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0001 #include <string>
0003 #include "DQM/L1TMonitor/interface/L1TdeCSCTPG.h"
0004 #include "DataFormats/MuonDetId/interface/CSCTriggerNumbering.h"
0006 L1TdeCSCTPG::L1TdeCSCTPG(const edm::ParameterSet& ps)
0007     : dataALCT_token_(consumes<CSCALCTDigiCollection>(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("dataALCT"))),
0008       emulALCT_token_(consumes<CSCALCTDigiCollection>(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("emulALCT"))),
0009       dataCLCT_token_(consumes<CSCCLCTDigiCollection>(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("dataCLCT"))),
0010       emulCLCT_token_(consumes<CSCCLCTDigiCollection>(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("emulCLCT"))),
0011       emulpreCLCT_token_(consumes<CSCCLCTPreTriggerDigiCollection>(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("emulpreCLCT"))),
0012       dataLCT_token_(consumes<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection>(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("dataLCT"))),
0013       emulLCT_token_(consumes<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection>(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("emulLCT"))),
0014       monitorDir_(ps.getParameter<std::string>("monitorDir")),
0016       chambers_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<std::string>>("chambers")),
0017       dataEmul_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<std::string>>("dataEmul")),
0019       // variables
0020       alctVars_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<std::string>>("alctVars")),
0021       clctVars_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<std::string>>("clctVars")),
0022       lctVars_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<std::string>>("lctVars")),
0024       // binning
0025       alctNBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<unsigned>>("alctNBin")),
0026       clctNBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<unsigned>>("clctNBin")),
0027       lctNBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<unsigned>>("lctNBin")),
0028       alctMinBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("alctMinBin")),
0029       clctMinBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("clctMinBin")),
0030       lctMinBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("lctMinBin")),
0031       alctMaxBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("alctMaxBin")),
0032       clctMaxBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("clctMaxBin")),
0033       lctMaxBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("lctMaxBin")),
0034       // options for test stands at B904
0035       useB904ME11_(ps.getParameter<bool>("useB904ME11")),
0036       useB904ME21_(ps.getParameter<bool>("useB904ME21")),
0037       useB904ME234s2_(ps.getParameter<bool>("useB904ME234s2")),
0038       isRun3_(ps.getParameter<bool>("isRun3")),
0039       make1DPlots_(ps.getParameter<bool>("make1DPlots")),
0040       preTriggerAnalysis_(ps.getParameter<bool>("preTriggerAnalysis")) {
0041   useB904_ = useB904ME11_ or useB904ME21_ or useB904ME234s2_;
0042 }
0044 L1TdeCSCTPG::~L1TdeCSCTPG() {}
0046 void L1TdeCSCTPG::bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker& iBooker, const edm::Run&, const edm::EventSetup&) {
0047   iBooker.setCurrentFolder(monitorDir_);
0049   // remove the non-ME1/1 chambers from the list when useB904ME11 is set to true
0050   if (useB904ME11_) {
0051     chambers_.resize(1);
0052   }
0053   // similar for ME2/1
0054   else if (useB904ME21_) {
0055     auto temp = chambers_[3];
0056     chambers_.resize(1);
0057     chambers_[0] = temp;
0058   }
0059   // similar for ME4/2
0060   else if (useB904ME234s2_) {
0061     auto temp = chambers_.back();
0062     chambers_.resize(1);
0063     chambers_[0] = temp;
0064   }
0065   // collision data in Run-3
0066   else if (isRun3_) {
0067     clctVars_.resize(9);
0068     lctVars_.resize(9);
0069   }
0070   // do not analyze Run-3 properties in Run-1 and Run-2 eras
0071   else {
0072     clctVars_.resize(4);
0073     lctVars_.resize(5);
