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0001 #include <string>
0002 #include <vector>
0004 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
0005 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
0006 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0007 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0008 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
0009 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMEDAnalyzer.h"
0010 #include "DQMOffline/Trigger/plugins/TriggerDQMBase.h"
0011 #include "CommonTools/TriggerUtils/interface/GenericTriggerEventFlag.h"
0012 #include "CommonTools/Utils/interface/StringCutObjectSelector.h"
0013 #include "DataFormats/JetReco/interface/PFJet.h"
0014 #include "DataFormats/JetReco/interface/PFJetCollection.h"
0015 #include "DataFormats/JetReco/interface/CaloJet.h"
0016 #include "DataFormats/JetReco/interface/CaloJetCollection.h"
0017 #include "DataFormats/JetReco/interface/GenJetCollection.h"
0019 class JetMonitor : public DQMEDAnalyzer, public TriggerDQMBase {
0020 public:
0021   typedef dqm::reco::MonitorElement MonitorElement;
0022   typedef dqm::reco::DQMStore DQMStore;
0024   JetMonitor(const edm::ParameterSet&);
0025   ~JetMonitor() throw() override;
0027   static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);
0029 protected:
0030   void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker&, edm::Run const&, edm::EventSetup const&) override;
0031   void analyze(edm::Event const& iEvent, edm::EventSetup const& iSetup) override;
0033   bool isBarrel(double eta);
0034   bool isEndCapP(double eta);
0035   bool isEndCapM(double eta);
0036   bool isForward(double eta);
0038   void bookMESub(DQMStore::IBooker&,
0039                  ObjME* a_me,
0040                  const int len_,
0041                  const std::string& h_Name,
0042                  const std::string& h_Title,
0043                  const std::string& h_subOptName,
0044                  const std::string& h_subOptTitle,
0045                  const bool doPhi = true,
0046                  const bool doEta = true,
0047                  const bool doEtaPhi = true,
0048                  const bool doVsLS = true);
0049   void FillME(ObjME* a_me,
0050               const double pt_,
0051               const double phi_,
0052               const double eta_,
0053               const int ls_,
0054               const std::string& denu,
0055               const bool doPhi = true,
0056               const bool doEta = true,
0057               const bool doEtaPhi = true,
0058               const bool doVsLS = true);
0060 private:
0061   const std::string folderName_;
0063   const bool requireValidHLTPaths_;
0064   bool hltPathsAreValid_;
0066   double ptcut_;
0067   bool isPFJetTrig;
0068   bool isCaloJetTrig;
0070   const bool enableFullMonitoring_;
0072   edm::EDGetTokenT<edm::View<reco::Jet> > jetSrc_;
0074   std::unique_ptr<GenericTriggerEventFlag> num_genTriggerEventFlag_;
0075   std::unique_ptr<GenericTriggerEventFlag> den_genTriggerEventFlag_;
0077   MEbinning jetpt_binning_;
0078   MEbinning jetptThr_binning_;
0079   MEbinning ls_binning_;
0081   ObjME a_ME[7];
0082   ObjME a_ME_HB[7];
0083   ObjME a_ME_HE[7];
0084   ObjME a_ME_HF[7];
0085   ObjME a_ME_HE_p[7];
0086   ObjME a_ME_HE_m[7];
0088   std::vector<double> v_jetpt;
0089   std::vector<double> v_jeteta;
0090   std::vector<double> v_jetphi;
0092   // (mia) not optimal, we should make use of variable binning which reflects the detector !
