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0001 // TODO: change file name to when CUDA code is removed
0003 // -*- C++ -*-
0004 // Package:    SiPixelCompareTracks
0005 // Class:      SiPixelCompareTracks
0006 //
0007 /**\class SiPixelCompareTracks
0008 */
0009 //
0010 // Author: Suvankar Roy Chowdhury
0011 //
0013 // for string manipulations
0014 #include <algorithm>
0015 #include <fmt/printf.h>
0016 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Handle.h"
0017 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/deltaR.h"
0018 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/deltaPhi.h"
0019 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0020 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
0021 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0022 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0023 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0024 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/InputTag.h"
0025 // DQM Histograming
0026 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/MonitorElement.h"
0027 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMEDAnalyzer.h"
0028 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
0029 // DataFormats
0030 #include "DataFormats/TrackSoA/interface/TracksHost.h"
0031 #include "DataFormats/TrackSoA/interface/alpaka/TrackUtilities.h"
0033 namespace {
0034   // same logic used for the MTV:
0035   // cf
0036   typedef dqm::reco::DQMStore DQMStore;
0038   void setBinLog(TAxis* axis) {
0039     int bins = axis->GetNbins();
0040     float from = axis->GetXmin();
0041     float to = axis->GetXmax();
0042     float width = (to - from) / bins;
0043     std::vector<float> new_bins(bins + 1, 0);
0044     for (int i = 0; i <= bins; i++) {
0045       new_bins[i] = TMath::Power(10, from + i * width);
0046     }
0047     axis->Set(bins,;
0048   }
0050   void setBinLogX(TH1* h) {
0051     TAxis* axis = h->GetXaxis();
0052     setBinLog(axis);
0053   }
0054   void setBinLogY(TH1* h) {
0055     TAxis* axis = h->GetYaxis();
0056     setBinLog(axis);
0057   }
0059   template <typename... Args>
0060   dqm::reco::MonitorElement* make2DIfLog(DQMStore::IBooker& ibook, bool logx, bool logy, Args&&... args) {
0061     auto h = std::make_unique<TH2I>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
0062     if (logx)
0063       setBinLogX(h.get());
0064     if (logy)
0065       setBinLogY(h.get());
0066     const auto& name = h->GetName();
0067     return ibook.book2I(name, h.release());
0068   }
0069 }  // namespace
0071 // TODO: change class name to SiPixelCompareTracksSoA when CUDA code is removed
0072 template <typename T>
0073 class SiPixelCompareTracks : public DQMEDAnalyzer {
0074 public:
0075   using PixelTrackSoA = TracksHost<T>;
0077   explicit SiPixelCompareTracks(const edm::ParameterSet&);
0078   ~SiPixelCompareTracks() override = default;
0079   void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker& ibooker, edm::Run const& iRun, edm::EventSetup const& iSetup) override;
0080   void analyze(const edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) override;
0081   // analyzeSeparate is templated to accept distinct types of SoAs
0082   // The default use case is to use tracks from Alpaka reconstructed on CPU and GPU;
0083   template <typename U, typename V>
0084   void analyzeSeparate(U tokenRef, V tokenTar, const edm::Event& iEvent);
0085   static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);
0087 private:
0088   // these two are both on Host but originally they have been produced on Host or on Device
0089   const edm::EDGetTokenT<PixelTrackSoA> tokenSoATrackReference_;
0090   const edm::EDGetTokenT<PixelTrackSoA> tokenSoATrackTarget_;
0091   const std::string topFolderName_;
0092   const bool useQualityCut_;