0074   }
0076   // 1D plots for experts
0077   if (useB904ME11_ or useB904ME21_ or useB904ME234s2_ or make1DPlots_) {
0078     // chamber type
0079     for (unsigned iType = 0; iType < chambers_.size(); iType++) {
0080       // data vs emulator
0081       for (unsigned iData = 0; iData < dataEmul_.size(); iData++) {
0082         // alct variable
0083         for (unsigned iVar = 0; iVar < alctVars_.size(); iVar++) {
0084           const std::string key("alct_" + alctVars_[iVar] + "_" + dataEmul_[iData]);
0085           const std::string histName(key + "_" + chambers_[iType]);
0086           const std::string histTitle(chambers_[iType] + " ALCT " + alctVars_[iVar] + " (" + dataEmul_[iData] + ") ");
0087           chamberHistos[iType][key] =
0088               iBooker.book1D(histName, histTitle, alctNBin_[iVar], alctMinBin_[iVar], alctMaxBin_[iVar]);
0089           chamberHistos[iType][key]->getTH1()->SetMinimum(0);
0090         }
0092         // clct variable
0093         for (unsigned iVar = 0; iVar < clctVars_.size(); iVar++) {
0094           const std::string key("clct_" + clctVars_[iVar] + "_" + dataEmul_[iData]);
0095           const std::string histName(key + "_" + chambers_[iType]);
0096           const std::string histTitle(chambers_[iType] + " CLCT " + clctVars_[iVar] + " (" + dataEmul_[iData] + ") ");
0097           chamberHistos[iType][key] =
0098               iBooker.book1D(histName, histTitle, clctNBin_[iVar], clctMinBin_[iVar], clctMaxBin_[iVar]);
0099           chamberHistos[iType][key]->getTH1()->SetMinimum(0);
0100         }
0102         // lct variable
0103         for (unsigned iVar = 0; iVar < lctVars_.size(); iVar++) {
0104           const std::string key("lct_" + lctVars_[iVar] + "_" + dataEmul_[iData]);
0105           const std::string histName(key + "_" + chambers_[iType]);
0106           const std::string histTitle(chambers_[iType] + " LCT " + lctVars_[iVar] + " (" + dataEmul_[iData] + ") ");
0107           chamberHistos[iType][key] =
0108               iBooker.book1D(histName, histTitle, lctNBin_[iVar], lctMinBin_[iVar], lctMaxBin_[iVar]);
0109           chamberHistos[iType][key]->getTH1()->SetMinimum(0);
0110         }
0111       }
0112     }
0113   }
0115   // 2D summary plots
0117   // These plots are for showing the efficiency that the unpacked data are being correctly emulated (having a emulated data counterpart)
0118   lctDataSummary_denom_ = iBooker.book2D("lct_csctp_data_summary_denom", "LCT Summary", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0119   lctDataSummary_num_ = iBooker.book2D("lct_csctp_data_summary_num", "LCT Summary", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0120   alctDataSummary_denom_ = iBooker.book2D("alct_csctp_data_summary_denom", "ALCT Summary", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0121   alctDataSummary_num_ = iBooker.book2D("alct_csctp_data_summary_num", "ALCT Summary", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0122   clctDataSummary_denom_ = iBooker.book2D("clct_csctp_data_summary_denom", "CLCT Summary", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0123   clctDataSummary_num_ = iBooker.book2D("clct_csctp_data_summary_num", "CLCT Summary", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0125   // These plots are for showing the fraction of emulated data that does not have counterparts in the unpacked data
0126   lctEmulSummary_denom_ = iBooker.book2D("lct_csctp_emul_summary_denom", "LCT Summary", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0127   lctEmulSummary_num_ = iBooker.book2D("lct_csctp_emul_summary_num", "LCT Summary", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0128   alctEmulSummary_denom_ = iBooker.book2D("alct_csctp_emul_summary_denom", "ALCT Summary", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0129   alctEmulSummary_num_ = iBooker.book2D("alct_csctp_emul_summary_num", "ALCT Summary", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0130   clctEmulSummary_denom_ = iBooker.book2D("clct_csctp_emul_summary_denom", "CLCT Summary", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0131   clctEmulSummary_num_ = iBooker.book2D("clct_csctp_emul_summary_num", "CLCT Summary", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0133   // x labels
