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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 0002 0003 # BXlumi 0004 BXlumiSetup = cms.PSet( 0005 # input tags 0006 lumi = cms.InputTag('lumiProducer'), 0007 # taken from 0008 # DPGAnalysis/SiStripTools/src/DigiLumiCorrHistogramMaker.cc 0009 # the scale factor 6.37 should follow the lumi prescriptions 0010 # AS SOON AS THE CORRECTED LUMI WILL BE AVAILABLE IT HAS TO BE SET TO 1. 0011 lumiScale = cms.double(6.37), 0012 # low PU 0013 # BXlumiBin = cms.int32 (100), 0014 # BXlumiMin = cms.double(1), 0015 # BXlumiMax = cms.double(10), 0016 0017 BXlumiBin = cms.int32 (400), 0018 BXlumiMin = cms.double(2000), 0019 BXlumiMax = cms.double(6000) 0020 ) 0021
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