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0001 #include "DQM/SiStripCommissioningSources/interface/CalibrationTask.h"
0002 #include "DataFormats/SiStripCommon/interface/SiStripHistoTitle.h"
0003 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
0004 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0005 #include <CondFormats/SiStripObjects/interface/SiStripPedestals.h>
0007 #include <arpa/inet.h>
0008 #include <cstdio>
0009 #include <fstream>
0010 #include <netdb.h>
0011 #include <sys/socket.h>
0012 #include <sys/unistd.h>
0014 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0015 //
0016 CalibrationTask::CalibrationTask(DQMStore* dqm,
0017                                  const FedChannelConnection& conn,
0018                                  const sistrip::RunType& rtype,
0019                                  const char* filename,
0020                                  uint32_t run,
0021                                  const SiStripPedestals& pedestals)
0022     : CommissioningTask(dqm, conn, "CalibrationTask"),
0023       runType_(rtype),
0024       nBins_(0),
0025       lastCalChan_(1000),
0026       lastCalSel_(1000),
0027       lastLatency_(1000),
0028       extrainfo_(),
0029       run_(run) {
0030   // each latency point is 25ns, each calSel is 25/8 --> 64 points = 8 calsel + 8 latency --> as set in the DAQ configuration
0031   if (runType_ == sistrip::CALIBRATION)
0032     nBins_ = 64;
0033   // each latency point is 25ns, each calSel is 25/8 --> 80 points = 8 calsel + 10 latency --> as set in the DAQ configuration
0034   else if (runType_ == sistrip::CALIBRATION_DECO)
0035     nBins_ = 80;
0037   LogDebug("Commissioning") << "[CalibrationTask::CalibrationTask] Constructing object...";
0039   // load the pedestals
0040   SiStripPedestals::Range detPedRange = pedestals.getRange(conn.detId());
0041   int start = conn.apvPairNumber() * 256;
0042   int stop = start + 256;
0043   int value = 0;
0044   ped.reserve(256);
0045   for (int strip = start; strip < stop; ++strip) {
0046     value = int(pedestals.getPed(strip, detPedRange));
0047     if (value > 895)
0048       value -= 1024;
0049     ped.push_back(value);
0050   }
0051 }
0053 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0054 //
0055 CalibrationTask::~CalibrationTask() {
0056   LogDebug("Commissioning") << "[CalibrationTask::CalibrationTask] Destructing object...";
0057 }
0059 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0060 //
0061 void CalibrationTask::book() {
0062   LogDebug("Commissioning") << "[CalibrationTask::book]";
0064   // book 16 histograms, one for each strip in a calibration group --> APV1 --> 16 = dimension of one calChan
0065   if (calib1_.find(extrainfo_) == calib1_.end()) {
0066     dqm()->setCurrentFolder(directory_);
0067     calib1_[extrainfo_].resize(16);
0068     for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
0069       std::string postfix = extrainfo_ + "_istrip_" + std::to_string(i);
0070       std::string title = SiStripHistoTitle(sistrip::EXPERT_HISTO,
0071                                             runType_,
0072                                             sistrip::FED_KEY,
0073                                             fedKey(),
0074                                             sistrip::APV,
0075                                             connection().i2cAddr(0),
0076                                             postfix)
0077                               .title();
0079       if (runType_ == sistrip::CALIBRATION)
0080         calib1_[extrainfo_][i].histo(dqm()->book1D(title, title, nBins_, 0, 200));
0081       else if (runType_ == sistrip::CALIBRATION_DECO)
0082         calib1_[extrainfo_][i].histo(dqm()->book1D(title, title, nBins_, 0, 250));
0083       calib1_[extrainfo_][i].isProfile_ = false;
0084       calib1_[extrainfo_][i].vNumOfEntries_.resize(nBins_, 0);
0085     }
0086   }
