File indexing completed on 2024-11-19 23:19:54
0002 #include "DataFormats/EgammaReco/interface/ElectronSeed.h"
0004 #include <climits>
0006 using namespace reco;
0008 ElectronSeed::ElectronSeed()
0009 : TrajectorySeed(),
0010 ctfTrack_(),
0011 caloCluster_(),
0012 hitInfo_(),
0013 nrLayersAlongTraj_(0),
0014 isEcalDriven_(false),
0015 isTrackerDriven_(false)
0017 {}
0019 ElectronSeed::ElectronSeed(const TrajectorySeed& seed)
0020 : TrajectorySeed(seed),
0021 ctfTrack_(),
0022 caloCluster_(),
0023 hitInfo_(),
0024 nrLayersAlongTraj_(0),
0025 isEcalDriven_(false),
0026 isTrackerDriven_(false) {}
0028 ElectronSeed::ElectronSeed(PTrajectoryStateOnDet& pts, RecHitContainer& rh, PropagationDirection& dir)
0029 : TrajectorySeed(pts, rh, dir),
0030 ctfTrack_(),
0031 caloCluster_(),
0032 hitInfo_(),
0033 nrLayersAlongTraj_(0),
0034 isEcalDriven_(false),
0035 isTrackerDriven_(false) {}
0037 ElectronSeed::~ElectronSeed() = default;
0039 void ElectronSeed::setCtfTrack(const CtfTrackRef& ctfTrack) {
0040 ctfTrack_ = ctfTrack;
0041 isTrackerDriven_ = true;
0042 }
0047 unsigned int ElectronSeed::hitsMask() const {
0048 int mask = 0;
0049 for (size_t hitNr = 0; hitNr < nHits(); hitNr++) {
0050 int bitNr = 0x1 << hitNr;
0051 int hitDetId = (recHits().begin() + hitNr)->geographicalId().rawId();
0052 auto detIdMatcher = [hitDetId](const ElectronSeed::PMVars& var) { return hitDetId == var.detId; };
0053 if (std::find_if(hitInfo_.begin(), hitInfo_.end(), detIdMatcher) != hitInfo_.end()) {
0054 mask |= bitNr;
0055 }
0056 }
0057 return mask;
0058 }
0060 void ElectronSeed::initTwoHitSeed(const unsigned char hitMask) {
0061 hitInfo_.resize(2);
0063 std::vector<unsigned int> hitNrs = hitNrsFromMask(hitMask);
0064 if (hitNrs.size() != 2) {
0065 throw cms::Exception("LogicError")
0066 << "in ElectronSeed::" << __FUNCTION__ << "," << __LINE__ << ": number of hits in hit mask is " << hitNrs.size()
0067 << "\n"
0068 << "pre-2017 pixel upgrade ecalDriven ElectronSeeds should have exactly 2 hits\n "
0069 << "mask " << static_cast<unsigned int>(hitMask) << std::endl;
0070 }
0071 if (hitNrs[0] >= nHits() || hitNrs[1] >= nHits()) {
0072 throw cms::Exception("LogicError") << "in ElectronSeed::" << __FUNCTION__ << "," << __LINE__ << ": hits are "
0073 << hitNrs[0] << " and " << hitNrs[1] << " while number of hits are " << nHits()
0074 << "\n"
0075 << "this means there was a bug in storing or creating the electron seeds "
0076 << "mask " << static_cast<unsigned int>(hitMask) << std::endl;
0077 }
0078 for (size_t hitNr = 0; hitNr < hitInfo_.size(); hitNr++) {
0079 auto& info = hitInfo_[hitNr];
0080 info.setDPhi(std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
0081 info.setDRZ(std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
0082 info.setDet((recHits().begin() + hitNrs[hitNr])->geographicalId(), -1);
0083 }
0084 }
0086 void ElectronSeed::setNegAttributes(float dRZ2, float dPhi2, float dRZ1, float dPhi1) {
0087 if (hitInfo_.size() != 2) {
0088 throw cms::Exception("LogicError")
0089 << "ElectronSeed::setNegAttributes should only operate on seeds with exactly two hits. This is because it is a "
0090 "legacy function to preverse backwards compatiblity and should not be used on new code which matches "
0091 "variable number of hits";
0092 }
0093 hitInfo_[0].dRZNeg = dRZ1;
0094 hitInfo_[1].dRZNeg = dRZ2;
