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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from DQMServices.Core.DQMEDAnalyzer import DQMEDAnalyzer
0004 LaserAlignmentT0ProducerDQM = DQMEDAnalyzer( 'LaserAlignmentT0ProducerDQM',
0005   # specify the input digi collections to run on
0006   DigiProducerList = cms.VPSet(
0007     cms.PSet(
0008       DigiLabel = cms.string( 'ZeroSuppressed' ),
0009       DigiType = cms.string( 'Processed' ),
0010       DigiProducer = cms.string( 'ALCARECOTkAlLASsiStripDigis' )
0011     ), 
0012     cms.PSet(
0013       DigiLabel = cms.string( 'VirginRaw' ),
0014       DigiType = cms.string( 'Raw' ),
0015       DigiProducer = cms.string( 'ALCARECOTkAlLASsiStripDigis' )
0016     ), 
0017     cms.PSet(
0018       DigiLabel = cms.string( 'ProcessedRaw' ),
0019       DigiType = cms.string( 'Raw' ),
0020       DigiProducer = cms.string( 'ALCARECOTkAlLASsiStripDigis' )
0021     ), 
0022     cms.PSet(
0023       DigiLabel = cms.string( 'ScopeMode' ),
0024       DigiType = cms.string( 'Raw' ),
0025       DigiProducer = cms.string( 'ALCARECOTkAlLASsiStripDigis' )
0026     )
0027   ),
0029   # the lower threshold for the strip amplitude;
0030   # profiles with digis above will be considered containing signal
0031   LowerAdcThreshold = cms.uint32( 15 ),
0033   # the upper threshold for the strip amplitude;
0034   # profiles with digis below will be considered containing a signal
0035   UpperAdcThreshold = cms.uint32( 220 ),
0037   # the dqm folder name to write to
0038   FolderName = cms.string( "TkAlLAS" ),
0040   # additionally dump in plain ROOT file?
0041   OutputInPlainROOT = cms.bool( False ),
0043   # if plain ROOT output, then write to this file
0044   PlainOutputFileName = cms.string( "TkAlLAS.dqm.root" )
0046 )