0093   const pixelTrack::Quality minQuality_;
0094   const float dr2cut_;
0095   MonitorElement* hnTracks_;
0096   MonitorElement* hnLooseAndAboveTracks_;
0097   MonitorElement* hnLooseAndAboveTracks_matched_;
0098   MonitorElement* hDeltaNTracks_;
0099   MonitorElement* hDeltaNLooseAndAboveTracks_;
0100   MonitorElement* hDeltaNLooseAndAboveTracks_matched_;
0101   MonitorElement* hnHits_;
0102   MonitorElement* hnHitsVsPhi_;
0103   MonitorElement* hnHitsVsEta_;
0104   MonitorElement* hnLayers_;
0105   MonitorElement* hnLayersVsPhi_;
0106   MonitorElement* hnLayersVsEta_;
0107   MonitorElement* hCharge_;
0108   MonitorElement* hchi2_;
0109   MonitorElement* hChi2VsPhi_;
0110   MonitorElement* hChi2VsEta_;
0111   MonitorElement* hpt_;
0112   MonitorElement* hCurvature_;
0113   MonitorElement* hptLogLog_;
0114   MonitorElement* heta_;
0115   MonitorElement* hphi_;
0116   MonitorElement* hz_;
0117   MonitorElement* htip_;
0118   MonitorElement* hquality_;
0119   //1D differences
0120   MonitorElement* hptdiffMatched_;
0121   MonitorElement* hCurvdiffMatched_;
0122   MonitorElement* hetadiffMatched_;
0123   MonitorElement* hphidiffMatched_;
0124   MonitorElement* hzdiffMatched_;
0125   MonitorElement* htipdiffMatched_;
0127   //for matching eff vs region: derive the ratio at harvesting
0128   MonitorElement* hpt_eta_tkAllRef_;
0129   MonitorElement* hpt_eta_tkAllRefMatched_;
0130   MonitorElement* hphi_z_tkAllRef_;
0131   MonitorElement* hphi_z_tkAllRefMatched_;
0132 };
0134 //
0135 // constructors
0136 //
0138 template <typename T>
0139 SiPixelCompareTracks<T>::SiPixelCompareTracks(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig)
0140     : tokenSoATrackReference_(consumes<PixelTrackSoA>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("pixelTrackReferenceSoA"))),
0141       tokenSoATrackTarget_(consumes<PixelTrackSoA>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("pixelTrackTargetSoA"))),
0142       topFolderName_(iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("topFolderName")),
0143       useQualityCut_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("useQualityCut")),
0144       minQuality_(pixelTrack::qualityByName(iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("minQuality"))),
0145       dr2cut_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("deltaR2cut")) {}
0147 template <typename T>
0148 template <typename U, typename V>
0149 void SiPixelCompareTracks<T>::analyzeSeparate(U tokenRef, V tokenTar, const edm::Event& iEvent) {
0150   using helper = TracksUtilities<T>;
0152   const auto& tsoaHandleRef = iEvent.getHandle(tokenRef);
0153   const auto& tsoaHandleTar = iEvent.getHandle(tokenTar);
0155   if (not tsoaHandleRef or not tsoaHandleTar) {
0156     edm::LogWarning out("SiPixelCompareTracks");
0157     if (not tsoaHandleRef) {
0158       out << "reference tracks not found; ";
0159     }
0160     if (not tsoaHandleTar) {
0161       out << "target tracks not found; ";
0162     }
0163     out << "the comparison will not run.";
0164     return;
0165   }
0167   auto const& tsoaRef = *tsoaHandleRef;
0168   auto const& tsoaTar = *tsoaHandleTar;
0170   auto maxTracksRef = tsoaRef.view().metadata().size();  //this should be same for both?
0171   auto maxTracksTar = tsoaTar.view().metadata().size();  //this should be same for both?
0173   auto const* qualityRef = tsoaRef.view().quality();
0174   auto const* qualityTar = tsoaTar.view().quality();
0176   int32_t nTracksRef = 0;
0177   int32_t nTracksTar = 0;
0178   int32_t nLooseAndAboveTracksRef = 0;
0179   int32_t nLooseAndAboveTracksRef_matchedTar = 0;
0180   int32_t nLooseAndAboveTracksTar = 0;
0182   //Loop over Tar tracks and store the indices of the loose tracks. Whats happens if useQualityCut_ is false?
