File indexing completed on 2024-06-22 02:23:22
0001 #include "DataFormats/L1Scouting/interface/L1ScoutingBMTFStub.h"
0002 #include "DataFormats/L1Scouting/interface/L1ScoutingMuon.h"
0003 #include "DataFormats/L1Scouting/interface/L1ScoutingCalo.h"
0004 #include "DataFormats/L1Scouting/interface/OrbitCollection.h"
0005 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0006 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
0007 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/global/EDAnalyzer.h"
0008 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0009 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
0010 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0011 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
0012 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDGetToken.h"
0013 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
0014 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/InputTag.h"
0015 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/StreamID.h"
0017 #include <memory>
0018 #include <utility>
0019 #include <vector>
0021 namespace edmtest {
0022 using namespace l1ScoutingRun3;
0023 class TestReadL1Scouting : public edm::global::EDAnalyzer<> {
0024 public:
0025 TestReadL1Scouting(edm::ParameterSet const&);
0026 void analyze(edm::StreamID, edm::Event const&, edm::EventSetup const&) const override;
0027 static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions&);
0029 private:
0030 void analyzeMuons(edm::Event const& iEvent) const;
0031 void analyzeJets(edm::Event const& iEvent) const;
0032 void analyzeEGammas(edm::Event const& iEvent) const;
0033 void analyzeTaus(edm::Event const& iEvent) const;
0034 void analyzeBxSums(edm::Event const& iEvent) const;
0035 void analyzeBmtfStubs(edm::Event const& iEvent) const;
0037 void throwWithMessageFromConstructor(const char*) const;
0038 void throwWithMessage(const char*) const;
0040 const std::vector<unsigned int> bxValues_;
0042 const std::vector<int> expectedMuonValues_;
0043 const edm::EDGetTokenT<OrbitCollection<l1ScoutingRun3::Muon>> muonsToken_;
0045 const std::vector<int> expectedJetValues_;
0046 const edm::EDGetTokenT<OrbitCollection<l1ScoutingRun3::Jet>> jetsToken_;
0048 const std::vector<int> expectedEGammaValues_;
0049 const edm::EDGetTokenT<OrbitCollection<l1ScoutingRun3::EGamma>> eGammasToken_;
0051 const std::vector<int> expectedTauValues_;
0052 const edm::EDGetTokenT<OrbitCollection<l1ScoutingRun3::Tau>> tausToken_;
0054 const std::vector<int> expectedBxSumsValues_;
0055 const edm::EDGetTokenT<OrbitCollection<l1ScoutingRun3::BxSums>> bxSumsToken_;
0057 const int bmtfStubClassVersion_;
0058 const std::vector<int> expectedBmtfStubValues_;
0059 const edm::EDGetTokenT<OrbitCollection<l1ScoutingRun3::BMTFStub>> bmtfStubToken_;
0060 };
0062 TestReadL1Scouting::TestReadL1Scouting(edm::ParameterSet const& iPSet)
0063 : bxValues_(iPSet.getParameter<std::vector<unsigned>>("bxValues")),
0064 expectedMuonValues_(iPSet.getParameter<std::vector<int>>("expectedMuonValues")),
0065 muonsToken_(consumes(iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("muonsTag"))),
0066 expectedJetValues_(iPSet.getParameter<std::vector<int>>("expectedJetValues")),
0067 jetsToken_(consumes(iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("jetsTag"))),
0068 expectedEGammaValues_(iPSet.getParameter<std::vector<int>>("expectedEGammaValues")),
0069 eGammasToken_(consumes(iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("eGammasTag"))),
0070 expectedTauValues_(iPSet.getParameter<std::vector<int>>("expectedTauValues")),
0071 tausToken_(consumes(iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("tausTag"))),
0072 expectedBxSumsValues_(iPSet.getParameter<std::vector<int>>("expectedBxSumsValues")),
