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0001 /* This Class Header */
0002 #include "DQMOffline/Muon/interface/EfficiencyAnalyzer.h"
0004 /* Collaborating Class Header */
0005 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0006 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
0007 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0008 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0009 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
0010 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
0011 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/deltaR.h"
0012 #include "DataFormats/MuonReco/interface/MuonSelectors.h"
0013 #include "TrackingTools/TransientTrack/interface/TransientTrack.h"
0014 #include "RecoMuon/TrackingTools/interface/MuonPatternRecoDumper.h"
0016 #include "TLorentzVector.h"
0017 #include "TFile.h"
0018 #include <vector>
0019 #include <cmath>
0020 #include <algorithm>
0022 /* C++ Headers */
0023 #include <iostream>
0024 #include <fstream>
0025 #include <cmath>
0026 using namespace std;
0027 using namespace edm;
0029 EfficiencyAnalyzer::EfficiencyAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet& pSet) {
0030   parameters = pSet;
0032   // DATA
0033   theMuonCollectionLabel_ = consumes<edm::View<reco::Muon> >(parameters.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("MuonCollection"));
0034   theTrackCollectionLabel_ = consumes<reco::TrackCollection>(parameters.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("TrackCollection"));
0035   theVertexLabel_ = consumes<reco::VertexCollection>(parameters.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("VertexLabel"));
0036   theBeamSpotLabel_ = mayConsume<reco::BeamSpot>(parameters.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("BeamSpotLabel"));
0038   //Vertex requirements
0039   doPVCheck_ = parameters.getParameter<bool>("doPrimaryVertexCheck");
0041   ptBin_ = parameters.getParameter<int>("ptBin");
0042   ptMin_ = parameters.getParameter<double>("ptMin");
0043   ptMax_ = parameters.getParameter<double>("ptMax");
0045   etaBin_ = parameters.getParameter<int>("etaBin");
0046   etaMin_ = parameters.getParameter<double>("etaMin");
0047   etaMax_ = parameters.getParameter<double>("etaMax");
0049   phiBin_ = parameters.getParameter<int>("phiBin");
0050   phiMin_ = parameters.getParameter<double>("phiMin");
0051   phiMax_ = parameters.getParameter<double>("phiMax");
0053   vtxBin_ = parameters.getParameter<int>("vtxBin");
0054   vtxMin_ = parameters.getParameter<double>("vtxMin");
0055   vtxMax_ = parameters.getParameter<double>("vtxMax");
0057   ID_ = parameters.getParameter<string>("ID");
0058   theFolder = parameters.getParameter<string>("folder");
0059 }
0061 EfficiencyAnalyzer::~EfficiencyAnalyzer() {}
0063 void EfficiencyAnalyzer::bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker& ibooker,
0064                                         edm::Run const& /*iRun*/,
0065                                         edm::EventSetup const& /* iSetup */) {
0067   ibooker.setCurrentFolder(theFolder + ID_);
0069   h_allProbes_pt = ibooker.book1D("allProbes_pt", "All Probes Pt", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0070   h_allProbes_inner_pt = ibooker.book1D("allProbes_inner_pt", "All Probes inner Pt", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0071   h_allProbes_inner_eta = ibooker.book1D("allProbes_inner_eta", "All Probes inner eta", etaBin_, etaMin_, etaMax_);
0072   h_allProbes_inner_phi = ibooker.book1D("allProbes_inner_phi", "All Probes inner phi", phiBin_, phiMin_, phiMax_);
