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File indexing completed on 2024-10-08 05:11:29

0001 #include <iostream>
0002 #include <fstream>
0003 #include <sstream>
0004 #include <string>
0006 #include "TFile.h"
0007 #include "TH1D.h"
0008 #include "TDirectoryFile.h"
0009 #include "TCanvas.h"
0011 #define NOISEPREFIX "Profile_NoiseFromCondDB__det__"
0012 #define PEDESTALPREFIX "Profile_PedestalFromCondDB__det__"
0013 #define OCCUPANCYPREFIX "ClusterDigiPosition__det__"
0015 void printPlot(TH1D* hist, char* prefix, char* postfix);
0016 int getChannelNumber(int ival);
0018 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
0019   char* rootfilename;
0020   char* modulelistname;
0021   int pnbits;
0022   char* prefix;
0023   char* postfix;
0025   bool debugPrint = false;
0026   bool imagePrint = false;
0028   if (argc == 6) {
0029     rootfilename = argv[1];
0030     modulelistname = argv[2];
0031     pnbits = atoi(argv[3]);
0032     prefix = argv[4];
0033     postfix = argv[5];
0034   } else {
0035     std::cout << "Wrong number of parameters " << argc << std::endl;
0036     return 1;
0037   }
0039   if (debugPrint)
0040     std::cout << "ready to go " << rootfilename << ' ' << modulelistname << std::endl;
0042   TFile* rootfile = TFile::Open(rootfilename, "READ");
0043   if (!rootfile) {
0044     std::cout << "Problems with input root file" << std::endl;
0045     return 2;
0046   }
0047   int detid;
0048   std::ifstream modulelist(modulelistname);
0050   std::stringstream outrootfilename;
0051   outrootfilename << prefix << "SummaryFile" << postfix << ".root";
0052   TFile* outrootfile = TFile::Open(outrootfilename.str().c_str(), "RECREATE");
0054   TH1D* th_summary = nullptr;
0055   Double_t TotalEvents = 0.0;
0056   Double_t TotalDigis = 0.0;
0058   TH1D* TotEvents = new TH1D("TotEvents", "TotEvents", 1, 0, 1);
0060   if (pnbits & 4) {
0061     TDirectoryFile* tdir = (TDirectoryFile*)rootfile->FindObjectAny("AlCaReco");
0062     TH1D* hist = (TH1D*)tdir->FindObjectAny("TotalNumberOfCluster__TIB");
0063     if (hist) {
0064       TotalEvents = hist->GetEntries();
0065       TotEvents->SetBinContent(1, TotalEvents);
0066       TotEvents->Write();
0067     }
0068   }
0069   while (modulelist >> detid) {
0070     if (debugPrint)
0071       std::cout << " ready to go with detid " << detid << " " << pnbits << std::endl;
0072     // bit 0: noise
0073     if (pnbits & 1) {
0074       std::stringstream histoname;
0075       histoname << NOISEPREFIX << detid;
0076       if (debugPrint)
0077         std::cout << " ready to go with histogram " << histoname.str() << std::endl;
0078       TH1D* hist = (TH1D*)rootfile->FindObjectAny(histoname.str().c_str());
0079       if (hist) {
0080         if (debugPrint)
0081           std::cout << histoname.str() << " found!" << std::endl;
0082         if (imagePrint)
0083           printPlot(hist, prefix, postfix);
0084         hist->Write();
0085       } else {
0086         std::cout << histoname.str() << " NOT found..." << std::endl;
0087       }
0088     }
0089     // bit 1: pedestal
0090     if (pnbits & 2) {
0091       std::stringstream histoname;
0092       histoname << PEDESTALPREFIX << detid;
0093       if (debugPrint)
0094         std::cout << " ready to go with histogram " << histoname.str() << std::endl;
0095       TH1D* hist = (TH1D*)rootfile->FindObjectAny(histoname.str().c_str());
0096       if (hist) {
0097         if (debugPrint)
0098           std::cout << histoname.str() << " found!" << std::endl;
0099         if (imagePrint)
0100           printPlot(hist, prefix, postfix);
0101         hist->Write();
0102       } else {
0103         std::cout << histoname.str() << " NOT found..." << std::endl;
0104       }
0105     }
0106     // bit 2: Occupancy
0107     if (pnbits & 4) {
