File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:04:15
0001 #include <cmath>
0002 #include <iostream>
0004 #include "DataFormats/GeometrySurface/interface/SOARotation.h"
0005 #include "DataFormats/GeometrySurface/interface/TkRotation.h"
0006 #include "DataFormats/GeometrySurface/interface/GloballyPositioned.h"
0007 #include "DataFormats/GeometrySurface/interface/BoundPlane.h"
0008 #include "DataFormats/GeometrySurface/interface/Cylinder.h"
0010 using namespace std;
0012 template <typename T>
0013 void go() {
0014 typedef TkRotation<T> Rotation;
0015 typedef SOARotation<T> SRotation;
0016 typedef GloballyPositioned<T> Frame;
0017 typedef SOAFrame<T> SFrame;
0018 typedef typename Frame::PositionType Position;
0019 typedef typename Frame::GlobalVector GlobalVector;
0020 typedef typename Frame::GlobalPoint GlobalPoint;
0021 typedef typename Frame::LocalVector LocalVector;
0022 typedef typename Frame::LocalPoint LocalPoint;
0024 std::cout << "size of Rot " << sizeof(Rotation) << std::endl;
0025 std::cout << "size of Pos " << sizeof(Position) << std::endl;
0026 std::cout << "size of Point " << sizeof(GlobalPoint) << std::endl;
0027 std::cout << "size of Frame " << sizeof(Frame) << std::endl;
0028 std::cout << "size of soa Rot " << sizeof(SRotation) << std::endl;
0029 std::cout << "size of soa Frame " << sizeof(SFrame) << std::endl;
0031 double a = 0.01;
0032 double ca = cos(a);
0033 double sa = sin(a);
0035 Rotation r1(ca, sa, 0, -sa, ca, 0, 0, 0, 1);
0036 ;
0037 Frame f1(Position(2, 3, 4), r1);
0038 cout << "f1.position() " << f1.position() << endl;
0039 cout << "f1.rotation() " << endl << f1.rotation() << endl;
0041 Rotation r2(GlobalVector(0, 1, 0), GlobalVector(0, 0, 1));
0042 Frame f2(Position(5, 6, 7), r2);
0043 cout << "f2.position() " << f2.position() << endl;
0044 cout << "f2.rotation() " << endl << f2.rotation() << endl;
0046 Rotation r3 = r2 * r1.transposed();
0047 SRotation sr3(r3);
0049 GlobalPoint pos2(f2.position());
0050 LocalPoint lp3 = f1.toLocal(pos2);
0051 Frame f3(GlobalPoint(lp3.basicVector()), r3);
0052 cout << "f3.position() " << f3.position() << endl;
0053 cout << "f3.rotation() " << endl << f3.rotation() << endl;
0055 SFrame sf1(f1.position().x(), f1.position().y(), f1.position().z(), f1.rotation());
0057 SFrame sf3(f3.position().x(), f3.position().y(), f3.position().z(), sr3);
0060 GlobalPoint gp(11, 22, 33);
0061 LocalPoint p_in1 = f1.toLocal(gp);
0062 typename Frame::ToLocal ff1(f1);
0063 LocalPoint p_in2 = f2.toLocal(gp);
0064 LocalPoint p_in3 = f3.toLocal(GlobalPoint(p_in1.basicVector()));
0065 cout << "p_in1 " << p_in1 << endl;
0066 cout << "p_in1 " << ff1.toLocal(gp) << endl;
0067 cout << "p_in2 " << p_in2 << endl;
0068 cout << "p_in3 " << p_in3 << endl;
0070 LocalPoint p_in1_from3(f3.toGlobal(p_in3).basicVector());
0071 cout << "p_in1_from3 " << p_in1_from3 << endl;
0073 T xx, yy, zz;
0074 sf1.toLocal(gp.x(), gp.y(), gp.z(), xx, yy, zz);
0075 cout << "p_in1 soa " << xx << ',' << yy << ',' << zz << endl;
0076 sf3.toLocal(p_in1.x(), p_in1.y(), p_in1.z(), xx, yy, zz);
0077 cout << "p_in3 soa " << xx << ',' << yy << ',' << zz << endl;
0078 sf3.toGlobal(p_in3.x(), p_in3.y(), p_in3.z(), xx, yy, zz);
0079 cout << "p_in1_from3 soa " << xx << ',' << yy << ',' << zz << endl;
0080 }
0082 void cyl() {
0083 using T = float;
0084 typedef TkRotation<T> Rotation;
0085 typedef GloballyPositioned<T> Frame;
0086 typedef typename Frame::PositionType Position;
0087 typedef typename Frame::GlobalVector GlobalVector;
0088 typedef typename Frame::GlobalPoint GlobalPoint;
0089 typedef typename Frame::LocalVector LocalVector;
0090 typedef typename Frame::LocalPoint LocalPoint;
0093 {
0094 std::cout << " Trivial Cylinder" << std::endl;
0095 Rotation ll(GlobalVector(1, 0, 0), GlobalVector(0, 1, 0));
0096 Position p0(0, 0, 0);
0097 Cylinder cyl(5., p0, ll);
0098 Plane t = cyl.fastTangent(GlobalPoint(3., 4., 1.));
0099 std::cout << t.position() << '\n' << t.rotation() << std::endl;
0100 std::cout << t.rotation().x() * cyl.rotation().z().cross((t.position() - cyl.position()).basicVector()).unit()
0101 << std::endl;
0102 }
0104 {
0105 std::cout << " rotated, displaced Cylinder" << std::endl;
0106 Rotation ll(Basic3DVector<T>(1, 1, 1), .3);
0107 Cylinder cyl(5.f, Position(2, -1, 3), ll);
0108 Plane t = cyl.fastTangent(LocalPoint(3., 4., 1.));
0109 std::cout << t.position() << '\n' << t.rotation() << std::endl;
0110 std::cout << t.rotation().x() * cyl.rotation().z().cross((t.position() - cyl.position()).basicVector()).unit()
0111 << std::endl;
0112 }
0113 }
0115 int main() {
0116 go<float>();
0117 cyl();
0118 std::cout << std::endl;
0119 go<double>();
0120 }