0073   h_allProbes_EB_pt = ibooker.book1D("allProbes_EB_pt", "Barrel: all Probes Pt", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0074   h_allProbes_EE_pt = ibooker.book1D("allProbes_EE_pt", "Endcap: all Probes Pt", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0075   h_allProbes_eta = ibooker.book1D("allProbes_eta", "All Probes Eta", etaBin_, etaMin_, etaMax_);
0076   h_allProbes_hp_eta = ibooker.book1D("allProbes_hp_eta", "High Pt all Probes Eta", etaBin_, etaMin_, etaMax_);
0077   h_allProbes_phi = ibooker.book1D("allProbes_phi", "All Probes Phi", phiBin_, phiMin_, phiMax_);
0079   h_allProbes_ID_pt = ibooker.book1D("allProbes_ID_pt", "All ID Probes Pt", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0080   h_allProbes_EB_ID_pt = ibooker.book1D("allProbes_EB_ID_pt", "Barrel: all ID Probes Pt", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0081   h_allProbes_EE_ID_pt = ibooker.book1D("allProbes_EE_ID_pt", "Endcap: all ID Probes Pt", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0082   h_allProbes_ID_nVtx = ibooker.book1D("allProbes_ID_nVtx", "All Probes (ID) nVtx", vtxBin_, vtxMin_, vtxMax_);
0083   h_allProbes_EB_ID_nVtx =
0084       ibooker.book1D("allProbes_EB_ID_nVtx", "Barrel: All Probes (ID) nVtx", vtxBin_, vtxMin_, vtxMax_);
0085   h_allProbes_EE_ID_nVtx =
0086       ibooker.book1D("allProbes_EE_ID_nVtx", "Endcap: All Probes (ID) nVtx", vtxBin_, vtxMin_, vtxMax_);
0088   h_passProbes_ID_pt = ibooker.book1D("passProbes_ID_pt", "ID Passing Probes Pt", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0089   h_passProbes_ID_inner_pt =
0090       ibooker.book1D("passProbes_ID_inner_pt", "ID Passing Probes inner Pt", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0091   h_passProbes_ID_inner_eta =
0092       ibooker.book1D("passProbes_ID_inner_eta", "ID Passing Probes inner eta", etaBin_, etaMin_, etaMax_);
0093   h_passProbes_ID_inner_phi =
0094       ibooker.book1D("passProbes_ID_inner_phi", "ID Passing Probes inner phi", phiBin_, phiMin_, phiMax_);
0095   h_passProbes_ID_EB_pt = ibooker.book1D("passProbes_ID_EB_pt", "Barrel: ID Passing Probes Pt", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0096   h_passProbes_ID_EE_pt = ibooker.book1D("passProbes_ID_EE_pt", "Endcap: ID Passing Probes Pt", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0097   h_passProbes_ID_eta = ibooker.book1D("passProbes_ID_eta", "ID Passing Probes #eta", etaBin_, etaMin_, etaMax_);
0098   h_passProbes_ID_hp_eta =
0099       ibooker.book1D("passProbes_ID_hp_eta", "High Pt ID Passing Probes #eta", etaBin_, etaMin_, etaMax_);
0100   h_passProbes_ID_phi = ibooker.book1D("passProbes_ID_phi", "ID Passing Probes #phi", phiBin_, phiMin_, phiMax_);
0102   h_passProbes_detIsoID_pt =
0103       ibooker.book1D("passProbes_detIsoID_pt", "detIsoID Passing Probes Pt", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0104   h_passProbes_EB_detIsoID_pt =
0105       ibooker.book1D("passProbes_EB_detIsoID_pt", "Barrel: detIsoID Passing Probes Pt", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0106   h_passProbes_EE_detIsoID_pt =
0107       ibooker.book1D("passProbes_EE_detIsoID_pt", "Endcap: detIsoID Passing Probes Pt", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0109   h_passProbes_pfIsoID_pt =
0110       ibooker.book1D("passProbes_pfIsoID_pt", "pfIsoID Passing Probes Pt", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0111   h_passProbes_EB_pfIsoID_pt =
0112       ibooker.book1D("passProbes_EB_pfIsoID_pt", "Barrel: pfIsoID Passing Probes Pt", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0113   h_passProbes_EE_pfIsoID_pt =