0183   std::vector<int32_t> looseTrkidxTar;
0184   for (int32_t jt = 0; jt < maxTracksTar; ++jt) {
0185     if (helper::nHits(tsoaTar.view(), jt) == 0)
0186       break;  // this is a guard
0187     if (!(tsoaTar.view()[jt].pt() > 0.))
0188       continue;
0189     nTracksTar++;
0190     if (useQualityCut_ && qualityTar[jt] < minQuality_)
0191       continue;
0192     nLooseAndAboveTracksTar++;
0193     looseTrkidxTar.emplace_back(jt);
0194   }
0196   //Now loop over Ref tracks//nested loop for loose gPU tracks
0197   for (int32_t it = 0; it < maxTracksRef; ++it) {
0198     int nHitsRef = helper::nHits(tsoaRef.view(), it);
0200     if (nHitsRef == 0)
0201       break;  // this is a guard
0203     float ptRef = tsoaRef.view()[it].pt();
0204     float etaRef = tsoaRef.view()[it].eta();
0205     float phiRef = reco::phi(tsoaRef.view(), it);
0206     float zipRef = reco::zip(tsoaRef.view(), it);
0207     float tipRef = reco::tip(tsoaRef.view(), it);
0208     auto qRef = reco::charge(tsoaRef.view(), it);
0210     if (!(ptRef > 0.))
0211       continue;
0212     nTracksRef++;
0213     if (useQualityCut_ && qualityRef[it] < minQuality_)
0214       continue;
0215     nLooseAndAboveTracksRef++;
0216     //Now loop over loose Tar trk and find the closest in DeltaR//do we need pt cut?
0217     const int32_t notFound = -1;
0218     int32_t closestTkidx = notFound;
0219     float mindr2 = dr2cut_;
0221     for (auto gid : looseTrkidxTar) {
0222       float etaTar = tsoaTar.view()[gid].eta();
0223       float phiTar = reco::phi(tsoaTar.view(), gid);
0224       float dr2 = reco::deltaR2(etaRef, phiRef, etaTar, phiTar);
0225       if (dr2 > dr2cut_)
0226         continue;  // this is arbitrary
0227       if (mindr2 > dr2) {
0228         mindr2 = dr2;
0229         closestTkidx = gid;
0230       }
0231     }
0233     hpt_eta_tkAllRef_->Fill(etaRef, ptRef);  //all Ref tk
0234     hphi_z_tkAllRef_->Fill(phiRef, zipRef);
0235     if (closestTkidx == notFound)
0236       continue;
0237     nLooseAndAboveTracksRef_matchedTar++;
0239     hchi2_->Fill(tsoaRef.view()[it].chi2(), tsoaTar.view()[closestTkidx].chi2());
0240     hCharge_->Fill(qRef, reco::charge(tsoaTar.view(), closestTkidx));
0241     hnHits_->Fill(helper::nHits(tsoaRef.view(), it), helper::nHits(tsoaTar.view(), closestTkidx));
0242     hnLayers_->Fill(tsoaRef.view()[it].nLayers(), tsoaTar.view()[closestTkidx].nLayers());
0243     hpt_->Fill(ptRef, tsoaTar.view()[closestTkidx].pt());
0244     hCurvature_->Fill(qRef / ptRef, reco::charge(tsoaTar.view(), closestTkidx) / tsoaTar.view()[closestTkidx].pt());
0245     hptLogLog_->Fill(ptRef, tsoaTar.view()[closestTkidx].pt());
0246     heta_->Fill(etaRef, tsoaTar.view()[closestTkidx].eta());
0247     hphi_->Fill(phiRef, reco::phi(tsoaTar.view(), closestTkidx));
0248     hz_->Fill(zipRef, reco::zip(tsoaTar.view(), closestTkidx));
0249     htip_->Fill(tipRef, reco::tip(tsoaTar.view(), closestTkidx));
0250     hptdiffMatched_->Fill(ptRef - tsoaTar.view()[closestTkidx].pt());
0251     hCurvdiffMatched_->Fill(qRef / ptRef -
