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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from DQMOffline.Trigger.photonMonitoring_cfi import photonMonitoring
0005 hltPhotonmonitoring = photonMonitoring.clone(
0006     FolderName = 'HLT/Photon/Photon200/',
0007     met       = "pfMet", # pfMet
0008     jets      = "ak4PFJets", # ak4PFJets, ak4PFJetsCHS
0009     electrons = "gedGsfElectrons", # while pfIsolatedElectronsEI are reco::PFCandidate !
0010     photons = "gedPhotons", # while pfIsolatedElectronsEI are reco::PFCandidate !
0012     histoPSet = dict(
0013         lsPSet = dict(
0014             nbins =  250,
0015             xmin  =   0.,
0016             xmax  =  2500.),
0018         photonPSet = dict(
0019             nbins =  500 ,
0020             xmin  =  0.0,
0021             xmax  = 5000)
0022     ),
0024     numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(
0025         andOr         = False,
0026         #dbLabel       = "ExoDQMTrigger", # it does not exist yet, we should consider the possibility of using the DB, but as it is now it will need a label per path !
0027         andOrHlt      = True, # True:=OR; False:=AND
0028         hltInputTag   = "TriggerResults::HLT",
0029         hltPaths      = ["HLT_Photon175_v*"], # HLT_ZeroBias_v*
0030         #hltDBKey      = "EXO_HLT_MET",
0031         errorReplyHlt =  False,
0032         verbosityLevel = 1),
0035     denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(
0036         andOr         =  False,
0037         andOrHlt      = True,
0038         hltInputTag   = "TriggerResults::HLT",
0039         hltPaths      = ["HLT_PFJet40_v*","HLT_PFJet60_v*","HLT_PFJet80_v*"], # HLT_ZeroBias_v*
0040         errorReplyHlt =  False,
0041         dcsInputTag   = "scalersRawToDigi",
0042         dcsRecordInputTag = "onlineMetaDataDigis",
0043         dcsPartitions = [ 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29], # 24-27: strip, 28-29: pixel, we should add all other detectors !
0044         andOrDcs      =  False,
0045         errorReplyDcs = True,
0046         verbosityLevel = 1)
0047 )