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0001 /*
0002  * \file
0003  *
0004  * \author L. Lunerti - INFN Bologna
0005  *
0006  */
0008 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0010 #include "DataFormats/MuonReco/interface/MuonSegmentMatch.h"
0011 #include "DataFormats/MuonDetId/interface/RPCDetId.h"
0013 #include "DQMOffline/MuonDPG/interface/BaseTnPEfficiencyTask.h"
0015 class RPCTnPEfficiencyTask : public BaseTnPEfficiencyTask {
0016 public:
0017   /// Constructor
0018   RPCTnPEfficiencyTask(const edm::ParameterSet& config);
0020   /// Destructor
0021   ~RPCTnPEfficiencyTask() override;
0023 protected:
0024   std::string topFolder() const override;
0026   void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker& iBooker, edm::Run const& run, edm::EventSetup const& context) override;
0028   /// Book wheel granularity histograms
0029   void bookWheelHistos(DQMStore::IBooker& iBooker, int wheel, std::string folder = "");
0031   /// Book endcap histograms
0032   void bookEndcapHistos(DQMStore::IBooker& iBooker, int stations, std::string folder = "");
0034   int get_barrel_histo_ycoord(int ring, int station, int sector, int layer, int subsector, int roll);
0036   /// Analyze
0037   void analyze(const edm::Event& event, const edm::EventSetup& context) override;
0038 };
0040 RPCTnPEfficiencyTask::RPCTnPEfficiencyTask(const edm::ParameterSet& config) : BaseTnPEfficiencyTask(config) {
0041   LogTrace("DQMOffline|MuonDPG|RPCTnPEfficiencyTask") << "[RPCTnPEfficiencyTask]: Constructor" << std::endl;
0042 }
0044 RPCTnPEfficiencyTask::~RPCTnPEfficiencyTask() {
0045   LogTrace("DQMOffline|MuonDPG|RPCTnPEfficiencyTask")
0046       << "[RPCTnPEfficiencyTask]: analyzed " << m_nEvents << " events" << std::endl;
0047 }
0049 void RPCTnPEfficiencyTask::bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker& iBooker,
0050                                           edm::Run const& run,
0051                                           edm::EventSetup const& context) {
0052   BaseTnPEfficiencyTask::bookHistograms(iBooker, run, context);
0054   LogTrace("DQMOffline|MuonDPG|RPCTnPEfficiencyTask") << "[RPCTnPEfficiencyTask]: bookHistograms" << std::endl;
0056   for (int wheel = -2; wheel <= 2; ++wheel) {
0057     bookWheelHistos(iBooker, wheel, "Task");
0058   }
0060   for (int station = -4; station <= 4; ++station) {
0061     if (station == 0)
0062       continue;
0063     bookEndcapHistos(iBooker, station, "Task");
0064   }
0066   auto baseDir = topFolder() + "Task/";
0067   iBooker.setCurrentFolder(baseDir);
0069   MonitorElement* me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D =
0070       iBooker.book1D("RPC_nPassingProbe_Barrel_allCh_1D", "RPC_nPassingProbe_Barrel_allCh_1D", 20, 0.5, 20.5);
0071   MonitorElement* me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D =
0072       iBooker.book1D("RPC_nFailingProbe_Barrel_allCh_1D", "RPC_nFailingProbe_Barrel_allCh_1D", 20, 0.5, 20.5);
0074   MonitorElement* me_RPC_endcap_pass_allCh_1D =
0075       iBooker.book1D("RPC_nPassingProbe_Endcap_allCh_1D", "RPC_nPassingProbe_Endcap_allCh_1D", 9, -4., 5.);
0076   MonitorElement* me_RPC_endcap_fail_allCh_1D =
0077       iBooker.book1D("RPC_nFailingProbe_Endcap_allCh_1D", "RPC_nFailingProbe_Endcap_allCh_1D", 9, -4., 5.);
0079   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(1, "RB1/YB-2", 1);
0080   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(2, "RB2/YB-2", 1);
0081   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(3, "RB3/YB-2", 1);
0082   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(4, "RB4/YB-2", 1);
0083   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(5, "RB1/YB-1", 1);
0084   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(6, "RB2/YB-1", 1);
0085   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(7, "RB3/YB-1", 1);
0086   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(8, "RB4/YB-1", 1);
0087   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(9, "RB1/YB0", 1);
0088   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(10, "RB2/YB0", 1);
0089   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(11, "RB3/YB0", 1);
0090   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(12, "RB4/YB0", 1);