0252                             (reco::charge(tsoaTar.view(), closestTkidx) / tsoaTar.view()[closestTkidx].pt()));
0253     hetadiffMatched_->Fill(etaRef - tsoaTar.view()[closestTkidx].eta());
0254     hphidiffMatched_->Fill(reco::deltaPhi(phiRef, reco::phi(tsoaTar.view(), closestTkidx)));
0255     hzdiffMatched_->Fill(zipRef - reco::zip(tsoaTar.view(), closestTkidx));
0256     htipdiffMatched_->Fill(tipRef - reco::tip(tsoaTar.view(), closestTkidx));
0257     hpt_eta_tkAllRefMatched_->Fill(etaRef, tsoaRef.view()[it].pt());  //matched to gpu
0258     hphi_z_tkAllRefMatched_->Fill(etaRef, zipRef);
0259   }
0261   // Define a lambda function for filling the histograms
0262   auto fillHistogram = [](auto& histogram, auto xValue, auto yValue) { histogram->Fill(xValue, yValue); };
0264   // Define a lambda for filling delta histograms
0265   auto fillDeltaHistogram = [](auto& histogram, int cpuValue, int gpuValue) {
0266     histogram->Fill(std::min(cpuValue, 1000), std::clamp(gpuValue - cpuValue, -100, 100));
0267   };
0269   // Fill the histograms
0270   fillHistogram(hnTracks_, nTracksRef, nTracksTar);
0271   fillHistogram(hnLooseAndAboveTracks_, nLooseAndAboveTracksRef, nLooseAndAboveTracksTar);
0272   fillHistogram(hnLooseAndAboveTracks_matched_, nLooseAndAboveTracksRef, nLooseAndAboveTracksRef_matchedTar);
0274   fillDeltaHistogram(hDeltaNTracks_, nTracksRef, nTracksTar);
0275   fillDeltaHistogram(hDeltaNLooseAndAboveTracks_, nLooseAndAboveTracksRef, nLooseAndAboveTracksTar);
0276   fillDeltaHistogram(hDeltaNLooseAndAboveTracks_matched_, nLooseAndAboveTracksRef, nLooseAndAboveTracksRef_matchedTar);
0277 }
0279 //
0280 // -- Analyze
0281 //
0282 template <typename T>
0283 void SiPixelCompareTracks<T>::analyze(const edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) {
0284   // The default use case is to use vertices from Alpaka reconstructed on CPU and GPU;
0285   // The function is left templated if any other cases need to be added
0286   analyzeSeparate(tokenSoATrackReference_, tokenSoATrackTarget_, iEvent);
0287 }
0289 //
0290 // -- Book Histograms
0291 //
0292 template <typename T>
0293 void SiPixelCompareTracks<T>::bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker& iBook,
0294                                              edm::Run const& iRun,
0295                                              edm::EventSetup const& iSetup) {
0297   iBook.setCurrentFolder(topFolderName_);
0299   // Define a helper function for booking histograms
0300   std::string toRep = "Number of tracks";
0301   auto bookTracksTH2I = [&](const std::string& name,
0302                             const std::string& title,
0303                             int xBins,
0304                             double xMin,
0305                             double xMax,
0306                             int yBins,
0307                             double yMin,
0308                             double yMax) {
0309     return iBook.book2I(name, fmt::sprintf(title, toRep), xBins, xMin, xMax, yBins, yMin, yMax);
0310   };
0312   // Define common parameters for different histogram types