0093   MEbinning jet_phi_binning_{64, -3.2, 3.2};
0094   MEbinning jet_eta_binning_{50, -5, 5};
0095 };
0097 JetMonitor::JetMonitor(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig)
0098     : folderName_(iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("FolderName")),
0099       requireValidHLTPaths_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("requireValidHLTPaths")),
0100       hltPathsAreValid_(false),
0101       ptcut_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("ptcut")),
0102       isPFJetTrig(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("ispfjettrg")),
0103       isCaloJetTrig(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("iscalojettrg")),
0104       enableFullMonitoring_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("enableFullMonitoring")),
0105       jetSrc_(mayConsume<edm::View<reco::Jet> >(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("jetSrc"))),
0106       num_genTriggerEventFlag_(new GenericTriggerEventFlag(
0107           iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("numGenericTriggerEventPSet"), consumesCollector(), *this)),
0108       den_genTriggerEventFlag_(new GenericTriggerEventFlag(
0109           iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("denGenericTriggerEventPSet"), consumesCollector(), *this)),
0110       jetpt_binning_(getHistoPSet(
0111           iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("histoPSet").getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("jetPSet"))),
0112       jetptThr_binning_(getHistoPSet(
0113           iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("histoPSet").getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("jetPtThrPSet"))),
0114       ls_binning_(getHistoPSet(
0115           iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("histoPSet").getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("lsPSet"))) {}
0117 JetMonitor::~JetMonitor() throw() {
0118   if (num_genTriggerEventFlag_) {
0119     num_genTriggerEventFlag_.reset();
0120   }
0121   if (den_genTriggerEventFlag_) {
0122     den_genTriggerEventFlag_.reset();
0123   }
0124 }
0126 void JetMonitor::bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker& ibooker, edm::Run const& iRun, edm::EventSetup const& iSetup) {
0127   // Initialize the GenericTriggerEventFlag
0128   if (num_genTriggerEventFlag_ && num_genTriggerEventFlag_->on()) {
0129     num_genTriggerEventFlag_->initRun(iRun, iSetup);
0130   }
0131   if (den_genTriggerEventFlag_ && den_genTriggerEventFlag_->on()) {
0132     den_genTriggerEventFlag_->initRun(iRun, iSetup);
0133   }
0135   // check if every HLT path specified in numerator and denominator has a valid match in the HLT Menu
0136   hltPathsAreValid_ = (num_genTriggerEventFlag_ && den_genTriggerEventFlag_ && num_genTriggerEventFlag_->on() &&
0137                        den_genTriggerEventFlag_->on() && num_genTriggerEventFlag_->allHLTPathsAreValid() &&
0138                        den_genTriggerEventFlag_->allHLTPathsAreValid());
0140   // if valid HLT paths are required,
0141   // create DQM outputs only if all paths are valid
0142   if (requireValidHLTPaths_ and (not hltPathsAreValid_)) {
0143     return;
0144   }
0146   std::string histname, histtitle;
0147   std::string hist_obtag = "";
0148   std::string histtitle_obtag = "";
0149   std::string currentFolder = folderName_;
0150   ibooker.setCurrentFolder(currentFolder);
0152   if (isPFJetTrig) {
0153     hist_obtag = "pfjet";
0154     histtitle_obtag = "PFJet";
0155   } else if (isCaloJetTrig) {
0156     hist_obtag = "calojet";
0157     histtitle_obtag = "CaloJet";
0158   } else {
0159     hist_obtag = "pfjet";
0160     histtitle_obtag = "PFJet";
0161   }  //default is pfjet
0163   bookMESub(ibooker, a_ME, sizeof(a_ME) / sizeof(a_ME[0]), hist_obtag, histtitle_obtag, "", "");
0164   bookMESub(ibooker,
0165             a_ME_HB,
0166             sizeof(a_ME_HB) / sizeof(a_ME_HB[0]),
0167             hist_obtag,
0168             histtitle_obtag,
0169             "HB",
0170             "(HB)",
0171             true,
0172             true,
0173             true,
0174             false);
0175   bookMESub(ibooker,
0176             a_ME_HE,
0177             sizeof(a_ME_HE) / sizeof(a_ME_HE[0]),
0178             hist_obtag,
0179             histtitle_obtag,
0180             "HE",
0181             "(HE)",
0182             true,
0183             true,
0184             true,
0185             false);
0186   bookMESub(ibooker,
0187             a_ME_HF,
0188             sizeof(a_ME_HF) / sizeof(a_ME_HF[0]),
0189             hist_obtag,
