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0001 #include "DataFormats/L1GlobalCaloTrigger/interface/L1GctInternHtMiss.h"
0005 // Default ctor
0006 L1GctInternHtMiss::L1GctInternHtMiss() : type_(nulltype), capBlock_(0), capIndex_(0), bx_(0), data_(0) {}
0008 // Destructor
0009 L1GctInternHtMiss::~L1GctInternHtMiss() {}
0011 // Named ctor for making missing Ht x-component object from unpacker raw data.
0012 L1GctInternHtMiss L1GctInternHtMiss::unpackerMissHtx(const uint16_t capBlock,
0013                                                      const uint16_t capIndex,
0014                                                      const int16_t bx,
0015                                                      const uint32_t data) {
0016   return L1GctInternHtMiss(miss_htx, capBlock, capIndex, bx, data & kSingleComponentRawMask);
0017 }
0019 // Named ctor for making missing Ht y-component object from unpacker raw data.
0020 L1GctInternHtMiss L1GctInternHtMiss::unpackerMissHty(const uint16_t capBlock,
0021                                                      const uint16_t capIndex,
0022                                                      const int16_t bx,
0023                                                      const uint32_t data) {
0024   return L1GctInternHtMiss(miss_hty, capBlock, capIndex, bx, data & kSingleComponentRawMask);
0025 }
0027 // Named ctor for making missing Ht x & y components object from unpacker raw data.
0028 L1GctInternHtMiss L1GctInternHtMiss::unpackerMissHtxHty(const uint16_t capBlock,
0029                                                         const uint16_t capIndex,
0030                                                         const int16_t bx,
0031                                                         const uint32_t data) {
0032   return L1GctInternHtMiss(miss_htx_and_hty, capBlock, capIndex, bx, data & kDoubleComponentRawMask);
0033 }
0035 // Named ctor for making missing Ht x & y components object from unpacker raw data.
0036 L1GctInternHtMiss L1GctInternHtMiss::emulatorJetMissHt(const int htx,
0037                                                        const int hty,
0038                                                        const bool overFlow,
0039                                                        const int16_t bx) {
0040   int32_t xdata = (htx & kJetFinderComponentHtMask);
0041   int32_t ydata = (hty & kJetFinderComponentHtMask) << kDoubleComponentHtyShift;
0042   int32_t odata = 0;
0043   if (overFlow || (htx >= kJetFinderComponentHtMask / 2) || (htx < -kJetFinderComponentHtMask / 2) ||
0044       (hty >= kJetFinderComponentHtMask / 2) || (hty < -kJetFinderComponentHtMask / 2))
0045     odata = kDoubleComponentOflowMask;
0046   return L1GctInternHtMiss(jf_miss_htx_and_hty, 0, 0, bx, xdata | ydata | odata);
0047 }
0049 /// Named ctor for making missing Ht x & y components object from emulator (wheel input).
