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0001 #ifndef DataFormats_Common_WrapperView_icc
0002 #define DataFormats_Common_WrapperView_icc
0004 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
0006 Code from Wrapper.h supporting Views
0008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
0010 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/fwd_fillPtrVector.h"
0011 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/fwd_setPtr.h"
0012 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/traits.h"
0013 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDMException.h"
0014 #include <type_traits>
0016 namespace edm {
0018   template <typename T>
0019   struct DoFillView {
0020     void operator()(T const& obj,
0021                     ProductID const& id,
0022                     std::vector<void const*>& pointers,
0023                     FillViewHelperVector& helpers) const;
0024   };
0026   template <typename T>
0027   struct DoNotFillView {
0028     void operator()(T const&, ProductID const&, std::vector<void const*>&, FillViewHelperVector&) const {
0029       Exception::throwThis(
0030           errors::ProductDoesNotSupportViews, "The product type ", typeid(T).name(), "\ndoes not support Views\n");
0031     }
0032   };
0034   template <typename T>
0035   inline void Wrapper<T>::do_fillView(ProductID const& id,
0036                                       std::vector<void const*>& pointers,
0037                                       FillViewHelperVector& helpers) const {
0038     typename std::conditional<has_fillView<T>::value, DoFillView<T>, DoNotFillView<T> >::type maybe_filler;
0039     maybe_filler(obj, id, pointers, helpers);
0040   }
0042   template <typename T>
0043   struct DoSetPtr {
0044     void operator()(T const& obj, std::type_info const& iToType, unsigned long iIndex, void const*& oPtr) const;
0045     void operator()(T const& obj,
0046                     std::type_info const& iToType,
0047                     std::vector<unsigned long> const& iIndex,
0048                     std::vector<void const*>& oPtr) const;
0049   };
0051   template <typename T>
0052   struct DoNotSetPtr {
0053     void operator()(T const& /*obj*/, std::type_info const& iToType, unsigned long iIndex, void const*& oPtr) const {
0054       Exception::throwThis(
0055           errors::ProductDoesNotSupportPtr, "The product type ", typeid(T).name(), "\ndoes not support edm::Ptr\n");
0056     }
0057     void operator()(T const& obj,
0058                     std::type_info const& iToType,
0059                     std::vector<unsigned long> const& iIndexes,
0060                     std::vector<void const*>& oPtrs) const {
0061       Exception::throwThis(errors::ProductDoesNotSupportPtr,
0062                            "The product type ",
0063                            typeid(T).name(),
0064                            "\ndoes not support edm::PtrVector\n");
0065     }
0066   };
0068   template <typename T>
0069   inline void Wrapper<T>::do_setPtr(std::type_info const& iToType, unsigned long iIndex, void const*& oPtr) const {
0070     typename std::conditional<has_setPtr<T>::value, DoSetPtr<T>, DoNotSetPtr<T> >::type maybe_filler;
0071     maybe_filler(this->obj, iToType, iIndex, oPtr);
0072   }
0074   template <typename T>
0075   void Wrapper<T>::do_fillPtrVector(std::type_info const& iToType,
0076                                     std::vector<unsigned long> const& iIndices,
0077                                     std::vector<void const*>& oPtr) const {
0078     typename std::conditional<has_setPtr<T>::value, DoSetPtr<T>, DoNotSetPtr<T> >::type maybe_filler;
0079     maybe_filler(this->obj, iToType, iIndices, oPtr);
0080   }
0081 }  // namespace edm
0083 namespace edm {
0085   template <typename T>
0086   class PtrVector;
0088   namespace helpers {
0089     template <typename T>
0090     struct ViewFiller {
0091       static void fill(T const& obj,
0092                        ProductID const& id,
0093                        std::vector<void const*>& pointers,
0094                        FillViewHelperVector& helpers) {
0095         fillView(obj, id, pointers, helpers);
0096         assert(pointers.size() == helpers.size());
0097       }
0098     };
0100     template <typename T>
0101     struct PtrSetter {
0102       static void set(T const& obj, std::type_info const& iToType, unsigned long iIndex, void const*& oPtr) {
0103         // setPtr is the name of an overload set; each concrete collection T should supply a fillView function, in the same
0104         // namespace at that in which T is defined, or in the 'edm' namespace.
0105         setPtr(obj, iToType, iIndex, oPtr);
0106       }
0108       static void fill(T const& obj,
0109                        std::type_info const& iToType,
0110                        std::vector<unsigned long> const& iIndex,
0111                        std::vector<void const*>& oPtr) {
0112         // fillPtrVector is the name of an overload set; each concrete collection T should supply a fillPtrVector function,
0113         // in the same namespace at that in which T is defined, or in the 'edm'  namespace.
0114         fillPtrVector(obj, iToType, iIndex, oPtr);
0115       }
0116     };
0117   }  // namespace helpers
0119   template <typename T>
0120   void DoFillView<T>::operator()(T const& obj,
0121                                  ProductID const& id,
0122                                  std::vector<void const*>& pointers,
0123                                  FillViewHelperVector& helpers) const {
0124     helpers::ViewFiller<T>::fill(obj, id, pointers, helpers);
0125   }
0127   template <typename T>
0128   void DoSetPtr<T>::operator()(T const& obj,
0129                                std::type_info const& iToType,
0130                                unsigned long iIndex,
0131                                void const*& oPtr) const {
0132     helpers::PtrSetter<T>::set(obj, iToType, iIndex, oPtr);
0133   }
0135   template <typename T>
0136   void DoSetPtr<T>::operator()(T const& obj,
0137                                std::type_info const& iToType,
0138                                std::vector<unsigned long> const& iIndices,
0139                                std::vector<void const*>& oPtr) const {
0140     helpers::PtrSetter<T>::fill(obj, iToType, iIndices, oPtr);
0141   }
0143 }  // namespace edm
0145 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/FillView.h"
0146 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/setPtr.h"
0147 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/fillPtrVector.h"
0149 #endif