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0001 #include "DQM/L1TMonitorClient/interface/L1TdeCSCTPGClient.h"
0003 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
0004 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0005 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
0006 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
0007 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0008 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
0009 #include "TRandom.h"
0010 using namespace edm;
0011 using namespace std;
0013 L1TdeCSCTPGClient::L1TdeCSCTPGClient(const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
0014     : monitorDir_(ps.getParameter<string>("monitorDir")),
0015       chambers_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<std::string>>("chambers")),
0016       // variables
0017       alctVars_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<std::string>>("alctVars")),
0018       clctVars_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<std::string>>("clctVars")),
0019       lctVars_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<std::string>>("lctVars")),
0020       // binning
0021       alctNBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<unsigned>>("alctNBin")),
0022       clctNBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<unsigned>>("clctNBin")),
0023       lctNBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<unsigned>>("lctNBin")),
0024       alctMinBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("alctMinBin")),
0025       clctMinBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("clctMinBin")),
0026       lctMinBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("lctMinBin")),
0027       alctMaxBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("alctMaxBin")),
0028       clctMaxBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("clctMaxBin")),
0029       lctMaxBin_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("lctMaxBin")),
0030       useB904ME11_(ps.getParameter<bool>("useB904ME11")),
0031       useB904ME21_(ps.getParameter<bool>("useB904ME21")),
0032       useB904ME234s2_(ps.getParameter<bool>("useB904ME234s2")),
0033       isRun3_(ps.getParameter<bool>("isRun3")),
0034       // by default the DQM will make 2D summary plots. Do you also want
0035       // the very large number of 1D plots? Typically only for testing at B904 or
0036       // on select P5 data
0037       make1DPlots_(ps.getParameter<bool>("make1DPlots")) {
0038   useB904_ = useB904ME11_ or useB904ME21_ or useB904ME234s2_;
0039 }
0041 L1TdeCSCTPGClient::~L1TdeCSCTPGClient() {}
0043 void L1TdeCSCTPGClient::dqmEndLuminosityBlock(DQMStore::IBooker &ibooker,
0044                                               DQMStore::IGetter &igetter,
0045                                               const edm::LuminosityBlock &lumiSeg,
0046                                               const edm::EventSetup &c) {
0047   book(ibooker);
0048   processHistograms(igetter);
0049 }
0051 //--------------------------------------------------------
0052 void L1TdeCSCTPGClient::dqmEndJob(DQMStore::IBooker &ibooker, DQMStore::IGetter &igetter) {
0053   book(ibooker);
0054   processHistograms(igetter);
0055 }
0057 void L1TdeCSCTPGClient::book(DQMStore::IBooker &iBooker) {
0058   iBooker.setCurrentFolder(monitorDir_);
0060   // remove the non-ME1/1 chambers from the list when useB904ME11 is set to true
0061   if (useB904ME11_) {
0062     chambers_.resize(1);
0063   }
0064   // similar for ME2/1
0065   else if (useB904ME21_) {
0066     auto temp = chambers_[3];
0067     chambers_.resize(1);
0068     chambers_[0] = temp;
0069   }
0070   // similar for ME4/2
0071   else if (useB904ME234s2_) {
0072     auto temp = chambers_.back();
0073     chambers_.resize(1);
0074     chambers_[0] = temp;
0075   }
0076   // collision data in Run-3
0077   else if (isRun3_) {
0078     clctVars_.resize(9);
0079     lctVars_.resize(9);
0080   }
0081   // do not analyze Run-3 properties in Run-1 and Run-2 eras
0082   else {
0083     clctVars_.resize(4);
0084     lctVars_.resize(5);
0085   }
0087   // 1D plots for experts
0088   if (useB904ME11_ or useB904ME21_ or useB904ME234s2_ or make1DPlots_) {
