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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:08:19

0001 /*! \file
0002  *  \brief This class represents ...
0003  *
0004  *  (Documentation under development)
0005  *
0006  */
0007 #include "DQM/SiPixelCommon/interface/SiPixelFolderOrganizer.h"
0008 #include "DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/interface/ANSIColors.h"
0009 #include "DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/interface/SiPixelEDAClient.h"
0010 #include "DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/interface/SiPixelInformationExtractor.h"
0011 #include "DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/interface/SiPixelUtility.h"
0013 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
0015 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0016 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/FileInPath.h"
0018 #include "DataFormats/DetId/interface/DetId.h"
0019 #include "DataFormats/GeometrySurface/interface/Surface.h"
0020 #include "DataFormats/TrackerCommon/interface/PixelBarrelName.h"
0021 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PixelBarrelNameUpgrade.h"
0022 #include "DataFormats/TrackerCommon/interface/PixelEndcapName.h"
0023 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PixelEndcapNameUpgrade.h"
0024 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PixelSubdetector.h"
0026 #include "CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/DetectorIndex.h"
0027 #include "CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/SiPixelFrameConverter.h"
0029 #include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/PixelTopology.h"
0030 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/TrackerDigiGeometryRecord.h"
0031 #include "Geometry/CommonDetUnit/interface/PixelGeomDetUnit.h"
0032 #include "Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/TrackerGeometry.h"
0033 #include "Geometry/TrackerNumberingBuilder/interface/GeometricDet.h"
0035 #include "Rtypes.h"
0036 #include "TAxis.h"
0037 #include "TClass.h"
0038 #include "TH1F.h"
0039 #include "TH2F.h"
0040 #include "TImage.h"
0041 #include "TImageDump.h"
0042 #include "TPad.h"
0043 #include "TPaveLabel.h"
0044 #include "TPaveText.h"
0045 #include "TProfile.h"
0046 #include "TROOT.h"
0047 #include "TRandom.h"
0048 #include "TStopwatch.h"
0049 #include "TString.h"
0050 #include "TStyle.h"
0051 #include "TSystem.h"
0052 #include "TText.h"
0054 #include <cmath>
0055 #include <iostream>
0056 #include <map>
0058 #include <cstdlib>  // for free() - Root can allocate with malloc() - sigh...
0060 using namespace std;
0061 using namespace edm;
0063 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0064 /*! \brief Constructor of the SiPixelInformationExtractor class.
0065  *
0066  */
0067 SiPixelInformationExtractor::SiPixelInformationExtractor(bool offlineXMLfile) : offlineXMLfile_(offlineXMLfile) {
0068   edm::LogInfo("SiPixelInformationExtractor") << " Creating SiPixelInformationExtractor "
0069                                               << "\n";
0071   readReference_ = false;
0072 }
0074 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0075 /*! \brief Destructor of the SiPixelInformationExtractor class.
0076  *
0077  */
0078 SiPixelInformationExtractor::~SiPixelInformationExtractor() {
0079   edm::LogInfo("SiPixelInformationExtractor") << " Deleting SiPixelInformationExtractor "
0080                                               << "\n";
0081 }
0083 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0084 /*! \brief Read Configuration File
0085  *
0086  */
0087 void SiPixelInformationExtractor::readConfiguration() {}
0089 //============================================================================================================
0090 // --  Return type of ME
0091 //
0092 std::string SiPixelInformationExtractor::getMEType(MonitorElement *theMe) {
0093   string qtype = theMe->getRootObject()->IsA()->GetName();
0094   if (qtype.find("TH1") != string::npos) {
0095     return "TH1";
0096   } else if (qtype.find("TH2") != string::npos) {
0097     return "TH2";
0098   } else if (qtype.find("TH3") != string::npos) {
0099     return "TH3";
0100   }
0101   return "TH1";
0102 }
0104 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0105 /*! \brief (Documentation under construction).
0106  *
0107  *  This method
0108  */
0109 void SiPixelInformationExtractor::getItemList(const multimap<string, string> &req_map,
0110                                               string item_name,
0111                                               vector<string> &items) {
0112   items.clear();
0113   for (multimap<string, string>::const_iterator it = req_map.begin(); it != req_map.end(); it++) {
0114     if (it->first == item_name) {
0115       items.push_back(it->second);
0116     }
0117   }
0118 }
0120 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0121 /*! \brief (Documentation under construction).
