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0001 #!/bin/bash
0003 if [[ $5 == '' || $6 != '' ]]
0004 then
0005   echo "This script accepts exactly 4 command line arguments"
0006   echo "Invoke it in this way:"
0007   echo " DBName DBAccount MonitoredVariable DBTag StoragePath"
0008   echo "    DBname:            name of the database (Ex: cms_orcoff_prod)"
0009   echo "    DBAccount:         name of the database account (Ex: CMS_COND_31X_STRIP)"
0010   echo "    monitoredVariable: must be one among SiStripBadChannel, SiStripFedCabling, SiStripVoltage or RunInfo"
0011   echo "    DBTag:             name of the database tag (Ex: SiStripBadComponents_OfflineAnalysis_GR09_31X_v1_offline)"
0012   echo "    StoragePath:       name of the directory where to find the results of the DB condition monitoring"
0013   echo "Exiting."
0014   exit 1
0015 fi
0017 # The script accepts 4 command line parameters:
0018 # Example: cms_orcoff_prod
0019 export DBName=$1
0020 # Example: CMS_COND_31X_STRIP
0021 export DBAccount=$2
0022 # Example: SiStripBadChannel
0023 export monitoredVariable=$3
0024 # Example: SiStripBadComponents_OfflineAnalysis_GR09_31X_v1_offline
0025 export DBTag=$4
0026 #Example: 
0027 export STORAGEPATH=$5
0028 if [[ $monitoredVariable == "SiStripBadChannel" ]]
0029 then
0030   baseDir=QualityLog
0031   baseName=QualityInfo_Run
0032 elif [[ $monitoredVariable == "SiStripFedCabling" ]]
0033 then
0034   baseDir=CablingLog
0035   baseName=QualityInfoFromCabling_Run
0036 elif [[ $monitoredVariable == "SiStripVoltage" ]]
0037 then
0038   baseDir=QualityLog
0039   baseName=QualityInfo_Run
0040 elif [[ $monitoredVariable == "RunInfo" ]]
0041 then
0042   baseDir=QualityLog
0043   baseName=QualityInfo_Run
0044 else
0045   echo "The monitored variable that was entered is not valid!"
0046   echo "Valid choices are: SiStripBadChannel, SiStripFedCabling, SiStripVoltage or RunInfo."
0047   echo "Exiting."
0048   exit 1
0049 fi
0051 $STORAGEPATH/$DBName/$DBAccount/DBTagCollection/$monitoredVariable/$DBTag $baseDir $baseName