File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:09:24
0001 #include <queue>
0003 void eleListDir( const TObjString * firstdirname, const TDirectory * firstDir )
0004 {
0005 TObjArray * dirs = new TObjArray ;
0006 dirs->AddLast(new TPair(firstdirname,firstDir)) ;
0007 TList * keys ;
0008 TKey * key ;
0009 TH1 * histo ;
0010 TIter nextDir(dirs) ;
0011 TPair * pair ;
0012 const TObjString * dirname ;
0013 const TDirectory * dir ;
0014 while (pair = (TPair *)nextDir())
0015 {
0016 dirname = (TObjString *)pair->Key() ;
0017 dir = (TDirectory *)pair->Value() ;
0018 keys = dir->GetListOfKeys() ;
0019 TIter nextKey(keys) ;
0020 while (key = (TKey *)nextKey())
0021 {
0022 obj = key->ReadObj() ;
0023 if (obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TDirectory"))
0024 {
0025 dirs->AddLast(new TPair(new TObjString(dirname->String()+"/"+obj->GetName()),obj)) ;
0026 }
0027 else if (obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TH1"))
0028 {
0029 histo = (TH1 *)obj ;
0030 std::cout
0031 <<"Histo "<<dirname->String()<<"/"<<histo->GetName()<<";"<<key->GetCycle()
0032 <<" has "<<histo->GetEntries()<<" entries"
0033 <<" (~"<<histo->GetEffectiveEntries()<<")"
0034 <<" of mean value "<<histo->GetMean()
0035 <<std::endl ;
0036 }
0037 else
0038 { std::cout<<"What is "<<obj->GetName()<<" ?"<<std::endl ; }
0039 }
0040 }
0041 }
0043 int eleListHistos()
0044 {
0045 TString input_file_name = gSystem->Getenv("TEST_HISTOS_FILE") ;
0046 TString internal_path("DQMData") ;
0048 input_file = TFile::Open(input_file_name) ;
0049 if (input_file!=0)
0050 {
0051 std::cout<<"open "<<input_file_name<<std::endl ;
0052 if (input_file->cd(internal_path)!=kTRUE)
0053 {
0054 std::cerr<<"Failed move to: "<<internal_path<<std::endl ;
0055 eleListDir("",gDirectory) ;
0056 }
0057 else
0058 {
0059 std::cout<<"cd "<<internal_path<<std::endl ;
0060 eleListDir(new TObjString(internal_path),gDirectory) ;
0061 }
0062 }
0063 else
0064 {
0065 std::cerr<<"Failed to open: "<<input_file_name<<std::endl ;
0066 return ;
0067 }
0068 input_file->Close() ;
0069 }