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0001 /*!
0002 \page DataFormats_Common_containers Package DataFormats/Common: container classes
0003 <center>
0004 <small>
0005 <a href=>CVS head for this package</a> - 
0006 <a href=>Administrative privileges</a>
0007 </small>
0008 </center>
0010 \section desc Description
0011 Commonly used persistent containers.
0013 \subsection interface Public interface
0014 - edm::AssociationMap <b>&lt;Tag&gt;</b>: one-to-many, one-to-one
0015   or one-to-value association based on edm::Ref. Objects in a EDM collection 
0016   are associated to one or many objects in another EDM collection or to
0017   values of a specified type.<br><br>
0018   The template <tt>Tag</tt> should be one of the following:
0019   - edm::OneToValue <b><CKey, Val, index></b> for associations by value
0020   - edm::OneToOne <b><CKey, CVal, index></b> for one-to-one maps by reference
0021   - edm::OneToMany <b><CKey, CVal, index></b> for one-to-many maps by reference
0022   - edm::OneToManyWithQuality <b><CKey, CVal, Q, index></b>
0023   <b>CKey</b> is the collection type of the object to be associated, <b>CVal</b> is the collection of 
0024   associated objects, <b>Val</b> is the associated value type and <b>Q</b> is the data type describing
0025   the match quality. References are stored as indices of type <tt>index</tt>, that is by default 
0026   <tt>unsigned long</tt>, but could be <tt>unsigned short</tt> for collections with less than 65535 
0027   objects or <tt>unsigned char</tt> for collections with less than 255 objects.<br><br>
0028   One example of basic usage is presented below:
0029 \htmlonly
0030 <pre>
0031   typedef edm::AssociationMap&lt;edm::OneToMany&lt;CaloJetCollection, TrackCollection&gt; &gt;
0032     JetTracksMap;
0033   JetTracksMap map;
0035   CaloJetRef rj = ...; 
0036   TrackRef rt = ...;
0037   map->insert( rj, rt );
0038   const TrackRefVector & tracks = map[ rj ];
0040   JetTracksMap::const_iterator i = map.find( rj );
0041   assert( i != map.end() );
0042   const CaloJetRef & jet1 = i-&gt;key;
0043   const TrackRefVector & tracks1 = i-&gt;val;
0044 </pre>
0045 \endhtmlonly
0046   The attribute <tt>transientMap_</tt> has to be declared transient in the
0047   dictionary. Other used persistent 
0048   types have to be declared in the dictionary, depending case by case:
0049 \htmlonly
0050 <pre>
0051 &lt;lcgdict&gt;
0052   &lt;class name="edm::AssociationMap&lt; ... &gt;" &gt;
0053     &lt;field name="transientMap_" transient="true" /&gt;
0054   &lt;/class &gt;
0055 &lt;/lcgdict&gt;
0056 </pre>
0057 \endhtmlonly
0059 - edm::AssociationVector <b>&lt;CKey, CVal&gt;</b>: container very similar to
0060   <tt>std::vector&lt;CVal&gt;</tt>, with in addition an <tt>edm::RefProd&lt;CKey&gt;</tt>.
0061   Assuming the two collection of types <tt>CKey</tt> and <tt>CVal</tt> are of the same
0062   size and properly ordered, this container implements in a very simple way a one-to-one
0063   association. In order to get the reference to the <i>i<sup>th</sup></i> object in 
0064   the <tt>CKey</tt> collection, the method <tt>key(i)</tt> is implemented. Below
0065   a user example:
0066 \htmlonly
0067 <pre>
0068   edm::AssiciationVector&lt;reco::MuonCollection, std::vector&lt;double&gt; &gt; isolations( muonRefProd );
0069   // fill the association ...
0070   for( size_t i = 0; i < isolations.size(); ++ i ) {
0071     double iso = isolations[ i ];
0072     reco::MuonRef muon = isolations.key( i );
0073     double pt = muon->pt();
0074   }
0075 </pre>
0076 \endhtmlonly
0078 - edm::DetSet <b>&lt;T&gt;</b>:
0080 - edm::EDCollection <b>&lt;T&gt;</b>: Functionally equivalent to <tt>std::vector&lt;T&gt;</tt>. 
