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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



Warning, /DQM/SiPixelMonitorRawData/doc/HistogramMeanings.doc is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 An explanation of what the various monitorables mean.
0003 errorType - a number (25-38) indicating the type of error recorded.
0004         25 indicates an invalid ROC of 25
0005         26 indicates a gap word
0006         27 indicates a dummy word
0007         28 indicates a FIFO full error
0008         29 indicates a timeout error
0009         30 indicates a TBM error trailer
0010         31 indicates an event number error (TBM and FED event number mismatch)
0011         32 indicates an incorrectly formatted Slink Header
0012         33 indicates an incorrectly formatted Slink Trailer
0013         34 indicates the event size encoded in the Slink Trailer is different than the size found at raw to digi conversion
0014         35 indicates an invalid FED channel number
0015         36 indicates an invalid ROC value
0016         37 indicates an invalid dcol or pixel value
0017         38 indicates the pixels on a ROC weren't read out from lowest to highest row and dcol value
0019 NErrors - the total number of errors recorded.
0021 fullType - the FIFO type that was recorded as being full for an errorType 28.  A value of 1-5 indicates FIFO 1 is full (where the value 1-5 is the channel of FIFO 1 that is full).  A value of 6 signifies FIFO 2 full.  A value of 7 signifies a nearly full trigger FIFO.
0023 chanNmbr - is the number of the FED channel that timed out for an errorType 29.
0025 TBMMessage - is the message contained in the data bits of the TBM trailer for an errorType 30.  The following are possible values for TBMMessage:
0026         0 = stack full
0027         1 = Pre-cal issued
0028         2 = clear trigger counter
0029         3 = sync trigger
0030         4 = sync trigger error
0031         5 = reset ROC
0032         6 = reset TBM
0033         7 = no token bit pass
0035 TBMType - the state machine message encoded in a TBM trailer for errorType 30.
0036         0 = no message
0037         1 = overflow (more than 196 pixels/ROC)
0038         2 = FSM error
0039         3 = invalid number of ROCs
0040         4 = multiple messages
0042 EvtNbr - the event number recorded in the TBM for errorType 31.
0044 evtSize - the size of an event recorded in Slink trailer for errorType 34.
0046 linkId - the invalid FED channel number recorded for errorType 35.
0048 ROCId - the invalid ROC number for errorType 36.
0050 Type36Hitmap - a hitmap that shows the invalid ROC number matched to channel number for errorType 36 in which the detId isn't known.
0052 DCOLId - the invalid dcol value recorded for an errorType 37.
0054 PXId - the invalid pixel value recorded for an errorType 37.
0056 ROCNmbr - the number of the ROC that is read out of order for errorType 38.