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0001 #ifndef DataFormats_Common_setIsMergeable_h
0002 #define DataFormats_Common_setIsMergeable_h
0003 // -*- C++ -*-
0004 //
0005 // Package:     Common
0006 // Class  :     setIsMergeable
0007 //
0008 /*
0009  Description: Should be called only after the BranchDescription::init
0010               function has been called either directly or through
0011               the BranchDescription constructor.
0013               Helper function used to set the isMergeable data member
0014               in BranchDescription. It would be much more convenient
0015               to have been able to put this inside the BranchDescription
0016               class itself in the init function, but the WrapperBase
0017               class in package DataFormats/Common is needed to implement
0018               this and that cannot be used in package DataFormats/Provenance
0019               because it would create a circular dependency.
0021               Anything creating a BranchDescription or reading one from
0022               a ROOT file will need to call this directly if they need
0023               the isMergeable data member to be set properly. Note that
0024               the isMergeable data member will default to false so if
0025               you know there are no mergeable run or lumi products, calling
0026               this is unnecessary.
0027 */
0028 //
0029 // Original Author:  W. David Dagenhart
0030 //         Created:  21 June 2018
0031 //
0033 namespace edm {
0035   class BranchDescription;
0037   void setIsMergeable(BranchDescription&);
0038 }  // namespace edm
0040 #endif