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0001 #include "DataFormats/L1TParticleFlow/interface/layer1_emulator.h"
0002 #include <cmath>
0003 #include <iostream>
0004 #include <cstdlib>
0005 #include <algorithm>
0007 #ifdef CMSSW_GIT_HASH
0008 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/deltaPhi.h"
0009 #else
0010 namespace reco {
0011   template <typename T>
0012   inline T reduceRange(T x) {
0013     T o2pi = 1. / (2. * M_PI);
0014     if (std::abs(x) <= T(M_PI))
0015       return x;
0016     T n = std::round(x * o2pi);
0017     return x - n * T(2. * M_PI);
0018   }
0019   inline double deltaPhi(double phi1, double phi2) { return reduceRange(phi1 - phi2); }
0020 }  // namespace reco
0021 #endif
0023 bool l1ct::HadCaloObjEmu::read(std::fstream& from) {
0024   src = nullptr;  // not persistent
0025   return readObj<HadCaloObj>(from, *this);
0026 }
0027 bool l1ct::HadCaloObjEmu::write(std::fstream& to) const { return writeObj<HadCaloObj>(*this, to); }
0029 bool l1ct::EmCaloObjEmu::read(std::fstream& from) {
0030   src = nullptr;  // not persistent
0031   return readObj<EmCaloObj>(from, *this);
0032 }
0033 bool l1ct::EmCaloObjEmu::write(std::fstream& to) const { return writeObj<EmCaloObj>(*this, to); }
0035 bool l1ct::TkObjEmu::read(std::fstream& from) {
0036   src = nullptr;  // not persistent
0037   return readObj<TkObj>(from, *this) && readVar(from, hwChi2) && readVar(from, simPt) && readVar(from, simCaloEta) &&
0038          readVar(from, simCaloPhi) && readVar(from, simVtxEta) && readVar(from, simVtxPhi) && readVar(from, simZ0) &&
0039          readVar(from, simD0);
0040 }
0041 bool l1ct::TkObjEmu::write(std::fstream& to) const {
0042   return writeObj<TkObj>(*this, to) && writeVar(hwChi2, to) && writeVar(simPt, to) && writeVar(simCaloEta, to) &&
0043          writeVar(simCaloPhi, to) && writeVar(simVtxEta, to) && writeVar(simVtxPhi, to) && writeVar(simZ0, to) &&
0044          writeVar(simD0, to);
0045 }
0047 bool l1ct::MuObjEmu::read(std::fstream& from) {
0048   src = nullptr;  // not persistent
0049   return readObj<MuObj>(from, *this);
0050 }
0051 bool l1ct::MuObjEmu::write(std::fstream& to) const { return writeObj<MuObj>(*this, to); }
0053 bool l1ct::PFChargedObjEmu::read(std::fstream& from) {
0054   srcTrack = nullptr;    // not persistent
0055   srcCluster = nullptr;  // not persistent
0056   srcMu = nullptr;       // not persistent
0057   srcCand = nullptr;     // not persistent
0058   return readObj<PFChargedObj>(from, *this);
0059 }
0060 bool l1ct::PFChargedObjEmu::write(std::fstream& to) const { return writeObj<PFChargedObj>(*this, to); }
0062 bool l1ct::PFNeutralObjEmu::read(std::fstream& from) {
0063   srcCluster = nullptr;  // not persistent
0064   srcCand = nullptr;     // not persistent
0065   return readObj<PFNeutralObj>(from, *this);
0066 }
0067 bool l1ct::PFNeutralObjEmu::write(std::fstream& to) const { return writeObj<PFNeutralObj>(*this, to); }
0069 bool l1ct::PuppiObjEmu::read(std::fstream& from) {
0070   srcTrack = nullptr;    // not persistent
0071   srcCluster = nullptr;  // not persistent
0072   srcMu = nullptr;       // not persistent
0073   srcCand = nullptr;     // not persistent
0074   return readObj<PuppiObj>(from, *this);
0075 }
0076 bool l1ct::PuppiObjEmu::write(std::fstream& to) const { return writeObj<PuppiObj>(*this, to); }
0078 bool l1ct::EGIsoObjEmu::read(std::fstream& from) {
0079   srcCluster = nullptr;  // not persistent
0080   src_idx = -1;
0081   clearIsoVars();  // not persistent
0082   return readObj<EGIsoObj>(from, *this);
0083 }