0091   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(13, "RB1/YB1", 1);
0092   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(14, "RB2/YB1", 1);
0093   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(15, "RB3/YB1", 1);
0094   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(16, "RB4/YB1", 1);
0095   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(17, "RB1/YB2", 1);
0096   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(18, "RB2/YB2", 1);
0097   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(19, "RB3/YB2", 1);
0098   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(20, "RB4/YB2", 1);
0099   me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D->setAxisTitle("Number of passing probes", 2);
0101   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(1, "RB1/YB-2", 1);
0102   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(2, "RB2/YB-2", 1);
0103   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(3, "RB3/YB-2", 1);
0104   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(4, "RB4/YB-2", 1);
0105   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(5, "RB1/YB-1", 1);
0106   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(6, "RB2/YB-1", 1);
0107   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(7, "RB3/YB-1", 1);
0108   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(8, "RB4/YB-1", 1);
0109   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(9, "RB1/YB0", 1);
0110   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(10, "RB2/YB0", 1);
0111   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(11, "RB3/YB0", 1);
0112   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(12, "RB4/YB0", 1);
0113   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(13, "RB1/YB1", 1);
0114   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(14, "RB2/YB1", 1);
0115   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(15, "RB3/YB1", 1);
0116   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(16, "RB4/YB1", 1);
0117   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(17, "RB1/YB2", 1);
0118   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(18, "RB2/YB2", 1);
0119   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(19, "RB3/YB2", 1);
0120   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(20, "RB4/YB2", 1);
0121   me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D->setAxisTitle("Number of failing probes", 2);
0123   me_RPC_endcap_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(1, "RE-4", 1);
0124   me_RPC_endcap_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(2, "RE-3", 1);
0125   me_RPC_endcap_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(3, "RE-2", 1);
0126   me_RPC_endcap_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(4, "RE-1", 1);
0127   me_RPC_endcap_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(6, "RE1", 1);
0128   me_RPC_endcap_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(7, "RE2", 1);
0129   me_RPC_endcap_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(8, "RE3", 1);
0130   me_RPC_endcap_pass_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(9, "RE4", 1);
0131   me_RPC_endcap_pass_allCh_1D->setAxisTitle("Number of passing probes", 2);
0133   me_RPC_endcap_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(1, "RE-4", 1);
0134   me_RPC_endcap_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(2, "RE-3", 1);
0135   me_RPC_endcap_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(3, "RE-2", 1);
0136   me_RPC_endcap_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(4, "RE-1", 1);
0137   me_RPC_endcap_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(6, "RE1", 1);
0138   me_RPC_endcap_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(7, "RE2", 1);
0139   me_RPC_endcap_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(8, "RE3", 1);
0140   me_RPC_endcap_fail_allCh_1D->setBinLabel(9, "RE4", 1);
0141   me_RPC_endcap_fail_allCh_1D->setAxisTitle("Number of failing probes", 2);
0143   m_histos["RPC_nPassingProbe_Barrel_allCh_1D"] = me_RPC_barrel_pass_allCh_1D;
0144   m_histos["RPC_nFailingProbe_Barrel_allCh_1D"] = me_RPC_barrel_fail_allCh_1D;
