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0001 #ifndef DQM_L1TMonitor_L1TdeStage2CaloLayer2
0002 #define DQM_L1TMonitor_L1TdeStage2CaloLayer2
0004 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0006 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMEDAnalyzer.h"
0007 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
0009 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0010 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0011 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0013 #include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/EGamma.h"
0014 #include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/Jet.h"
0015 #include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/EtSum.h"
0016 #include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/Tau.h"
0018 /**
0019  * Short class description.
0020  *
0021  * Longer class description...
0022  * ... desc continued.
0023  */
0024 class L1TdeStage2CaloLayer2 : public DQMEDAnalyzer {
0025 public:
0026   /**
0027    * Class constructor
0028    *
0029    * Receives the set of parameters, specified by the python configuration file
0030    * used to initialise the module as a part of a sequence. The contents of the
0031    * set is used to configure the internal state of the objects of this class.
0032    * Values from the parameter set are extracted and used to initialise
0033    * bxcollections for jet, e/g, tau and sum objects reconstructed by firmware
0034    * (data) and emulator. These collections are the basis of the comparisons
0035    * performed by this module.
0036    *
0037    * @param edm::ParamterSet & ps A pointer to the parameter set used
0038    */
0039   L1TdeStage2CaloLayer2(const edm::ParameterSet& ps);
0041 protected:
0042   /**
0043    * Method to declare or "book" all histograms that will be part of module
0044    *
0045    * Histograms that are to be visualised as part of the DQM module should be
0046    * registered with the IBooker object any additional configuration such as
0047    * title or axis labels and ranges. A good rule of thumb for the amount of
0048    * configuration is that it should be possible to understnand the contents of
0049    * the histogram using the configuration received from this method since the
0050    * plots generated by this module would later be stored into ROOT files for
0051    * transfer to the DQM system and it should be possible to ...
0052    *
0053    * @param DQMStore::IBooker& ibooker Object that handles the creation of plots
0054    * @param edm::Run const &           Reference to run object
0055    * @param edm::EventSetup const &    Reference to event configuration object
0056    *
0057    * @return void
0058    */
0059   void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker&, const edm::Run&, const edm::EventSetup&) override;
0061   /**
0062    * Main method where the analysis code resides, executed once for each run
0063    *
0064    * The main body of the module code is contained in this method. The different
0065    * object collections are extracted from the run and are passed to the
0066    * respective comparison methods for processing of each object type.
0067    *
0068    * @param edm::Event const &         Reference to event object
0069    * @param edm::EventSetup const &    Reference to event configuration object
0070    *
0071    * @return void
0072    */
0073   void analyze(const edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&) override;
0075 private:
0076   /**
0077    * Encapsulates the code required for performing a comparison of
0078    * the jets contained in a given event.
0079    *
0080    * Method is called once per each event with the jet collections associated
0081    * with the event being extracted for bx = 0 as the RAW information required
0082    * to run the emulator is only available for bx 0. The implementation checks
0083    * if the size of collections is the same and when so, compares the jets in
0084    * the same positions within the data/emul collections. When a discrepancy is
0085    * found, the properties (Et, eta, phi) of the problematic data/emul objects
0086    * are stored in dedicated histograms. In cases of differences, a distinction
0087    * is made between objects whose energy or position are in disagremeent.When
0088    * the length of data/emul collections is different, all of the objects are
0089    * "stored" in the histograms dedicated to problematic objects.
0090    *
0091    * @param edm::Handle<l1t::JetBXCollection>& dataCol Reference to jet
0092    *    collection from data
0093    * @param edm::Handle<l1t::JetBXCollection>& emulCol Reference to jet
0094    *    collection from emulation
0095    *
0096    * @return bool Flag of whether the agreement was perfect
0097    */
0098   bool compareJets(const edm::Handle<l1t::JetBxCollection>& dataCol, const edm::Handle<l1t::JetBxCollection>& emulCol);
0100   /**
0101    * Encapsulates the code required for performing a comparison of
0102    * the e/gs contained in a given event.