0134   lctDataSummary_denom_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0135   lctDataSummary_num_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0136   alctDataSummary_denom_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0137   alctDataSummary_num_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0138   clctDataSummary_denom_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0139   clctDataSummary_num_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0141   lctEmulSummary_denom_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0142   lctEmulSummary_num_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0143   alctEmulSummary_denom_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0144   alctEmulSummary_num_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0145   clctEmulSummary_denom_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0146   clctEmulSummary_num_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0148   // plotting option
0149   lctDataSummary_denom_->setOption("colz");
0150   lctDataSummary_num_->setOption("colz");
0151   alctDataSummary_denom_->setOption("colz");
0152   alctDataSummary_num_->setOption("colz");
0153   clctDataSummary_denom_->setOption("colz");
0154   clctDataSummary_num_->setOption("colz");
0156   lctEmulSummary_denom_->setOption("colz");
0157   lctEmulSummary_num_->setOption("colz");
0158   alctEmulSummary_denom_->setOption("colz");
0159   alctEmulSummary_num_->setOption("colz");
0160   clctEmulSummary_denom_->setOption("colz");
0161   clctEmulSummary_num_->setOption("colz");
0163   // summary plots
0164   const std::array<std::string, 9> suffix_label{{"4/2", "4/1", "3/2", "3/1", " 2/2", "2/1", "1/3", "1/2", "1/1"}};
0166   // y labels
0167   for (int ybin = 1; ybin <= 9; ++ybin) {
0168     lctDataSummary_denom_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0169     lctDataSummary_num_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0170     alctDataSummary_denom_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0171     alctDataSummary_num_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0172     clctDataSummary_denom_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0173     clctDataSummary_num_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0175     lctEmulSummary_denom_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0176     lctEmulSummary_num_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0177     alctEmulSummary_denom_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0178     alctEmulSummary_num_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0179     clctEmulSummary_denom_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0180     clctEmulSummary_num_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0182     lctDataSummary_denom_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0183     lctDataSummary_num_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0184     alctDataSummary_denom_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0185     alctDataSummary_num_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0186     clctDataSummary_denom_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0187     clctDataSummary_num_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0189     lctEmulSummary_denom_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0190     lctEmulSummary_num_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0191     alctEmulSummary_denom_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0192     alctEmulSummary_num_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0193     clctEmulSummary_denom_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0194     clctEmulSummary_num_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0195   }
0196 }
0198 void L1TdeCSCTPG::analyze(const edm::Event& e, const edm::EventSetup& c) {
0199   // handles
0200   edm::Handle<CSCALCTDigiCollection> dataALCTs;
0201   edm::Handle<CSCALCTDigiCollection> emulALCTs;
0202   edm::Handle<CSCCLCTDigiCollection> dataCLCTs;