0085 bool l1ct::EGIsoObjEmu::write(std::fstream& to) const { return writeObj<EGIsoObj>(*this, to); }
0087 bool l1ct::EGIsoEleObjEmu::read(std::fstream& from) {
0088   srcCluster = nullptr;
0089   srcTrack = nullptr;
0090   src_idx = -1;
0091   clearIsoVars();  // not persistent
0092   return readObj<EGIsoEleObj>(from, *this);
0093 }
0095 bool l1ct::EGIsoEleObjEmu::write(std::fstream& to) const { return writeObj<EGIsoEleObj>(*this, to); }
0097 l1ct::PFRegionEmu::PFRegionEmu(float etaCenter, float phicenter) {
0098   hwEtaCenter = Scales::makeGlbEta(etaCenter);
0099   hwPhiCenter = Scales::makeGlbPhi(phicenter);
0100   hwEtaHalfWidth = 0;
0101   hwPhiHalfWidth = 0;
0102   hwEtaExtra = 0;
0103   hwPhiExtra = 0;
0104 }
0105 l1ct::PFRegionEmu::PFRegionEmu(
0106     float etamin, float etamax, float phicenter, float phiwidth, float etaextra, float phiextra) {
0107   glbeta_t hwEtaMin = Scales::makeGlbEtaRoundEven(etamin);
0108   glbeta_t hwEtaMax = Scales::makeGlbEtaRoundEven(etamax);
0110   hwEtaCenter = glbeta_t((hwEtaMin + hwEtaMax) / 2);
0111   hwPhiCenter = Scales::makeGlbPhi(phicenter);
0112   hwEtaHalfWidth = hwEtaCenter - hwEtaMin;
0113   hwPhiHalfWidth = Scales::makeGlbPhi(0.5 * phiwidth);
0114   hwEtaExtra = Scales::makeGlbEta(etaextra);
0115   hwPhiExtra = Scales::makeGlbPhi(phiextra);
0116 }
0118 bool l1ct::PFRegionEmu::contains(float eta, float phi) const {
0119   float dphi = reco::deltaPhi(phi, floatPhiCenter());
0120   return (floatEtaMinExtra() <= eta && eta <= floatEtaMaxExtra() && -floatPhiHalfWidthExtra() <= dphi &&
0121           dphi <= floatPhiHalfWidthExtra());
0122 }
0123 bool l1ct::PFRegionEmu::containsHw(glbeta_t glbeta, glbphi_t glbphi) const {
0124   glbeta_t loceta = glbeta - hwEtaCenter;
0125   ap_int<glbphi_t::width + 1> locphi = glbphi - hwPhiCenter;
0126   if (locphi > Scales::INTPHI_PI)
0127     locphi -= Scales::INTPHI_TWOPI;
0128   else if (locphi <= -Scales::INTPHI_PI)
0129     locphi += Scales::INTPHI_TWOPI;
0130   return isInside(loceta, locphi);
0131 }
0133 float l1ct::PFRegionEmu::localEta(float globalEta) const { return globalEta - floatEtaCenter(); }
0134 float l1ct::PFRegionEmu::localPhi(float globalPhi) const { return reco::deltaPhi(globalPhi, floatPhiCenter()); }
0136 bool l1ct::PFRegionEmu::read(std::fstream& from) { return readObj<PFRegion>(from, *this); }
0137 bool l1ct::PFRegionEmu::write(std::fstream& to) const { return writeObj<PFRegion>(*this, to); }
0139 bool l1ct::PVObjEmu::read(std::fstream& from) { return readObj<PVObj>(from, *this); }
0140 bool l1ct::PVObjEmu::write(std::fstream& to) const { return writeObj<PVObj>(*this, to); }
0142 bool l1ct::RawInputs::read(std::fstream& from) {
0143   uint32_t number;
0145   if (!readVar(from, number))
0146     return false;
0147   track.resize(number);
0148   for (auto& v : track) {
0149     if (!( && readMany(from, v.obj)))
0150       return false;
0151   }
0153   if (!( && readMany(from, muon.obj)))
0154     return false;
0156   if (!readVar(from, number))
0157     return false;
0158   hgcalcluster.resize(number);
0159   for (auto& v : hgcalcluster) {
0160     if (!( && readMany(from, v.obj)))
0161       return false;
0162   }
0164   return true;
0165 }
0167 bool l1ct::RawInputs::write(std::fstream& to) const {
0168   uint32_t number;
0170   number = track.size();
0171   if (!writeVar(number, to))
0172     return false;
0173   for (const auto& v : track) {
0174     if (!(v.region.write(to) && writeMany(v.obj, to)))
0175       return false;
0176   }
0178   if (!(muon.region.write(to) && writeMany(muon.obj, to)))
0179     return false;