0146   m_histos["RPC_nPassingProbe_Endcap_allCh_1D"] = me_RPC_endcap_pass_allCh_1D;
0147   m_histos["RPC_nFailingProbe_Endcap_allCh_1D"] = me_RPC_endcap_fail_allCh_1D;
0148 }
0150 void RPCTnPEfficiencyTask::analyze(const edm::Event& event, const edm::EventSetup& context) {
0151   BaseTnPEfficiencyTask::analyze(event, context);
0153   edm::Handle<reco::MuonCollection> muons;
0154   event.getByToken(m_muToken, muons);
0156   //RPC variables
0157   std::vector<std::vector<int>> probe_coll_RPC_region;
0158   std::vector<std::vector<int>> probe_coll_RPC_ring;
0159   std::vector<std::vector<int>> probe_coll_RPC_sta;
0160   std::vector<std::vector<int>> probe_coll_RPC_sec;
0161   std::vector<std::vector<int>> probe_coll_RPC_lay;
0162   std::vector<std::vector<int>> probe_coll_RPC_sub;
0163   std::vector<std::vector<int>> probe_coll_RPC_roll;
0164   std::vector<std::vector<float>> probe_coll_RPC_dx;
0165   std::vector<uint8_t> probe_coll_RPC_staMatch;
0167   std::vector<unsigned> probe_indices;
0168   if (!m_probeIndices.empty())
0169     probe_indices = m_probeIndices.back();
0171   //Fill probe dx + subdetector coordinates
0172   for (const auto i : probe_indices) {
0173     //RPC variables
0174     std::vector<int> probe_RPC_region;
0175     std::vector<int> probe_RPC_ring;
0176     std::vector<int> probe_RPC_sta;
0177     std::vector<int> probe_RPC_sec;
0178     std::vector<int> probe_RPC_lay;
0179     std::vector<int> probe_RPC_sub;
0180     std::vector<int> probe_RPC_roll;
0181     std::vector<float> probe_RPC_dx;
0182     uint8_t RPC_stationMatching = 0;
0184     float rpc_matched = false;  // fill detailed plots only for probes matching RPC
0186     for (const auto& chambMatch : (*muons).at(i).matches()) {
0187       // look in RPCs
0188       if (chambMatch.detector() == MuonSubdetId::RPC) {
0189         if (chambMatch.edgeX < m_borderCut && chambMatch.edgeY < m_borderCut) {
0190           rpc_matched = true;  //fill detailed plots if at least one RPC match
0192           RPCDetId chId(;
0194           int region = chId.region();  // barrel if 0, endcap if -/+ 1
0195           int ring = chId.ring();      // means wheel in the barrel and ring in the endcap
0196           int station = chId.station();
0197           int sector = chId.sector();
0198           int subsector = chId.subsector();
0199           int layer = chId.layer();
0200           int roll = chId.roll();
0202           reco::MuonRPCHitMatch closest_matchedRPCHit;
0203           double smallestDx = 999.;
0204           for (auto& seg : chambMatch.rpcMatches) {
0205             float dx = std::abs(chambMatch.x - seg.x);
0207             if (dx < smallestDx) {
0208               smallestDx = dx;
0209               closest_matchedRPCHit = seg;
0210             }
0211           }
0213           RPC_stationMatching = RPC_stationMatching | (1 << (station - 1));
0215           probe_RPC_region.push_back(region);
0216           probe_RPC_ring.push_back(ring);
0217           probe_RPC_sta.push_back(station);
0218           probe_RPC_sec.push_back(sector);
0219           probe_RPC_lay.push_back(layer);
0220           probe_RPC_sub.push_back(subsector);
0221           probe_RPC_roll.push_back(roll);
0222           probe_RPC_dx.push_back(smallestDx);
0223         }
0224       } else
0225         continue;
0226     }  //loop over chamber matches
0228     //Fill detailed plots
0229     if (m_detailedAnalysis && rpc_matched) {
0230       m_histos.find("probeEta")->second->Fill((*muons).at(i).eta());
0231       m_histos.find("probePhi")->second->Fill((*muons).at(i).phi());
0232       m_histos.find("probeNumberOfMatchedStations")->second->Fill((*muons).at(i).numberOfMatchedStations());
0233       m_histos.find("probePt")->second->Fill((*muons).at(i).pt());
0234     }
0236     //Fill RPC variables
0237     probe_coll_RPC_region.push_back(probe_RPC_region);
0238     probe_coll_RPC_ring.push_back(probe_RPC_ring);
0239     probe_coll_RPC_sta.push_back(probe_RPC_sta);
0240     probe_coll_RPC_sec.push_back(probe_RPC_sec);
0241     probe_coll_RPC_lay.push_back(probe_RPC_lay);
0242     probe_coll_RPC_sub.push_back(probe_RPC_sub);
0243     probe_coll_RPC_roll.push_back(probe_RPC_roll);
