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0001 #include "DQM/SiStripMonitorClient/interface/SiStripConfigParser.h"
0002 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0003 #include <iostream>
0005 //
0006 // -- Constructor
0007 //
0008 SiStripConfigParser::SiStripConfigParser() {
0009   edm::LogInfo("SiStripConfigParser") << " Creating SiStripConfigParser "
0010                                       << "\n";
0011 }
0013 void SiStripConfigParser::getDocument(std::string filename) {
0014   boost::property_tree::ptree xml;
0015   boost::property_tree::read_xml(filename, xml);
0017   auto it = xml.find("MonElementConfiguration");
0018   if (it == xml.not_found()) {
0019     throw cms::Exception("SiPixelConfigParser")
0020         << "SiPixelConfigParser XML needs to have a MonElementConfiguration node.";
0021   }
0022   this->config_ = it->second;
0023 }
0025 // -- Get List of MEs for the summary plot and the
0026 //
0027 bool SiStripConfigParser::getMENamesForSummary(std::map<std::string, std::string>& me_names) {
0028   for (auto& kv : config_) {
0029     if (kv.first == "SummaryPlot") {
0030       for (auto& mekv : kv.second) {
0031         if (mekv.first == "MonElement") {
0032           auto name = mekv.second.get<std::string>("<xmlattr>.name");
0033           auto type = mekv.second.get<std::string>("<xmlattr>.type");
0034           me_names[name] = type;
0035         }
0036       }
0037       return true;
0038     }
0039   }
0040   return false;
0041 }
0043 //
0044 // -- Get List of MEs for the summary plot and the
0045 //
0046 bool SiStripConfigParser::getFrequencyForSummary(int& u_freq) {
0047   u_freq = config_.get<int>("SummaryPlot.<xmlattr>.update_frequency", -1);
0048   if (u_freq >= 0)
0049     return true;
0050   return false;
0051 }