0203   edm::Handle<CSCCLCTDigiCollection> emulCLCTs;
0204   edm::Handle<CSCCLCTPreTriggerDigiCollection> emulpreCLCTs;
0205   edm::Handle<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection> dataLCTs;
0206   edm::Handle<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection> emulLCTs;
0208   e.getByToken(dataALCT_token_, dataALCTs);
0209   e.getByToken(emulALCT_token_, emulALCTs);
0210   e.getByToken(dataCLCT_token_, dataCLCTs);
0211   e.getByToken(emulCLCT_token_, emulCLCTs);
0212   e.getByToken(dataLCT_token_, dataLCTs);
0213   e.getByToken(emulLCT_token_, emulLCTs);
0214   // only do pre-trigger analysis when B904 setup is used
0215   if (useB904_)
0216     e.getByToken(emulpreCLCT_token_, emulpreCLCTs);
0218   // 1D plots for experts
0219   if (useB904ME11_ or useB904ME21_ or useB904ME234s2_ or make1DPlots_) {
0220     for (auto it = dataALCTs->begin(); it != dataALCTs->end(); it++) {
0221       auto range = dataALCTs->get((*it).first);
0222       const CSCDetId& detid((*it).first);
0223       int type = ((*it).first).iChamberType() - 2;
0224       // ignore non-ME1/1 chambers when using B904 test-stand data
0225       if (useB904ME11_ and !(detid.isME11()))
0226         continue;
0227       if (useB904ME21_ and !(detid.isME21()))
0228         continue;
0229       if (useB904ME234s2_ and !(detid.isME22() or detid.isME32() or detid.isME42()))
0230         continue;
0231       // to prevent crashes because you are booking histos for single b904 chamber
0232       if (useB904ME234s2_ or useB904ME21_)
0233         type = 0;
0234       for (auto alct = range.first; alct != range.second; alct++) {
0235         if (alct->isValid()) {
0236           chamberHistos[type]["alct_quality_data"]->Fill(alct->getQuality());
0237           chamberHistos[type]["alct_wiregroup_data"]->Fill(alct->getKeyWG());
0238           chamberHistos[type]["alct_bx_data"]->Fill(alct->getBX());
0239         }
0240       }
0241     }
0243     for (auto it = emulALCTs->begin(); it != emulALCTs->end(); it++) {
0244       auto range = emulALCTs->get((*it).first);
0245       const CSCDetId& detid((*it).first);
0246       int type = ((*it).first).iChamberType() - 2;
0247       // ignore non-ME1/1 chambers when using B904 test-stand data
0248       if (useB904ME11_ and !(detid.isME11()))
0249         continue;
0250       if (useB904ME21_ and !(detid.isME21()))
0251         continue;
0252       if (useB904ME234s2_ and !(detid.isME22() or detid.isME32() or detid.isME42()))
0253         continue;
0254       // to prevent crashes because you are booking histos for single b904 chamber
0255       if (useB904ME234s2_ or useB904ME21_)
0256         type = 0;
0257       for (auto alct = range.first; alct != range.second; alct++) {
0258         if (alct->isValid()) {
0259           chamberHistos[type]["alct_quality_emul"]->Fill(alct->getQuality());
0260           chamberHistos[type]["alct_wiregroup_emul"]->Fill(alct->getKeyWG());
0261           chamberHistos[type]["alct_bx_emul"]->Fill(alct->getBX());
0262         }
0263       }
0264     }
0266     // temporary containers for B904 analysis
0267     std::vector<CSCCLCTDigi> tempdata;
0268     std::vector<CSCCLCTDigi> tempemul;
0270     for (auto it = dataCLCTs->begin(); it != dataCLCTs->end(); it++) {
0271       auto range = dataCLCTs->get((*it).first);
0272       const CSCDetId& detid((*it).first);
0273       int type = ((*it).first).iChamberType() - 2;
0274       // ignore non-ME1/1 chambers when using B904 test-stand data
0275       if (useB904ME11_ and !(detid.isME11()))
0276         continue;
0277       if (useB904ME21_ and !(detid.isME21()))
0278         continue;
0279       if (useB904ME234s2_ and !(detid.isME22() or detid.isME32() or detid.isME42()))
0280         continue;
0281       // to prevent crashes because you are booking histos for single b904 chamber
0282       if (useB904ME234s2_ or useB904ME21_)
0283         type = 0;
0284       for (auto clct = range.first; clct != range.second; clct++) {
0285         if (clct->isValid()) {
0286           if (preTriggerAnalysis_) {
0287             tempdata.push_back(*clct);
0288           }
