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0004 #include <ostream>
0005 #include <cstdint>
0007 static
0008 #ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__
0009     __constant__
0010 #else
0011     constexpr
0012 #endif
0013     float nominal_adc2fc[128] = {
0014         -0.5f,   0.5f,    1.5f,    2.5f,    3.5f,    4.5f,    5.5f,    6.5f,    7.5f,    8.5f,    9.5f,    10.5f,
0015         11.5f,   12.5f,   13.5f,   15.0f,   17.0f,   19.0f,   21.0f,   23.0f,   25.0f,   27.0f,   29.5f,   32.5f,
0016         35.5f,   38.5f,   42.0f,   46.0f,   50.0f,   54.5f,   59.5f,   64.5f,   59.5f,   64.5f,   69.5f,   74.5f,
0017         79.5f,   84.5f,   89.5f,   94.5f,   99.5f,   104.5f,  109.5f,  114.5f,  119.5f,  124.5f,  129.5f,  137.0f,
0018         147.0f,  157.0f,  167.0f,  177.0f,  187.0f,  197.0f,  209.5f,  224.5f,  239.5f,  254.5f,  272.0f,  292.0f,
0019         312.0f,  334.5f,  359.5f,  384.5f,  359.5f,  384.5f,  409.5f,  434.5f,  459.5f,  484.5f,  509.5f,  534.5f,
0020         559.5f,  584.5f,  609.5f,  634.5f,  659.5f,  684.5f,  709.5f,  747.0f,  797.0f,  847.0f,  897.0f,  947.0f,
0021         997.0f,  1047.0f, 1109.5f, 1184.5f, 1259.5f, 1334.5f, 1422.0f, 1522.0f, 1622.0f, 1734.5f, 1859.5f, 1984.5f,
0022         1859.5f, 1984.5f, 2109.5f, 2234.5f, 2359.5f, 2484.5f, 2609.5f, 2734.5f, 2859.5f, 2984.5f, 3109.5f, 3234.5f,
0023         3359.5f, 3484.5f, 3609.5f, 3797.0f, 4047.0f, 4297.0f, 4547.0f, 4797.0f, 5047.0f, 5297.0f, 5609.5f, 5984.5f,
0024         6359.5f, 6734.5f, 7172.0f, 7672.0f, 8172.0f, 8734.5f, 9359.5f, 9984.5f};
0026 /** \class HcalQIESample
0027  *  Simple container packer/unpacker for a single QIE data word
0028  *
0029  *
0030  *  \author J. Mans - Minnesota
0031  */
0032 class HcalQIESample {
0033 public:
0034   constexpr HcalQIESample() : theSample{0} {}
0035   constexpr HcalQIESample(uint16_t data) : theSample{data} {}
0036   constexpr HcalQIESample(int adc, int capid, int fiber, int fiberchan, bool dv = true, bool er = false)
0037       : theSample((uint16_t)((adc & 0x7f) | ((capid & 0x3) << 7) | (((fiber - 1) & 0x7) << 13) |
0038                              ((fiberchan & 0x3) << 11) | ((dv) ? (0x0200) : (0)) | ((er) ? (0x0400) : (0)))) {}
0040   /// get the raw word
0041   constexpr uint16_t raw() const { return theSample; }
0042   /// get the ADC sample
0043   constexpr int adc() const { return theSample & 0x7F; }
0044   /// get the nominal FC (no calibrations applied)
0045   constexpr double nominal_fC() const { return nominal_adc2fc[adc()]; }
0046   /// get the Capacitor id
0047   constexpr int capid() const { return (theSample >> 7) & 0x3; }
0048   /// is the Data Valid bit set?
0049   constexpr bool dv() const { return (theSample & 0x0200) != 0; }
0050   /// is the error bit set?
0051   constexpr bool er() const { return (theSample & 0x0400) != 0; }
0052   /// get the fiber number
0053   constexpr int fiber() const { return ((theSample >> 13) & 0x7) + 1; }
0054   /// get the fiber channel number
0055   constexpr int fiberChan() const { return (theSample >> 11) & 0x3; }
0056   /// get the id channel
0057   constexpr int fiberAndChan() const { return (theSample >> 11) & 0x1F; }
0059   /// for streaming
0060   constexpr uint16_t operator()() { return theSample; }
0062 private:
0063   uint16_t theSample;
0064 };
0066 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const HcalQIESample&);
0068 #endif