0073 bxSumsToken_(consumes(iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("bxSumsTag"))),
0074 bmtfStubClassVersion_(iPSet.getParameter<int>("bmtfStubClassVersion")),
0075 expectedBmtfStubValues_(iPSet.getParameter<std::vector<int>>("expectedBmtfStubValues")),
0076 bmtfStubToken_(consumes(iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("bmtfStubTag"))) {
0077 if (bxValues_.size() != 2) {
0078 throwWithMessageFromConstructor("bxValues must have 2 elements and it does not");
0079 }
0080 if (expectedMuonValues_.size() != 3) {
0081 throwWithMessageFromConstructor("muonValues must have 3 elements and it does not");
0082 }
0083 if (expectedJetValues_.size() != 4) {
0084 throwWithMessageFromConstructor("jetValues must have 4 elements and it does not");
0085 }
0086 if (expectedEGammaValues_.size() != 3) {
0087 throwWithMessageFromConstructor("eGammaValues must have 3 elements and it does not");
0088 }
0089 if (expectedTauValues_.size() != 2) {
0090 throwWithMessageFromConstructor("tauValues must have 2 elements and it does not");
0091 }
0092 if (expectedBxSumsValues_.size() != 1) {
0093 throwWithMessageFromConstructor("bxSumsValues_ must have 1 elements and it does not");
0094 }
0095 if (expectedBmtfStubValues_.size() != 2) {
0096 throwWithMessageFromConstructor("bmtfStubValues_ must have 2 elements and it does not");
0097 }
0098 }
0100 void TestReadL1Scouting::analyze(edm::StreamID, edm::Event const& iEvent, edm::EventSetup const&) const {
0101 analyzeMuons(iEvent);
0102 analyzeJets(iEvent);
0103 analyzeEGammas(iEvent);
0104 analyzeTaus(iEvent);
0105 analyzeBxSums(iEvent);
0106 analyzeBmtfStubs(iEvent);
0107 }
0109 void TestReadL1Scouting::analyzeMuons(edm::Event const& iEvent) const {
0110 auto const& muonsCollection = iEvent.get(muonsToken_);
0112 for (const unsigned& bx : bxValues_) {
0113 unsigned nMuons = muonsCollection.getBxSize(bx);
0114 if (nMuons != expectedMuonValues_.size()) {
0115 throwWithMessage("analyzeMuons, muons do not have the expected bx size");
0116 }
0118 const auto& muons = muonsCollection.bxIterator(bx);
0119 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nMuons; i++) {
0120 if (muons[i].hwPt() != expectedMuonValues_[i]) {
0121 throwWithMessage("analyzeMuons, hwPt does not match the expected value");
0122 }
0123 if (muons[i].hwEta() != expectedMuonValues_[i]) {
0124 throwWithMessage("analyzeMuons, hwEta does not match the expected value");
0125 }
0126 if (muons[i].hwPhi() != expectedMuonValues_[i]) {
0127 throwWithMessage("analyzeMuons, hwPhi does not match the expected value");
0128 }
0129 if (muons[i].hwQual() != expectedMuonValues_[i]) {
0130 throwWithMessage("analyzeMuons, hwQual does not match the expected value");
0131 }
0132 if (muons[i].hwCharge() != expectedMuonValues_[i]) {
0133 throwWithMessage("analyzeMuons, hwCharge does not match the expected value");
0134 }
0135 if (muons[i].hwChargeValid() != expectedMuonValues_[i]) {
0136 throwWithMessage("analyzeMuons, hwChargeValid does not match the expected value");
0137 }
0138 if (muons[i].hwIso() != expectedMuonValues_[i]) {
0139 throwWithMessage("analyzeMuons, hwIso does not match the expected value");
0140 }
0141 if (muons[i].hwIndex() != expectedMuonValues_[i]) {
0142 throwWithMessage("analyzeMuons, hwIndex does not match the expected value");
0143 }
0144 if (muons[i].hwEtaAtVtx() != expectedMuonValues_[i]) {
0145 throwWithMessage("analyzeMuons, hwEtaAtVtx does not match the expected value");
0146 }
0147 if (muons[i].hwPhiAtVtx() != expectedMuonValues_[i]) {
0148 throwWithMessage("analyzeMuons, hwPhiAtVtx does not match the expected value");
0149 }
0150 if (muons[i].hwPtUnconstrained() != expectedMuonValues_[i]) {
0151 throwWithMessage("analyzeMuons, hwPtUnconstrained does not match the expected value");
0152 }