0244     probe_coll_RPC_dx.push_back(probe_RPC_dx);
0245     probe_coll_RPC_staMatch.push_back(RPC_stationMatching);
0246   }  //loop over probe collection
0248   //Loop over probes
0249   for (unsigned i = 0; i < probe_indices.size(); ++i) {
0250     uint8_t RPC_matchPatt =;
0252     //Loop over RPC matches
0253     unsigned nRPC_matches =;
0254     for (unsigned j = 0; j < nRPC_matches; ++j) {
0255       //RPC variables
0256       int RPC_region =;
0257       int RPC_ring =;
0258       int RPC_sta =;
0259       int RPC_sec =;
0260       int RPC_lay =;
0261       int RPC_subsec =;
0262       int RPC_roll =;
0263       float RPC_dx =;
0265       //Fill RPC plots
0266       if ((RPC_matchPatt & (1 << (RPC_sta - 1))) != 0)  //avoids 0 station matching
0267       {
0268         if (RPC_dx < m_dxCut) {
0269           //Barrel region
0270           if (RPC_region == 0) {
0271             int barrel_histo_xcoord = RPC_sec;
0272             int barrel_histo_ycoord =
0273                 get_barrel_histo_ycoord(RPC_ring, RPC_sta, RPC_sec, RPC_lay, RPC_subsec, RPC_roll);
0275             std::string hName = std::string("RPC_nPassingProbePerRoll_Barrel_W") + std::to_string(RPC_ring);
0276             m_histos.find(hName)->second->Fill(barrel_histo_xcoord, barrel_histo_ycoord);
0278             std::string hName_1D = std::string("RPC_nPassingProbePerRoll_Barrel_1D_W") + std::to_string(RPC_ring);
0279             m_histos.find(hName_1D)->second->Fill(barrel_histo_ycoord);
0281             m_histos.find("RPC_nPassingProbe_Barrel_allCh_1D")->second->Fill((RPC_sta) + 4 * (RPC_ring + 2));
0282           }
0283           //Endcap region
0284           else {
0285             int endcap_histo_xcoord = (6 * (RPC_sec - 1)) + RPC_subsec;
0286             int endcap_histo_ycoord = (3 * (RPC_ring - 2)) + RPC_roll;
0288             std::string hName =
0289                 std::string("RPC_nPassingProbePerRoll_Endcap_Sta") + std::to_string(RPC_sta * RPC_region);
0290             m_histos.find(hName)->second->Fill(endcap_histo_xcoord, endcap_histo_ycoord);
0292             std::string hName_1D =
0293                 std::string("RPC_nPassingProbePerRoll_Endcap_1D_Sta") + std::to_string(RPC_sta * RPC_region);
0294             m_histos.find(hName_1D)->second->Fill(endcap_histo_ycoord);
0296             m_histos.find("RPC_nPassingProbe_Endcap_allCh_1D")->second->Fill(RPC_region * RPC_sta);
0297           }
0298         } else {
0299           //Barrel region
0300           if (RPC_region == 0) {
0301             int barrel_histo_xcoord = RPC_sec;
0302             int barrel_histo_ycoord =
0303                 get_barrel_histo_ycoord(RPC_ring, RPC_sta, RPC_sec, RPC_lay, RPC_subsec, RPC_roll);
0305             std::string hName = std::string("RPC_nFailingProbePerRoll_Barrel_W") + std::to_string(RPC_ring);
0306             m_histos.find(hName)->second->Fill(barrel_histo_xcoord, barrel_histo_ycoord);
0308             std::string hName_1D = std::string("RPC_nFailingProbePerRoll_Barrel_1D_W") + std::to_string(RPC_ring);
0309             m_histos.find(hName_1D)->second->Fill(barrel_histo_ycoord);
0311             m_histos.find("RPC_nFailingProbe_Barrel_allCh_1D")->second->Fill((RPC_sta) + 4 * (RPC_ring + 2));
0312           }
0313           //Endcap region
0314           else {
0315             int endcap_histo_xcoord = (6 * (RPC_sec - 1)) + RPC_subsec;
0316             int endcap_histo_ycoord = (3 * (RPC_ring - 2)) + RPC_roll;
0318             std::string hName =
0319                 std::string("RPC_nFailingProbePerRoll_Endcap_Sta") + std::to_string(RPC_sta * RPC_region);
0320             m_histos.find(hName)->second->Fill(endcap_histo_xcoord, endcap_histo_ycoord);
0322             std::string hName_1D =
0323                 std::string("RPC_nFailingProbePerRoll_Endcap_1D_Sta") + std::to_string(RPC_sta * RPC_region);
0324             m_histos.find(hName_1D)->second->Fill(endcap_histo_ycoord);
0326             m_histos.find("RPC_nFailingProbe_Endcap_allCh_1D")->second->Fill(RPC_region * RPC_sta);
0327           }
0328         }
0329       }
0330     }
0331   }
0332 }
0334 void RPCTnPEfficiencyTask::bookWheelHistos(DQMStore::IBooker& iBooker, int wheel, std::string folder) {