0190             histtitle_obtag,
0191             "HF",
0192             "(HF)",
0193             true,
0194             true,
0195             true,
0196             false);
0198   //check the flag
0199   if (!enableFullMonitoring_) {
0200     return;
0201   }
0203   bookMESub(ibooker,
0204             a_ME_HE_p,
0205             sizeof(a_ME_HE_p) / sizeof(a_ME_HE_p[0]),
0206             hist_obtag,
0207             histtitle_obtag,
0208             "HE_p",
0209             "(HE+)",
0210             true,
0211             false,
0212             true,
0213             false);
0214   bookMESub(ibooker,
0215             a_ME_HE_m,
0216             sizeof(a_ME_HE_m) / sizeof(a_ME_HE_m[0]),
0217             hist_obtag,
0218             histtitle_obtag,
0219             "HE_m",
0220             "(HE-)",
0221             true,
0222             false,
0223             true,
0224             false);
0225 }
0227 void JetMonitor::analyze(edm::Event const& iEvent, edm::EventSetup const& iSetup) {
0228   // if valid HLT paths are required,
0229   // analyze event only if all paths are valid
0230   if (requireValidHLTPaths_ and (not hltPathsAreValid_)) {
0231     return;
0232   }
0234   // Filter out events if Trigger Filtering is requested
0235   if (den_genTriggerEventFlag_->on() && !den_genTriggerEventFlag_->accept(iEvent, iSetup))
0236     return;
0238   const int ls =;
0240   v_jetpt.clear();
0241   v_jeteta.clear();
0242   v_jetphi.clear();
0244   edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Jet> > offjets;
0245   iEvent.getByToken(jetSrc_, offjets);
0246   if (!offjets.isValid()) {
0247     edm::LogWarning("JetMonitor") << "Jet handle not valid \n";
0248     return;
0249   }
0250   for (edm::View<reco::Jet>::const_iterator ibegin = offjets->begin(), iend = offjets->end(), ijet = ibegin;
0251        ijet != iend;
0252        ++ijet) {
0253     if (ijet->pt() < ptcut_) {
0254       continue;
0255     }
0256     v_jetpt.push_back(ijet->pt());
0257     v_jeteta.push_back(ijet->eta());
0258     v_jetphi.push_back(ijet->phi());
0259     //    cout << "jetpt (view ) : " << ijet->pt() << endl;
0260   }
0262   if (v_jetpt.empty())
0263     return;
0264   double jetpt_ = v_jetpt[0];
0265   double jeteta_ = v_jeteta[0];
0266   double jetphi_ = v_jetphi[0];
0268   FillME(a_ME, jetpt_, jetphi_, jeteta_, ls, "denominator");
0269   if (isBarrel(jeteta_)) {
0270     FillME(a_ME_HB, jetpt_, jetphi_, jeteta_, ls, "denominator", true, true, true, false);
0271   } else if (isEndCapP(jeteta_)) {
0272     FillME(a_ME_HE, jetpt_, jetphi_, jeteta_, ls, "denominator", true, true, true, false);
0273     if (enableFullMonitoring_) {
0274       FillME(a_ME_HE_p, jetpt_, jetphi_, jeteta_, ls, "denominator", true, false, true, false);
0275     }
0276   } else if (isEndCapM(jeteta_)) {
0277     FillME(a_ME_HE, jetpt_, jetphi_, jeteta_, ls, "denominator", true, true, true, false);
0278     if (enableFullMonitoring_) {
0279       FillME(a_ME_HE_m, jetpt_, jetphi_, jeteta_, ls, "denominator", true, false, true, false);
0280     }
0281   } else if (isForward(jeteta_)) {
0282     FillME(a_ME_HF, jetpt_, jetphi_, jeteta_, ls, "denominator", true, true, true, false);
0283   }
0285   if (num_genTriggerEventFlag_->on() && !num_genTriggerEventFlag_->accept(iEvent, iSetup))
0286     return;  // Require Numerator //
0288   FillME(a_ME, jetpt_, jetphi_, jeteta_, ls, "numerator");
0289   if (isBarrel(jeteta_)) {
0290     FillME(a_ME_HB, jetpt_, jetphi_, jeteta_, ls, "numerator", true, true, true, false);
0291   } else if (isEndCapP(jeteta_)) {
0292     FillME(a_ME_HE, jetpt_, jetphi_, jeteta_, ls, "numerator", true, true, true, false);
0293     if (enableFullMonitoring_) {
0294       FillME(a_ME_HE_p, jetpt_, jetphi_, jeteta_, ls, "numerator", true, false, true, false);
0295     }
0296   } else if (isEndCapM(jeteta_)) {
0297     FillME(a_ME_HE, jetpt_, jetphi_, jeteta_, ls, "numerator", true, true, true, false);
0298     if (enableFullMonitoring_) {
0299       FillME(a_ME_HE_m, jetpt_, jetphi_, jeteta_, ls, "numerator", true, false, true, false);
0300     }
0301   } else if (isForward(jeteta_)) {
0302     FillME(a_ME_HF, jetpt_, jetphi_, jeteta_, ls, "numerator", true, true, true, false);
0303   }
0304 }
0306 bool JetMonitor::isBarrel(double eta) {
0307   bool output = false;
0308   if (fabs(eta) <= 1.3)
0309     output = true;
0310   return output;
0311 }
0313 bool JetMonitor::isEndCapM(double eta) {
0314   bool output = false;
0315   if (fabs(eta) <= 3.0 && fabs(eta) > 1.3 && (eta < 0))
0316     output = true;  // (mia) this magic number should come from some file in CMSSW !!!