0108       std::stringstream histoname;
0109       histoname << OCCUPANCYPREFIX << detid;
0110       std::string SummaryName = "ClusterDigiPosition__det__Summary";
0112       if (debugPrint)
0113         std::cout << " ready to go with histogram " << histoname.str() << std::endl;
0114       if (th_summary == nullptr)
0115         th_summary = new TH1D(SummaryName.c_str(), SummaryName.c_str(), 768, 0.5, 768.5);
0116       TH1D* hist = (TH1D*)rootfile->FindObjectAny(histoname.str().c_str());
0117       if (hist) {
0118         if (debugPrint)
0119           std::cout << histoname.str() << " found!" << hist->GetEntries() << std::endl;
0120         for (int i = 1; i < hist->GetNbinsX() + 1; i++) {
0121           th_summary->AddBinContent(i, hist->GetBinContent(i));
0122           TotalDigis += hist->GetBinContent(i);
0123         }
0124         hist->SetLineColor(2);
0125         if (imagePrint)
0126           printPlot(hist, prefix, postfix);
0127         hist->Write();
0128       } else {
0129         std::cout << histoname.str() << " NOT found..." << std::endl;
0130       }
0131     }
0132     // bit 3 : reorder
0133     if (pnbits & 8) {
0134       std::stringstream histoname;
0135       histoname << OCCUPANCYPREFIX << detid;
0136       if (debugPrint)
0137         std::cout << " ready to go with histogram " << histoname.str() << std::endl;
0138       TH1D* hist = (TH1D*)rootfile->FindObjectAny(histoname.str().c_str());
0139       if (hist) {
0140         if (debugPrint)
0141           std::cout << histoname.str() << " found!" << std::endl;
0142         std::stringstream histoname_reorder;
0143         histoname_reorder << OCCUPANCYPREFIX << "_reorder_" << detid;
0144         TH1D* hist_reorder = new TH1D(histoname_reorder.str().c_str(),
0145                                       histoname_reorder.str().c_str(),
0146                                       hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(),
0147                                       hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),
0148                                       hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax());
0149         for (int i = 0; i < hist_reorder->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
0150           int chan = getChannelNumber(i);
0151           hist_reorder->SetBinContent(i + 1, hist->GetBinContent(chan));
0152         }
0153         hist->Write();
0154         hist_reorder->Write();
0155       } else {
0156         std::cout << histoname.str() << " NOT found..." << std::endl;
0157       }
0158     }
0159   }
0160   if (th_summary) {
0161     std::string fname = rootfilename;
0162     std::string run = fname.substr(fname.find("R000") + 4, 6);
0163     if (TotalEvents) {
0164       Double_t fac = 1.0 / TotalEvents;
0165       th_summary->Scale(fac);
0166       std::cout << " Run Number " << run << " Events " << TotalEvents << " Total # of Digis " << TotalDigis
0167                 << " Av. Digis " << TotalDigis * fac << std::endl;
0168       th_summary->SetEntries(TotalDigis * fac);
0169     }
0170     th_summary->Write();
0171     printPlot(th_summary, prefix, postfix);
0172   }
0174   outrootfile->Close();
0176   return 0;
0177 }
0179 void printPlot(TH1D* hist, char* prefix, char* postfix) {
0180   TCanvas* cc = new TCanvas;
0181   hist->Draw();
0182   std::stringstream filename;
0183   filename << prefix << hist->GetName() << postfix << ".png";
0184   cc->Print(filename.str().c_str());
0185   delete cc;
0186 }
0187 int getChannelNumber(int ival) {
0188   int chan = int(32 * fmod(int(fmod(ival, 256.) / 2.), 4.) + 8 * int(int(fmod(ival, 256.) / 2.) / 4.) -
0189                  31 * int(int(fmod(ival, 256.) / 2.) / 16.) + fmod(fmod(ival, 256.), 2.) * 128 + int(ival / 256) * 256);
0190   return chan;
0191 }