0114       ibooker.book1D("passProbes_EE_pfIsoID_pt", "Endcap: pfIsoID Passing Probes Pt", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0116   h_passProbes_detIsoID_nVtx =
0117       ibooker.book1D("passProbes_detIsoID_nVtx", "detIsoID Passing Probes nVtx (R03)", vtxBin_, vtxMin_, vtxMax_);
0118   h_passProbes_pfIsoID_nVtx =
0119       ibooker.book1D("passProbes_pfIsoID_nVtx", "pfIsoID Passing Probes nVtx (R04)", vtxBin_, vtxMin_, vtxMax_);
0120   h_passProbes_EB_detIsoID_nVtx = ibooker.book1D(
0121       "passProbes_EB_detIsoID_nVtx", "Barrel: detIsoID Passing Probes nVtx (R03)", vtxBin_, vtxMin_, vtxMax_);
0122   h_passProbes_EE_detIsoID_nVtx = ibooker.book1D(
0123       "passProbes_EE_detIsoID_nVtx", "Endcap: detIsoID Passing Probes nVtx (R03)", vtxBin_, vtxMin_, vtxMax_);
0124   h_passProbes_EB_pfIsoID_nVtx = ibooker.book1D(
0125       "passProbes_EB_pfIsoID_nVtx", "Barrel: pfIsoID Passing Probes nVtx (R04)", vtxBin_, vtxMin_, vtxMax_);
0126   h_passProbes_EE_pfIsoID_nVtx = ibooker.book1D(
0127       "passProbes_EE_pfIsoID_nVtx", "Endcap: pfIsoID Passing Probes nVtx (R04)", vtxBin_, vtxMin_, vtxMax_);
0129   // Apply deltaBeta PU corrections to the PF isolation eficiencies.
0131   h_passProbes_pfIsodBID_pt = ibooker.book1D(
0132       "passProbes_pfIsodBID_pt", "pfIsoID Passing Probes Pt (deltaB PU correction)", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0133   h_passProbes_EB_pfIsodBID_pt = ibooker.book1D(
0134       "passProbes_EB_pfIsodBID_pt", "Barrel: pfIsoID Passing Probes Pt (deltaB PU correction)", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0135   h_passProbes_EE_pfIsodBID_pt = ibooker.book1D(
0136       "passProbes_EE_pfIsodBID_pt", "Endcap: pfIsoID Passing Probes Pt (deltaB PU correction)", ptBin_, ptMin_, ptMax_);
0137   h_passProbes_pfIsodBID_nVtx = ibooker.book1D("passProbes_pfIsodBID_nVtx",
0138                                                "pfIsoID Passing Probes nVtx (R04) (deltaB PU correction)",
0139                                                vtxBin_,
0140                                                vtxMin_,
0141                                                vtxMax_);
0142   h_passProbes_EB_pfIsodBID_nVtx = ibooker.book1D("passProbes_EB_pfIsodBID_nVtx",
0143                                                   "Barrel: pfIsoID Passing Probes nVtx (R04) (deltaB PU correction)",
0144                                                   vtxBin_,
0145                                                   vtxMin_,
0146                                                   vtxMax_);
0147   h_passProbes_EE_pfIsodBID_nVtx = ibooker.book1D("passProbes_EE_pfIsodBID_nVtx",
0148                                                   "Endcap: pfIsoID Passing Probes nVtx (R04) (deltaB PU correction)",
0149                                                   vtxBin_,
0150                                                   vtxMin_,
0151                                                   vtxMax_);
0153 #ifdef DEBUG
0154   cout << "[EfficiencyAnalyzer] Parameters initialization DONE" << endl;
0155 #endif
0156 }
0158 void EfficiencyAnalyzer::analyze(const edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) {
0159   LogTrace(metname) << "[EfficiencyAnalyzer] Analyze the mu in different eta regions";
0160   // ==========================================================
0161   // BEGIN READ DATA:
0162   // Muon information
0163   edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Muon> > muons;