0181   number = hgcalcluster.size();
0182   if (!writeVar(number, to))
0183     return false;
0184   for (const auto& v : hgcalcluster) {
0185     if (!(v.region.write(to) && writeMany(v.obj, to)))
0186       return false;
0187   }
0189   return true;
0190 }
0191 void l1ct::RawInputs::clear() {
0192   for (auto& r : track)
0193     r.clear();
0194   muon.clear();
0195   for (auto& h : hgcalcluster)
0196     h.clear();
0197 }
0199 bool l1ct::RegionizerDecodedInputs::read(std::fstream& from) {
0200   uint32_t number;
0202   if (!readVar(from, number))
0203     return false;
0204   hadcalo.resize(number);
0205   for (auto& v : hadcalo) {
0206     if (!( && readMany(from, v.obj)))
0207       return false;
0208   }
0210   if (!readVar(from, number))
0211     return false;
0212   emcalo.resize(number);
0213   for (auto& v : emcalo) {
0214     if (!( && readMany(from, v.obj)))
0215       return false;
0216   }
0218   if (!readVar(from, number))
0219     return false;
0220   track.resize(number);
0221   for (auto& v : track) {
0222     if (!( && readMany(from, v.obj)))
0223       return false;
0224   }
0226   if (!( && readMany(from, muon.obj)))
0227     return false;
0229   return true;
0230 }
0232 bool l1ct::RegionizerDecodedInputs::write(std::fstream& to) const {
0233   uint32_t number;
0235   number = hadcalo.size();
0236   if (!writeVar(number, to))
0237     return false;
0238   for (const auto& v : hadcalo) {
0239     if (!(v.region.write(to) && writeMany(v.obj, to)))
0240       return false;
0241   }
0243   number = emcalo.size();
0244   if (!writeVar(number, to))
0245     return false;
0246   for (const auto& v : emcalo) {
0247     if (!(v.region.write(to) && writeMany(v.obj, to)))
0248       return false;
0249   }
0251   number = track.size();
0252   if (!writeVar(number, to))
0253     return false;
0254   for (const auto& v : track) {
0255     if (!(v.region.write(to) && writeMany(v.obj, to)))
0256       return false;
0257   }
0259   if (!(muon.region.write(to) && writeMany(muon.obj, to)))
0260     return false;
0262   return true;
0263 }
0264 void l1ct::RegionizerDecodedInputs::clear() {
0265   for (auto& r : hadcalo)
0266     r.clear();
0267   for (auto& r : emcalo)
0268     r.clear();
0269   for (auto& r : track)
0270     r.clear();
0271   muon.clear();
0272 }
0274 bool l1ct::PFInputRegion::read(std::fstream& from) {
0275   return && readMany(from, hadcalo) && readMany(from, emcalo) && readMany(from, track) &&
0276          readMany(from, muon);
0277 }
0278 bool l1ct::PFInputRegion::write(std::fstream& to) const {
0279   return region.write(to) && writeMany(hadcalo, to) && writeMany(emcalo, to) && writeMany(track, to) &&
0280          writeMany(muon, to);
0281 }
0282 void l1ct::PFInputRegion::clear() {
0283   hadcalo.clear();
0284   emcalo.clear();
0285   track.clear();
0286   muon.clear();
0287 }
0289 bool l1ct::OutputRegion::read(std::fstream& from) {
0290   return readMany(from, pfcharged) && readMany(from, pfneutral) && readMany(from, pfphoton) && readMany(from, pfmuon) &&
0291          readMany(from, puppi) && readMany(from, egphoton) && readMany(from, egelectron);
0292 }
0293 bool l1ct::OutputRegion::write(std::fstream& to) const {
0294   return writeMany(pfcharged, to) && writeMany(pfneutral, to) && writeMany(pfphoton, to) && writeMany(pfmuon, to) &&
0295          writeMany(puppi, to) && writeMany(egphoton, to) && writeMany(egelectron, to);
0296 }
0298 void l1ct::OutputRegion::clear() {
0299   pfcharged.clear();
0300   pfphoton.clear();
0301   pfneutral.clear();
0302   pfmuon.clear();
0303   puppi.clear();
