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0007   <title>Pixel DQM Viewer</title>
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0015   <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "css_files/folder-tree-static.css" />
0016   <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "css_files/IMGC.css"           />
0017 <!--  <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "../../TrackerCommon/test/css_files/tab-view.css"           />
0018   <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "../../TrackerCommon/test/css_files/context-menu.css"       />
0019   <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "../../TrackerCommon/test/css_files/folder-tree-static.css" />
0020   <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "../../TrackerCommon/test/css_files/IMGC.css"               />
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0035 -->
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0072      if (obj != null ) obj.disabled=option;
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0147    {
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0161                var l_name  = hrows[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
0162            var slideName = l_name + ".png";
0163                ErrorListFiles.push(slideName); 
0164            slideName = "Plot=" + slideName + "&Folder=" + l_name;
0165                ErrorListTitles.push(slideName); 
0167                var MErows = root.getElementsByTagName('LMEName');
0168                for (var j = 0; j < MErows.length; j++) {
0169                  var lME_name = MErows[j].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
0170                  if( lME_name.match(l_name) ){ 
0171            slideName = lME_name + ".png";
0172                    slideListFiles.push(slideName); 
0173            if(l_name.match("Barrel")) BarrelListFiles.push(slideName); 
0174            if(l_name.match("Endcap")) EndcapListFiles.push(slideName); 
0175            slideName = "Plot=" + slideName + "&Folder=" + l_name;
0176                    slideListTitles.push(slideName); 
0177            if(l_name.match("Barrel")) BarrelListTitles.push(slideName); 
0178            if(l_name.match("Endcap")) EndcapListTitles.push(slideName); 
0179                  }
0180                }
0182              }
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0194          catch (err) {
0195            alert ("Error detail: " + err.message); 
0196          }
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0201    function Onload()
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0203      try{
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0205        ShowProgress("visible","&nbsp Histograms from Collector");
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0207      }catch(e){
0208        alert(e.message);
0209      }
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0212  </head>
0214  <body onresize = "IMGC.repaintUponResize()"
0215        onload   = "Onload(); CloseUpperWindow()">
0216   <form id     = "theWholeForm"
0217     action = "javascript:void%200">
0219    <!-- The left frame: the canvas where all ME plots end up -->
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0222     id    = "theCanvas"
0223     style = "width:  70%  ; 
0224              height: 100% ; 
0225          float:  left ;">
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0231         border = "0" /> 
0232                 &nbsp; Please, wait, loading...
0233            </img>
0234            <label class = "label"
0235                   id    = "progress_message"
0236                   style = "text-align:left;">
0237            </label>
0238           </h3>
0239          </div>
0240      </fieldset>
0241    </div> 
0243    <!-- The right frame: the DQM controls -->   
0244    <div class = "dqmControls"
0245         id    = "dqmControls"
0246         style = "width:  30%   ; 
0247                  height: 100%  ; 
0248                  float:  right ;">
0250     <!-- Following is the area of the client control buttons: -->
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0253              style = "background: #DDEFFF;
0254                   font-family: Verdana, Arial;
0255                   font-size:  12px;
0256                   color:      black;">
0257       &nbsp; Client Controls &nbsp; 
0258      </legend>
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0264                       width:  300px;">
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0268           <!-- These are the Summary Canvas buttons: -->
0269           <label id  = "summary_canvas"
0270              style   = "margin-left:2%">
0271               Status Summary:
0272           </label>
0273            <!-- <input name  = "PixelSummaryOverviewShow" 
0274              id  = "pixel_summary_overview_show"
0275              class   = "controlButton"
0276              value   = "testing" 
0277              onClick = "IMGC.plotFromPath('Pixel/Barrel/Shell_mI/Layer_1/Ladder_01H/Module_1')"
0278              type    = "submit">
0279           </input> -->
0280           <input name    = "BarrelSummaryOverviewShow" 
0281              id  = "barrel_summary_overview_show"
0282              class   = "controlButton"
0283              value   = "Barrel" 
0284              onClick = "IMGC.plotFromPath('Pixel/Barrel')"
0285              type    = "submit">
0286           </input>
0287           <input name    = "EndcapSummaryOverviewShow" 
0288              id  = "endcap_summary_overview_show"
0289              class   = "controlButton"
0290              value   = "Endcap" 
0291              onClick = "IMGC.plotFromPath('Pixel/Endcap')"
0292              type    = "submit">
0293           </input>
0294          </div>
0295         </div>