0289           chamberHistos[type]["clct_pattern_data"]->Fill(clct->getPattern());
0290           chamberHistos[type]["clct_quality_data"]->Fill(clct->getQuality());
0291           chamberHistos[type]["clct_halfstrip_data"]->Fill(clct->getKeyStrip());
0292           chamberHistos[type]["clct_bend_data"]->Fill(clct->getBend());
0293           if (isRun3_) {
0294             chamberHistos[type]["clct_run3pattern_data"]->Fill(clct->getRun3Pattern());
0295             chamberHistos[type]["clct_quartstrip_data"]->Fill(clct->getKeyStrip(4));
0296             chamberHistos[type]["clct_eighthstrip_data"]->Fill(clct->getKeyStrip(8));
0297             chamberHistos[type]["clct_slope_data"]->Fill(clct->getSlope());
0298             chamberHistos[type]["clct_compcode_data"]->Fill(clct->getCompCode());
0299             if (useB904_) {
0300               chamberHistos[type]["clct_quartstripbit_data"]->Fill(clct->getQuartStripBit());
0301               chamberHistos[type]["clct_eighthstripbit_data"]->Fill(clct->getEighthStripBit());
0302             }
0303           }
0304         }
0305       }
0306     }
0308     for (auto it = emulCLCTs->begin(); it != emulCLCTs->end(); it++) {
0309       auto range = emulCLCTs->get((*it).first);
0310       const CSCDetId& detid((*it).first);
0311       int type = ((*it).first).iChamberType() - 2;
0312       // ignore non-ME1/1 chambers when using B904 test-stand data
0313       if (useB904ME11_ and !(detid.isME11()))
0314         continue;
0315       if (useB904ME21_ and !(detid.isME21()))
0316         continue;
0317       if (useB904ME234s2_ and !(detid.isME22() or detid.isME32() or detid.isME42()))
0318         continue;
0319       // to prevent crashes because you are booking histos for single b904 chamber
0320       if (useB904ME234s2_ or useB904ME21_)
0321         type = 0;
0322       for (auto clct = range.first; clct != range.second; clct++) {
0323         if (clct->isValid()) {
0324           if (preTriggerAnalysis_) {
0325             tempemul.push_back(*clct);
0326           }
0327           chamberHistos[type]["clct_pattern_emul"]->Fill(clct->getPattern());
0328           chamberHistos[type]["clct_quality_emul"]->Fill(clct->getQuality());
0329           chamberHistos[type]["clct_halfstrip_emul"]->Fill(clct->getKeyStrip());
0330           chamberHistos[type]["clct_bend_emul"]->Fill(clct->getBend());
0331           if (isRun3_) {
0332             chamberHistos[type]["clct_run3pattern_emul"]->Fill(clct->getRun3Pattern());
0333             chamberHistos[type]["clct_quartstrip_emul"]->Fill(clct->getKeyStrip(4));
0334             chamberHistos[type]["clct_eighthstrip_emul"]->Fill(clct->getKeyStrip(8));
0335             chamberHistos[type]["clct_slope_emul"]->Fill(clct->getSlope());
0336             chamberHistos[type]["clct_compcode_emul"]->Fill(clct->getCompCode());
0337             if (useB904_) {
0338               chamberHistos[type]["clct_quartstripbit_emul"]->Fill(clct->getQuartStripBit());
0339               chamberHistos[type]["clct_eighthstripbit_emul"]->Fill(clct->getEighthStripBit());
0340             }
0341           }
0342         }
0343       }
0344     }
0346     // Pre-trigger analysis
0347     if (preTriggerAnalysis_) {
0348       if (tempdata.size() != tempemul.size()) {
0349         for (auto& clct : tempdata) {
0350           edm::LogWarning("L1TdeCSCTPG") << "data" << clct;
0351         }
0352         for (auto& clct : tempemul) {
0353           edm::LogWarning("L1TdeCSCTPG") << "emul" << clct;
0354         }
0355         for (auto it = emulpreCLCTs->begin(); it != emulpreCLCTs->end(); it++) {
0356           auto range = emulpreCLCTs->get((*it).first);
0357           for (auto clct = range.first; clct != range.second; clct++) {
0358             edm::LogWarning("L1TdeCSCTPG") << "emul pre" << *clct;
0359           }
0360         }
0361       }
0362     }
0364     for (auto it = dataLCTs->begin(); it != dataLCTs->end(); it++) {
0365       auto range = dataLCTs->get((*it).first);
0366       const CSCDetId& detid((*it).first);
0367       int type = ((*it).first).iChamberType() - 2;
0368       // ignore non-ME1/1 chambers when using B904 test-stand data
