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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:04:19

0001 #!/bin/sh
0002 # -*- Tcl -*- the next line restarts using tclsh \
0003 exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"}
0005 # Default precision
0006 set eps 1.0e-5
0008 proc print_usage {} {
0009     puts stderr ""
0010     puts stderr "Usage: [file tail [info script]] file1 file2 \[epsilon\]"
0011     puts stderr ""
0012     return
0013 }
0015 # Check the input arguments
0016 if {$argc != 2 && $argc != 3} {
0017     print_usage
0018     exit 1
0019 }
0021 # Parse the arguments
0022 foreach {file1 file2} $argv break
0023 foreach fname [list $file1 $file2] {
0024     if {![file readable $fname]} {
0025         puts stderr "Error: file \"$fname\" does not exist (or unreadable)"
0026         exit 1
0027     }
0028 }
0030 if {$argc > 2} {
0031     set eps [lindex $argv 2]
0032     if {![string is double -strict $eps]} {
0033         print_usage
0034         exit 1
0035     }
0036     if {$eps < 0.0} {
0037         puts stderr "Error: comparison precision can not be negative"
0038         exit 1
0039     }
0040 }
0041 set eps [expr {1.0 * $eps}]
0043 proc file_contents {filename} {
0044     set chan [open $filename "r"]
0045     set contents [read $chan [file size $filename]]
0046     close $chan
0047     return $contents
0048 }
0050 proc is_commentline {line} {
0051     string equal -length 1 $line "\#"
0052 }
0054 proc uncomment {filename} {
0055     set uncommented [list]
0056     set linenum 0
0057     foreach line [split [file_contents $filename] "\n"] {
0058         incr linenum
0059         if {![is_commentline $line]} {
0060             lappend uncommented $linenum $line
0061         }
0062     }
0063     list $linenum $uncommented
0064 }
0066 proc is_same_double {x y eps} {
0067     set mag [expr {abs(($x + $y)/2.0)}]
0068     set diff [expr {abs($x - $y)/($mag + 1.0)}]
0069     if {$diff <= $eps} {
0070         return 1
0071     } else {
0072         return 0
0073     }
0074 }
0076 proc min {n1 n2} {
0077     if {$n1 < $n2} {
0078         return $n1
0079     } else {
0080         return $n2
0081     }
0082 }
0084 proc numequal {line1 line2 eps} {
0085     if {[string equal $line1 $line2]} {
0086         return 1
0087     }
0088     set words1 [regexp -all -inline {\S+} [string map {= " "} $line1]]
0089     set words2 [regexp -all -inline {\S+} [string map {= " "} $line2]]
0090     if {[llength $words1] != [llength $words2]} {
0091         return 0
0092     }
0093     foreach w1 $words1 w2 $words2 {
0094         if {[string is integer -strict $w1] && \
0095                 [string is integer -strict $w2]} {
0096             # Compare $w1 and $w2 as integers
0097             if {$w1 != $w2} {
0098                  return 0
0099             }
0100         } elseif {[string is double -strict $w1] && \
0101                       [string is double -strict $w2]} {
0102             # Compare $w1 and $w2 as real numbers
0103             if {![is_same_double $w1 $w2 $eps]} {
0104                 return 0
0105             }
0106         } else {
0107             # Compare $w1 and $w2 as strings
0108             if {![string equal $w1 $w2]} {
0109                 return 0
0110             }
0111         }
0112     }
0113     return 1
0114 }
0116 foreach {n1 lines1} [uncomment $file1] break
0117 foreach {n2 lines2} [uncomment $file2] break
0119 if {$n1 != $n2} {
0120     puts stderr "Files \"$file1\" and \"$file2\" have different number of lines ($n1 and $n2)"
0121     exit 1
0122 }
0124 if {[llength $lines1] != [llength $lines2]} {
0125     puts stderr "Files \"$file1\" and \"$file2\" have different number of comments"
0126     exit 1
0127 }
0129 set diffs_found 0
0130 foreach {n1 l1} $lines1 {n2 l2} $lines2 {
0131     if {$n1 != $n2} {
0132         puts stderr "Different line [min $n1 $n2] in files \"$file1\" and \"$file2\""
0133         incr diffs_found
0134     } elseif {![numequal $l1 $l2 $eps]} {
0135         puts stderr "Different line $n1 in files \"$file1\" and \"$file2\""
0136         incr diffs_found
0137     }
0138 }
0140 if {$diffs_found} {
0141     puts "$diffs_found different lines found"
0142     exit 1
0143 }
0145 exit 0