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0001 #ifndef DataFormats_HcalDetId_HcalZDCDetId_h_included
0002 #define DataFormats_HcalDetId_HcalZDCDetId_h_included 1
0004 #include <ostream>
0005 #include "DataFormats/DetId/interface/DetId.h"
0006 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
0008 /** \class HcalZDCDetId
0009   *  
0010   *  Contents of the HcalZDCDetId (Old):
0011   *     [7]   Set for RPD
0012   *     [6]   Z position (true for positive)
0013   *     [5:4] Section (EM/HAD/Lumi)
0014   *     [3:0] Channel
0015   *  Contents of the HcalZDCDetId (New):
0016   *     [8]   Set to 1 for new format
0017   *     [7]   Set for RPD
0018   *     [6]   Z position (true for positive)
0019   *     [5:4] Section (EM/HAD/Lumi)
0020   *     [3:0] Chaneel for EM/HAD/Lumi
0021   *     [5:0] Channel for RPD
0022   *
0023   */
0024 class HcalZDCDetId : public DetId {
0025 public:
0026   static constexpr uint32_t kZDCChannelMask1 = 0xF;
0027   static constexpr uint32_t kZDCChannelMask2 = 0x3F;
0028   static constexpr uint32_t kZDCSectionMask = 0x3;
0029   static constexpr uint32_t kZDCSectionOffset = 4;
0030   static constexpr uint32_t kZDCZsideMask = 0x40;
0031   static constexpr uint32_t kZDCRPDMask = 0x80;
0032   static constexpr uint32_t kZDCnewFormat = 0x100;
0033   enum Section { Unknown = 0, EM = 1, HAD = 2, LUM = 3, RPD = 4 };
0035   static constexpr int32_t SubdetectorId = 2;
0037   static constexpr int32_t kDepEM = 5;
0038   static constexpr int32_t kDepHAD = 4;
0039   static constexpr int32_t kDepLUM = 2;
0040   static constexpr int32_t kDepRPD = 16;
0041   static constexpr int32_t kDepRun1 = (kDepEM + kDepHAD + kDepLUM);
0042   static constexpr int32_t kDepTot = (kDepRun1 + kDepRPD);
0043   static constexpr int32_t kDepRun3 = kDepTot;
0045   /** Create a null cellid*/
0046   constexpr HcalZDCDetId() : DetId() {}
0047   /** Create cellid from raw id (0=invalid tower id) */
0048   constexpr HcalZDCDetId(uint32_t rawid) : DetId(rawid) {}
0049   /** Constructor from section, eta sign, and channel */
0050   constexpr HcalZDCDetId(Section section, bool true_for_positive_eta, int32_t channel) {
0051     id_ = packHcalZDCDetId(section, true_for_positive_eta, channel);
0052   }
0053   /** Constructor from a generic cell id */
0054   constexpr HcalZDCDetId(const DetId& gen) {
0055     if (!gen.null() && (gen.det() != Calo || gen.subdetId() != SubdetectorId)) {
0056       throw cms::Exception("Invalid DetId")
0057           << "Cannot initialize ZDCDetId from " << std::hex << gen.rawId() << std::dec;
0058     }
0059     id_ = newForm(gen.rawId());
0060   }
0061   /** Assignment from a generic cell id */
0062   constexpr HcalZDCDetId& operator=(const DetId& gen) {
0063     if (!gen.null() && (gen.det() != Calo || gen.subdetId() != SubdetectorId)) {
0064       throw cms::Exception("Invalid DetId") << "Cannot assign ZDCDetId from " << std::hex << gen.rawId() << std::dec;
0065     }
0066     id_ = newForm(gen.rawId());
0067     return *this;
0068   }
0069   /** Comparison operator */
0070   constexpr bool operator==(DetId gen) const {
0071     if (gen.rawId() == id_) {
0072       return true;
0073     } else {
0074       uint32_t id1 = newForm(gen.rawId());
0075       uint32_t id2 = newForm(id_);
0076       return (id1 == id2);
0077     }
0078   }
0079   constexpr bool operator!=(DetId gen) const {
0080     if (gen.rawId() != id_) {
0081       return true;
0082     } else {
0083       uint32_t id1 = newForm(gen.rawId());
0084       uint32_t id2 = newForm(id_);
0085       return (id1 != id2);
0086     }
0087   }
0089   /// get the z-side of the cell (1/-1)
0090   constexpr int32_t zside() const { return ((id_ & kZDCZsideMask) ? (1) : (-1)); }
0091   /// get the section
0092   constexpr Section section() const {
0093     uint32_t id = newForm(id_);
0094     if (id & kZDCRPDMask)
0095       return RPD;
0096     else
0097       return (Section)((id >> kZDCSectionOffset) & kZDCSectionMask);
0098   }
0099   /// get the depth (1 for EM, channel + 1 for HAD, 2 for RPD, not sure yet for LUM, leave as default)
0100   constexpr int32_t depth() const {