0089     // chamber type
0090     for (unsigned iType = 0; iType < chambers_.size(); iType++) {
0091       // alct variable
0092       for (unsigned iVar = 0; iVar < alctVars_.size(); iVar++) {
0093         const std::string key("alct_" + alctVars_[iVar] + "_diff");
0094         const std::string histName(key + "_" + chambers_[iType]);
0095         const std::string histTitle(chambers_[iType] + " ALCT " + alctVars_[iVar] + " (Emul - Data)");
0096         if (chamberHistos_[iType][key] == nullptr)
0097           chamberHistos_[iType][key] =
0098               iBooker.book1D(histName, histTitle, alctNBin_[iVar], alctMinBin_[iVar], alctMaxBin_[iVar]);
0099         else
0100           chamberHistos_[iType][key]->Reset();
0101       }
0103       // clct variable
0104       for (unsigned iVar = 0; iVar < clctVars_.size(); iVar++) {
0105         const std::string key("clct_" + clctVars_[iVar] + "_diff");
0106         const std::string histName(key + "_" + chambers_[iType]);
0107         const std::string histTitle(chambers_[iType] + " CLCT " + clctVars_[iVar] + " (Emul - Data)");
0108         if (chamberHistos_[iType][key] == nullptr)
0109           chamberHistos_[iType][key] =
0110               iBooker.book1D(histName, histTitle, clctNBin_[iVar], clctMinBin_[iVar], clctMaxBin_[iVar]);
0111         else
0112           chamberHistos_[iType][key]->Reset();
0113       }
0115       // lct variable
0116       for (unsigned iVar = 0; iVar < lctVars_.size(); iVar++) {
0117         const std::string key("lct_" + lctVars_[iVar] + "_diff");
0118         const std::string histName(key + "_" + chambers_[iType]);
0119         const std::string histTitle(chambers_[iType] + " LCT " + lctVars_[iVar] + " (Emul - Data)");
0120         if (chamberHistos_[iType][key] == nullptr)
0121           chamberHistos_[iType][key] =
0122               iBooker.book1D(histName, histTitle, lctNBin_[iVar], lctMinBin_[iVar], lctMaxBin_[iVar]);
0123         else
0124           chamberHistos_[iType][key]->Reset();
0125       }
0126     }
0127   }
0129   // 2D summary plots
0130   lctDataSummary_eff_ = iBooker.book2D(
0131       "lct_csctp_data_summary_eff", "Efficiency of data LCT being correctly emulated", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0132   alctDataSummary_eff_ = iBooker.book2D(
0133       "alct_csctp_data_summary_eff", "Efficiency of data ALCT being correctly emulated", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0134   clctDataSummary_eff_ = iBooker.book2D(
0135       "clct_csctp_data_summary_eff", "Efficiency of data CLCT being correctly emulated", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0137   lctEmulSummary_eff_ = iBooker.book2D(
0138       "lct_csctp_emul_summary_eff", "Fraction of emulated LCT without matching data LCT", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0139   alctEmulSummary_eff_ = iBooker.book2D(
0140       "alct_csctp_emul_summary_eff", "Fraction of emulated ALCT without matching data ALCT", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0141   clctEmulSummary_eff_ = iBooker.book2D(
0142       "clct_csctp_emul_summary_eff", "Fraction of emulated CLCT without matching data CLCT", 36, 1, 37, 18, 0, 18);
0144   // x labels
0145   lctDataSummary_eff_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0146   alctDataSummary_eff_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0147   clctDataSummary_eff_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0149   lctEmulSummary_eff_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0150   alctEmulSummary_eff_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0151   clctEmulSummary_eff_->setAxisTitle("Chamber", 1);
0153   // plotting option
0154   lctDataSummary_eff_->setOption("colz");
0155   alctDataSummary_eff_->setOption("colz");
0156   clctDataSummary_eff_->setOption("colz");
0158   lctEmulSummary_eff_->setOption("colz");
0159   alctEmulSummary_eff_->setOption("colz");
0160   clctEmulSummary_eff_->setOption("colz");
0162   // summary plots
0163   const std::array<std::string, 9> suffix_label{{"4/2", "4/1", "3/2", "3/1", " 2/2", "2/1", "1/3", "1/2", "1/1"}};
0165   // y labels
0166   for (int ybin = 1; ybin <= 9; ++ybin) {
