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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:10:08

0001 #!/usr/bin/env python3
0002 from __future__ import print_function
0004 import uproot
0005 import argparse
0007 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='List the full name of all MEs for a given run and lumi. ' +
0008                                              'If lumi is omitted, per run MEs will be printed out')
0010 parser.add_argument('filename', help='Name of local root file. For remote files, use edmCopyUtil first: `edmCopyUtil root://<FILEPATH> .`')
0011 parser.add_argument('-r', type=int, help='Run to list MEs of')
0012 parser.add_argument('-l', type=int, default=0, help='Lumisection to list MEs of')
0014 args = parser.parse_args()
0016 if args.l == None or args.l < 0:
0017   print('Please provide a valid lumisection number')
0018   exit()
0020 f =
0021 things = f.keys()
0022 if 'Indices;1' in things:
0023   indices = f['Indices']
0024   runs = indices['Run'].array()
0025   lumis = indices['Lumi'].array()
0026   firstindex = indices['FirstIndex'].array()
0027   lastindex = indices['LastIndex'].array()
0028   types = indices['Type'].array()
0030   # If run is not provided, print all available runs in a given file.
0031   if args.r == None or args.r < 0:
0032     print('Please provide a valid run number. Runs contained in a given file:')
0033     print('To figure out which lumisections are available for each run, use')
0034     for run in set(runs):
0035       print(run)
0036     exit()
0038   treenames = [ # order matters!
0039     "Ints",
0040     "Floats",
0041     "Strings",
0042     "TH1Fs",
0043     "TH1Ss",
0044     "TH1Ds",
0045     "TH2Fs",
0046     "TH2Ss",
0047     "TH2Ds",
0048     "TH3Fs",
0049     "TProfiles",
0050     "TProfile2Ds",
0051     "TH1Is",
0052     "TH2Is"
0053   ]
0054   trees = [f[name]["FullName"].array() for name in treenames]
0056   for run, lumi, first, last, type in zip(runs, lumis, firstindex, lastindex, types):
0057     if run == args.r and lumi == args.l:
0058       for i in range(first, int(last + 1)): # In DQMIO both ranges are inclusive
0059         print(trees[type][i])
0060 else:
0061   print("This does not look like DQMIO data.")