0369       if (useB904ME11_ and !(detid.isME11()))
0370         continue;
0371       if (useB904ME21_ and !(detid.isME21()))
0372         continue;
0373       if (useB904ME234s2_ and !(detid.isME22() or detid.isME32() or detid.isME42()))
0374         continue;
0375       // to prevent crashes because you are booking histos for single b904 chamber
0376       if (useB904ME234s2_ or useB904ME21_)
0377         type = 0;
0378       for (auto lct = range.first; lct != range.second; lct++) {
0379         if (lct->isValid()) {
0380           chamberHistos[type]["lct_pattern_data"]->Fill(lct->getPattern());
0381           chamberHistos[type]["lct_quality_data"]->Fill(lct->getQuality());
0382           chamberHistos[type]["lct_wiregroup_data"]->Fill(lct->getKeyWG());
0383           chamberHistos[type]["lct_halfstrip_data"]->Fill(lct->getStrip());
0384           chamberHistos[type]["lct_bend_data"]->Fill(lct->getBend());
0385           if (isRun3_) {
0386             chamberHistos[type]["lct_run3pattern_data"]->Fill(lct->getRun3Pattern());
0387             chamberHistos[type]["lct_slope_data"]->Fill(lct->getSlope());
0388             chamberHistos[type]["lct_quartstrip_data"]->Fill(lct->getStrip(4));
0389             chamberHistos[type]["lct_eighthstrip_data"]->Fill(lct->getStrip(8));
0390             if (useB904_) {
0391               chamberHistos[type]["lct_quartstripbit_data"]->Fill(lct->getQuartStripBit());
0392               chamberHistos[type]["lct_eighthstripbit_data"]->Fill(lct->getEighthStripBit());
0393             }
0394           }
0395         }
0396       }
0397     }
0399     for (auto it = emulLCTs->begin(); it != emulLCTs->end(); it++) {
0400       auto range = emulLCTs->get((*it).first);
0401       const CSCDetId& detid((*it).first);
0402       int type = ((*it).first).iChamberType() - 2;
0403       // ignore non-ME1/1 chambers when using B904 test-stand data
0404       if (useB904ME11_ and !(detid.isME11()))
0405         continue;
0406       if (useB904ME21_ and !(detid.isME21()))
0407         continue;
0408       if (useB904ME234s2_ and !(detid.isME22() or detid.isME32() or detid.isME42()))
0409         continue;
0410       // to prevent crashes because you are booking histos for single b904 chamber
0411       if (useB904ME234s2_ or useB904ME21_)
0412         type = 0;
0413       for (auto lct = range.first; lct != range.second; lct++) {
0414         if (lct->isValid()) {
0415           chamberHistos[type]["lct_pattern_emul"]->Fill(lct->getPattern());
0416           chamberHistos[type]["lct_quality_emul"]->Fill(lct->getQuality());
0417           chamberHistos[type]["lct_wiregroup_emul"]->Fill(lct->getKeyWG());
0418           chamberHistos[type]["lct_halfstrip_emul"]->Fill(lct->getStrip());
0419           chamberHistos[type]["lct_bend_emul"]->Fill(lct->getBend());
0420           if (isRun3_) {
0421             chamberHistos[type]["lct_run3pattern_emul"]->Fill(lct->getRun3Pattern());
0422             chamberHistos[type]["lct_slope_emul"]->Fill(lct->getSlope());
0423             chamberHistos[type]["lct_quartstrip_emul"]->Fill(lct->getStrip(4));
0424             chamberHistos[type]["lct_eighthstrip_emul"]->Fill(lct->getStrip(8));
0425             if (useB904_) {
0426               chamberHistos[type]["lct_quartstripbit_emul"]->Fill(lct->getQuartStripBit());
0427               chamberHistos[type]["lct_eighthstripbit_emul"]->Fill(lct->getEighthStripBit());
0428             }
0429           }
0430         }
0431       }
0432     }
0433   }
0435   // summary plots
0436   const std::map<std::pair<int, int>, int> histIndexCSC = {{{1, 1}, 8},
0437                                                            {{1, 2}, 7},
0438                                                            {{1, 3}, 6},
0439                                                            {{2, 1}, 5},
0440                                                            {{2, 2}, 4},
0441                                                            {{3, 1}, 3},
0442                                                            {{3, 2}, 2},
0443                                                            {{4, 1}, 1},