0335   auto baseDir = topFolder() + folder + "/";
0336   iBooker.setCurrentFolder(baseDir);
0338   LogTrace("DQMOffline|MuonDPG|RPCTnPEfficiencyTask")
0339       << "[RPCTnPEfficiencyTask]: booking histos in " << baseDir << std::endl;
0341   auto hName_RPC_pass = std::string("RPC_nPassingProbePerRoll_Barrel_W") + std::to_string(wheel);
0342   auto hName_RPC_fail = std::string("RPC_nFailingProbePerRoll_Barrel_W") + std::to_string(wheel);
0344   auto hName_RPC_pass_1D = std::string("RPC_nPassingProbePerRoll_Barrel_1D_W") + std::to_string(wheel);
0345   auto hName_RPC_fail_1D = std::string("RPC_nFailingProbePerRoll_Barrel_1D_W") + std::to_string(wheel);
0347   MonitorElement* me_RPC_pass =
0348       iBooker.book2D(hName_RPC_pass.c_str(), hName_RPC_pass.c_str(), 12, 0.5, 12.5, 21, 0., 21.5);
0349   MonitorElement* me_RPC_fail =
0350       iBooker.book2D(hName_RPC_fail.c_str(), hName_RPC_fail.c_str(), 12, 0.5, 12.5, 21, 0., 21.5);
0352   MonitorElement* me_RPC_pass_1D = iBooker.book1D(hName_RPC_pass_1D.c_str(), hName_RPC_pass_1D.c_str(), 21, 0., 21.5);
0353   MonitorElement* me_RPC_fail_1D = iBooker.book1D(hName_RPC_fail_1D.c_str(), hName_RPC_fail_1D.c_str(), 21, 0., 21.5);
0355   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(1, "RB1in B", 2);
0356   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(2, "RB1in F", 2);
0357   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(3, "RB1out B", 2);
0358   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(4, "RB1out F", 2);
0359   if (std::abs(wheel) < 2) {
0360     me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(5, "RB2in B", 2);
0361     me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(6, "RB2in M", 2);
0362     me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(7, "RB2in F", 2);
0363     me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(8, "RB2out B", 2);
0364     me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(9, "RB2out F", 2);
0365   } else {
0366     me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(5, "RB2in B", 2);
0367     me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(6, "RB2in F", 2);
0368     me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(7, "RB2out B", 2);
0369     me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(8, "RB2out M", 2);
0370     me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(9, "RB2out F", 2);
0371   }
0372   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(10, "RB3- B", 2);
0373   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(11, "RB3- F", 2);
0374   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(12, "RB3+ B", 2);
0375   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(13, "RB3+ F", 2);
0376   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(14, "RB4- B", 2);
0377   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(15, "RB4- F", 2);
0378   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(16, "RB4+ B", 2);
0379   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(17, "RB4+ F", 2);
0380   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(18, "RB4-- B", 2);
0381   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(19, "RB4-- F", 2);
0382   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(20, "RB4++ B", 2);
0383   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(21, "RB4++ F", 2);
0384   for (int i = 1; i < 13; ++i) {
0385     me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(i, std::to_string(i), 1);
0386   }
0387   me_RPC_pass->setAxisTitle("Sector", 1);
0388   me_RPC_pass->setAxisTitle("Number of passing probes", 3);
0390   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(1, "RB1in B", 2);
0391   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(2, "RB1in F", 2);
0392   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(3, "RB1out B", 2);
0393   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(4, "RB1out F", 2);
0394   if (std::abs(wheel) < 2) {
0395     me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(5, "RB2in B", 2);
0396     me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(6, "RB2in M", 2);
0397     me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(7, "RB2in F", 2);