0122  *
0123  *  This method
0124  */
0125 bool SiPixelInformationExtractor::hasItem(multimap<string, string> &req_map, string item_name) {
0126   multimap<string, string>::iterator pos = req_map.find(item_name);
0127   if (pos != req_map.end())
0128     return true;
0129   return false;
0130 }
0132 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0133 /*! \brief (Documentation under construction).
0134  *
0135  *  This method
0136  */
0137 std::string SiPixelInformationExtractor::getItemValue(const std::multimap<std::string, std::string> &req_map,
0138                                                       std::string item_name) {
0139   std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator pos = req_map.find(item_name);
0140   std::string value = " ";
0141   if (pos != req_map.end()) {
0142     value = pos->second;
0143   }
0144   return value;
0145 }
0146 std::string SiPixelInformationExtractor::getItemValue(std::multimap<std::string, std::string> &req_map,
0147                                                       std::string item_name) {
0148   std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::iterator pos = req_map.find(item_name);
0149   std::string value = " ";
0150   if (pos != req_map.end()) {
0151     value = pos->second;
0152   }
0153   return value;
0154 }
0156 //
0157 // -- Get color  name from status
0158 //
0159 void SiPixelInformationExtractor::selectColor(string &col, int status) {
0160   if (status == dqm::qstatus::STATUS_OK)
0161     col = "#00ff00";
0162   else if (status == dqm::qstatus::WARNING)
0163     col = "#ffff00";
0164   else if (status == dqm::qstatus::ERROR)
0165     col = "#ff0000";
0166   else if (status == dqm::qstatus::OTHER)
0167     col = "#ffa500";
0168   else
0169     col = "#0000ff";
0170 }
0171 //
0172 // -- Get Image name from ME
0173 //
0174 void SiPixelInformationExtractor::selectColor(string &col, vector<QReport *> &reports) {
0175   int istat = 999;
0176   int status = 0;
0177   for (vector<QReport *>::const_iterator it = reports.begin(); it != reports.end(); it++) {
0178     status = (*it)->getStatus();
0179     if (status > istat)
0180       istat = status;
0181   }
0182   selectColor(col, status);
0183 }
0184 //
0185 // -- Get Image name from status
0186 //
0187 void SiPixelInformationExtractor::selectImage(string &name, int status) {
0188   if (status == dqm::qstatus::STATUS_OK)
0189     name = "images/LI_green.gif";
0190   else if (status == dqm::qstatus::WARNING)
0191     name = "images/LI_yellow.gif";
0192   else if (status == dqm::qstatus::ERROR)
0193     name = "images/LI_red.gif";
0194   else if (status == dqm::qstatus::OTHER)
0195     name = "images/LI_orange.gif";
0196   else
0197     name = "images/LI_blue.gif";
0198 }
0199 //
0200 // -- Get Image name from ME
0201 //
0202 void SiPixelInformationExtractor::selectImage(string &name, vector<QReport *> &reports) {
0203   int istat = 999;
0204   int status = 0;
0205   for (vector<QReport *>::const_iterator it = reports.begin(); it != reports.end(); it++) {
0206     status = (*it)->getStatus();
0207     if (status > istat)
0208       istat = status;
0209   }
0210   selectImage(name, status);
0211 }
0213 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0214 /*! \brief (Documentation under construction).
0215  *
0216  */
0217 void SiPixelInformationExtractor::computeStatus(MonitorElement *theME, double &colorValue, pair<double, double> &norm) {
0218   double normalizationX = 1;
0219   double normalizationY = 1;
0220   double meanX = 0;
0221   double meanY = 0;
0223   colorValue = 0;
0225   pair<double, double> normX;
0226   pair<double, double> normY;
0228   string theMEType = getMEType(theME);
0230   if (theMEType.find("TH1") != string::npos) {
0231     meanX = (double)theME->getMean();
0232     getNormalization(theME, normX, "TH1");
0233     normalizationX = fabs(normX.second - normX.first);
0234     if (normalizationX == 0) {
0235       normalizationX = 1.E-20;
0236     }
0237     colorValue = meanX / normalizationX;
0238     norm.first = normX.first;
0239     norm.second = normX.second;
0240   }
0242   if (theMEType.find("TH2") != string::npos) {
0243     meanX = (double)theME->getMean(1);
0244     meanY = (double)theME->getMean(2);
0245     getNormalization2D(theME, normX, normY, "TH2");
0246     normalizationX = fabs(normX.second - normX.first);
0247     normalizationY = fabs(normY.second - normY.first);
0248     if (normalizationX == 0) {
0249       normalizationX = 1.E-20;
0250     }
0251     if (normalizationY == 0) {
0252       normalizationY = 1.E-20;
0253     }
0254     double cVX = meanX / normalizationX;
0255     double cVY = meanY / normalizationY;
0256     colorValue = sqrt(cVX * cVX + cVY * cVY);
0257     if (normalizationX >= normalizationY) {
0258       norm.first = normX.first;
0259       norm.second = normX.second;
0260     } else {
0261       norm.first = normY.first;
0262       norm.second = normY.second;
0263     }
0264   }
0266   return;
0267 }
0269 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0270 /*! \brief (Documentation under construction).