0164   iEvent.getByToken(theMuonCollectionLabel_, muons);
0166   // Tracks information
0167   edm::Handle<reco::TrackCollection> tracks;
0168   iEvent.getByToken(theTrackCollectionLabel_, tracks);  /// to be read from output as "generalTracks"
0170   //Vertex information
0171   edm::Handle<reco::VertexCollection> vertex;
0172   iEvent.getByToken(theVertexLabel_, vertex);
0173   // END READ DATA
0174   // ==========================================================
0176   _numPV = 0;
0177   bool bPrimaryVertex = true;
0178   if (doPVCheck_) {
0179     bPrimaryVertex = false;
0181     if (!vertex.isValid()) {
0182       LogTrace(metname) << "[EfficiencyAnalyzer] Could not find vertex collection" << std::endl;
0183       bPrimaryVertex = false;
0184     }
0186     if (vertex.isValid()) {
0187       const reco::VertexCollection& vertexCollection = *(vertex.product());
0188       int vertex_number = vertexCollection.size();
0190       reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator v = vertexCollection.begin();
0191       for (; v != vertexCollection.end(); ++v) {
0192         double vertex_chi2 = v->normalizedChi2();
0193         double vertex_ndof = v->ndof();
0194         bool fakeVtx = v->isFake();
0195         double vertex_Z = v->z();
0197         if (!fakeVtx && vertex_number >= 1 && vertex_ndof > 4 && vertex_chi2 < 999 && fabs(vertex_Z) < 24.) {
0198           bPrimaryVertex = true;
0199           ++_numPV;
0200         }
0201       }
0202     }
0203   }
0205   // =================================================================================
0206   // Look for the Primary Vertex (and use the BeamSpot instead, if you can't find it):
0207   reco::Vertex::Point posVtx;
0208   reco::Vertex::Error errVtx;
0209   unsigned int theIndexOfThePrimaryVertex = 999.;
0210   if (vertex.isValid()) {
0211     for (unsigned int ind = 0; ind < vertex->size(); ++ind) {
0212       if ((*vertex)[ind].isValid() && !((*vertex)[ind].isFake())) {
0213         theIndexOfThePrimaryVertex = ind;
0214         break;
0215       }
0216     }
0217   }
0219   if (theIndexOfThePrimaryVertex < 100) {
0220     posVtx = ((*vertex)[theIndexOfThePrimaryVertex]).position();
0221     errVtx = ((*vertex)[theIndexOfThePrimaryVertex]).error();
0222   } else {
0223     LogInfo("RecoMuonValidator") << "reco::PrimaryVertex not found, use BeamSpot position instead\n";
0225     edm::Handle<reco::BeamSpot> recoBeamSpotHandle;
0226     iEvent.getByToken(theBeamSpotLabel_, recoBeamSpotHandle);
0227     reco::BeamSpot bs = *recoBeamSpotHandle;
0229     posVtx = bs.position();
0230     errVtx(0, 0) = bs.BeamWidthX();
0231     errVtx(1, 1) = bs.BeamWidthY();
0232     errVtx(2, 2) = bs.sigmaZ();
0233   }
0235   const reco::Vertex thePrimaryVertex(posVtx, errVtx);
0236   // ==========================================================
0238   if (!muons.isValid())
0239     return;
0241   // Loop on muon collection
0242   TLorentzVector Mu1, Mu2;
0244   bool isMB = false;
0245   bool isME = false;
0247   for (edm::View<reco::Muon>::const_iterator muon1 = muons->begin(); muon1 != muons->end(); ++muon1) {
0248     LogTrace(metname) << "[EfficiencyAnalyzer] loop over first muons" << endl;
0250     //--- Define combined isolation
0251     reco::MuonIsolation Iso_muon = muon1->isolationR03();
0252     float combIso = (Iso_muon.emEt + Iso_muon.hadEt + Iso_muon.sumPt);
0254     //--- Is Global Muon
0255     if (!muon1->isGlobalMuon())
0256       continue;
0258     // get the track combinig the information from both the Tracker and the Spectrometer
