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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 from DQMServices.Core.DQMEDAnalyzer import DQMEDAnalyzer
0004 PFAnalyzer = DQMEDAnalyzer("PFAnalyzer",
0005     pfJetCollection        = cms.InputTag("ak4PFJetsCHS"),
0006     pfCandidates             = cms.InputTag("particleFlow"),
0007     PVCollection             = cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices"),
0009     TriggerResultsLabel        = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults::HLT"),
0010     TriggerName = cms.InputTag("HLT_PFJet450"),
0011     srcWeights = cms.InputTag("puppi"),
0014     pfAnalysis = cms.PSet(
0015       # Bins of NPV for plots
0016       NPVBins = cms.vdouble(0, 25, 45, 100),
0018       # A list of observables for which plots should be made.
0019       # The format should be a list of semicolon-separated values.
0020       # The first is the observable name, corresponding to a key in m_funcMap 
0021       # in PFAnalysis. The second is the TLatex string that serves as the x-axis
0022       # title (which must not include a semicolon).
0023       # The last values are the bins. If three values are given, then the values,
0024       # in order, are the number of bins, the lowest, and the highest values.
0025       # If any other number is given, this is just a list of bins for the histogram.
0026       observables     = cms.vstring('pt;p_{T,PFC};50.;0.;300.', 
0027                                     'eta;#eta;50;-5;5',
0028                                     'phi;#phi;50;-3.14;3.14',
0029                                     'energy;E;50;0;300',
0030                                     'RawHCal_E;Raw E_{hcal};50;0;300', 
0031                                     'HCal_E;E_{hcal};50;0;300', 
0032                                     'PFHad_calibration;E_{Hcal,calib} / E_{Hcal, raw};50;0;4',
0033                                    ),
0035       # A list of event- or jet-wide observables for which plots should be made.
0036       # The format should be a list of semicolon-separated values.
0037       # The first is the observable name, corresponding to a key in m_funcMap 
0038       # in PFAnalysis. The second is the TLatex string that serves as the x-axis
0039       # title (which must not include a semicolon).
0040       # The last values are the bins. If three values are given, then the values,
0041       # in order, are the number of bins, the lowest, and the highest values.
0042       # If any other number is given, this is just a list of bins for the histogram.
0043       # Since the binning may be very different for events and jets, the first list
0044       # of bins is for the event histograms, and the second set is for the jets
0045       eventObservables     = cms.vstring(
0046                                          'NPFC;N_{PFC};500;0;10000;100;0;100',
0047                                         ),
0050       pfInJetObservables     = cms.vstring(
0051                                          'PFSpectrum;E_{PF}/E_{jet};50;0;1',
0052                                         ),
0055       # This is a list of multidimensional cuts that are applied for the plots.
0056       # In the case of multiple bins, every combination of bin is tested.
0057       # The format should be a list of semicolon-separated values.
0058       # The first is the observable name, corresponding to a key in m_funcMap 
0059       # in PFAnalysis. The last values are the bins, following the same
0060       # conventions as the observables.
0061       #
0062       # Since we may want to test multiple sets of cuts simultaneously, 
0063       # these are separated by '[' 
0064       # For example, for 
0065       # cutList     = cms.vstring('[pt;1;0;10000]'),
0066       # there is one histogram made for PFCs with 0 < pT < 10000.
0067       # Similarly, for cutList     = cms.vstring('[pt;1;0;10000]', '[pt;1;05;10000][eta;1;-5;5]'),
0068       # there is one histogram made for PFCs with 0 < pT < 10000,
0069       # and one histogram made for PFCs with 5 < pT < 10000 and -5 < eta < 5.
0071       cutList     = cms.vstring(
0072                                 '[pt;1;0;10000]',
0073                                 '[pt;0;1;2;4;10;50;10000]',
0074                                 '[pt;1;0;10000][eta;-5;-4;-3;-2.5;-2;-1;0;1;2;2.5;3;4;5]',
0075                                ),
0077       # This is a list of multidimensional cuts on the jets that are applied for the plots.
0078       # The format should be a list of semicolon-separated values.
0079       # The first is the observable name, corresponding to a key in m_jetFuncMap 
0080       # in PFAnalysis. The last values are the bins, following the same
0081       # conventions as the observables.
0082       #
0083       # Just like for cutList, multiple sets of cuts can be applied, using the same formulation.
0084       jetCutList     = cms.vstring(
0085                                    '[pt;20;50;100;450;10000]',
0086                                    '[pt;20;10000]'
0087                                   ),
0088     )
0091 )