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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # Pixel RawDataError Monitoring
0004 from DQM.SiPixelMonitorRawData.SiPixelMonitorRawData_cfi import * 
0005 SiPixelRawDataErrorSource.saveFile = False
0006 SiPixelRawDataErrorSource.isPIB = False
0007 SiPixelRawDataErrorSource.slowDown = False
0008 SiPixelRawDataErrorSource.reducedSet = False
0010 # Pixel Digi Monitoring
0011 from DQM.SiPixelMonitorDigi.SiPixelMonitorDigi_cfi import *
0012 SiPixelDigiSource.saveFile = False
0013 SiPixelDigiSource.isPIB = False
0014 SiPixelDigiSource.slowDown = False
0016 # Pixel Cluster Monitoring
0017 from DQM.SiPixelMonitorCluster.SiPixelMonitorCluster_cfi import *
0018 SiPixelClusterSource.saveFile = False
0020 # Pixel RecHit Monitoring
0021 from DQM.SiPixelMonitorRecHit.SiPixelMonitorRecHit_cfi import *
0022 SiPixelRecHitSource.saveFile = False
0024 # Pixel Track Monitoring
0025 from DQM.SiPixelMonitorTrack.RefitterForPixelDQM import *
0026 from DQM.SiPixelMonitorTrack.SiPixelMonitorTrack_cfi import *
0027 SiPixelTrackResidualSource.saveFile = False
0028 from DQM.SiPixelMonitorTrack.SiPixelMonitorTrack_Cosmics_cfi import *
0029 SiPixelTrackResidualSource_Cosmics.saveFile = False
0030 from DQM.SiPixelMonitorTrack.SiPixelMonitorEfficiency_cfi import *
0031 SiPixelHitEfficiencySource.saveFile = False
0032 from DQM.TrackerMonitorTrack.SiPixelMonitorTrackResiduals_cfi import *
0034 ##online/offline
0035 #RawDataErrors
0036 SiPixelRawDataErrorSource.modOn = False
0037 SiPixelRawDataErrorSource.ladOn = True
0038 SiPixelRawDataErrorSource.bladeOn = True
0039 #Digi
0040 SiPixelDigiSource.modOn = False
0041 SiPixelDigiSource.twoDimOn = False
0042 SiPixelDigiSource.reducedSet = True
0043 SiPixelDigiSource.hiRes = False
0044 SiPixelDigiSource.twoDimModOn = False
0045 SiPixelDigiSource.twoDimOnlyLayDisk = False
0046 SiPixelDigiSource.ladOn = True
0047 SiPixelDigiSource.layOn = True
0048 SiPixelDigiSource.phiOn = False
0049 SiPixelDigiSource.bladeOn = True
0050 SiPixelDigiSource.diskOn = True
0051 SiPixelDigiSource.ringOn = False
0052 SiPixelDigiSource.bigEventSize = 2600
0053 #Cluster
0054 SiPixelClusterSource.modOn = False
0055 SiPixelClusterSource.twoDimOn = False
0056 SiPixelClusterSource.reducedSet = True
0057 SiPixelClusterSource.ladOn = True
0058 SiPixelClusterSource.layOn = True
0059 SiPixelClusterSource.phiOn = False
0060 SiPixelClusterSource.bladeOn = True
0061 SiPixelClusterSource.diskOn = True
0062 SiPixelClusterSource.ringOn = False
0063 SiPixelClusterSource.bigEventSize = 180
0064 #RecHit
0065 SiPixelRecHitSource.modOn = False
0066 SiPixelRecHitSource.twoDimOn = False
0067 SiPixelRecHitSource.reducedSet = True
0068 SiPixelRecHitSource.ladOn = True
0069 SiPixelRecHitSource.layOn = True
0070 SiPixelRecHitSource.phiOn = False   
0071 SiPixelRecHitSource.bladeOn = True
0072 SiPixelRecHitSource.diskOn = True
0073 SiPixelRecHitSource.ringOn = False
0075 #Track
0076 SiPixelTrackResidualSource.modOn = False
0077 SiPixelTrackResidualSource.ladOn = True
0078 SiPixelTrackResidualSource.layOn = True
0079 SiPixelTrackResidualSource.phiOn = False    
0080 SiPixelTrackResidualSource.bladeOn = True
0081 SiPixelTrackResidualSource.diskOn = True
0082 SiPixelTrackResidualSource.ringOn = False