0398     me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(8, "RB2out B", 2);
0399     me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(9, "RB2out F", 2);
0400   } else {
0401     me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(5, "RB2in B", 2);
0402     me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(6, "RB2in F", 2);
0403     me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(7, "RB2out B", 2);
0404     me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(8, "RB2out M", 2);
0405     me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(9, "RB2out F", 2);
0406   }
0407   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(10, "RB3- B", 2);
0408   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(11, "RB3- F", 2);
0409   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(12, "RB3+ B", 2);
0410   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(13, "RB3+ F", 2);
0411   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(14, "RB4- B", 2);
0412   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(15, "RB4- F", 2);
0413   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(16, "RB4+ B", 2);
0414   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(17, "RB4+ F", 2);
0415   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(18, "RB4-- B", 2);
0416   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(19, "RB4-- F", 2);
0417   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(20, "RB4++ B", 2);
0418   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(21, "RB4++ F", 2);
0419   for (int i = 1; i < 13; ++i) {
0420     me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(i, std::to_string(i), 1);
0421   }
0422   me_RPC_fail->setAxisTitle("Sector", 1);
0423   me_RPC_fail->setAxisTitle("Number of failing probes", 3);
0425   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(1, "RB1in B", 1);
0426   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(2, "RB1in F", 1);
0427   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(3, "RB1out B", 1);
0428   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(4, "RB1out F", 1);
0429   if (std::abs(wheel) < 2) {
0430     me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(5, "RB2in B", 1);
0431     me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(6, "RB2in M", 1);
0432     me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(7, "RB2in F", 1);
0433     me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(8, "RB2out B", 1);
0434     me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(9, "RB2out F", 1);
0435   } else {
0436     me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(5, "RB2in B", 1);
0437     me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(6, "RB2in F", 1);
0438     me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(7, "RB2out B", 1);
0439     me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(8, "RB2out M", 1);
0440     me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(9, "RB2out F", 1);
0441   }
0442   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(10, "RB3- B", 1);
0443   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(11, "RB3- F", 1);
0444   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(12, "RB3+ B", 1);
0445   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(13, "RB3+ F", 1);
0446   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(14, "RB4- B", 1);
0447   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(15, "RB4- F", 1);
0448   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(16, "RB4+ B", 1);
0449   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(17, "RB4+ F", 1);
0450   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(18, "RB4-- B", 1);
0451   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(19, "RB4-- F", 1);
0452   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(20, "RB4++ B", 1);
0453   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(21, "RB4++ F", 1);
0454   me_RPC_pass->setAxisTitle("Number of passing probes", 2);
0456   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(1, "RB1in B", 1);
0457   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(2, "RB1in F", 1);