0317   return output;
0318 }
0320 /// For Hcal Endcap Plus Area
0321 bool JetMonitor::isEndCapP(double eta) {
0322   bool output = false;
0323   if (fabs(eta) <= 3.0 && fabs(eta) > 1.3 && (eta > 0))
0324     output = true;  // (mia) this magic number should come from some file in CMSSW !!!
0325   return output;
0326 }
0328 /// For Hcal Forward Area
0329 bool JetMonitor::isForward(double eta) {
0330   bool output = false;
0331   if (fabs(eta) > 3.0)
0332     output = true;
0333   return output;
0334 }
0336 void JetMonitor::FillME(ObjME* a_me,
0337                         const double pt_,
0338                         const double phi_,
0339                         const double eta_,
0340                         const int ls_,
0341                         const std::string& DenoOrNume,
0342                         const bool doPhi,
0343                         const bool doEta,
0344                         const bool doEtaPhi,
0345                         const bool doVsLS) {
0346   if (DenoOrNume == "denominator") {
0347     // index 0 = pt, 1 = ptThreshold , 2 = pt vs ls , 3 = phi, 4 = eta,
0348     // 5 = eta vs phi, 6 = eta vs pt , 7 = abs(eta) , 8 = abs(eta) vs phi
0349     a_me[0].denominator->Fill(pt_);  // pt
0350     a_me[1].denominator->Fill(pt_);  // jetpT Threshold binning for pt
0351     if (doVsLS)
0352       a_me[2].denominator->Fill(ls_, pt_);  // pt vs ls
0353     if (doPhi)
0354       a_me[3].denominator->Fill(phi_);  // phi
0355     if (doEta)
0356       a_me[4].denominator->Fill(eta_);  // eta
0357     if (doEtaPhi)
0358       a_me[5].denominator->Fill(eta_, phi_);  // eta vs phi
0359     if (doEtaPhi)
0360       a_me[6].denominator->Fill(eta_, pt_);  // eta vs pT
0361   } else if (DenoOrNume == "numerator") {
0362     a_me[0].numerator->Fill(pt_);  // pt
0363     a_me[1].numerator->Fill(pt_);  // jetpT Threshold binning for pt
0364     if (doVsLS)
0365       a_me[2].numerator->Fill(ls_, pt_);  // pt vs ls
0366     if (doPhi)
0367       a_me[3].numerator->Fill(phi_);  // phi
0368     if (doEta)
0369       a_me[4].numerator->Fill(eta_);  // eta
0370     if (doEtaPhi)
0371       a_me[5].numerator->Fill(eta_, phi_);  // eta vs phi
0372     if (doEtaPhi)
0373       a_me[6].numerator->Fill(eta_, pt_);  // eta vs pT
0374   } else {
0375     edm::LogWarning("JetMonitor") << "CHECK OUT denu option in FillME !!! DenoOrNume ? : " << DenoOrNume << std::endl;
0376   }
0377 }
0379 void JetMonitor::bookMESub(DQMStore::IBooker& Ibooker,
0380                            ObjME* a_me,
0381                            const int len_,
0382                            const std::string& h_Name,
0383                            const std::string& h_Title,
0384                            const std::string& h_subOptName,
0385                            const std::string& hSubT,
0386                            const bool doPhi,
0387                            const bool doEta,
0388                            const bool doEtaPhi,
0389                            const bool doVsLS) {
0390   std::string hName = h_Name;
0391   std::string hTitle = h_Title;
0392   const std::string hSubN = h_subOptName.empty() ? "" : "_" + h_subOptName;
0394   int nbin_phi = jet_phi_binning_.nbins;
0395   double maxbin_phi = jet_phi_binning_.xmax;
0396   double minbin_phi = jet_phi_binning_.xmin;
0398   int nbin_eta = jet_eta_binning_.nbins;
0399   double maxbin_eta = jet_eta_binning_.xmax;
0400   double minbin_eta = jet_eta_binning_.xmin;
0402   hName = h_Name + "pT" + hSubN;
0403   hTitle = h_Title + " pT " + hSubT;
0404   bookME(Ibooker, a_me[0], hName, hTitle, jetpt_binning_.nbins, jetpt_binning_.xmin, jetpt_binning_.xmax);
0405   setMETitle(a_me[0], h_Title + " pT [GeV]", "events / [GeV]");
0407   hName = h_Name + "pT_pTThresh" + hSubN;
0408   hTitle = h_Title + " pT " + hSubT;