0444                                                            {{4, 2}, 0}};
0446   const int min_endcap = CSCDetId::minEndcapId();
0447   const int max_endcap = CSCDetId::maxEndcapId();
0448   const int min_station = CSCDetId::minStationId();
0449   const int max_station = CSCDetId::maxStationId();
0450   const int min_sector = CSCTriggerNumbering::minTriggerSectorId();
0451   const int max_sector = CSCTriggerNumbering::maxTriggerSectorId();
0452   const int min_subsector = CSCTriggerNumbering::minTriggerSubSectorId();
0453   const int max_subsector = CSCTriggerNumbering::maxTriggerSubSectorId();
0454   const int min_chamber = CSCTriggerNumbering::minTriggerCscId();
0455   const int max_chamber = CSCTriggerNumbering::maxTriggerCscId();
0457   for (int endc = min_endcap; endc <= max_endcap; endc++) {
0458     // loop on all stations
0459     for (int stat = min_station; stat <= max_station; stat++) {
0460       int numsubs = ((stat == 1) ? max_subsector : 1);
0461       // loop on sectors and subsectors
0462       for (int sect = min_sector; sect <= max_sector; sect++) {
0463         for (int subs = min_subsector; subs <= numsubs; subs++) {
0464           // loop on all chambers
0465           for (int cham = min_chamber; cham <= max_chamber; cham++) {
0466             // extract the ring number
0467             int ring = CSCTriggerNumbering::ringFromTriggerLabels(stat, cham);
0469             // actual chamber number =/= trigger chamber number
0470             int chid = CSCTriggerNumbering::chamberFromTriggerLabels(sect, subs, stat, cham);
0472             // 0th layer means whole chamber.
0473             CSCDetId detid(endc, stat, ring, chid, 0);
0475             int chamber = detid.chamber();
0477             int sr ={stat, ring});
0478             if (endc == 1)
0479               sr = 17 - sr;
0481             // ALCT analysis
0482             auto range_dataALCT = dataALCTs->get(detid);
0483             auto range_emulALCT = emulALCTs->get(detid);
0485             for (auto dalct = range_dataALCT.first; dalct != range_dataALCT.second; dalct++) {
0486               if (dalct->isValid()) {
0487                 alctDataSummary_denom_->Fill(chamber, sr);
0488                 // check for least one matching ALCT
0489                 for (auto ealct = range_emulALCT.first; ealct != range_emulALCT.second; ealct++) {
0490                   if (ealct->isValid() and *dalct == *ealct) {
0491                     alctDataSummary_num_->Fill(chamber, sr);
0492                   }
0493                 }
0494               }
0495             }
0497             for (auto ealct = range_emulALCT.first; ealct != range_emulALCT.second; ealct++) {
0498               bool isMatched = false;
0499               if (ealct->isValid()) {
0500                 alctEmulSummary_denom_->Fill(chamber, sr);
0501                 // check for least one matching ALCT
0502                 for (auto dalct = range_dataALCT.first; dalct != range_dataALCT.second; dalct++) {
0503                   if (*dalct == *ealct)
0504                     isMatched = true;
0505                 }
0506                 // only fill when it is not matched to an ALCT
0507                 // to understand if the emulator is producing too many ALCTs
0508                 if (!isMatched) {
0509                   alctEmulSummary_num_->Fill(chamber, sr);
0510                 }
0511               }
0512             }
0514             // CLCT analysis
0515             auto range_dataCLCT = dataCLCTs->get(detid);
0516             auto range_emulCLCT = emulCLCTs->get(detid);
0518             for (auto dclct = range_dataCLCT.first; dclct != range_dataCLCT.second; dclct++) {
0519               if (dclct->isValid()) {
0520                 clctDataSummary_denom_->Fill(chamber, sr);
0521                 // check for least one matching CLCT
0522                 for (auto eclct = range_emulCLCT.first; eclct != range_emulCLCT.second; eclct++) {
0523                   if (eclct->isValid() and areSameCLCTs(*dclct, *eclct)) {
0524                     clctDataSummary_num_->Fill(chamber, sr);
0525                   }
0526                 }