0103    *
0104    * Method is called once per each event with the e/g collections associated
0105    * with the event being extracted for bx = 0 as the RAW information required
0106    * to run the emulator is only available for bx 0. The implementation checks
0107    * if the size of collections is the same and when so, compares the e/gs in
0108    * the same positions within the data/emul collections. When a discrepancy is
0109    * found, the properties (Et, eta, phi) of the problematic data/emul objects
0110    * are stored in dedicated histograms. In cases of differences, a distinction
0111    * is made between objects whose energy or position are in disagremeent.
0112    * Another distinction is made between isolated and non-isolated e/g
0113    * candidates and problematic objects are handled accordingly. When the length
0114    * of data/emul collections is different, all of the objects are "stored" in
0115    * the histograms dedicated to problematic objects.
0116    *
0117    * @param edm::Handle<l1t::EGammaBXCollection>& dataCol Reference to e/gamma
0118    *    collection from data
0119    * @param edm::Handle<l1t::EGammaBXCollection>& emulCol Reference to e/gamma
0120    *    collection from emulation
0121    *
0122    * @return bool Flag of whether the agreement was perfect
0123    */
0124   bool compareEGs(const edm::Handle<l1t::EGammaBxCollection>& dataCol,
0125                   const edm::Handle<l1t::EGammaBxCollection>& emulCol);
0127   /**
0128    * Encapsulates the code required for performing a comparison of
0129    * the taus contained in a given event.
0130    *
0131    * Method is called once per each event with the tau collections associated
0132    * with the event being extracted for bx = 0 as the RAW information required
0133    * to run the emulator is only available for bx 0. The implementation checks
0134    * if the size of collections is the same and when so, compares the taus in
0135    * the same positions within the data/emul collections. When a discrepancy is
0136    * found, the properties (Et, eta, phi) of the problematic data/emul objects
0137    * are stored in dedicated histograms. In cases of differences, a distinction
0138    * is made between objects whose energy or position are in disagremeent.
0139    * Another distinction is made between isolated and non-isolated tau
0140    * candidates and problematic objects are handled accordingly. When the length
0141    * of data/emul collections is different, all of the objects are "stored" in
0142    * the histograms dedicated to problematic objects.
0143    *
0144    * @param edm::Handle<l1t::TauBXCollection>& dataCol Reference to tau
0145    *    collection from data
0146    * @param edm::Handle<l1t::TauBXCollection>& emulCol Reference to tau
0147    *    collection from emulation
0148    *
0149    * @return bool Flag of whether the agreement was perfect
0150    */
0151   bool compareTaus(const edm::Handle<l1t::TauBxCollection>& dataCol, const edm::Handle<l1t::TauBxCollection>& emulCol);
0153   /**
0154    * Encapsulates the code required for performing a comparison of
0155    * the taus contained in a given event.
0156    *
0157    * Method is called once per each event with the sum collections associated
0158    * with the event being extracted for bx = 0 as the RAW information required
0159    * to run the emulator is only available for bx 0. The implementation loops
0160    * over the collection and depending of the sum type, each variant is compared
0161    * independently. If any disagreement is found, the event is marked a bad and
0162    * the properties of the sum are stored in the data/emulator problematic
0163    * histograms.
0164    *
0165    * @param edm::Handle<l1t::TauBXCollection>& dataCol Reference to tau
0166    *    collection from data
0167    * @param edm::Handle<l1t::TauBXCollection>& emulCol Reference to tau
0168    *    collection from emulation
0169    *
0170    * @return bool Flag of whether the agreement was perfect
0171    */
0172   bool compareSums(const edm::Handle<l1t::EtSumBxCollection>& dataCol,
0173                    const edm::Handle<l1t::EtSumBxCollection>& emulCol);
0175   // Holds the name of directory in DQM where module hostograms will be shown.
