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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:10:13

0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # DQM file saver module
0004 dqmSaver = cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMFileSaverPB",
0005     # Name of the producer.
0006     producer = cms.untracked.string('DQM'),
0007     # Directory in which to save the files.
0008     path = cms.untracked.string('./'),
0010     # Tag, used in the filename as the third term.
0011     tag = cms.untracked.string('UNKNOWN'),
0013     # Control reference saving (default / skip / qtests / all)
0014     referenceHandling = cms.untracked.string('all'),
0015     # Control which references are saved for qtests (default: STATUS_OK)
0016     referenceRequireStatus = cms.untracked.int32(100),
0018     # If set, EvFDaqDirector is emulated and not used
0019     fakeFilterUnitMode = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0020     # Label of the stream
0021     streamLabel = cms.untracked.string("streamDQMHistograms"),
0023     runNumber = cms.untracked.int32(111),
0024 )