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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from DQMOffline.Trigger.topMonitoring_cfi import topMonitoring
0005 hltBTVmonitoring = topMonitoring.clone(
0006     FolderName = 'HLT/BTV/default/',
0008     histoPSet = dict(
0009          lsPSet = dict(
0010                 nbins = 2500,
0011                 xmin  =   0.,
0012                 xmax  =  2500.),
0013          metPSet = dict(
0014                 nbins =  30,
0015                 xmin  =   0,
0016                 xmax  = 300),
0017          ptPSet = dict(
0018                nbins =  100,
0019                xmin  =   0,
0020                xmax  =  1000),
0021          phiPSet = dict(
0022             nbins =  32,
0023             xmin  = -3.2,
0024             xmax  =   3.2),
0025          etaPSet = dict(
0026             nbins =   24,
0027             xmin  =  -2.4,
0028             xmax  =   2.4),
0029          htPSet = dict(
0030             nbins =   100,
0031             xmin  =  0,
0032             xmax  =  1000),
0034          csvPSet = dict(
0035             nbins =  20,
0036             xmin  =  0.0,
0037             xmax  =  1.0),
0038          DRPSet = dict(
0039             nbins =  60,
0040             xmin  =  0.0,
0041             xmax  =  6.0),
0042          invMassPSet = dict(
0043             nbins =  40,
0044             xmin  = 0.0,
0045             xmax  =  80.0),
0046          MHTPSet = dict(
0047             nbins =    80,
0048             xmin  =   60,
0049             xmax  =  300),
0051     #MET and HT binning
0052         metBinning = [0,20,40,60,80,100,125,150,175,200],
0053         HTBinning  = [0,20,40,60,80,100,125,150,175,200,300,400,500,700],
0054         #Eta binning
0055         eleEtaBinning = [-2.4,-2.1,-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.,0.3,0.9,1.5,2.1,2.4],
0056         jetEtaBinning = [-2.4,-2.1,-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.,0.3,0.9,1.5,2.1,2.4],
0057         muEtaBinning  = [-2.4,-2.1,-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.,0.3,0.9,1.5,2.1,2.4],
0058         #pt binning
0059         elePtBinning = [0,3,5,8,15,20,25,30,40,50,60,80,120,200,400,700],
0060         jetPtBinning = [0,3,5,8,15,20,25,30,40,50,70,100,150,200,400,700,1000,1500,3000],
0061         muPtBinning  = [0,3,5,7,10,15,20,30,40,50,70,100,150,200,400,700],
0062         #Eta binning 2D
0063         eleEtaBinning2D = [-2.5,-1.5,-0.6,0.,0.6,1.5,2.5],
0064         jetEtaBinning2D = [-2.5,-1.5,-0.6,0.,0.6,1.5,2.5],
0065         muEtaBinning2D  = [-2.5,-1.5,-0.6,0.,0.6,1.5,2.5],
0066         #pt binning 2D
0067         elePtBinning2D = [0,15,20,30,40,60,80,100,200,400],
0068         jetPtBinning2D = [0,15,20,30,40,60,80,100,200,400],
0069         muPtBinning2D  = [0,15,20,30,40,60,80,100,200,400],
0070         #HT and phi binning 2D
0071         HTBinning2D  =[0,20,40,70,100,150,200,400,700],
0072         phiBinning2D = [-3.1416,-1.8849,-0.6283,0.6283,1.8849,3.1416],
0073     ),
0074     met       = "pfMet", # pfMet  
0075     jets      = "ak4PFJetsPuppi", #ak4PFJetsCHS,  ak4PFJets, ak4PFJetsCHS, ak4PFJets
0076     electrons = "gedGsfElectrons", # while pfIsolatedElectronsEI are reco::PFCandidate !
0077     muons     = "muons", # while pfIsolatedMuonsEI are reco::PFCandidate !     
0079     btagAlgos = ["pfParticleNetAK4DiscriminatorsJetTagsForRECO:BvsAll"],
0080     workingpoint = -1., #no cut applied
0082     HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.5',
0083     leptJetDeltaRmin = 0.0,
0084     bJetMuDeltaRmax  = 9999.,
0085     bJetDeltaEtaMax  = 9999.,
0086     #always monitor CSV score for one jet
0087     nbjets = 1,
0088     bjetSelection = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
0090     numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(
0091         andOr  =  False,
0092         andOrHlt      = True,# True:=OR; False:=AND  
0093         hltInputTag   =  "TriggerResults::HLT",
0094         errorReplyHlt =  False,
0095         verbosityLevel = 0),
0097     denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(
0098         andOr= False,
0099         andOrHlt      = True,# True:=OR; False:=AND 
0100         hltInputTag   = "TriggerResults::HLT",
0101         errorReplyHlt = False,
0102         dcsInputTag   = "scalersRawToDigi",
0103         dcsRecordInputTag = "onlineMetaDataDigis",
0104         dcsPartitions = [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29], # 24-27: strip, 28-29: pixel, we should add all other detectors !   
0105         andOrDcs      =  False,
0106         errorReplyDcs = True,
0107         verbosityLevel = 0)
0108 )