0271  *
0272  */
0273 void SiPixelInformationExtractor::getNormalization(MonitorElement *theME,
0274                                                    pair<double, double> &norm,
0275                                                    std::string theMEType) {
0276   double normLow = 0;
0277   double normHigh = 0;
0279   if (theMEType.find("TH1") != string::npos) {
0280     normHigh = (double)theME->getNbinsX();
0281     norm.first = normLow;
0282     norm.second = normHigh;
0283   }
0284 }
0286 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0287 /*! \brief (Documentation under construction).
0288  *
0289  */
0290 void SiPixelInformationExtractor::getNormalization2D(MonitorElement *theME,
0291                                                      pair<double, double> &normX,
0292                                                      pair<double, double> &normY,
0293                                                      std::string theMEType) {
0294   double normLow = 0;
0295   double normHigh = 0;
0297   if (theMEType.find("TH2") != string::npos) {
0298     normHigh = (double)theME->getNbinsX();
0299     normX.first = normLow;
0300     normX.second = normHigh;
0301     normHigh = (double)theME->getNbinsY();
0302     normY.first = normLow;
0303     normY.second = normHigh;
0304   }
0305 }
0307 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0308 /*! \brief (Documentation under construction).
0309  *
0310  *  Given a pointer to ME returns the associated detId
0311  */
0312 int SiPixelInformationExtractor::getDetId(MonitorElement *mE) {
0313   const string &mEName = mE->getName();
0315   int detId = 0;
0317   if (mEName.find("_3") != string::npos) {
0318     string detIdString = mEName.substr((mEName.find_last_of('_')) + 1, 9);
0319     std::istringstream isst;
0320     isst.str(detIdString);
0321     isst >> detId;
0322   }
0323   return detId;
0324 }
0326 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0328 void SiPixelInformationExtractor::bookNoisyPixels(DQMStore::IBooker &iBooker, float noiseRate_, bool Tier0Flag) {
0329   // std::cout<<"BOOK NOISY PIXEL MEs!"<<std::endl;
0331   if (noiseRate_ >= 0.) {
0332     iBooker.setCurrentFolder("Pixel/Barrel");
0333     EventRateBarrelPixels = iBooker.book1D("barrelEventRate", "Digi event rate for all Barrel pixels", 1000, 0., 0.01);
0334     EventRateBarrelPixels->setAxisTitle("Event Rate", 1);
0335     EventRateBarrelPixels->setAxisTitle("Number of Pixels", 2);
0337     iBooker.setCurrentFolder("Pixel/Endcap");
0338     EventRateEndcapPixels = iBooker.book1D("endcapEventRate", "Digi event rate for all Endcap pixels", 1000, 0., 0.01);
0339     EventRateEndcapPixels->setAxisTitle("Event Rate", 1);
0340     EventRateEndcapPixels->setAxisTitle("Number of Pixels", 2);
0341   }
0342 }
0344 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0346 void SiPixelInformationExtractor::findNoisyPixels(DQMStore::IBooker &iBooker,
0347                                                   DQMStore::IGetter &iGetter,
0348                                                   bool init,
0349                                                   float noiseRate_,
0350                                                   int noiseRateDenominator_,
0351                                                   const SiPixelFedCablingMap *theCablingMap) {
0352   if (init) {
0353     endOfModules_ = false;
0354     nevents_ = noiseRateDenominator_;
0355     if (nevents_ == -1) {
0358       iBooker.setCurrentFolder("Pixel/EventInfo");
0359       iGetter.setCurrentFolder("Pixel/EventInfo");
0360       nevents_ = (iGetter.get("Pixel/EventInfo/processedEvents"))->getIntValue();
0361     }
0364"NoisyPixelList.txt", ios::app);
0365     myfile_ << "Noise summary, ran over " << nevents_ << " events, threshold was set to " << noiseRate_ << std::endl;
0366   }
0367   string currDir = iBooker.pwd();
0368   string dname = currDir.substr(currDir.find_last_of('/') + 1);
0370   if (dname.find("Module_") != string::npos) {
0371     vector<string> meVec = iGetter.getMEs();
0372     for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = meVec.begin(); it != meVec.end(); it++) {
0373       string full_path = currDir + "/" + (*it);
0374       if (full_path.find("hitmap_siPixelDigis") != string::npos) {
0375         MonitorElement *me = iGetter.get(full_path);
0376         if (!me)
