Warning, /DQMOffline/Configuration/test/BuildFile.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <!-- Download input file locally so that all tests can use it -->
0002 <set name="INFILE_NAME" value="004D960A-EA4C-E811-A908-FA163ED1F481.root"/>
0003 <set name="INFILE" value="/store/data/Run2018A/EGamma/RAW/v1/000/315/489/00000/${INFILE_NAME}"/>
0004 <test name="GetTestDQMOfflineConfigurationFile" command="edmCopyUtil ${INFILE} $(LOCALTOP)/tmp/"/>
0006 <!-- To make the tests run in parallel, we chunk up the work into arbitrary sets of 10 sequences. -->
0007 <test name="TestDQMOfflineConfiguration" command="runtests.sh ${step_value} ${value} file://${LOCALTOP}/tmp/${INFILE_NAME}" for="0,999,10">
0008 <flags PRE_TEST="GetTestDQMOfflineConfigurationFile"/>
0009 </test>
0011 <!-- To make sure we actually got all sequences, the last check checks that there are no sequences beyond the last test -->
0012 <!-- This might need to updated when the number of distinct sequences grows, add more rows above and change the number here. -->
0013 <test name="TestDQMOfflineConfigurationGotAll" command="runrest.sh file://${LOCALTOP}/tmp/${INFILE_NAME} 999">
0014 <flags PRE_TEST="GetTestDQMOfflineConfigurationFile"/>
0015 </test>