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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # load the DQM service
0004 from DQM.SiStripCommon.DaqMonitorROOTBackEnd_cfi import *
0006 # The following is not used any more; there are no clients for this output
0007 # so it wastes a lot of memory, possibly also cpu power
0008 # Needs also hasSharedMemory to be false for the FUEventProcessor xdaq config
0009 ## DQM output via the shared memory
0010 #FUShmDQMOutputService = cms.Service("FUShmDQMOutputService",
0011 #    initialMessageBufferSize = cms.untracked.int32(1000000),
0012 #    compressionLevel = cms.int32(1),
0013 #    lumiSectionInterval = cms.untracked.int32(2000000),
0014 #    lumiSectionsPerUpdate = cms.double(1.0),
0015 #    useCompression = cms.bool(True)
0016 #)
0018 # needed in the online because the otherwise default initiated one gets ill-configured (missing parameter lvl1Labels)
0019 # it doesn't really belong here, but ok, it doesn't hurt either
0020 from FWCore.PrescaleService.PrescaleService_cfi import *
0021 PrescaleService.prescaleTable = cms.VPSet()