0176   // Value is taken from python configuration file (passed in class constructor)
0177   std::string monitorDir;
0179   // collections to hold entities reconstructed from data and emulation
0180   edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::JetBxCollection> calol2JetCollectionData;
0181   edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::JetBxCollection> calol2JetCollectionEmul;
0182   edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::EGammaBxCollection> calol2EGammaCollectionData;
0183   edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::EGammaBxCollection> calol2EGammaCollectionEmul;
0184   edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::TauBxCollection> calol2TauCollectionData;
0185   edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::TauBxCollection> calol2TauCollectionEmul;
0186   edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::EtSumBxCollection> calol2EtSumCollectionData;
0187   edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::EtSumBxCollection> calol2EtSumCollectionEmul;
0189   enum summaryBins {
0190     NEVENTS = 1,  // total number of events
0191     EVENTGOOD,    // number of good events (100% agreement)
0192     NJETS_S,      // total number of jets objects found
0193     JETGOOD_S,    // number of jets in agreement (energy and pos)
0194     NEGS_S,       // total number of e/g objects found
0195     EGGOOD_S,     // number of e/g in agremeent (energy and pos)
0196     NTAUS_S,      // total number of tau objects found
0197     TAUGOOD_S,    // number of taus in agremenet (energy and pos)
0198     NSUMS_S,      // total number of sums
0199     SUMGOOD_S     // number of good sums across all events
0200   };
0202   enum problemCauses {
0203     NEVENTS_P = 1,  // total number of events
0204     JETCOLLSIZE,    // no. events with different data/emul obj. in jet coll.
0205     EGCOLLSIZE,     // no. events with different data/emul obj. in eg coll.
0206     TAUCOLLSIZE,    // no. events with different data/emul obj. in tau coll.
0207     JETMISMATCH,    // no. events failed due to a jet mismatch
0208     EGMISMATCH,     // no. events failed due to an e/g mismatch
0209     TAUMISMATCH,    // no. events failed due to a tau mismatch
0210     SUMMISMATCH     // no. events failed due to a sum mismatch
0211   };
0219   enum sumVars {
0220     NSUMS = 1,
0221     SUMGOOD,
0222     NETTSUMS,
0223     ETTSUMGOOD,
0224     NHTTSUMS,
0225     HTTSUMGOOD,
0226     NMETSUMS,
0227     METSUMGOOD,
0228     NMHTSUMS,
0229     MHTSUMGOOD,
0230     NMBHFSUMS,
0232     NTOWCOUNTS,
0238   };
0240   // objects to represent individual plots shown in DQM
0241   MonitorElement* agreementSummary;
0242   MonitorElement* jetSummary;
0243   MonitorElement* tauSummary;
0244   MonitorElement* egSummary;
0245   MonitorElement* sumSummary;
0246   MonitorElement* problemSummary;
0248   // histograms to store the properties of mismatched jets
0249   MonitorElement* jetEtData;
0250   MonitorElement* jetEtaData;
0251   MonitorElement* jetPhiData;
0252   MonitorElement* jetQualData;
0253   MonitorElement* jetEtEmul;
0254   MonitorElement* jetEtaEmul;
0255   MonitorElement* jetPhiEmul;
0256   MonitorElement* jetQualEmul;
0257   MonitorElement* jet2DEtaPhiData;  // This histogram will be filled only if enable2DComp is true
0258   MonitorElement* jet2DEtaPhiEmul;  // This histogram will be filled only if enable2DComp is true
0260   // histograms to store the properties of mismatched non-isolated e/g
0261   MonitorElement* egEtData;
0262   MonitorElement* egEtaData;
0263   MonitorElement* egPhiData;
0264   MonitorElement* egIsoData;
0265   MonitorElement* egEtEmul;
0266   MonitorElement* egEtaEmul;
0267   MonitorElement* egPhiEmul;
0268   MonitorElement* egIsoEmul;
