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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



File indexing completed on 2024-08-22 04:57:34

0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from DQM.SiPixelPhase1Common.HistogramManager_cfi import *
0004 OverlayCurvesForTiming.enabled = False #switch to overlay digi/clusters curves for timing scan 
0005 #PerModule.enabled              = False 
0006 #PerLadder.enabled              = False
0007 #PerLayer2D.enabled             = True # 2D maps/profiles of layers
0008 #PerLayer1D.enabled             = True # normal histos per layer
0010 hltSiPixelPhase1Geometry = SiPixelPhase1Geometry.clone(
0011     max_lumisection   = 2500,
0012     max_bunchcrossing = 3600,
0013     # online-specific things
0014     onlineblock    =  20, # #LS after which histograms are reset
0015     n_onlineblocks = 100 # #blocks to keep for histograms with history
0016 )
0017 hltDefaultHistoDigiCluster = DefaultHistoDigiCluster.clone(
0018     topFolderName = "HLT/Pixel"
0019 )
0020 hltDefaultHistoReadout = DefaultHistoReadout.clone(
0021     topFolderName = "HLT/Pixel"
0022 )
0023 hltDefaultHistoTrack = DefaultHistoTrack.clone(
0024     topFolderName= "HLT/Pixel/TrackClusters"
0025 )
0026 hltDefaultHistoTrackResiduals = DefaultHistoTrack.clone(
0027     topFolderName= "HLT/Pixel/Tracks"
0028 )
0030 hltStandardSpecificationPixelmapProfile = [#produces pixel map with the mean (TProfile)
0031     Specification(PerLayer2D)
0032        .groupBy("PXBarrel/PXLayer/SignedLadderCoord/SignedModuleCoord")
0033        .groupBy("PXBarrel/PXLayer/SignedLadderCoord", "EXTEND_X")
0034        .groupBy("PXBarrel/PXLayer", "EXTEND_Y")
0035        .reduce("MEAN")
0036        .save(),
0037     Specification(PerLayer2D)
0038        .groupBy("PXForward/PXRing/SignedBladePanelCoord/SignedDiskCoord")
0039        .groupBy("PXForward/PXRing/SignedBladePanelCoord", "EXTEND_X")
0040        .groupBy("PXForward/PXRing", "EXTEND_Y")
0041        .reduce("MEAN")
0042        .save(),
0043 ]
0045 hltStandardSpecifications1D = [
0046     Specification().groupBy("PXBarrel/PXLayer").save(),
0047     Specification().groupBy("PXForward/PXDisk").save(), # 91x nbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=3000,
0048 ]
0050 hltStandardSpecifications1D_Num = [
0051     Specification().groupBy("PXBarrel/PXLayer/Event") #this will produce inclusive counts per Layer/Disk
0052     .reduce("COUNT")    
0053     .groupBy("PXBarrel/PXLayer")
0054 #    .groupBy("PXBarrel")
0055     .save(),
0056     Specification().groupBy("PXForward/PXDisk/Event")
0057     .reduce("COUNT")    
0058     .groupBy("PXForward/PXDisk/")
0059 #    .groupBy("PXForward")
0060     .save()
0061 ]