0313   constexpr int xBins = 501;
0314   constexpr double xMin = -0.5;
0315   constexpr double xMax = 1001.5;
0317   constexpr int dXBins = 1001;
0318   constexpr double dXMin = -0.5;
0319   constexpr double dXMax = 1000.5;
0321   constexpr int dYBins = 201;
0322   constexpr double dYMin = -100.5;
0323   constexpr double dYMax = 100.5;
0325   // FIXME: all the 2D correlation plots are quite heavy in terms of memory consumption, so a as soon as DQM supports THnSparse
0326   // these should be moved to a less resource consuming format
0328   // Book histograms using the helper function
0329   // clang-format off
0330   hnTracks_ = bookTracksTH2I("nTracks", "%s per event; Reference; Target", xBins, xMin, xMax, xBins, xMin, xMax);
0331   hnLooseAndAboveTracks_ = bookTracksTH2I("nLooseAndAboveTracks", "%s (quality #geq loose) per event; Reference; Target", xBins, xMin, xMax, xBins, xMin, xMax);
0332   hnLooseAndAboveTracks_matched_ = bookTracksTH2I("nLooseAndAboveTracks_matched", "%s (quality #geq loose) per event; Reference; Target", xBins, xMin, xMax, xBins, xMin, xMax);
0334   hDeltaNTracks_ = bookTracksTH2I("deltaNTracks", "%s per event; Reference; Target - Reference", dXBins, dXMin, dXMax, dYBins, dYMin, dYMax);
0335   hDeltaNLooseAndAboveTracks_ = bookTracksTH2I("deltaNLooseAndAboveTracks", "%s (quality #geq loose) per event; Reference; Target - Reference", dXBins, dXMin, dXMax, dYBins, dYMin, dYMax);
0336   hDeltaNLooseAndAboveTracks_matched_ = bookTracksTH2I("deltaNLooseAndAboveTracks_matched", "%s (quality #geq loose) per event; Reference; Target - Reference", dXBins, dXMin, dXMax, dYBins, dYMin, dYMax);
0338   toRep = "Number of all RecHits per track (quality #geq loose)";
0339   hnHits_ = iBook.book2I("nRecHits", fmt::sprintf("%s;Reference;Target",toRep), 15, -0.5, 14.5, 15, -0.5, 14.5);
0341   toRep = "Number of all layers per track (quality #geq loose)";
0342   hnLayers_ = iBook.book2I("nLayers", fmt::sprintf("%s;Reference;Target",toRep), 15, -0.5, 14.5, 15, -0.5, 14.5);
0344   toRep = "Track (quality #geq loose) #chi^{2}/ndof";
0345   hchi2_ = iBook.book2I("nChi2ndof", fmt::sprintf("%s;Reference;Target",toRep), 40, 0., 20., 40, 0., 20.);
0347   toRep = "Track (quality #geq loose) charge";
0348   hCharge_ = iBook.book2I("charge",fmt::sprintf("%s;Reference;Target",toRep),3, -1.5, 1.5, 3, -1.5, 1.5);
0350   hpt_ = iBook.book2I("pt", "Track (quality #geq loose) p_{T} [GeV];Reference;Target", 200, 0., 200., 200, 0., 200.);
0351   hCurvature_ = iBook.book2I("curvature", "Track (quality #geq loose) q/p_{T} [GeV^{-1}];Reference;Target",  60,- 3., 3., 60, -3., 3. );
0352   hptLogLog_ = make2DIfLog(iBook, true, true, "ptLogLog", "Track (quality #geq loose) p_{T} [GeV];Reference;Target", 200, log10(0.5), log10(200.), 200, log10(0.5), log10(200.));
0353   heta_ = iBook.book2I("eta", "Track (quality #geq loose) #eta;Reference;Target", 30, -3., 3., 30, -3., 3.);
0354   hphi_ = iBook.book2I("phi", "Track (quality #geq loose) #phi;Reference;Target", 30, -M_PI, M_PI, 30, -M_PI, M_PI);
0355   hz_ = iBook.book2I("z", "Track (quality #geq loose) z [cm];Reference;Target", 30, -30., 30., 30, -30., 30.);