0101     const int se(section());
0102     if (se == EM)
0103       return 1;
0104     else if (se == HAD)
0105       return (channel() + 2);
0106     else if (se == RPD)
0107       return 2;
0108     else
0109       return channel();
0110   }
0111   /// get the channel
0112   constexpr int32_t channel() const {
0113     const int32_t se(section());
0114     uint32_t id = newForm(id_);
0115     if (se == RPD)
0116       return (1 + (id & kZDCChannelMask2));
0117     else
0118       return (id & kZDCChannelMask1);
0119   }
0121   constexpr static bool newFormat(const uint32_t& di) { return (di & kZDCnewFormat); }
0122   constexpr static uint32_t newForm(const uint32_t& di) {
0123     uint32_t id(di);
0124     if (!newFormat(id)) {
0125       Section se(Unknown);
0126       bool zside(true);
0127       int32_t channel(0);
0128       unpackHcalZDCDetId(id, se, zside, channel);
0129       id = packHcalZDCDetId(se, zside, channel);
0130     }
0131     return id;
0132   }
0134   constexpr uint32_t denseIndex() const {
0135     const int32_t se(section());
0136     uint32_t di =
0137         (channel() - 1 +
0138          (se == RPD ? 2 * kDepRun1 + (zside() < 0 ? 0 : kDepRPD)
0139                     : ((zside() < 0 ? 0 : kDepRun1) + (se == HAD ? kDepEM : (se == LUM ? kDepEM + kDepHAD : 0)))));
0140     return di;
0141   }
0143   constexpr static bool validDenseIndex(const uint32_t& di) { return (di < kSizeForDenseIndexing); }
0145   constexpr static HcalZDCDetId detIdFromDenseIndex(uint32_t di) {
0146     if (validDenseIndex(di)) {
0147       bool lz(false);
0148       uint32_t dp(0);
0149       Section se(Unknown);
0150       if (di >= 2 * kDepRun1) {
0151         lz = (di >= (kDepRun1 + kDepTot));
0152         se = RPD;
0153         dp = 1 + ((di - 2 * kDepRun1) % kDepRPD);
0154       } else {
0155         lz = (di >= kDepRun1);
0156         uint32_t in = (di % kDepRun1);
0157         se = (in < kDepEM ? EM : (in < kDepEM + kDepHAD ? HAD : LUM));
0158         dp = (se == EM ? in + 1 : (se == HAD ? in - kDepEM + 1 : in - kDepEM - kDepHAD + 1));
0159       }
0160       return HcalZDCDetId(se, lz, dp);
0161     } else {
0162       return HcalZDCDetId();
0163     }
0164   }
0166   constexpr static bool validDetId(Section se, int32_t dp) {
0167     bool flag = (dp >= 1 && (((se == EM) && (dp <= kDepEM)) || ((se == HAD) && (dp <= kDepHAD)) ||
0168                              ((se == LUM) && (dp <= kDepLUM)) || ((se == RPD) && (dp <= kDepRPD))));
0169     return flag;
0170   }
0172 private:
0173   constexpr static uint32_t packHcalZDCDetId(const Section& se, const bool& zside, const int32_t& channel) {
0174     uint32_t id = DetId(DetId::Calo, SubdetectorId);
0175     id |= kZDCnewFormat;
0176     if (se == RPD) {
0177       id |= kZDCRPDMask;
0178       id |= ((channel - 1) & kZDCChannelMask2);
0179     } else {
0180       id |= (se & kZDCSectionMask) << kZDCSectionOffset;
0181       id |= (channel & kZDCChannelMask1);
0182     }
0183     if (zside)
0184       id |= kZDCZsideMask;
0185     return id;
0186   }
0188   constexpr static void unpackHcalZDCDetId(const uint32_t& id, Section& se, bool& zside, int32_t& channel) {
0189     if (id & kZDCnewFormat) {
0190       se = (id & kZDCRPDMask) ? RPD : (Section)((id >> kZDCSectionOffset) & kZDCSectionMask);
0191       channel = (se == RPD) ? (1 + (id & kZDCChannelMask2)) : (id & kZDCChannelMask1);
0192       zside = (id & kZDCZsideMask);
0193     } else {
0194       se = (id & kZDCRPDMask) ? RPD : (Section)((id >> kZDCSectionOffset) & kZDCSectionMask);
0195       channel = (se == RPD) ? (1 + (id & kZDCChannelMask1)) : (id & kZDCChannelMask1);
0196       zside = (id & kZDCZsideMask);
0197     }
0198   }
0200 public:
0201   constexpr static int32_t kSizeForDenseIndexingRun1 = 2 * kDepRun1;
0202   constexpr static int32_t kSizeForDenseIndexingRun3 = 2 * kDepRun3;
0203   constexpr static int32_t kSizeForDenseIndexing = kSizeForDenseIndexingRun1;
0204 };
0206 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const HcalZDCDetId& id);
0208 #endif  // DataFormats_HcalDetId_HcalZDCDetId_h_included