0458   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(3, "RB1out B", 1);
0459   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(4, "RB1out F", 1);
0460   if (std::abs(wheel) < 2) {
0461     me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(5, "RB2in B", 1);
0462     me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(6, "RB2in M", 1);
0463     me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(7, "RB2in F", 1);
0464     me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(8, "RB2out B", 1);
0465     me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(9, "RB2out F", 1);
0466   } else {
0467     me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(5, "RB2in B", 1);
0468     me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(6, "RB2in F", 1);
0469     me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(7, "RB2out B", 1);
0470     me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(8, "RB2out M", 1);
0471     me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(9, "RB2out F", 1);
0472   }
0473   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(10, "RB3- B", 1);
0474   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(11, "RB3- F", 1);
0475   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(12, "RB3+ B", 1);
0476   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(13, "RB3+ F", 1);
0477   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(14, "RB4- B", 1);
0478   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(15, "RB4- F", 1);
0479   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(16, "RB4+ B", 1);
0480   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(17, "RB4+ F", 1);
0481   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(18, "RB4-- B", 1);
0482   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(19, "RB4-- F", 1);
0483   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(20, "RB4++ B", 1);
0484   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(21, "RB4++ F", 1);
0485   me_RPC_fail_1D->setAxisTitle("Number of failing probes", 2);
0487   m_histos[hName_RPC_pass] = me_RPC_pass;
0488   m_histos[hName_RPC_fail] = me_RPC_fail;
0490   m_histos[hName_RPC_pass_1D] = me_RPC_pass_1D;
0491   m_histos[hName_RPC_fail_1D] = me_RPC_fail_1D;
0492 }
0494 void RPCTnPEfficiencyTask::bookEndcapHistos(DQMStore::IBooker& iBooker, int station, std::string folder) {
0495   auto baseDir = topFolder() + folder + "/";
0496   iBooker.setCurrentFolder(baseDir);
0498   LogTrace("DQMOffline|MuonDPG|RPCTnPEfficiencyTask")
0499       << "[RPCTnPEfficiencyTask]: booking histos in " << baseDir << std::endl;
0501   auto hName_RPC_pass = std::string("RPC_nPassingProbePerRoll_Endcap_Sta") + std::to_string(station);
0502   auto hName_RPC_fail = std::string("RPC_nFailingProbePerRoll_Endcap_Sta") + std::to_string(station);
0504   auto hName_RPC_pass_1D = std::string("RPC_nPassingProbePerRoll_Endcap_1D_Sta") + std::to_string(station);
0505   auto hName_RPC_fail_1D = std::string("RPC_nFailingProbePerRoll_Endcap_1D_Sta") + std::to_string(station);
0507   MonitorElement* me_RPC_pass =
0508       iBooker.book2D(hName_RPC_pass.c_str(), hName_RPC_pass.c_str(), 36, 0.5, 36.5, 6, 0.5, 6.5);
0509   MonitorElement* me_RPC_fail =
0510       iBooker.book2D(hName_RPC_fail.c_str(), hName_RPC_fail.c_str(), 36, 0.5, 36.5, 6, 0.5, 6.5);
0512   MonitorElement* me_RPC_pass_1D = iBooker.book1D(hName_RPC_pass_1D.c_str(), hName_RPC_pass_1D.c_str(), 6, 0.5, 6.5);
0513   MonitorElement* me_RPC_fail_1D = iBooker.book1D(hName_RPC_fail_1D.c_str(), hName_RPC_fail_1D.c_str(), 6, 0.5, 6.5);
0515   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(1, "R2_A", 2);
0516   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(2, "R2_B", 2);
0517   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(3, "R2_C", 2);
0518   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(4, "R3_A", 2);
0519   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(5, "R3_B", 2);
0520   me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(6, "R3_C", 2);
0521   for (int i = 1; i < 37; ++i) {
0522     me_RPC_pass->setBinLabel(i, std::to_string(i), 1);
0523   }
0524   me_RPC_pass->setAxisTitle("Sector", 1);
0525   me_RPC_pass->setAxisTitle("Number of passing probes", 3);