0153 if (muons[i].hwDXY() != expectedMuonValues_[i]) {
0154 throwWithMessage("analyzeMuons, hwDXY does not match the expected value");
0155 }
0156 if (muons[i].tfMuonIndex() != expectedMuonValues_[i]) {
0157 throwWithMessage("analyzeMuons, tfMuonIndex does not match the expected value");
0158 }
0159 }
0160 }
0161 }
0163 void TestReadL1Scouting::analyzeJets(edm::Event const& iEvent) const {
0164 auto const& jetsCollection = iEvent.get(jetsToken_);
0166 for (const unsigned& bx : bxValues_) {
0167 unsigned nJets = jetsCollection.getBxSize(bx);
0168 if (nJets != expectedJetValues_.size()) {
0169 throwWithMessage("analyzeJets, jets do not have the expected bx size");
0170 }
0172 const auto& jets = jetsCollection.bxIterator(bx);
0173 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nJets; i++) {
0174 if (jets[i].hwEt() != expectedJetValues_[i]) {
0175 throwWithMessage("analyzeJets, hwEt does not match the expected value");
0176 }
0177 if (jets[i].hwEta() != expectedJetValues_[i]) {
0178 throwWithMessage("analyzeJets, hwEta does not match the expected value");
0179 }
0180 if (jets[i].hwPhi() != expectedJetValues_[i]) {
0181 throwWithMessage("analyzeJets, hwPhi does not match the expected value");
0182 }
0183 if (jets[i].hwIso() != expectedJetValues_[i]) {
0184 throwWithMessage("analyzeJets, hwIso does not match the expected value");
0185 }
0186 }
0187 }
0188 }
0190 void TestReadL1Scouting::analyzeEGammas(edm::Event const& iEvent) const {
0191 auto const& eGammasCollection = iEvent.get(eGammasToken_);
0193 for (const unsigned& bx : bxValues_) {
0194 unsigned nEGammas = eGammasCollection.getBxSize(bx);
0195 if (nEGammas != expectedEGammaValues_.size()) {
0196 throwWithMessage("analyzeEGammas, egammas do not have the expected bx size");
0197 }
0199 const auto& eGammas = eGammasCollection.bxIterator(bx);
0200 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nEGammas; i++) {
0201 if (eGammas[i].hwEt() != expectedEGammaValues_[i]) {
0202 throwWithMessage("analyzeEGammas, hwEt does not match the expected value");
0203 }
0204 if (eGammas[i].hwEta() != expectedEGammaValues_[i]) {
0205 throwWithMessage("analyzeEGammas, hwEta does not match the expected value");
0206 }
0207 if (eGammas[i].hwPhi() != expectedEGammaValues_[i]) {
0208 throwWithMessage("analyzeEGammas, hwPhi does not match the expected value");
0209 }
0210 if (eGammas[i].hwIso() != expectedEGammaValues_[i]) {
0211 throwWithMessage("analyzeEGammas, hwIso does not match the expected value");
0212 }
0213 }
0214 }
0215 }
0217 void TestReadL1Scouting::analyzeTaus(edm::Event const& iEvent) const {
0218 auto const& tausCollection = iEvent.get(tausToken_);
0220 for (const unsigned& bx : bxValues_) {
0221 unsigned nTaus = tausCollection.getBxSize(bx);
0222 if (nTaus != expectedTauValues_.size()) {
0223 throwWithMessage("analyzeTaus, taus do not have the expected bx size");
0224 }
0226 const auto& taus = tausCollection.bxIterator(bx);
0227 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nTaus; i++) {
0228 if (taus[i].hwEt() != expectedTauValues_[i]) {
0229 throwWithMessage("analyzeTaus, hwEt does not match the expected value");
0230 }
0231 if (taus[i].hwEta() != expectedTauValues_[i]) {
0232 throwWithMessage("analyzeTaus, hwEta does not match the expected value");
0233 }
0234 if (taus[i].hwPhi() != expectedTauValues_[i]) {
0235 throwWithMessage("analyzeTaus, hwPhi does not match the expected value");
0236 }
0237 if (taus[i].hwIso() != expectedTauValues_[i]) {
0238 throwWithMessage("analyzeTaus, hwIso does not match the expected value");
0239 }
0240 }
0241 }
0242 }
0244 void TestReadL1Scouting::analyzeBxSums(edm::Event const& iEvent) const {
0245 auto const& bxSumsCollection = iEvent.get(bxSumsToken_);
0247 for (const unsigned& bx : bxValues_) {
0248 unsigned nSums = bxSumsCollection.getBxSize(bx);