0259     reco::TrackRef recoCombinedGlbTrack1 = muon1->combinedMuon();
0260     float muPt1 = recoCombinedGlbTrack1->pt();
0261     Mu1.SetPxPyPzE(recoCombinedGlbTrack1->px(),
0262                    recoCombinedGlbTrack1->py(),
0263                    recoCombinedGlbTrack1->pz(),
0264                    recoCombinedGlbTrack1->p());
0266     //--- Define if it is a tight muon
0267     // Change the Tight muon definition by using the implemented method in:
0268     if (ID_ == "Loose" && !muon::isLooseMuon(*muon1))
0269       continue;
0270     if (ID_ == "Medium" && !muon::isMediumMuon(*muon1))
0271       continue;
0272     if (ID_ == "Tight" && !muon::isTightMuon(*muon1, thePrimaryVertex))
0273       continue;
0275     //-- is isolated muon
0276     if (muPt1 <= 15)
0277       continue;
0278     if (combIso / muPt1 > 0.1)
0279       continue;
0281     for (edm::View<reco::Muon>::const_iterator muon2 = muons->begin(); muon2 != muons->end(); ++muon2) {
0282       LogTrace(metname) << "[EfficiencyAnalyzer] loop over second muon" << endl;
0283       if (muon2 == muon1)
0284         continue;
0286       if (muon2->eta() < 1.479)
0287         isMB = true;
0288       if (muon2->eta() >= 1.479)
0289         isME = true;
0291       //--> should we apply track quality cuts???
0292       Mu2.SetPxPyPzE(muon2->px(), muon2->py(), muon2->pz(), muon2->p());
0294       float Minv = (Mu1 + Mu2).M();
0295       if (!muon2->isTrackerMuon())
0296         continue;
0297       if (muon2->pt() < 5)
0298         continue;
0299       if ((muon1->charge()) * (muon2->charge()) > 0)
0300         continue;
0301       if (Minv < 70 || Minv > 110)
0302         continue;
0304       h_allProbes_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0305       h_allProbes_eta->Fill(muon2->eta());
0306       h_allProbes_phi->Fill(muon2->phi());
0307       if (muon2->innerTrack()->extra().isAvailable()) {
0308         h_allProbes_inner_pt->Fill(muon2->innerTrack()->innerMomentum().Rho());
0309         h_allProbes_inner_eta->Fill(muon2->innerTrack()->innerPosition().Eta());
0310         h_allProbes_inner_phi->Fill(muon2->innerTrack()->innerPosition().Phi());
0311       }
0312       if (isMB)
0313         h_allProbes_EB_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0314       if (isME)
0315         h_allProbes_EE_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0316       if (muon2->pt() > 20)
0317         h_allProbes_hp_eta->Fill(muon2->eta());
0319       // Probes passing the tight muon criteria
0320       if (ID_ == "Loose" && !muon::isLooseMuon(*muon2))
0321         continue;
0322       if (ID_ == "Medium" && !muon::isMediumMuon(*muon2))
0323         continue;
0324       if (ID_ == "Tight" && !muon::isTightMuon(*muon2, thePrimaryVertex))
0325         continue;
0327       h_passProbes_ID_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0328       h_passProbes_ID_eta->Fill(muon2->eta());
0329       h_passProbes_ID_phi->Fill(muon2->phi());
0330       if (muon2->innerTrack()->extra().isAvailable()) {
0331         h_passProbes_ID_inner_pt->Fill(muon2->innerTrack()->innerMomentum().Rho());
0332         h_passProbes_ID_inner_eta->Fill(muon2->innerTrack()->innerPosition().Eta());
0333         h_passProbes_ID_inner_phi->Fill(muon2->innerTrack()->innerPosition().Phi());
0334       }
0336       if (isMB)
0337         h_passProbes_ID_EB_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0338       if (isME)
0339         h_passProbes_ID_EE_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0340       if (muon2->pt() > 20)
0341         h_passProbes_ID_hp_eta->Fill(muon2->eta());
