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File indexing completed on 2024-09-26 05:06:37

0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 import sys
0004 process = cms.Process("READ")
0006 process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource", fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring("file:"+sys.argv[1]))
0007 process.maxEvents.input = 1
0009 process.testReadTriggerEvent = cms.EDAnalyzer("TestReadTriggerEvent",
0010     expectedUsedProcessName = cms.string("testName"),
0011     expectedCollectionTags = cms.vstring('moduleA', 'moduleB', 'moduleC'),
0012     expectedCollectionKeys = cms.vuint32(11, 21, 31),
0013     expectedIds = cms.vint32(1, 3, 5),
0014     # I stick to values exactly convertable from double to float
0015     # to avoid potential rounding issues in the test.
0016     # (configuration only supports double not float and
0017     # the data format holds floats)
0018     expectedPts = cms.vdouble(11.0, 21.0, 31.0),
0019     expectedEtas = cms.vdouble(101.0, 102.0, 103.0),
0020     expectedPhis = cms.vdouble(201.0, 202.0, 203.0),
0021     expectedMasses = cms.vdouble(301.0, 302.0, 303.0),
0022     expectedFilterTags = cms.vstring('moduleAA', 'moduleBB'),
0023     expectedElementsPerVector = cms.uint32(2),
0024     expectedFilterIds = cms.vint32(1001, 1002, 1003, 1004),
0025     expectedFilterKeys = cms.vuint32(2001, 2002, 2003, 2004),
0026     triggerEventTag = cms.InputTag("triggerEventProducer", "", "PROD")
0027 )
0029 process.out = cms.OutputModule("PoolOutputModule",
0030     fileName = cms.untracked.string('testTriggerEvent2.root'),
0031     fastCloning = cms.untracked.bool(False)
0032 )
0034 process.path = cms.Path(process.testReadTriggerEvent)
0036 process.endPath = cms.EndPath(process.out)