0377           continue;
0378         int detid = getDetId(me);
0379         int pixcol = -1;
0380         int pixrow = -1;
0381         std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<int, int>, float>> noisyPixelsInModule;
0382         TH2F *hothisto = me->getTH2F();
0383         if (hothisto) {
0384           for (int i = 1; i != hothisto->GetNbinsX() + 1; i++) {
0385             for (int j = 1; j != hothisto->GetNbinsY() + 1; j++) {
0386               float value = (hothisto->GetBinContent(i, j)) / float(nevents_);
0387               if (me->getPathname().find("Barrel") != string::npos) {
0388                 EventRateBarrelPixels = iGetter.get("Pixel/Barrel/barrelEventRate");
0389                 if (EventRateBarrelPixels)
0390                   EventRateBarrelPixels->Fill(value);
0391               } else if (me->getPathname().find("Endcap") != string::npos) {
0392                 EventRateEndcapPixels = iGetter.get("Pixel/Endcap/endcapEventRate");
0393                 if (EventRateEndcapPixels)
0394                   EventRateEndcapPixels->Fill(value);
0395               }
0396               if (value > noiseRate_) {
0397                 pixcol = i - 1;
0398                 pixrow = j - 1;
0400                 std::pair<int, int> address(pixcol, pixrow);
0401                 std::pair<std::pair<int, int>, float> PixelStats(address, value);
0402                 noisyPixelsInModule.push_back(PixelStats);
0403               }
0404             }
0405           }
0406         }
0407         noisyDetIds_[detid] = noisyPixelsInModule;
0408       }
0409     }
0410   }
0411   vector<string> subDirVec = iGetter.getSubdirs();
0412   for (vector<string>::const_iterator ic = subDirVec.begin(); ic != subDirVec.end(); ic++) {
0413     if ((*ic).find("AdditionalPixelErrors") != string::npos)
0414       continue;
0417     init = false;
0418     findNoisyPixels(iBooker, iGetter, init, noiseRate_, noiseRateDenominator_, theCablingMap);
0419     iBooker.goUp();
0420     iGetter.setCurrentFolder(iBooker.pwd());
0421   }
0423   if (iBooker.pwd().find("EventInfo") != string::npos)
0424     endOfModules_ = true;
0426   if (!endOfModules_)
0427     return;
0428   if (currDir == "Pixel/EventInfo/reportSummaryContents") {
0429     std::vector<std::pair<sipixelobjects::DetectorIndex, double>> pixelvec;
0430     std::map<uint32_t, int> myfedmap;
0431     std::map<uint32_t, std::string> mynamemap;
0432     int realfedID = -1;
0433     int n_noisyrocs_all = 0;
0434     int n_noisyrocs_barrel = 0;
0435     int n_noisyrocs_endcap = 0;
0436     int n_verynoisyrocs_all = 0;
0437     int n_verynoisyrocs_barrel = 0;
0438     int n_verynoisyrocs_endcap = 0;
0440     for (int fid = 0; fid < 40; fid++) {
0441       for (std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<int, int>, float>>>::const_iterator it =
0442                noisyDetIds_.begin();
0443            it != noisyDetIds_.end();
0444            it++) {
0445         uint32_t detid = (*it).first;
0446         std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<int, int>, float>> noisyPixels = (*it).second;
0447         // now convert into online conventions:
0448         for (int fedid = 0; fedid <= 40; ++fedid) {
0449           SiPixelFrameConverter converter(theCablingMap, fedid);
0450           uint32_t newDetId = detid;
0451           if (converter.hasDetUnit(newDetId)) {
0452             realfedID = fedid;
0453             break;
0454           }
0455         }
0456         if (fid == realfedID) {
0457           if (realfedID == -1)
0458             continue;
0459           DetId detId(detid);
0460           uint32_t detSubId = detId.subdetId();
0461           std::string outputname;
0462           bool HalfModule = false;
0463           if (detSubId == 2) {  // FPIX
0464             PixelEndcapName nameworker(detid);
0465             outputname =;
0466           } else if (detSubId == 1) {  // BPIX
0467             PixelBarrelName nameworker(detid);
0468             outputname =;
0469             HalfModule = nameworker.isHalfModule();
0471           } else {
0472             continue;
0473           }
0474           std::map<int, int> myrocmap;
0475           myfedmap[detid] = realfedID;
0476           mynamemap[detid] = outputname;
0478           for (std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<int, int>, float>>::const_iterator pxl = noisyPixels.begin();