0297         <div class = "dhtmlgoodies_aTab">
0298          <div class = "bloc" 
0299               id    = "bloc2_3">
0300          <input name    = "listMECommand"
0301             id  = "list_ME_command"
0302             class   = "controlButton"
0303             value   = "Get ME List"
0304             onClick = "RequestHistos.RequestMEList('CB')"
0305             type    = "submit">
0307          </input>
0308          <label id  = "MEList"
0309                 class   = "label">
0310           ME list:
0311          </label>
0312          <select name   = "strucMEList"
0313                  class  = "selector"
0314                  id = "monitoring_element_list">
0315          </select>
0316          <p/>
0317          <input name     = "UpdateTrackerMap"
0318                 id   = "create_tkmap"
0319                 class    = "controlButton"
0320                 value    = "Create view"
0321                 onClick  = "ClientActions.CreateTrackerMap()"
0322                 type     = "submit"
0323         disabled = "">
0324          </input>
0325          <label id  = "MEList"
0326                 class   = "label">
0327           Refresh:
0328          </label>
0329          <select name     = "refreshInterval"
0330                  class    = "selector"
0331                  id   = "refreshInterval"
0332                  onchange = "SvgMap.changeRefreshInterval()">
0333             <option      value = "10000" >10 sec</option>
0334             <option selected value = "30000" >30 sec</option>
0335             <option      value = "60000" > 1 min</option>
0336             <option      value = "120000"> 2 min</option>
0337          </select>
0338          <p />
0340          <label id  = "TrackerMapStyle"
0341                 class   = "label">
0342           Color code:
0343          </label>
0344          <select name     = "TKMapContentType"
0345                  class    = "selector"
0346                  id   = "TKMapContentType"
0347                  onchange = "SvgMap.changeContentType()">
0348             <option selected value = "Averages" >Averages</option>
0349             <option      value = "Alarms"   >Alarms  </option>
0350             <option      value = "Entries"  >Entries </option>
0351          </select>
0352         </div> 
0353       </div>
0354         <div class = "dhtmlgoodies_aTab">
0355          <div class = "bloc" 
0356               id    = "bloc2_4"
0357           <!-- These are the expert action buttons: -->
0358           <input name    = "subscribe"
0359              id  = "subscribe_all"
0360              class   = "controlButton"
0361              value   = "Subscribe All"
0362              onClick = "ClientActions.SubscribeAll()"
0363              type    = "submit">
0364           </input>
0365           <input name    = "dump"
0366              id  = "dump_modIds"
0367              class   = "controlButton"
0368              value   = "Dump IDs"
0369              onClick = "ClientActions.DumpModIds()"
0370              type    = "submit">
0371           </input>
0372           <input name    = "summary"
0373              id  = "create_summary"
0374              class   = "controlButton"
0375              value   = "Update Summary"
0376              onClick = "ClientActions.CreateSummary()"
0377              type    = "submit">
0378           </input>
0379           <input name    = "QtestResult"
0380              id  = "check_qtest_result"
0381              class   = "controlButton"
0382              value   = "Update QTests"
0383              onClick = "ClientActions.CheckQualityTestResults()"
0384              type    = "submit">
0385           </input>
0386           <!-- <input name   = "save"
0387              id  = "save_to_file"
0388              class   = "controlButton"
0389              value   = "Save All"
0390              onClick = "ClientActions.SaveToFile()"
0391              type    = "submit">
0392           </input> -->
0393          </div>
0394         </div>
0395      </fieldset>
0397      <!-- Following is the area to display the trees: -->
0398      <fieldset style = "background:#DDEFFF;">
0400       <label>Detector Trees</label>
0402       <div id = "dhtmlgoodies_tabView2" 
0403            style = "float:  right;
0404                 width:  300px;">
0405        <div class = "dhtmlgoodies_aTab">
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0408          <div class = "bloc" 
0409               id    = "bloc2_5_1">
0410           <label id    = "structures"
0411                  style = "margin-left:1%">
0412            Sub-Detectors:
0413           </label>
0414           <select name  = "struc_name"
0415               id    = "structure_for_module"
0416               class = "selector">
0417              <option value = "Pixel"                              > ALL PIXELS                 </option>
0418              <option value = "Pixel/Barrel"                   > Barrel                 </option>
0419              <option value = "Pixel/Endcap"                   > Endcap                 </option>
0420              <option value = "Pixel/Barrel/Shell_mI"        SELECTED      > Barrel/Shell_mI        </option>
0421              <option value = "Pixel/Barrel/Shell_mO"                  > Barrel/Shell_mO        </option>
0422              <option value = "Pixel/Barrel/Shell_pI"                  > Barrel/Shell_pI        </option>
0423              <option value = "Pixel/Barrel/Shell_pO"                  > Barrel/Shell_pO        </option>
0424              <option value = "Pixel/Endcap/HalfCylinder_mI"           > Endcap/HalfCylinder_mI     </option>
0425              <option value = "Pixel/Endcap/HalfCylinder_mO"           > Endcap/HalfCylinder_mO     </option>
0426              <option value = "Pixel/Endcap/HalfCylinder_pI"           > Endcap/HalfCylinder_pI     </option>
