File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:03:55
0001 #ifndef DataFormats_Common_ValueMap_h
0002 #define DataFormats_Common_ValueMap_h
0010 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/CMS_CLASS_VERSION.h"
0011 #include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ProductID.h"
0012 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDMException.h"
0013 #include <vector>
0014 #include <map>
0015 #include <iterator>
0016 #include <algorithm>
0017 #include <cstddef>
0019 namespace edm {
0020 namespace helper {
0021 template <typename Map>
0022 class Filler {
0023 private:
0024 typedef std::vector<size_t> index_vector;
0025 typedef std::vector<typename Map::value_type> value_vector;
0026 typedef std::map<ProductID, value_vector> value_map;
0027 typedef typename Map::offset offset;
0028 typedef typename Map::id_offset_vector id_offset_vector;
0030 public:
0031 explicit Filler(Map& map) : map_(map), totSize_(0) { add(map); }
0032 void add(const Map& map) {
0033 if (map.empty())
0034 return;
0035 typename id_offset_vector::const_iterator j = map.ids_.begin();
0036 const typename id_offset_vector::const_iterator end = map.ids_.end();
0037 size_t i = 0;
0038 const size_t size = map.values_.size();
0040 do {
0041 ProductID id = j->first;
0042 ++j;
0043 size_t max = (j == end ? size : j->second);
0044 typename value_map::iterator f = values_.find(id);
0045 if (f != values_.end())
0046 throwAdd();
0047 value_vector& values = values_.insert(std::make_pair(id, value_vector())).first->second;
0048 while (i != max)
0049 values.push_back(map.values_[i++]);
0050 } while (j != end);
0051 }
0052 template <typename H, typename I>
0053 void insert(const H& h, I begin, I end) {
0054 ProductID id =;
0055 size_t size = h->size(), sizeIt = end - begin;
0056 if (sizeIt != size)
0057 throwFillSize();
0058 typename value_map::const_iterator f = values_.find(id);
0059 if (f != values_.end())
0060 throwFillID(id);
0061 value_vector& values = values_.insert(make_pair(id, value_vector(size))).first->second;
0062 std::copy(begin, end, values.begin());
0063 totSize_ += size;
0064 }
0065 void fill() {
0066 map_.clear();
0067 offset off = 0;
0068 map_.ids_.reserve(values_.size());
0069 map_.values_.reserve(totSize_);
0070 for (typename value_map::const_iterator i = values_.begin(); i != values_.end(); ++i) {
0071 ProductID id = i->first;
0072 map_.ids_.push_back(std::make_pair(id, off));
0073 const value_vector& values = i->second;
0074 for (typename value_vector::const_iterator j = values.begin(); j != values.end(); ++j) {
0075 map_.values_.push_back(*j);
0076 ++off;
0077 }
0078 }
0079 map_.shrink_to_fit();
0080 }
0082 protected:
0083 Map& map_;
0085 private:
0086 value_map values_;
0087 size_t totSize_;
0089 void throwFillSize() const {
0090 Exception::throwThis(errors::InvalidReference,
0091 "ValueMap::Filler: handle and reference "
0092 "collections should the same size\n");
0093 }
0094 void throwFillID(ProductID id) const {
0095 Exception e(errors::InvalidReference);
0096 e << "index map has already been filled for id: " << id << "\n";
0097 e.raise();
0098 }
0099 void throwAdd() const {
0100 Exception::throwThis(errors::InvalidReference,
0101 "ValueMap: trying to add entries for an already existing product\n");
0102 }
0103 };
0104 }
0106 template <typename T>
0107 class ValueMap {
0108 public:
0109 typedef T value_type;
0110 typedef std::vector<value_type> container;
0111 typedef unsigned int offset;
0112 typedef std::vector<std::pair<ProductID, offset> > id_offset_vector;
0113 typedef typename container::reference reference_type;
0114 typedef typename container::const_reference const_reference_type;
0116 ValueMap() {}
0118 void swap(ValueMap& other) {
0119 values_.swap(other.values_);
0120 ids_.swap(other.ids_);
0121 }
0123 template <typename RefKey>
0124 const_reference_type operator[](const RefKey& r) const {
0125 return get(, r.key());
0126 }
0128 size_t rawIndexOf(ProductID id, size_t idx) const {
0129 typename id_offset_vector::const_iterator f = getIdOffset(id);
0130 if (f == ids_.end())
0131 throwNotExisting();
0132 offset off = f->second;
0133 size_t j = off + idx;
0134 if (j >= values_.size())
0135 throwIndexBound();
0136 return j;
0137 }
0138 const_reference_type get(ProductID id, size_t idx) const { return values_[rawIndexOf(id, idx)]; }
0139 template <typename RefKey>