0081   Still present for hystorical reason; will be probably removed in one of the next releases.
0083 - edm::IDVectorMap <b>&lt;ID, C, P&gt;</b>:
0085 - edm::OwnVector <b>&lt;T, P = edm::ClonePolicy&lt;T&gt; &gt;</b>: container 
0086   with interface very similar to <tt>std::vector&lt;T&gt;</tt>,  
0087   capable of storing polymorphic objects that are owned by the 
0088   container to avoid memory leak. 
0089   edm::OwnVector has functionalities very similar to 
0090   <a href=""><tt>boost::ptr_vector&lt;T&gt;</tt></a>, 
0091   providing also EDM persistent capabilities. 
0092   <br><br>The first template argument <tt><b>T</b></tt> is the common base class of
0093   polymorphic objects to be stored; the second parameter <tt><b>P</b></TT> specifies
0094   the  \ref DataFormats_Common_helpers "policy" required to allocate clones of 
0095   the stored object. By default, it
0096   is equal to the type <b>edm::ClonePolicy&lt;T&gt;</b> assuming the 
0097   type <tt>T</tt> is equipped with a virtual method <tt><b>clone()</b></tt> that returning a cloned
0098   instance of the actual concrete object. Other user-provided policy implementations are possible.
0099   <br><br>
0100   As for <a href=""><tt>boost::ptr_vector</tt></a>,
0101   due to the polymorphic nature of contained objects, the STL <tt><b>std::sort</b></tt>
0102   function and other mutating algorithms do not work with edm::OwnVector. For this reason, functions to sort
0103   the collection are provided as class methods, using the same approach
0104   taken by <a href=""><tt>boost::ptr_vector</tt></a>.
0105   See also this <a href="">documentation</a>
0106   from <a href="">Boost library</a>.<br><br>
0107   Please, note that for classes that do not provide a "<" operator, the function
0108   <tt>sort()</tt> has to be <b>explicitly removed</b> from the reflex dictionary generation.
0109   So, you should add to your <tt>classes_def.xml</tt> the following lines:
0110 \htmlonly
0111 <pre>
0112 &lt;lcgdict&gt;
0113 &lt;selection&gt;
0114   &lt;class name="MyBaseClass" /&gt;
0115   &lt;class name="edm::OwnVector&lt;MyBaseClass, edm::ClonePolicy&lt;MyBaseClass&gt; &gt;" /&gt;
0116   . . .
0117 &lt;/selection&gt;
0118 &lt;exclusion&gt;
0119   &lt;class name="edm::OwnVector&lt;MyBaseClass, edm::ClonePolicy&lt;MyBaseClass&gt; &gt;"&gt;
0120     &lt;method name="sort" /&gt;
0121   &lt;/class&gt;
0122 &lt;/exclusion&gt;
0123 &lt;/lcgdict&gt;
0124 </pre>
0125 \endhtmlonly
0127 - edm::RangeMap <b>&lt;ID, C, P&gt;</b>: generic container of objects
0128   organized in a collection of type <tt><b>C</b></tt> and sorted 
0129   according to an identified of type <tt><b>ID</b></tt>. It is
0130   possible to iterate over contained object, iterate over identifiers,
0131   access only objects with a specified identifier, or whose identifier
0132   match a specified criterion. The collection is sorted before being
0133   inserted in the Event. The  \ref DataFormats_Common_helpers "policy" to be used
0134   to produce copies/clones of the objects during insertion and final
0135   sorting phases can be specified as template parameter <tt><b>P</b></tt>.
0137 - edm::SortedCollection <b>&lt;T, SORT&gt;</b>:
0139 </pre>
0140 \subsection modules Modules
0141 None.
0143 \subsection tests Unit tests and examples
0144 None.
0146 \section status Status and planned development
0147 Completed, stable.
0149 <hr>
0150 Last updated: @DATE@ L. Lista
0151 */