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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from DQMOffline.RecoB.dqmAnalyzer_cff import *
0005 #pf DATA collector
0006 bTagCollectorDATA = bTagHarvest.clone(ptRanges = [0.0])
0007 # module execution
0008 bTagCollectorSequenceDATA = cms.Sequence(bTagCollectorDATA)
0010 #pf MC collector
0011 bTagCollectorMC = bTagHarvestMC.clone(
0012     flavPlots = "allbcl", #harvest all, b, c, dusg and ni histos 
0013     ptRanges = [0.0],
0014     etaRanges = [0.0],
0015 )
0016 # module execution
0017 bTagCollectorSequenceMC = cms.Sequence(bTagCollectorMC)
0018 #special sequence for fullsim, all histos havested by the DATA sequence in the dqm offline sequence
0019 bTagCollectorMCbcl = bTagCollectorMC.clone(flavPlots = "bcl") #harvest b, c, dusg and ni histos, all not harvested
0020 bTagCollectorSequenceMCbcl = cms.Sequence(bTagCollectorMCbcl)