0050 L1GctInternHtMiss L1GctInternHtMiss::emulatorMissHtxHty(const int htx,
0051                                                         const int hty,
0052                                                         const bool overFlow,
0053                                                         const int16_t bx) {
0054   int32_t xdata = (htx & kDoubleComponentHtMask);
0055   int32_t ydata = (hty & kDoubleComponentHtMask) << kDoubleComponentHtyShift;
0056   int32_t odata = 0;
0057   if (overFlow || (htx >= kDoubleComponentHtMask / 2) || (htx < -kDoubleComponentHtMask / 2) ||
0058       (hty >= kDoubleComponentHtMask / 2) || (hty < -kDoubleComponentHtMask / 2))
0059     odata = kDoubleComponentOflowMask;
0060   return L1GctInternHtMiss(miss_htx_and_hty, 0, 0, bx, xdata | ydata | odata);
0061 }
0063 /// Named ctor for making missing Ht x component object from emulator
0064 L1GctInternHtMiss L1GctInternHtMiss::emulatorMissHtx(const int htx, const bool overFlow, const int16_t bx) {
0065   int32_t xdata = (htx & kSingleComponentHtMask);
0066   int32_t odata = 0;
0067   if (overFlow || (htx >= kSingleComponentHtMask / 2) || (htx < -kSingleComponentHtMask / 2))
0068     odata = kSingleComponentOflowMask;
0069   return L1GctInternHtMiss(miss_htx, 0, 0, bx, xdata | odata);
0070 }
0072 /// Named ctor for making missing Ht y component object from emulator
0073 L1GctInternHtMiss L1GctInternHtMiss::emulatorMissHty(const int hty, const bool overFlow, const int16_t bx) {
0074   int32_t ydata = (hty & kSingleComponentHtMask);
0075   int32_t odata = 0;
0076   if (overFlow || (hty >= kSingleComponentHtMask / 2) || (hty < -kSingleComponentHtMask / 2))
0077     odata = kSingleComponentOflowMask;
0078   return L1GctInternHtMiss(miss_hty, 0, 0, bx, ydata | odata);
0079 }
0081 // Get Ht x-component
0082 int16_t L1GctInternHtMiss::htx() const {
0083   if (type() == miss_htx) {
0084     return static_cast<int16_t>(raw() & kSingleComponentHtMask);
0085   }
0086   if (type() == miss_htx_and_hty) {
0087     return convert14BitTwosCompTo16Bit(raw() & kDoubleComponentHtMask);
0088   }
0089   return 0;
0090 }
0092 // Get Ht y-component
0093 int16_t L1GctInternHtMiss::hty() const {
0094   if (type() == miss_hty) {
0095     return static_cast<int16_t>(raw() & kSingleComponentHtMask);
0096   }
0097   if (type() == miss_htx_and_hty) {
0098     return convert14BitTwosCompTo16Bit((raw() >> kDoubleComponentHtyShift) & kDoubleComponentHtMask);
0099   }
0100   return 0;
0101 }
0103 // Get overflow
0104 bool L1GctInternHtMiss::overflow() const {
0105   if (type() == miss_htx || type() == miss_hty) {
0106     return (raw() & kSingleComponentOflowMask) != 0;
0107   }
0108   if (type() == miss_htx_and_hty) {
0109     return (raw() & kDoubleComponentOflowMask) != 0;
0110   }
0111   return false;
0112 }
0116 L1GctInternHtMiss::L1GctInternHtMiss(const L1GctInternHtMissType type,
0117                                      const uint16_t capBlock,
0118                                      const uint16_t capIndex,
0119                                      const int16_t bx,
0120                                      const uint32_t data)
0121     : type_(type), capBlock_(capBlock), capIndex_(capIndex), bx_(bx), data_(data) {}
0123 int16_t L1GctInternHtMiss::convert14BitTwosCompTo16Bit(const uint16_t data) const {
0124   // If bit 13 is high, set bits 13, 14, 15 high.
0125   if ((data & 0x2000) != 0) {
0126     return static_cast<int16_t>(data | 0xe000);
0127   }
0129   // Else, bit 13 must be low, so set bits 13, 14, 15 low.
0130   return static_cast<int16_t>(data & 0x1fff);
0131 }
0135 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const L1GctInternHtMiss& rhs) {
0136   os << " L1GctInternHtMiss:  htx=";
0137   if (rhs.isThereHtx()) {
0138     os << rhs.htx();
0139   } else {
0140     os << "n/a";
0141   }
0142   os << ", hty=";
0143   if (rhs.isThereHty()) {
0144     os << rhs.hty();
0145   } else {
0146     os << "n/a";
0147   }
0148   if (rhs.overflow()) {
0149     os << "; overflow set";
0150   }
0151   os << "; cap block=0x" << std::hex << rhs.capBlock() << std::dec << ", index=" << rhs.capIndex()
0152      << ", BX=" << rhs.bx();
0153   return os;
0154 }