0409   bookME(Ibooker, a_me[1], hName, hTitle, jetptThr_binning_.nbins, jetptThr_binning_.xmin, jetptThr_binning_.xmax);
0410   setMETitle(a_me[1], h_Title + "pT [GeV]", "events / [GeV]");
0412   if (doVsLS) {
0413     hName = h_Name + "pTVsLS" + hSubN;
0414     hTitle = h_Title + " vs LS " + hSubT;
0415     bookME(Ibooker,
0416            a_me[2],
0417            hName,
0418            hTitle,
0419            ls_binning_.nbins,
0420            ls_binning_.xmin,
0421            ls_binning_.xmax,
0422            jetpt_binning_.xmin,
0423            jetpt_binning_.xmax);
0424     setMETitle(a_me[2], "LS", h_Title + "pT [GeV]");
0425   }
0427   if (doPhi) {
0428     hName = h_Name + "phi" + hSubN;
0429     hTitle = h_Title + " phi " + hSubT;
0430     bookME(Ibooker, a_me[3], hName, hTitle, nbin_phi, minbin_phi, maxbin_phi);
0431     setMETitle(a_me[3], h_Title + " #phi", "events / 0.1 rad");
0432   }
0434   if (doEta) {
0435     hName = h_Name + "eta" + hSubN;
0436     hTitle = h_Title + " eta " + hSubT;
0437     bookME(Ibooker, a_me[4], hName, hTitle, nbin_eta, minbin_eta, maxbin_eta);
0438     setMETitle(a_me[4], h_Title + " #eta", "events");
0439   }
0441   if (doEtaPhi) {
0442     hName = h_Name + "EtaVsPhi" + hSubN;
0443     hTitle = h_Title + " eta Vs phi " + hSubT;
0444     bookME(Ibooker, a_me[5], hName, hTitle, nbin_eta, minbin_eta, maxbin_eta, nbin_phi, minbin_phi, maxbin_phi);
0445     setMETitle(a_me[5], h_Title + " #eta", "#phi");
0446   }
0448   if (doEtaPhi) {
0449     hName = h_Name + "EtaVspT" + hSubN;
0450     hTitle = h_Title + " eta Vs pT " + hSubT;
0451     bookME(Ibooker,
0452            a_me[6],
0453            hName,
0454            hTitle,
0455            nbin_eta,
0456            minbin_eta,
0457            maxbin_eta,
0458            jetpt_binning_.nbins,
0459            jetpt_binning_.xmin,
0460            jetpt_binning_.xmax);
0461     setMETitle(a_me[6], h_Title + " #eta", "Leading Jet pT [GeV]");
0462   }
0463 }
0465 void JetMonitor::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
0466   edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
0467   desc.add<std::string>("FolderName", "HLT/Jet");
0468   desc.add<bool>("requireValidHLTPaths", true);
0470   desc.add<edm::InputTag>("jetSrc", edm::InputTag("ak4PFJetsCHS"));
0471   desc.add<double>("ptcut", 20);
0472   desc.add<bool>("ispfjettrg", true);
0473   desc.add<bool>("iscalojettrg", false);
0475   desc.add<bool>("enableFullMonitoring", true);
0477   edm::ParameterSetDescription genericTriggerEventPSet;
0478   GenericTriggerEventFlag::fillPSetDescription(genericTriggerEventPSet);
0480   desc.add<edm::ParameterSetDescription>("numGenericTriggerEventPSet", genericTriggerEventPSet);
0481   desc.add<edm::ParameterSetDescription>("denGenericTriggerEventPSet", genericTriggerEventPSet);
0483   edm::ParameterSetDescription histoPSet;
0484   edm::ParameterSetDescription jetPSet;
0485   edm::ParameterSetDescription jetPtThrPSet;
0486   fillHistoPSetDescription(jetPSet);
0487   fillHistoPSetDescription(jetPtThrPSet);
0488   histoPSet.add<edm::ParameterSetDescription>("jetPSet", jetPSet);
0489   histoPSet.add<edm::ParameterSetDescription>("jetPtThrPSet", jetPtThrPSet);
0490   histoPSet.add<std::vector<double> >("jetptBinning",
0491                                       {0.,   20.,  40.,  60.,  80.,  90.,  100., 110., 120., 130., 140., 150., 160.,
0492                                        170., 180., 190., 200., 220., 240., 260., 280., 300., 350., 400., 450., 1000.});
0494   edm::ParameterSetDescription lsPSet;
0495   fillHistoLSPSetDescription(lsPSet);
0496   histoPSet.add<edm::ParameterSetDescription>("lsPSet", lsPSet);
0498   desc.add<edm::ParameterSetDescription>("histoPSet", histoPSet);
0500   descriptions.add("jetMonitoring", desc);
0501 }
0503 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(JetMonitor);