0527               }
0528             }
0530             for (auto eclct = range_emulCLCT.first; eclct != range_emulCLCT.second; eclct++) {
0531               bool isMatched = false;
0532               if (eclct->isValid()) {
0533                 clctEmulSummary_denom_->Fill(chamber, sr);
0534                 // check for least one matching CLCT
0535                 for (auto dclct = range_dataCLCT.first; dclct != range_dataCLCT.second; dclct++) {
0536                   if (areSameCLCTs(*dclct, *eclct))
0537                     isMatched = true;
0538                 }
0539                 // only fill when it is not matched to an CLCT
0540                 // to understand if the emulator is producing too many CLCTs
0541                 if (!isMatched) {
0542                   clctEmulSummary_num_->Fill(chamber, sr);
0543                 }
0544               }
0545             }
0547             // LCT analysis
0548             auto range_dataLCT = dataLCTs->get(detid);
0549             auto range_emulLCT = emulLCTs->get(detid);
0551             for (auto dlct = range_dataLCT.first; dlct != range_dataLCT.second; dlct++) {
0552               if (dlct->isValid()) {
0553                 lctDataSummary_denom_->Fill(chamber, sr);
0554                 // check for least one matching LCT
0555                 for (auto elct = range_emulLCT.first; elct != range_emulLCT.second; elct++) {
0556                   if (elct->isValid() and areSameLCTs(*dlct, *elct)) {
0557                     lctDataSummary_num_->Fill(chamber, sr);
0558                   }
0559                 }
0560               }
0561             }
0563             for (auto elct = range_emulLCT.first; elct != range_emulLCT.second; elct++) {
0564               bool isMatched = false;
0565               if (elct->isValid()) {
0566                 lctEmulSummary_denom_->Fill(chamber, sr);
0567                 // check for least one matching LCT
0568                 for (auto dlct = range_dataLCT.first; dlct != range_dataLCT.second; dlct++) {
0569                   if (areSameLCTs(*dlct, *elct))
0570                     isMatched = true;
0571                 }
0572                 // only fill when it is not matched to an LCT
0573                 // to understand if the emulator is producing too many LCTs
0574                 if (!isMatched) {
0575                   lctEmulSummary_num_->Fill(chamber, sr);
0576                 }
0577               }
0578             }
0579           }
0580         }
0581       }
0582     }
0583   }
0584 }
0586 bool L1TdeCSCTPG::areSameCLCTs(const CSCCLCTDigi& lhs, const CSCCLCTDigi& rhs) const {
0587   // because the comparator code is degenerate (several comparator codes can produce the
0588   // same slope and position), we leave it out of the comparison
0589   // do not include the BX
0590   bool returnValue = false;
0591   if (lhs.isValid() == rhs.isValid() && lhs.getQuality() == rhs.getQuality() && lhs.getPattern() == rhs.getPattern() &&
0592       lhs.getRun3Pattern() == rhs.getRun3Pattern() && lhs.getKeyStrip() == rhs.getKeyStrip() &&
0593       lhs.getStripType() == rhs.getStripType() && lhs.getBend() == rhs.getBend() &&
0594       lhs.getQuartStripBit() == rhs.getQuartStripBit() && lhs.getEighthStripBit() == rhs.getEighthStripBit()) {
0595     returnValue = true;
0596   }
0597   return returnValue;
0598 }
0600 bool L1TdeCSCTPG::areSameLCTs(const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi& lhs, const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi& rhs) const {
0601   // do not include the BX
0602   bool returnValue = false;
0603   if (lhs.isValid() == rhs.isValid() && lhs.getQuality() == rhs.getQuality() && lhs.getPattern() == rhs.getPattern() &&
0604       lhs.getRun3Pattern() == rhs.getRun3Pattern() && lhs.getStrip() == rhs.getStrip() &&
0605       lhs.getStripType() == rhs.getStripType() && lhs.getBend() == rhs.getBend() &&
0606       lhs.getQuartStripBit() == rhs.getQuartStripBit() && lhs.getEighthStripBit() == rhs.getEighthStripBit() &&
0607       lhs.getKeyWG() == rhs.getKeyWG()) {
0608     returnValue = true;
0609   }
0610   return returnValue;
0611 }