0269   MonitorElement* eg2DEtaPhiData;  // This histogram will be filled only if enable2DComp is true
0270   MonitorElement* eg2DEtaPhiEmul;  // This histogram will be filled only if enable2DComp is true
0272   // histograms to store the properties of mismatched isolated e/g
0273   MonitorElement* isoEgEtData;
0274   MonitorElement* isoEgEtaData;
0275   MonitorElement* isoEgPhiData;
0276   MonitorElement* isoEgEtEmul;
0277   MonitorElement* isoEgEtaEmul;
0278   MonitorElement* isoEgPhiEmul;
0279   MonitorElement* isoEg2DEtaPhiData;  // This histogram will be filled only if enable2DComp is true
0280   MonitorElement* isoEg2DEtaPhiEmul;  // This histogram will be filled only if enable2DComp is true
0282   // histograms to store the properties of mismatched non-isolated taus
0283   MonitorElement* tauEtData;
0284   MonitorElement* tauEtaData;
0285   MonitorElement* tauPhiData;
0286   MonitorElement* tauIsoData;
0287   MonitorElement* tauEtEmul;
0288   MonitorElement* tauEtaEmul;
0289   MonitorElement* tauPhiEmul;
0290   MonitorElement* tauIsoEmul;
0291   MonitorElement* tau2DEtaPhiData;  // This histogram will be filled only if enable2DComp is true
0292   MonitorElement* tau2DEtaPhiEmul;  // This histogram will be filled only if enable2DComp is true
0294   // histograms to store the properties of mismatched isolated taus
0295   MonitorElement* isoTauEtData;
0296   MonitorElement* isoTauEtaData;
0297   MonitorElement* isoTauPhiData;
0298   MonitorElement* isoTauEtEmul;
0299   MonitorElement* isoTauEtaEmul;
0300   MonitorElement* isoTauPhiEmul;
0301   MonitorElement* isoTau2DEtaPhiData;  // This histogram will be filled only if enable2DComp is true
0302   MonitorElement* isoTau2DEtaPhiEmul;  // This histogram will be filled only if enable2DComp is true
0304   // histograms for mismatched ett sums
0305   MonitorElement* ettData;
0306   MonitorElement* ettEmul;
0307   MonitorElement* ettHFData;
0308   MonitorElement* ettHFEmul;
0309   MonitorElement* ettEmData;
0310   MonitorElement* ettEmEmul;
0312   // mismatched htt sums
0313   MonitorElement* httData;
0314   MonitorElement* httEmul;
0315   MonitorElement* httHFData;
0316   MonitorElement* httHFEmul;
0318   // mismatched met sums
0319   MonitorElement* metEtData;
0320   MonitorElement* metEtEmul;
0321   MonitorElement* metPhiData;
0322   MonitorElement* metPhiEmul;
0323   MonitorElement* metHFEtData;
0324   MonitorElement* metHFEtEmul;
0325   MonitorElement* metHFPhiData;
0326   MonitorElement* metHFPhiEmul;
0328   // mismatched mht sums
0329   MonitorElement* mhtEtData;
0330   MonitorElement* mhtEtEmul;
0331   MonitorElement* mhtPhiData;
0332   MonitorElement* mhtPhiEmul;
0333   MonitorElement* mhtHFEtData;
0334   MonitorElement* mhtHFEtEmul;
0335   MonitorElement* mhtHFPhiData;
0336   MonitorElement* mhtHFPhiEmul;
0338   // mismatched min bias sums
0339   MonitorElement* mbhfp0Data;
0340   MonitorElement* mbhfp0Emul;
0341   MonitorElement* mbhfm0Data;
0342   MonitorElement* mbhfm0Emul;
0343   MonitorElement* mbhfp1Data;
0344   MonitorElement* mbhfp1Emul;
0345   MonitorElement* mbhfm1Data;
0346   MonitorElement* mbhfm1Emul;
0348   // mismatched towercount sum
0349   MonitorElement* towCountData;
0350   MonitorElement* towCountEmul;
0352   // mismatched assymetry
0354   MonitorElement* asymCountData;
0355   MonitorElement* asymCountEmul;
0357   // mismatched centrality
0359   MonitorElement* centrCountData;
0360   MonitorElement* centrCountEmul;
0362   bool verbose;
0363   bool enable2DComp;  // Default value is false. Set to true in the configuration file for enabling 2D eta-phi histograms
0365   // use only bx = 0 since it only contains RAW data (needed for emulator)
0366   const unsigned int currBx = 0;
0367 };
0369 #endif