0167     lctDataSummary_eff_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0168     alctDataSummary_eff_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0169     clctDataSummary_eff_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0171     lctEmulSummary_eff_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0172     alctEmulSummary_eff_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0173     clctEmulSummary_eff_->setBinLabel(ybin, "ME-" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0175     lctDataSummary_eff_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0176     alctDataSummary_eff_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0177     clctDataSummary_eff_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0179     lctEmulSummary_eff_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0180     alctEmulSummary_eff_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0181     clctEmulSummary_eff_->setBinLabel(19 - ybin, "ME+" + suffix_label[ybin - 1], 2);
0182   }
0183 }
0185 void L1TdeCSCTPGClient::processHistograms(DQMStore::IGetter &igetter) {
0186   MonitorElement *dataMon;
0187   MonitorElement *emulMon;
0189   // 1D plots for experts
0190   if (useB904ME11_ or useB904ME21_ or useB904ME234s2_ or make1DPlots_) {
0191     // chamber type
0192     for (unsigned iType = 0; iType < chambers_.size(); iType++) {
0193       // alct variable
0194       for (unsigned iVar = 0; iVar < alctVars_.size(); iVar++) {
0195         const std::string key("alct_" + alctVars_[iVar]);
0196         const std::string histData(key + "_data_" + chambers_[iType]);
0197         const std::string histEmul(key + "_emul_" + chambers_[iType]);
0199         dataMon = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/" + histData);
0200         emulMon = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/" + histEmul);
0202         if (dataMon == nullptr or emulMon == nullptr) {
0203           edm::LogWarning("L1TdeCSCTPGClient")
0204               << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " could not load the necessary histograms for harvesting " << histData << " / "
0205               << histEmul;
0206           continue;
0207         }
0209         TH1F *hDiff = chamberHistos_[iType][key + "_diff"]->getTH1F();
0211         if (dataMon && emulMon) {
0212           TH1F *hData = dataMon->getTH1F();
0213           TH1F *hEmul = emulMon->getTH1F();
0214           hDiff->Add(hEmul, hData, 1, -1);
0215         }
0216       }
0218       // clct variable
0219       for (unsigned iVar = 0; iVar < clctVars_.size(); iVar++) {
0220         const std::string key("clct_" + clctVars_[iVar]);
0221         const std::string histData(key + "_data_" + chambers_[iType]);
0222         const std::string histEmul(key + "_emul_" + chambers_[iType]);
0224         dataMon = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/" + histData);
0225         emulMon = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/" + histEmul);
0227         if (dataMon == nullptr or emulMon == nullptr) {
0228           edm::LogWarning("L1TdeCSCTPGClient")
0229               << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " could not load the necessary histograms for harvesting " << histData << " / "
0230               << histEmul;
0231           continue;
0232         }
0234         TH1F *hDiff = chamberHistos_[iType][key + "_diff"]->getTH1F();
0236         if (dataMon && emulMon) {
0237           TH1F *hData = dataMon->getTH1F();
0238           TH1F *hEmul = emulMon->getTH1F();
0239           hDiff->Add(hEmul, hData, 1, -1);
0240         }
0241       }
0243       // lct variable
0244       for (unsigned iVar = 0; iVar < lctVars_.size(); iVar++) {
0245         const std::string key("lct_" + lctVars_[iVar]);
0246         const std::string histData(key + "_data_" + chambers_[iType]);
0247         const std::string histEmul(key + "_emul_" + chambers_[iType]);
0249         dataMon = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/" + histData);
0250         emulMon = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/" + histEmul);
0252         if (dataMon == nullptr or emulMon == nullptr) {