0083 SiPixelTrackResidualSource_Cosmics.modOn = False
0084 SiPixelTrackResidualSource_Cosmics.ladOn = True
0085 SiPixelTrackResidualSource_Cosmics.layOn = True
0086 SiPixelTrackResidualSource_Cosmics.phiOn = False    
0087 SiPixelTrackResidualSource_Cosmics.bladeOn = True
0088 SiPixelTrackResidualSource_Cosmics.diskOn = True
0089 SiPixelTrackResidualSource_Cosmics.ringOn = False
0090 SiPixelHitEfficiencySource.modOn = False
0091 SiPixelHitEfficiencySource.ladOn = True
0092 SiPixelHitEfficiencySource.layOn = False
0093 SiPixelHitEfficiencySource.phiOn = False
0094 SiPixelHitEfficiencySource.bladeOn = True
0095 SiPixelHitEfficiencySource.diskOn = False
0096 SiPixelHitEfficiencySource.ringOn = False
0098 #HI track modules
0099 hiTracks = "hiGeneralTracks"
0100 hiRefittedForPixelDQM= refittedForPixelDQM.clone(
0101     src = hiTracks
0102 )
0104 SiPixelTrackResidualSource_HeavyIons = SiPixelTrackResidualSource.clone(
0105     vtxsrc = 'hiSelectedVertex'
0106 )
0108 SiPixelHitEfficiencySource_HeavyIons = SiPixelHitEfficiencySource.clone(
0109     vtxsrc = 'hiSelectedVertex'
0110 )
0113 #DQM service
0114 from DQMServices.Core.DQMEDAnalyzer import DQMEDAnalyzer
0115 dqmInfo = DQMEDAnalyzer('DQMEventInfo',
0116     subSystemFolder = cms.untracked.string('Pixel')
0117 )
0119 #Check if perLSsaving is enabled to mask MEs vs LS
0120 from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.dqmPerLSsaving_cff import dqmPerLSsaving
0121 dqmPerLSsaving.toModify(SiPixelDigiSource, perLSsaving=True)
0123 #FED integrity
0124 from DQM.SiPixelMonitorRawData.SiPixelMonitorHLT_cfi import *
0126 siPixelOfflineDQM_source = cms.Sequence(SiPixelHLTSource + SiPixelRawDataErrorSource + SiPixelDigiSource + SiPixelRecHitSource + SiPixelClusterSource + refittedForPixelDQM + SiPixelTrackResidualSource + SiPixelHitEfficiencySource + SiPixelMonitorTrackResiduals + dqmInfo)
0128 siPixelOfflineDQM_cosmics_source = cms.Sequence(SiPixelHLTSource + SiPixelRawDataErrorSource + SiPixelDigiSource + SiPixelRecHitSource + SiPixelClusterSource + SiPixelTrackResidualSource_Cosmics + dqmInfo)
0130 siPixelOfflineDQM_heavyions_source = cms.Sequence(SiPixelHLTSource + SiPixelRawDataErrorSource + SiPixelDigiSource + SiPixelRecHitSource + SiPixelClusterSource + hiRefittedForPixelDQM + SiPixelTrackResidualSource_HeavyIons + SiPixelHitEfficiencySource_HeavyIons + dqmInfo)
0132 siPixelOfflineDQM_source_woTrack = cms.Sequence(SiPixelHLTSource + SiPixelRawDataErrorSource + SiPixelDigiSource + SiPixelRecHitSource + SiPixelClusterSource + dqmInfo)
0134 # Phase1 config
0135 # _all_ of the stuff above becomes obsolete. We just hijack the names and 
0136 # replace them with the phase1 config of the new DQM.
0137 from DQM.SiPixelPhase1Config.SiPixelPhase1OfflineDQM_source_cff import *
0138 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_phase1Pixel_cff import phase1Pixel
0139 phase1Pixel.toReplaceWith(siPixelOfflineDQM_source, siPixelPhase1OfflineDQM_source)
0140 phase1Pixel.toReplaceWith(siPixelOfflineDQM_cosmics_source, siPixelPhase1OfflineDQM_source_cosmics)
0141 phase1Pixel.toReplaceWith(siPixelOfflineDQM_heavyions_source, siPixelPhase1OfflineDQM_source_hi)
0142 # don't forget the Harvesters, they are plugged in at PixelOfflineDQMClient
0143 # TODO: the same game for the other three.