0356   htip_ = iBook.book2I("tip", "Track (quality #geq loose) TIP [cm];Reference;Target", 100, -0.5, 0.5, 100, -0.5, 0.5);
0358   //1D difference plots
0359   hptdiffMatched_ = iBook.book1D("ptdiffmatched", " p_{T} diff [GeV] between matched tracks; #Delta p_{T} [GeV]", 61, -30.5, 30.5);
0360   hCurvdiffMatched_ = iBook.book1D("curvdiffmatched", "q/p_{T} diff [GeV^{-1}] between matched tracks; #Delta q/p_{T} [GeV^{-1}]", 61, -3.05, 3.05);
0361   hetadiffMatched_ = iBook.book1D("etadiffmatched", " #eta diff between matched tracks; #Delta #eta", 161, -0.045 ,0.045);
0362   hphidiffMatched_ = iBook.book1D("phidiffmatched", " #phi diff between matched tracks; #Delta #phi",  161, -0.045 ,0.045);
0363   hzdiffMatched_ = iBook.book1D("zdiffmatched", " z diff between matched tracks; #Delta z [cm]", 301, -1.55, 1.55);
0364   htipdiffMatched_ = iBook.book1D("tipdiffmatched", " TIP diff between matched tracks; #Delta TIP [cm]", 301, -1.55, 1.55);
0365   //2D plots for eff
0366   hpt_eta_tkAllRef_ = iBook.book2I("ptetatrkAllReference", "Track (quality #geq loose) on Reference; #eta; p_{T} [GeV];", 30, -M_PI, M_PI, 200, 0., 200.);
0367   hpt_eta_tkAllRefMatched_ = iBook.book2I("ptetatrkAllReferencematched", "Track (quality #geq loose) on Reference matched to Target track; #eta; p_{T} [GeV];", 30, -M_PI, M_PI, 200, 0., 200.);
0369   hphi_z_tkAllRef_ = iBook.book2I("phiztrkAllReference", "Track (quality #geq loose) on Reference; #phi; z [cm];",  30, -M_PI, M_PI, 30, -30., 30.);
0370   hphi_z_tkAllRefMatched_ = iBook.book2I("phiztrkAllReferencematched", "Track (quality #geq loose) on Reference; #phi; z [cm];", 30, -M_PI, M_PI, 30, -30., 30.);
0372 }
0374 template<typename T>
0375 void SiPixelCompareTracks<T>::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
0376   // monitorpixelTrackSoA
0377   edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
0378   desc.add<edm::InputTag>("pixelTrackReferenceSoA", edm::InputTag("pixelTracksAlpakaSerial"));
0379   desc.add<edm::InputTag>("pixelTrackTargetSoA", edm::InputTag("pixelTracksAlpaka"));
0380   desc.add<std::string>("topFolderName", "SiPixelHeterogeneous/PixelTrackCompareDeviceVSHost");
0381   desc.add<bool>("useQualityCut", true);
0382   desc.add<std::string>("minQuality", "loose");
0383   desc.add<double>("deltaR2cut", 0.02 * 0.02)->setComment("deltaR2 cut between track on device and host");
0384   descriptions.addWithDefaultLabel(desc);
0385 }
0387 // TODO: change module names to SiPixel*CompareTracksSoA when CUDA code is removed
0389 using SiPixelPhase1CompareTracks = SiPixelCompareTracks<pixelTopology::Phase1>;
0390 using SiPixelPhase2CompareTracks = SiPixelCompareTracks<pixelTopology::Phase2>;
0391 using SiPixelHIonPhase1CompareTracks = SiPixelCompareTracks<pixelTopology::HIonPhase1>;
0393 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(SiPixelPhase1CompareTracks);
0394 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(SiPixelPhase2CompareTracks);
0395 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(SiPixelHIonPhase1CompareTracks);