0253           edm::LogWarning("L1TdeCSCTPGClient")
0254               << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " could not load the necessary histograms for harvesting " << histData << " / "
0255               << histEmul;
0256           continue;
0257         }
0259         TH1F *hDiff = chamberHistos_[iType][key + "_diff"]->getTH1F();
0261         if (dataMon && emulMon) {
0262           TH1F *hData = dataMon->getTH1F();
0263           TH1F *hEmul = emulMon->getTH1F();
0264           hDiff->Add(hEmul, hData, 1, -1);
0265         }
0266       }
0267     }
0268   }
0270   // 2D summary plot
0271   MonitorElement *lctDataSummary_denom_ = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/lct_csctp_data_summary_denom");
0272   MonitorElement *lctDataSummary_num_ = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/lct_csctp_data_summary_num");
0273   MonitorElement *alctDataSummary_denom_ = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/alct_csctp_data_summary_denom");
0274   MonitorElement *alctDataSummary_num_ = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/alct_csctp_data_summary_num");
0275   MonitorElement *clctDataSummary_denom_ = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/clct_csctp_data_summary_denom");
0276   MonitorElement *clctDataSummary_num_ = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/clct_csctp_data_summary_num");
0278   if (lctDataSummary_denom_ == nullptr or lctDataSummary_num_ == nullptr or alctDataSummary_denom_ == nullptr or
0279       alctDataSummary_num_ == nullptr or clctDataSummary_denom_ == nullptr or clctDataSummary_num_ == nullptr) {
0280     edm::LogWarning("L1TdeCSCTPGClient") << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
0281                                          << " could not load the necessary data histograms for 2D summary plots";
0282     return;
0283   }
0285   MonitorElement *lctEmulSummary_denom_ = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/lct_csctp_emul_summary_denom");
0286   MonitorElement *lctEmulSummary_num_ = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/lct_csctp_emul_summary_num");
0287   MonitorElement *alctEmulSummary_denom_ = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/alct_csctp_emul_summary_denom");
0288   MonitorElement *alctEmulSummary_num_ = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/alct_csctp_emul_summary_num");
0289   MonitorElement *clctEmulSummary_denom_ = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/clct_csctp_emul_summary_denom");
0290   MonitorElement *clctEmulSummary_num_ = igetter.get(monitorDir_ + "/clct_csctp_emul_summary_num");
0292   if (lctEmulSummary_denom_ == nullptr or lctEmulSummary_num_ == nullptr or alctEmulSummary_denom_ == nullptr or
0293       alctEmulSummary_num_ == nullptr or clctEmulSummary_denom_ == nullptr or clctEmulSummary_num_ == nullptr) {
0294     edm::LogWarning("L1TdeCSCTPGClient")
0295         << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " could not load the necessary emulation histograms for the 2D summary plots";
0296     return;
0297   }
0299   lctDataSummary_eff_->getTH2F()->Divide(lctDataSummary_num_->getTH2F(), lctDataSummary_denom_->getTH2F(), 1, 1, "");
0300   alctDataSummary_eff_->getTH2F()->Divide(alctDataSummary_num_->getTH2F(), alctDataSummary_denom_->getTH2F(), 1, 1, "");
0301   clctDataSummary_eff_->getTH2F()->Divide(clctDataSummary_num_->getTH2F(), clctDataSummary_denom_->getTH2F(), 1, 1, "");
0303   lctEmulSummary_eff_->getTH2F()->Divide(lctEmulSummary_num_->getTH2F(), lctEmulSummary_denom_->getTH2F(), 1, 1, "");
0304   alctEmulSummary_eff_->getTH2F()->Divide(alctEmulSummary_num_->getTH2F(), alctEmulSummary_denom_->getTH2F(), 1, 1, "");
0305   clctEmulSummary_eff_->getTH2F()->Divide(clctEmulSummary_num_->getTH2F(), clctEmulSummary_denom_->getTH2F(), 1, 1, "");
0307   // set minima to 0.95 so the contrast comes out better!
0308   lctDataSummary_eff_->getTH2F()->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.95, 1);
0309   alctDataSummary_eff_->getTH2F()->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.95, 1);
0310   clctDataSummary_eff_->getTH2F()->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.95, 1);
0311 }