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Warning, /DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/test/TrackerMapHeader.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0"  standalone="no" ?>
0002 <html xmlns       = ""
0003       xmlns:svg   = "" 
0004       xmlns:xlink = "">
0005  <head>
0006   <link   rel  = "stylesheet" 
0007           type = "text/css" 
0008           href = "css_files/magnifier.css"/>
0009   <link   rel  = "stylesheet" 
0010           type = "text/css" 
0011           href = "css_files/svgmap.css"/>
0013   <script type = "text/javascript"
0014           src  = "js_files/scriptaculous/lib/prototype.js">
0015   </script>
0016   <script type = "text/javascript"
0017           src  = "js_files/magnifier.js">
0018   </script>
0019   <script type = "text/javascript"
0020           src  = "js_files/svgmap.js">
0021   </script>
0022   <script type = "text/javascript"
0023           src  = "js_files/DMLibrary.js">
0024   </script>
0025   <script type = "text/javascript"
0026           src  = "WebLib.js">
0027   </script>
0028   <script type = "text/javascript"
0029           src  = "js_files/RequestHistos.js">
0030   </script>
0032  </head>
0034  <body bgcolor  = "#414141" 
0035        onload   = "SvgMap.init();">
0037   <fieldset style = "margin-top:    0px;
0038                      margin-bottom: 0px;
0039                      padding-top:   0px;
0040                      padding-bottom:0px;
0041                      border-style:  groove;">
0042    <legend class = "legend" 
0043            align = "center">
0044     Detector elements and controls
0045    </legend>
0047    <center> 
0048     <table border = "0">
0049      <tr>
0050       <td align = "center">
0051        <button class = "controlButton" onclick = "SvgMap.zoomIt('FPIX1-z');"  >FPIX-z D1</button> 
0052        <button class = "controlButton" onclick = "SvgMap.zoomIt('FPIX2-z');"  >FPIX-z D2</button> 
0053        <button class = "controlButton" onclick = "SvgMap.zoomIt('BPIX1');"    >BPIX L1  </button>  
0054        <button class = "controlButton" onclick = "SvgMap.zoomIt('BPIX2-3');"  >BPIX L2-3</button>  
0055        <button class = "controlButton" onclick = "SvgMap.zoomIt('FPIX1+z');"  >FPIX+z D1</button> 
0056        <button class = "controlButton" onclick = "SvgMap.zoomIt('FPIX2+z');"  >FPIX+z D2</button> 
0057       </td>
0058      </tr>
0059      <tr>
0060       <td align = "center">
0061        <button class = "controlButton" onclick = "SvgMap.zoomIt('Home');"     >Home     </button> 
0062        <button class = "controlButton" onclick = "SvgMap.zoomIt('In');"       >Zoom in  </button>
0063        <button class = "controlButton" onclick = "SvgMap.zoomIt('Out');"      >Zoom out </button>
0064        <button class = "controlButton" onclick = "SvgMap.zoomIt('Up');"       >Up       </button> 
0065        <button class = "controlButton" onclick = "SvgMap.zoomIt('Down');"     >Down     </button> 
0066        <button class = "controlButton" onclick = "SvgMap.zoomIt('Left');"     >Left     </button>
0067        <button class = "controlButton" onclick = "SvgMap.zoomIt('Right');"    >Right    </button>
0068        <button class = "controlButton" onclick = "SvgMap.updateTrackerMap();" >Refresh  </button>
0069       </td>
0070      </tr>
0071     </table>
0072    </center> 
0073   </fieldset>
0075   <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
0076    <tr>
0077     <td>
0078      <form action = "javascript:void(0)"
0079            style  = "color: #ffb400; font-family: Verdana; Arial">
0080       <h3>
0081        Color criteria: 
0082        <input id    = "currentColorCodeME"
0083               class = "inputBox"
0084               type  = "text" 
0085               value = "" 
0086               name  = "currentColorCodeME"
0087               size  = "40">
0088        </input>
0089        View: 
0090        <input id    = "currentViewText"
0091               class = "inputBox"
0092               type  = "text" 
0093               value = "Home" 
0094               name  = "currentViewText"
0095               size  = "8">
0096        </input>
0097        <br/>
0098        Det: 
0099        <input id    = "currentElementText"
0100               class = "inputBox"
0101               type  = "text" 
0102               value = ""
0103               name  = "currentElementText" 
0104               size  = "67">
0105        </input>
0106       </h3> 
0107      </form>
0108     </td>
0109    </tr> 
0110    <tr>
0111     <td>
0113     <svg:svg id                  = "clipArea"
0114              width               = "750" 
0115              height              = "400"
0116              x                   = "0"
0117              y                   = "0"
0118              overflow            = "hidden"
0119              preserveAspectRatio = "xMidYMid slice" 
0120              viewBox             = "0 0 3000 1600">
0122      <svg:g id           = "tracker"
0123            transform     = "translate(0,0) rotate(0) scale(1.5,2)" 
0124            style         = "fill:#d5e6fc;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;">
0126       <svg:rect x        = "-500" 
0127                 y        = "-500" 
0128                 width    = "6000" 
0129                 overflow = "hidden" 
0130                 height   = "8000" 
0131                 style    = "fill:#d5e6fc;stroke:red;stroke-width:1px;" />