0479                pxl != noisyPixels.end();
0480                pxl++) {
0481             std::pair<int, int> offlineaddress = (*pxl).first;
0482             float Noise_frac = (*pxl).second;
0483             int offlineColumn = offlineaddress.first;
0484             int offlineRow = offlineaddress.second;
0486             sipixelobjects::ElectronicIndex cabling;
0487             SiPixelFrameConverter formatter(theCablingMap, realfedID);
0488             sipixelobjects::DetectorIndex detector = {detid, offlineRow, offlineColumn};
0489             formatter.toCabling(cabling, detector);
0490             // cabling should now contain cabling.roc and cabling.dcol  and
0491             // cabling.pxid however, the coordinates now need to be converted
0492             // from dcl,pxid to the row,col coordinates used in the calibration
0493             // info
0494             sipixelobjects::LocalPixel::DcolPxid loc;
0495             loc.dcol = cabling.dcol;
0496             loc.pxid = cabling.pxid;
0498             sipixelobjects::LocalPixel locpixel(loc);
0499             assert(realfedID >= 0);
0500             assert( >= 0);
0501             assert(cabling.roc >= 0);
0502             sipixelobjects::CablingPathToDetUnit path = {static_cast<unsigned int>(realfedID),
0503                                                          static_cast<unsigned int>(,
0504                                                          static_cast<unsigned int>(cabling.roc)};
0505             const sipixelobjects::PixelROC *theRoc = theCablingMap->findItem(path);
0506             // END of FIX
0508             int onlineColumn = locpixel.rocCol();
0509             int onlineRow = locpixel.rocRow();
0510             myrocmap[(theRoc->idInDetUnit())]++;
0512             // ROC numbers in the barrel go from 8 to 15 instead of 0 to 7 in
0513             // half modules.  This is a fix to get the roc number, and add 8 to
0514             // it if: it's a Barrel module AND on the minus side AND a Half
0515             // module
0517             int rocnumber = -1;
0519             if ((detSubId == 1) && (outputname.find("mO") != string::npos || outputname.find("mI") != string::npos) &&
0520                 (HalfModule)) {
0521               rocnumber = theRoc->idInDetUnit() + 8;
0522             } else {
0523               rocnumber = theRoc->idInDetUnit();
0524             }
0526             myfile_ << "NAME: " << outputname << " , DETID: " << detid << " , OFFLINE: col,row: " << offlineColumn
0527                     << "," << offlineRow << "  \t , ONLINE: roc,col,row: " << rocnumber << "," << onlineColumn << ","
0528                     << onlineRow << "  \t , fed,dcol,pixid,link: " << realfedID << "," << loc.dcol << "," << loc.pxid
0529                     << "," << << ", Noise fraction: " << Noise_frac << std::endl;
0530           }
0531           for (std::map<int, int>::const_iterator nrc = myrocmap.begin(); nrc != myrocmap.end(); nrc++) {
0532             if ((*nrc).second > 0) {
0533               n_noisyrocs_all++;
0534               if (detSubId == 2) {
0535                 n_noisyrocs_endcap++;
0536               } else if (detSubId == 1) {
0537                 n_noisyrocs_barrel++;
0538               }
0539             }
0540             if ((*nrc).second > 40) {
0541               n_verynoisyrocs_all++;
0542               if (detSubId == 2) {
0543                 n_verynoisyrocs_endcap++;
0544               } else if (detSubId == 1) {
0545                 n_verynoisyrocs_barrel++;
0546               }
0547             }
0548           }
0549         }
0550       }
0551     }
0552     myfile_ << "There are " << n_noisyrocs_all
0553             << " noisy ROCs (ROCs with at least 1 noisy pixel) in the entire "
0554                "detector. "
0555             << n_noisyrocs_endcap << " are in the FPIX and " << n_noisyrocs_barrel << " are in the BPIX. " << endl;
0556     myfile_ << "There are " << n_verynoisyrocs_all
0557             << " highly noisy ROCs (ROCs with at least 10% of all pixels "
0558                "passing the noise threshold) in the entire detector. "
0559             << n_verynoisyrocs_endcap << " are in the FPIX and " << n_verynoisyrocs_barrel << " are in the BPIX. "
0560             << endl;
0561   }
0562   myfile_.close();
0563   return;
0564 }