0088   // book 16 histograms, one for each strip in a calibration group --> APV2  --> 16 = dimension of one calChan
0089   if (calib2_.find(extrainfo_) == calib2_.end()) {
0090     dqm()->setCurrentFolder(directory_);
0091     calib2_[extrainfo_].resize(16);
0092     for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
0093       std::string postfix = extrainfo_ + "_istrip_" + std::to_string(i);
0094       std::string title = SiStripHistoTitle(sistrip::EXPERT_HISTO,
0095                                             runType_,
0096                                             sistrip::FED_KEY,
0097                                             fedKey(),
0098                                             sistrip::APV,
0099                                             connection().i2cAddr(1),
0100                                             postfix)
0101                               .title();
0103       if (runType_ == sistrip::CALIBRATION)
0104         calib2_[extrainfo_][i].histo(dqm()->book1D(title, title, nBins_, 0, 200));
0105       else if (runType_ == sistrip::CALIBRATION_DECO)
0106         calib2_[extrainfo_][i].histo(dqm()->book1D(title, title, nBins_, 0, 250));
0108       calib2_[extrainfo_][i].isProfile_ = false;
0109       calib2_[extrainfo_][i].vNumOfEntries_.resize(nBins_, 0);
0110     }
0111   }
0112 }
0114 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0115 //
0116 void CalibrationTask::fill(const SiStripEventSummary& summary, const edm::DetSet<SiStripRawDigi>& digis) {
0117   LogDebug("Commissioning") << "[CalibrationTask::fill]";
0119   if (lastCalChan_ != summary.calChan()) {  // change in the calChan value
0120     lastCalChan_ = summary.calChan();
0121     lastLatency_ = summary.latency();
0122     lastCalSel_ = summary.calSel();
0123     extrainfo_ = "calChan_" + std::to_string(lastCalChan_);
0124     book();  // book histograms and load the right one
0125   } else {
0126     lastCalChan_ = summary.calChan();
0127     lastLatency_ = summary.latency();
0128     lastCalSel_ = summary.calSel();
0129     extrainfo_ = "calChan_" + std::to_string(lastCalChan_);
0130   }
0132   // Check if CalChan changed. In that case, save, reset histo, change title, and continue
0133   int isub = lastCalChan_ < 4 ? lastCalChan_ + 4 : lastCalChan_ - 4;
0134   int bin = 0;
0136   if (runType_ == sistrip::CALIBRATION)
0137     bin = (100 - summary.latency()) * 8 + (7 - summary.calSel());
0138   else if (runType_ == sistrip::CALIBRATION_DECO)
0139     bin = (102 - summary.latency()) * 8 + (7 - summary.calSel());
0141   // Fill the histograms data-ped -(data-ped)_isub, the second term corresponds to the common mode substraction, looking at a strip far away.
0142   for (int k = 0; k < 16; ++k) {
0143     updateHistoSet(calib1_[extrainfo_][k],
0144                    bin,
0145          [lastCalChan_ + k * 8].adc() - ped[lastCalChan_ + k * 8] -
0146                        ([isub + k * 8].adc() - ped[isub + k * 8]));
0147     updateHistoSet(calib2_[extrainfo_][k],
0148                    bin,
0149          [128 + lastCalChan_ + k * 8].adc() - ped[128 + lastCalChan_ + k * 8] -
0150                        ([128 + isub + k * 8].adc() - ped[128 + isub + k * 8]));
0151   }
0152   update();  //TODO: temporary: find a better solution later
0153 }
0155 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0156 //
0157 void CalibrationTask::update() {
0158   LogDebug("Commissioning") << "[CalibrationTask::update]";  // huge output
0160   for (const auto& element : calib1_) {     // all pulse for different calChan
0161     for (auto vecelement : element.second)  // all strips in a calCan
0162       updateHistoSet(vecelement);
0163   }
0165   for (const auto& element : calib2_) {     // all pulse for different calChan
0166     for (auto vecelement : element.second)  // all strips in a calCan
0167       updateHistoSet(vecelement);
0168   }
0169 }
0171 void CalibrationTask::setCurrentFolder(const std::string& dir) { directory_ = dir; }