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0001 //
0002 // Fedor Ratnikov UMd
0003 #include <sstream>
0004 #include <typeinfo>
0006 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
0007 #include "DataFormats/ParticleFlowCandidate/interface/PFCandidate.h"
0008 #include "DataFormats/ParticleFlowReco/interface/PFBlock.h"
0010 //Own header file
0011 #include "DataFormats/JetReco/interface/PFJet.h"
0013 using namespace reco;
0015 PFJet::PFJet(const LorentzVector& fP4,
0016              const Point& fVertex,
0017              const Specific& fSpecific,
0018              const Jet::Constituents& fConstituents)
0019     : Jet(fP4, fVertex, fConstituents), m_specific(fSpecific) {}
0021 PFJet::PFJet(const LorentzVector& fP4, const Point& fVertex, const Specific& fSpecific)
0022     : Jet(fP4, fVertex), m_specific(fSpecific) {}
0024 PFJet::PFJet(const LorentzVector& fP4, const Specific& fSpecific, const Jet::Constituents& fConstituents)
0025     : Jet(fP4, Point(0, 0, 0), fConstituents), m_specific(fSpecific) {}
0027 reco::PFCandidatePtr PFJet::getPFConstituent(unsigned fIndex) const {
0028   Constituent dau = daughterPtr(fIndex);
0029   if (dau.isNonnull() && dau.isAvailable()) {
0030     const PFCandidate* pfCandidate = dynamic_cast<const PFCandidate*>(dau.get());
0031     if (pfCandidate) {
0032       return edm::Ptr<PFCandidate>(, pfCandidate, dau.key());
0033     } else {
0034       throw cms::Exception("Invalid Constituent") << "PFJet constituent is not of PFCandidate type";
0035     }
0036   } else {
0037     return PFCandidatePtr();
0038   }
0039 }
0041 std::vector<reco::PFCandidatePtr> PFJet::getPFConstituents() const {
0042   std::vector<PFCandidatePtr> result;
0043   for (unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfDaughters(); i++)
0044     result.push_back(getPFConstituent(i));
0045   return result;
0046 }
0048 reco::TrackRefVector PFJet::getTrackRefs() const {
0049   // result will contain chargedMultiplicity() elements
0050   reco::TrackRefVector result;
0051   result.reserve(chargedMultiplicity());
0052   for (unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfDaughters(); i++) {
0053     const reco::PFCandidatePtr pfcand = getPFConstituent(i);
0054     reco::TrackRef trackref = pfcand->trackRef();
0055     if (trackref.isNonnull()) {
0056       result.push_back(trackref);
0057     }
0058   }
0060   return result;
0061 }
0063 PFJet* PFJet::clone() const { return new PFJet(*this); }
0065 bool PFJet::overlap(const Candidate&) const { return false; }
0067 std::string PFJet::print() const {
0068   std::ostringstream out;
0069   out << Jet::print()  // generic jet info
0070       << "    PFJet specific:" << std::endl
0071       << "      charged hadron energy/multiplicity: " << chargedHadronEnergy() << '/' << chargedHadronMultiplicity()
0072       << std::endl
0073       << "      neutral hadron energy/multiplicity: " << neutralHadronEnergy() << '/' << neutralHadronMultiplicity()
0074       << std::endl
0075       << "      photon energy/multiplicity: " << photonEnergy() << '/' << photonMultiplicity() << std::endl
0076       << "      electron energy/multiplicity: " << electronEnergy() << '/' << electronMultiplicity() << std::endl
0077       << "      muon energy/multiplicity: " << muonEnergy() << '/' << muonMultiplicity() << std::endl
0078       << "      HF Hadron energy/multiplicity: " << HFHadronEnergy() << '/' << HFHadronMultiplicity() << std::endl
0079       << "      HF EM particle energy/multiplicity: " << HFEMEnergy() << '/' << HFEMMultiplicity() << std::endl
0080       << "      charged/neutral hadrons energy: " << chargedHadronEnergy() << '/' << neutralHadronEnergy() << std::endl
0081       << "      charged/neutral em energy: " << chargedEmEnergy() << '/' << neutralEmEnergy() << std::endl
0082       << "      charged muon energy: " << chargedMuEnergy() << '/' << std::endl
0083       << "      charged/neutral multiplicity: " << chargedMultiplicity() << '/' << neutralMultiplicity() << std::endl
0084       << "      HO energy: " << hoEnergy() << std::endl;
0085   out << "      PFCandidate constituents:" << std::endl;
0086   std::vector<PFCandidatePtr> constituents = getPFConstituents();
0087   for (unsigned i = 0; i < constituents.size(); ++i) {
0088     if (constituents[i].get()) {
0089       out << "      #" << i << " " << *(constituents[i]) << std::endl;
0090     } else {
0091       out << "      #" << i << " PFCandidate is not available in the event" << std::endl;
0092     }
0093   }
0094   return out.str();
0095 }
0097 std::ostream& reco::operator<<(std::ostream& out, const reco::PFJet& jet) {
0098   if (out) {
0099     out << "PFJet "
0100         << "(pt, eta, phi) = " << << "," << jet.eta() << "," << jet.phi()
0101         << "  (Rch,Rnh,Rgamma,Re,Rmu,RHFHad,RHFEM) = " << jet.chargedHadronEnergyFraction() << ","
0102         << jet.neutralHadronEnergyFraction() << "," << jet.photonEnergyFraction() << "," << jet.electronEnergyFraction()
0103         << "," << jet.muonEnergyFraction() << "," << jet.HFHadronEnergyFraction() << "," << jet.HFEMEnergyFraction();
0104   }
0105   return out;
0106 }