0140 reference_type operator[](const RefKey& r) {
0141 return get(, r.key());
0142 }
0143 reference_type get(ProductID id, size_t idx) { return values_[rawIndexOf(id, idx)]; }
0145 ValueMap<T>& operator+=(const ValueMap<T>& o) {
0146 add(o);
0147 return *this;
0148 }
0149 bool contains(ProductID id) const { return getIdOffset(id) != ids_.end(); }
0150 size_t size() const { return values_.size(); }
0151 size_t idSize() const { return ids_.size(); }
0152 bool empty() const { return values_.empty(); }
0153 void clear() {
0154 values_.clear();
0155 ids_.clear();
0156 }
0157 void shrink_to_fit() {
0158 ids_.shrink_to_fit();
0159 values_.shrink_to_fit();
0160 }
0162 typedef helper::Filler<ValueMap<T> > Filler;
0164 struct const_iterator {
0165 typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
0166 const_iterator() : values_(nullptr) {}
0167 ProductID id() const { return i_->first; }
0168 typename container::const_iterator begin() const { return values_->begin() + i_->second; }
0169 typename container::const_iterator end() const {
0170 if (i_ == end_)
0171 return values_->end();
0172 id_offset_vector::const_iterator end = i_;
0173 ++end;
0174 if (end == end_)
0175 return values_->end();
0176 return values_->begin() + end->second;
0177 }
0178 size_t size() const { return end() - begin(); }
0179 const T& operator[](size_t i) { return *(begin() + i); }
0180 const_iterator& operator++() {
0181 ++i_;
0182 return *this;
0183 }
0184 const_iterator operator++(int) {
0185 const_iterator ci = *this;
0186 ++i_;
0187 return ci;
0188 }
0189 const_iterator& operator--() {
0190 --i_;
0191 return *this;
0192 }
0193 const_iterator operator--(int) {
0194 const_iterator ci = *this;
0195 --i_;
0196 return ci;
0197 }
0198 difference_type operator-(const const_iterator& o) const { return i_ - o.i_; }
0199 const_iterator operator+(difference_type n) const { return const_iterator(i_ + n, end_, values_); }
0200 const_iterator operator-(difference_type n) const { return const_iterator(i_ - n, end_, values_); }
0201 bool operator<(const const_iterator& o) const { return i_ < o.i_; }
0202 bool operator==(const const_iterator& ci) const { return i_ == ci.i_; }
0203 bool operator!=(const const_iterator& ci) const { return i_ != ci.i_; }
0204 const_iterator& operator+=(difference_type d) {
0205 i_ += d;
0206 return *this;
0207 }
0208 const_iterator& operator-=(difference_type d) {
0209 i_ -= d;
0210 return *this;
0211 }
0213 private:
0214 const_iterator(const id_offset_vector::const_iterator& i_,
0215 const id_offset_vector::const_iterator& end,
0216 const container* values)
0217 : values_(values), i_(i_), end_(end) {}
0218 const container* values_;
0219 id_offset_vector::const_iterator i_, end_;
0220 friend class ValueMap<T>;
0221 };
0223 const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(ids_.begin(), ids_.end(), &values_); }
0224 const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(ids_.end(), ids_.end(), &values_); }
0227 const id_offset_vector& ids() const { return ids_; }
0229 const_reference_type get(size_t idx) const { return values_[idx]; }
0234 protected:
0235 container values_;
0236 id_offset_vector ids_;
0238 typename id_offset_vector::const_iterator getIdOffset(ProductID id) const {
0239 typename id_offset_vector::const_iterator i = std::lower_bound(ids_.begin(), ids_.end(), id, IDComparator());
0240 if (i == ids_.end())
0241 return i;
0242 return i->first == id ? i : ids_.end();
0243 }
0245 void throwIndexBound() const {
0246 Exception::throwThis(errors::InvalidReference, "ValueMap: index out of upper boundary\n");
0247 }
0249 private:
0250 struct IDComparator {
0251 bool operator()(const std::pair<ProductID, offset>& p, const ProductID& id) { return p.first < id; }
0252 };
0253 void throwNotExisting() const {
0254 Exception::throwThis(errors::InvalidReference, "ValueMap: no associated value for given product and index\n");
0255 }
0257 void add(const ValueMap<T>& o) {
0258 Filler filler(*this);
0259 filler.add(o);
0260 filler.fill();
0261 }
0263 friend class helper::Filler<ValueMap<T> >;
0264 };
0266 template <typename T>
0267 inline ValueMap<T> operator+(const ValueMap<T>& a1, const ValueMap<T>& a2) {
0268 ValueMap<T> a = a1;
0269 a += a2;
0270 return a;
0271 }
0274 template <typename T>
0275 inline void swap(ValueMap<T>& lhs, ValueMap<T>& rhs) {
0276 lhs.swap(rhs);
0277 }
0279 }
0280 #endif