0427              <option value = "Pixel/Endcap/HalfCylinder_pO"           > Endcap/HalfCylinder_pO     </option>
0428              <option value = "Pixel/Endcap/HalfCylinder_pO/Disk_1/Blade_01/Panel_1"> Endcap/HalfCylinder_pO/Disk_1/Blade_01/Panel_1</option>
0429              <option value = "Pixel/Endcap/HalfCylinder_pO/Disk_2/Blade_01/Panel_1"> Endcap/HalfCylinder_pO/Disk_2/Blade_01/Panel_1</option>
0430           </select>
0431           <p />
0432           <input name    = "listmodule"
0433              id  = "list_module"
0434              class   = "controlButton"
0435              value   = "Get Tree"
0436              onClick = "javascript:RequestHistos.RequestModuleTree()"
0437              type    = "submit">
0438           </input>
0439           <input name    = "clearSingleModuleViewTree"
0440              id  = "clearSingleModuleViewTree"
0441              class   = "controlButton"
0442              value   = "Clear selection"
0443              onClick = "javascript:IMGC.clearSelection()"
0444              type    = "submit">
0445           </input>
0446          </div>
0447          <p />
0448          <div class = "bloc" 
0449               id    = "modtree_list" 
0450               style = "overflow:scroll;height:300px;width:100%;background:#FFF;">
0451          </div>
0452         </div>
0453        </div>
0455        <div class = "dhtmlgoodies_aTab">
0456         <div class = "bloc" 
0457              id    = "bloc2_6">
0458          <div class = "bloc" 
0459               id    = "bloc2_6_1">
0460           <label id    = "structures"
0461                  class = "label">
0462            Sub-Detectors:
0463           </label>
0464            <select name  = "struc_name"
0465                id    = "structure_name"
0466                class = "selector">
0467               <option value = "Pixel"                                  > ALL PIXELS         </option>
0468               <option value = "Pixel/Barrel" SELECTED                  > Barrel         </option>
0469               <option value = "Pixel/Endcap"                           > Endcap         </option>
0470               <option value = "Pixel/Barrel/Shell_mI"> Barrel/Shell_mI</option>
0471               <option value = "Pixel/Barrel/Shell_mO"> Barrel/Shell_mO</option>
0472               <option value = "Pixel/Barrel/Shell_pI"> Barrel/Shell_pI</option>
0473               <option value = "Pixel/Barrel/Shell_pO"> Barrel/Shell_pO</option>
0474               <option value = "Pixel/Endcap/HalfCylinder_mI"> Endcap/HalfCylinder_mI</option>
0475               <option value = "Pixel/Endcap/HalfCylinder_mO"> Endcap/HalfCylinder_mO</option>
0476               <option value = "Pixel/Endcap/HalfCylinder_pI"> Endcap/HalfCylinder_pI</option>
0477               <option value = "Pixel/Endcap/HalfCylinder_pO"> Endcap/HalfCylinder_pO</option>
0478               <option value = "Pixel/Endcap/HalfCylinder_pO/Disk_1/Blade_01/Panel_1"> Endcap/HalfCylinder_pO/Disk_2</option>
0479            </select>
0480            <p />
0481            <input name    = "listsummary"
0482               id      = "list_summary"
0483               class   = "controlButton"
0484               value   = "Get Tree"
0485               onClick = "RequestHistos.RequestSummaryHistoList()"
0486               type    = "submit">
0487            </input>
0488            <input name    = "clearSingleModuleViewTree"
0489               id      = "clearSingleModuleViewTree"
0490               class   = "controlButton"
0491               value   = "Clear selection"
0492               onClick = "javascript:IMGC.clearSelection()"
0493               type    = "submit">
0494            </input>
0495          </div>
0496          <p />
0497          <div class = "bloc" 
0498               id    = "tree_list" 
0499               style = "overflow:scroll;height:300px;width:100%;background:#FFF;">
0500          </div>
0501         </div>
0502        </div>
0504        <div class = "dhtmlgoodies_aTab">
0505         <div class = "bloc" 
0506            id    = "bloc2_7">
0507          <div class = "bloc" 
0508             id    = "bloc2_7_1">
0509           <label id    = "alarm_structures"
0510                  class = "label">
0511            Sub-Detectors:
0512           </label>
0513           <select name  = "struc_alarm"
0514               id    = "structure_for_alarm"
0515               class = "selector">
0516              <option value = "Pixel"> ALL PIXELS          </option>
0517              <option value = "Pixel/Barrel" SELECTED> Barrel </option>
0518              <option value = "Pixel/Endcap"> Endcap   </option>
0519           </select> 
0520           <p />
0521           <input name    = "listalarm"
0522              id  = "read_alarm"
0523              class   = "controlButton"
0524              value   = "Get Alarms"
0525              onClick = "RequestHistos.RequestAlarmList()"
0526              type    = "submit">
0527           </input>
0528           <input name    = "clearAlarmViewTree"
0529              id  = "clearAlarmViewTree"
0530              class   = "controlButton"
0531              value   = "Clear selection"
0532              onClick = "javascript:IMGC.clearSelection()"
0533              type    = "submit">
0534           </input>
0535          </div>
0536          <p />
0537          <div class = "bloc" 
0538               id    = "alarm_list" 
0539               style = "overflow:scroll;height:200px;width:100%;background:#FFF;">
0540          </div>
0541          <div class = "block" 
0542               id    = "status_area" 
0543               style = "overflow:scroll;height:100px;width:100%;background:#FFF8C9">
0544          </div>
0545       </div>
0546      </div>
0547     </fieldset>
0548    </div>
0549   </form>
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