms.vstring( 'HcalCellCaloTowerProb' ),
0072       RecHitFlags = cms.vstring(  ),
0073       Level = cms.int32( 1 )
0074     ),
0075     cms.PSet(  ChannelStatus = cms.vstring( 'HcalCellExcludeFromHBHENoiseSummary' ),
0076       RecHitFlags = cms.vstring( 'HSCP_R1R2',
0077         'HSCP_FracLeader',
0078         'HSCP_OuterEnergy',
0079         'HSCP_ExpFit',
0080         'ADCSaturationBit',
0081         'HBHEIsolatedNoise',
0082         'AddedSimHcalNoise' ),
0083       Level = cms.int32( 5 )
0084     ),
0085     cms.PSet(  ChannelStatus = cms.vstring(  ),
0086       RecHitFlags = cms.vstring( 'HBHEHpdHitMultiplicity',
0087         'HBHEPulseShape',
0088         'HOBit',
0089         'HFInTimeWindow',
0090         'ZDCBit',
0091         'CalibrationBit',
0092         'TimingErrorBit',
0093         'HBHETriangleNoise',
0094         'HBHETS4TS5Noise' ),
0095       Level = cms.int32( 8 )
0096     ),
0097     cms.PSet(  ChannelStatus = cms.vstring(  ),
0098       RecHitFlags = cms.vstring( 'HFLongShort',
0099         'HFPET',
0100         'HFS8S1Ratio',
0101         'HFDigiTime' ),
0102       Level = cms.int32( 11 )
0103     ),
0104     cms.PSet(  ChannelStatus = cms.vstring( 'HcalCellCaloTowerMask' ),
0105       RecHitFlags = cms.vstring( 'HBHEFlatNoise',
0106         'HBHESpikeNoise' ),
0107       Level = cms.int32( 12 )
0108     ),
0109     cms.PSet(  ChannelStatus = cms.vstring( 'HcalCellHot' ),
0110       RecHitFlags = cms.vstring(  ),
0111       Level = cms.int32( 15 )
0112     ),
0113     cms.PSet(  ChannelStatus = cms.vstring( 'HcalCellOff',
0114   'HcalCellDead' ),
0115       RecHitFlags = cms.vstring(  ),
0116       Level = cms.int32( 20 )
0117     )
0118   ),
0119   DropChannelStatusBits = cms.vstring( 'HcalCellMask',
0120     'HcalCellOff',
0121     'HcalCellDead' )
0122 )
0124 ### for pp collisions
0125 process.load("DQM.HLTEvF.HLTObjectMonitor_cff")
0127 ### for Proton-Lead collisions only (2016 Proton-Lead Era)
0128 #process.load("DQM.HLTEvF.HLTObjectMonitorProtonLead_cff")
0130 process.load("DQM.HLTEvF.HLTObjectMonitor_Client_cff")
0132 #process.p = cms.EndPath(process.hlts+process.hltsClient)
0134 process.pp = cms.Path(process.dqmEnv+process.dqmSaver+process.dqmSaverPB)
0135 #process.hltResults.plotAll = True
0138 ### process customizations included here
0139 from DQM.Integration.config.online_customizations_cfi import *
0140 process = customise(process)
0141 print("Final Source settings:", process.source)