0249 if (nSums != expectedBxSumsValues_.size()) {
0250 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, sums do not have the expected bx size");
0251 }
0253 const auto& sums = bxSumsCollection.bxIterator(bx);
0254 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nSums; i++) {
0255 if (sums[i].hwTotalEt() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0256 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, hwTotalEt does not match the expected value");
0257 }
0258 if (sums[i].hwTotalEtEm() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0259 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, hwTotalEtEm does not match the expected value");
0260 }
0261 if (sums[i].hwTotalHt() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0262 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, hwTotalHt does not match the expected value");
0263 }
0264 if (sums[i].hwMissEt() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0265 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, hwMissEt does not match the expected value");
0266 }
0267 if (sums[i].hwMissEtPhi() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0268 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, hwMissEtPhi does not match the expected value");
0269 }
0270 if (sums[i].hwMissHt() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0271 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, hwMissHt does not match the expected value");
0272 }
0273 if (sums[i].hwMissHtPhi() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0274 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, hwMissHtPhi does not match the expected value");
0275 }
0276 if (sums[i].hwMissEtHF() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0277 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, hwMissEtHF does not match the expected value");
0278 }
0279 if (sums[i].hwMissEtHFPhi() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0280 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, hwMissEtHFPhi does not match the expected value");
0281 }
0282 if (sums[i].hwMissHtHF() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0283 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, hwMissHtHFPhi does not match the expected value");
0284 }
0285 if (sums[i].hwAsymEt() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0286 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, hwAsymEt does not match the expected value");
0287 }
0288 if (sums[i].hwAsymHt() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0289 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, hwAsymHt does not match the expected value");
0290 }
0291 if (sums[i].hwAsymEtHF() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0292 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, hwAsymEtHF does not match the expected value");
0293 }
0294 if (sums[i].hwAsymHtHF() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0295 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, hwAsymHtHF does not match the expected value");
0296 }
0297 if (sums[i].minBiasHFP0() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0298 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, minBiasHFP0 does not match the expected value");
0299 }
0300 if (sums[i].minBiasHFM0() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0301 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, minBiasHFM0 does not match the expected value");
0302 }
0303 if (sums[i].minBiasHFP1() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0304 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, minBiasHFP1 does not match the expected value");
0305 }
0306 if (sums[i].minBiasHFM1() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0307 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, minBiasHFM1 does not match the expected value");