0526   me_RPC_pass->setTitle("RE" + std::to_string(station));
0528   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(1, "R2_A", 2);
0529   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(2, "R2_B", 2);
0530   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(3, "R2_C", 2);
0531   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(4, "R3_A", 2);
0532   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(5, "R3_B", 2);
0533   me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(6, "R3_C", 2);
0534   for (int i = 1; i < 37; ++i) {
0535     me_RPC_fail->setBinLabel(i, std::to_string(i), 1);
0536   }
0537   me_RPC_fail->setAxisTitle("Sector", 1);
0538   me_RPC_fail->setAxisTitle("Number of failing probes", 3);
0539   me_RPC_fail->setTitle("RE" + std::to_string(station));
0541   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(1, "R2_A", 1);
0542   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(2, "R2_B", 1);
0543   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(3, "R2_C", 1);
0544   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(4, "R3_A", 1);
0545   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(5, "R3_B", 1);
0546   me_RPC_pass_1D->setBinLabel(6, "R3_C", 1);
0547   me_RPC_pass_1D->setAxisTitle("Number of passing probes", 2);
0548   me_RPC_pass_1D->setTitle("RE" + std::to_string(station));
0550   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(1, "R2_A", 1);
0551   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(2, "R2_B", 1);
0552   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(3, "R2_C", 1);
0553   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(4, "R3_A", 1);
0554   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(5, "R3_B", 1);
0555   me_RPC_fail_1D->setBinLabel(6, "R3_C", 1);
0556   me_RPC_fail_1D->setAxisTitle("Number of failing probes", 2);
0557   me_RPC_fail_1D->setTitle("RE" + std::to_string(station));
0559   m_histos[hName_RPC_pass] = me_RPC_pass;
0560   m_histos[hName_RPC_fail] = me_RPC_fail;
0562   m_histos[hName_RPC_pass_1D] = me_RPC_pass_1D;
0563   m_histos[hName_RPC_fail_1D] = me_RPC_fail_1D;
0564 }
0566 int RPCTnPEfficiencyTask::get_barrel_histo_ycoord(
0567     int ring, int station, int sector, int layer, int subsector, int roll) {
0568   int ycoord;
0570   if (station < 3) {
0571     //There are three rolls in RB2in for wheel=-1,0,+1 and in RB2out for wheel=-2,+2
0572     bool three_rolls = station == 2 && ((std::abs(ring) > 1 && layer == 2) || (std::abs(ring) < 2 && layer == 1));
0574     int layer_roll;
0576     if (!three_rolls) {
0577       roll = roll > 1 ? 2 : 1;
0578       int a = station == 2 && std::abs(ring) < 2 && layer == 2 ? 3 : 2;
0579       layer_roll = (a * (layer - 1)) + roll;
0580     } else {
0581       layer_roll = (2 * (layer - 1)) + roll;
0582     }
0584     ycoord = (4 * (station - 1)) + layer_roll;
0585   } else if (station == 3) {
0586     roll = roll > 1 ? 2 : 1;
0587     ycoord = 9 + (4 * (station - 3)) + (2 * (subsector - 1)) + roll;
0588   } else {
0589     int my_subsector = subsector;
0590     //The numbering scheme of subsector in sector 4
0591     //of station 4 does not match the bins order in the plot:
0592     //_____SUBSECTOR_____|_______BIN_ORDERING_____
0593     // ++ --> subsector 4| RB4++ --> my_subsector 4
0594     //  + --> subsector 3| RB4-- --> my_subsector 3
0595     //  - --> subsector 2| RB4+  --> my_subsector 2
0596     // -- --> subsector 1| RB4-  --> my_subsector 1
0598     if (sector == 4) {
0599       switch (subsector) {
0600         case 1:
0601           my_subsector = 3;
0602           break;
0603         case 2:
0604           my_subsector = 1;
0605           break;
0606         case 3:
0607           my_subsector = 2;
0608           break;
0609         case 4:
0610           my_subsector = 4;
0611           break;
0612       }
0613     }
0614     roll = roll > 1 ? 2 : 1;
0615     ycoord = 9 + (4 * (station - 3)) + (2 * (my_subsector - 1)) + roll;
0616   }
0618   return ycoord;
0619 }
0621 std::string RPCTnPEfficiencyTask::topFolder() const { return "RPC/Segment_TnP/"; };
0623 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(RPCTnPEfficiencyTask);