0095 hitInfo_[0].dPhiNeg = dPhi1;
0096 hitInfo_[1].dPhiNeg = dPhi2;
0097 }
0099 void ElectronSeed::setPosAttributes(float dRZ2, float dPhi2, float dRZ1, float dPhi1) {
0100 if (hitInfo_.size() != 2) {
0101 throw cms::Exception("LogicError")
0102 << "ElectronSeed::setPosAttributes should only operate on seeds with exactly two hits. This is because it is a "
0103 "legacy function to preverse backwards compatiblity and should not be used on new code which matches "
0104 "variable number of hits";
0105 }
0106 hitInfo_[0].dRZPos = dRZ1;
0107 hitInfo_[1].dRZPos = dRZ2;
0108 hitInfo_[0].dPhiPos = dPhi1;
0109 hitInfo_[1].dPhiPos = dPhi2;
0110 }
0112 std::vector<unsigned int> ElectronSeed::hitNrsFromMask(unsigned int hitMask) {
0113 std::vector<unsigned int> hitNrs;
0114 for (size_t bitNr = 0; bitNr < sizeof(hitMask) * CHAR_BIT; bitNr++) {
0115 char bit = 0x1 << bitNr;
0116 if ((hitMask & bit) != 0)
0117 hitNrs.push_back(bitNr);
0118 }
0119 return hitNrs;
0120 }
0122 std::vector<ElectronSeed::PMVars> ElectronSeed::createHitInfo(const float dPhi1Pos,
0123 const float dPhi1Neg,
0124 const float dRZ1Pos,
0125 const float dRZ1Neg,
0126 const float dPhi2Pos,
0127 const float dPhi2Neg,
0128 const float dRZ2Pos,
0129 const float dRZ2Neg,
0130 const char hitMask,
0131 TrajectorySeed::RecHitRange const& recHits) {
0132 if (hitMask == 0)
0133 return std::vector<ElectronSeed::PMVars>();
0135 size_t nrRecHits = std::distance(recHits.begin(), recHits.end());
0136 std::vector<unsigned int> hitNrs = hitNrsFromMask(hitMask);
0138 if (hitNrs.size() != 2) {
0139 throw cms::Exception("LogicError") << "in ElectronSeed::" << __FUNCTION__ << "," << __LINE__
0140 << ": number of hits in hit mask is " << nrRecHits << "\n"
0141 << "pre-2017 pixel upgrade ecalDriven ElectronSeeds should have exactly 2 hits\n"
0142 << "mask " << static_cast<unsigned int>(hitMask) << std::endl;
0143 }
0144 if (hitNrs[0] >= nrRecHits || hitNrs[1] >= nrRecHits) {
0145 throw cms::Exception("LogicError") << "in ElectronSeed::" << __FUNCTION__ << "," << __LINE__ << ": hits are "
0146 << hitNrs[0] << " and " << hitNrs[1] << " while number of hits are " << nrRecHits
0147 << "\n"
0148 << "this means there was a bug in storing or creating the electron seeds "
0149 << "mask " << static_cast<unsigned int>(hitMask) << std::endl;
0150 }
0152 std::vector<PMVars> hitInfo(2);
0153 hitInfo[0].setDPhi(dPhi1Pos, dPhi1Neg);
0154 hitInfo[0].setDRZ(dRZ1Pos, dRZ1Neg);
0155 hitInfo[0].setDet(
0156 (recHits.begin() + hitNrs[0])->geographicalId(),
0157 -1);
0158 hitInfo[1].setDPhi(dPhi2Pos, dPhi2Neg);
0159 hitInfo[1].setDRZ(dRZ2Pos, dRZ2Neg);
0160 hitInfo[1].setDet(
0161 (recHits.begin() + hitNrs[1])->geographicalId(),
0162 -1);
0163 return hitInfo;
0164 }
0166 ElectronSeed::PMVars::PMVars()
0167 : dRZPos(std::numeric_limits<float>::max()),
0168 dRZNeg(std::numeric_limits<float>::max()),
0169 dPhiPos(std::numeric_limits<float>::max()),
0170 dPhiNeg(std::numeric_limits<float>::max()),
0171 detId(0),
0172 layerOrDiskNr(-1) {}
0174 void ElectronSeed::PMVars::setDPhi(float pos, float neg) {
0175 dPhiPos = pos;
0176 dPhiNeg = neg;
0177 }
0179 void ElectronSeed::PMVars::setDRZ(float pos, float neg) {
0180 dRZPos = pos;
0181 dRZNeg = neg;
0182 }
0184 void ElectronSeed::PMVars::setDet(int iDetId, int iLayerOrDiskNr) {
0185 detId = iDetId;
0186 layerOrDiskNr = iLayerOrDiskNr;
0187 }