0308 }
0309 if (sums[i].towerCount() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0310 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, towerCount does not match the expected value");
0311 }
0312 if (sums[i].centrality() != expectedBxSumsValues_[i]) {
0313 throwWithMessage("analyzeBxSums, centrality does not match the expected value");
0314 }
0315 }
0316 }
0317 }
0319 void TestReadL1Scouting::analyzeBmtfStubs(edm::Event const& iEvent) const {
0320 if (bmtfStubClassVersion_ < 3) {
0321 return;
0322 }
0323 auto const& stubsCollection = iEvent.get(bmtfStubToken_);
0325 for (const unsigned& bx : bxValues_) {
0326 unsigned nStubs = stubsCollection.getBxSize(bx);
0327 if (nStubs != expectedBmtfStubValues_.size()) {
0328 throwWithMessage("analyzeBmtfStubs, stubs do not have the expected bx size");
0329 }
0331 const auto& stubs = stubsCollection.bxIterator(bx);
0332 for (unsigned i = 0; i < nStubs; i++) {
0333 if (stubs[i].hwPhi() != (expectedBmtfStubValues_[i] + 8)) {
0334 throwWithMessage("analyzeBmtfStubs, hwPhi does not match the expected value");
0335 }
0336 if (stubs[i].hwPhiB() != (expectedBmtfStubValues_[i] + 7)) {
0337 throwWithMessage("analyzeBmtfStubs, hwPhiB does not match the expected value");
0338 }
0339 if (stubs[i].hwQual() != (expectedBmtfStubValues_[i] + 6)) {
0340 throwWithMessage("analyzeBmtfStubs, hwQual does not match the expected value");
0341 }
0342 if (stubs[i].hwEta() != (expectedBmtfStubValues_[i] + 5)) {
0343 throwWithMessage("analyzeBmtfStubs, hwEta does not match the expected value");
0344 }
0345 if (stubs[i].hwQEta() != (expectedBmtfStubValues_[i] + 4)) {
0346 throwWithMessage("analyzeBmtfStubs, hwQEta does not match the expected value");
0347 }
0348 if (stubs[i].station() != (expectedBmtfStubValues_[i] + 3)) {
0349 throwWithMessage("analyzeBmtfStubs, station does not match the expected value");
0350 }
0351 if (stubs[i].wheel() != (expectedBmtfStubValues_[i] + 2)) {
0352 throwWithMessage("analyzeBmtfStubs, wheel does not match the expected value");
0353 }
0354 if (stubs[i].sector() != (expectedBmtfStubValues_[i] + 1)) {
0355 throwWithMessage("analyzeBmtfStubs, sector does not match the expected value");
0356 }
0357 if (stubs[i].tag() != (expectedBmtfStubValues_[i])) {
0358 throwWithMessage("analyzeBmtfStubs, tag does not match the expected value");
0359 }
0360 }
0361 }
0362 }
0364 void TestReadL1Scouting::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
0365 edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
0366 desc.add<std::vector<unsigned int>>("bxValues");
0367 desc.add<std::vector<int>>("expectedMuonValues");
0368 desc.add<edm::InputTag>("muonsTag");
0369 desc.add<std::vector<int>>("expectedJetValues");
0370 desc.add<edm::InputTag>("jetsTag");
0371 desc.add<std::vector<int>>("expectedEGammaValues");
0372 desc.add<edm::InputTag>("eGammasTag");
0373 desc.add<std::vector<int>>("expectedTauValues");
0374 desc.add<edm::InputTag>("tausTag");
0375 desc.add<std::vector<int>>("expectedBxSumsValues");
0376 desc.add<edm::InputTag>("bxSumsTag");
0377 desc.add<int>("bmtfStubClassVersion");
0378 desc.add<std::vector<int>>("expectedBmtfStubValues");
0379 desc.add<edm::InputTag>("bmtfStubTag");
0381 descriptions.addDefault(desc);
0382 }
0384 void TestReadL1Scouting::throwWithMessageFromConstructor(const char* msg) const {
0385 throw cms::Exception("TestFailure") << "TestReadL1Scouting constructor, test configuration error, " << msg;
0386 }
0388 void TestReadL1Scouting::throwWithMessage(const char* msg) const {
0389 throw cms::Exception("TestFailure") << "TestReadL1Scouting analyzer, " << msg;
0390 }
0392 }
0394 using edmtest::TestReadL1Scouting;
0395 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(TestReadL1Scouting);