0343       h_allProbes_ID_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0344       if (isMB)
0345         h_allProbes_EB_ID_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0346       if (isME)
0347         h_allProbes_EE_ID_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0349       //------- For PU monitoring -------//
0350       if (bPrimaryVertex)
0351         h_allProbes_ID_nVtx->Fill(_numPV);
0352       if (bPrimaryVertex && isMB)
0353         h_allProbes_EB_ID_nVtx->Fill(_numPV);
0354       if (bPrimaryVertex && isME)
0355         h_allProbes_EE_ID_nVtx->Fill(_numPV);
0357       //-- Define det relative isolation
0358       float tkIso = muon2->isolationR03().sumPt;
0359       float emIso = muon2->isolationR03().emEt;
0360       float hadIso = muon2->isolationR03().hadEt + muon2->isolationR03().hoEt;
0361       float relDetIso = (tkIso + emIso + hadIso) / (muon2->pt());
0363       if (relDetIso < 0.05) {
0364         h_passProbes_detIsoID_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0365         if (isMB)
0366           h_passProbes_EB_detIsoID_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0367         if (isME)
0368           h_passProbes_EE_detIsoID_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0370         if (bPrimaryVertex)
0371           h_passProbes_detIsoID_nVtx->Fill(_numPV);
0372         if (bPrimaryVertex && isMB)
0373           h_passProbes_EB_detIsoID_nVtx->Fill(_numPV);
0374         if (bPrimaryVertex && isME)
0375           h_passProbes_EE_detIsoID_nVtx->Fill(_numPV);
0376       }
0378       //-- Define PF relative isolation
0379       float chargedIso = muon2->pfIsolationR04().sumChargedHadronPt;
0380       float neutralIso = muon2->pfIsolationR04().sumNeutralHadronEt;
0381       float photonIso = muon2->pfIsolationR04().sumPhotonEt;
0382       float relPFIso = (chargedIso + neutralIso + photonIso) / (muon2->pt());
0384       float pu = muon2->pfIsolationR04().sumPUPt;
0385       float neutralphotonPUCorrected = std::max(0.0, (neutralIso + photonIso - 0.5 * pu));
0386       float relPFIsoPUCorrected = (chargedIso + neutralphotonPUCorrected) / (muon2->pt());
0388       if (relPFIso < 0.12) {
0389         h_passProbes_pfIsoID_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0390         if (isMB)
0391           h_passProbes_EB_pfIsoID_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0392         if (isME)
0393           h_passProbes_EE_pfIsoID_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0395         if (bPrimaryVertex)
0396           h_passProbes_pfIsoID_nVtx->Fill(_numPV);
0397         if (bPrimaryVertex && isMB)
0398           h_passProbes_EB_pfIsoID_nVtx->Fill(_numPV);
0399         if (bPrimaryVertex && isME)
0400           h_passProbes_EE_pfIsoID_nVtx->Fill(_numPV);
0401       }
0403       // Apply deltaBeta PU corrections to the PF isolation eficiencies.
0404       if (relPFIsoPUCorrected < 0.12) {
0405         h_passProbes_pfIsodBID_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0406         if (isMB)
0407           h_passProbes_EB_pfIsodBID_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0408         if (isME)
0409           h_passProbes_EE_pfIsodBID_pt->Fill(muon2->pt());
0411         if (bPrimaryVertex)
0412           h_passProbes_pfIsodBID_nVtx->Fill(_numPV);
0413         if (bPrimaryVertex && isMB)
0414           h_passProbes_EB_pfIsodBID_nVtx->Fill(_numPV);
0415         if (bPrimaryVertex && isME)
0416           h_passProbes_EE_pfIsodBID_nVtx->Fill(_numPV);
0417       }
0418     }
0419   }
0420 }