0304   egsta.clear();
0305   egphoton.clear();
0306   egelectron.clear();
0307 }
0309 // begin helper functions
0310 namespace {
0311   template <typename TV>
0312   unsigned int count_nonnull(const TV& v) {
0313     typedef typename TV::value_type T;
0314     return std::count_if(v.begin(), v.end(), [](const T& p) { return p.hwPt > 0; });
0315   }
0316   template <typename TV, typename F>
0317   unsigned int count_nonnull_if(const TV& v, F pred) {
0318     unsigned int n = 0;
0319     for (auto& p : v) {
0320       if (p.hwPt > 0 && pred(p.hwId))
0321         ++n;
0322     }
0323     return n;
0324   }
0325 }  // namespace
0326 // end helper functions
0327 unsigned int l1ct::OutputRegion::nObj(ObjType type, bool usePuppi) const {
0328   switch (type) {
0329     case anyType:
0330       if (usePuppi)
0331         return ::count_nonnull(puppi);
0332       else
0333         return ::count_nonnull(pfcharged) + ::count_nonnull(pfphoton) + ::count_nonnull(pfneutral);
0334     case chargedType:
0335       if (usePuppi)
0336         return ::count_nonnull_if(puppi, [](const l1ct::ParticleID& i) { return i.charged(); });
0337       else
0338         return ::count_nonnull(pfcharged);
0339     case neutralType:
0340       if (usePuppi)
0341         return ::count_nonnull_if(puppi, [](const l1ct::ParticleID& i) { return i.neutral(); });
0342       else
0343         return ::count_nonnull(pfphoton) + ::count_nonnull(pfneutral);
0344     case electronType:
0345       if (usePuppi)
0346         return ::count_nonnull_if(puppi, [](const l1ct::ParticleID& i) { return i.isElectron(); });
0347       else
0348         return ::count_nonnull_if(pfcharged, [](const l1ct::ParticleID& i) { return i.isElectron(); });
0349     case muonType:
0350       if (usePuppi)
0351         return ::count_nonnull_if(puppi, [](const l1ct::ParticleID& i) { return i.isMuon(); });
0352       else
0353         return ::count_nonnull_if(pfcharged, [](const l1ct::ParticleID& i) { return i.isMuon(); });
0354     case chargedHadronType:
0355       if (usePuppi)
0356         return ::count_nonnull_if(puppi, [](const l1ct::ParticleID& i) { return i.isChargedHadron(); });
0357       else
0358         return ::count_nonnull_if(pfcharged, [](const l1ct::ParticleID& i) { return i.isChargedHadron(); });
0359     case neutralHadronType:
0360       if (usePuppi)
0361         return ::count_nonnull_if(puppi,
0362                                   [](const l1ct::ParticleID& i) { return i.rawId() == l1ct::ParticleID::HADZERO; });
0363       else
0364         return ::count_nonnull_if(pfneutral,
0365                                   [](const l1ct::ParticleID& i) { return i.rawId() == l1ct::ParticleID::HADZERO; });
0366     case photonType:
0367       if (usePuppi)
0368         return ::count_nonnull_if(puppi,
0369                                   [](const l1ct::ParticleID& i) { return i.rawId() == l1ct::ParticleID::PHOTON; });
0370       else
0371         return ::count_nonnull_if(pfneutral,
0372                                   [](const l1ct::ParticleID& i) { return i.rawId() == l1ct::ParticleID::PHOTON; }) +
0373                ::count_nonnull_if(pfphoton,
0374                                   [](const l1ct::ParticleID& i) { return i.rawId() == l1ct::ParticleID::PHOTON; });
0375     case egisoType:
0376       assert(!usePuppi);
0377       return ::count_nonnull(egphoton);
0378     case egisoeleType:
0379       assert(!usePuppi);
0380       return ::count_nonnull(egelectron);
0381     default:
0382       assert(false);
0383   }
0384 }
0386 bool l1ct::OutputBoard::read(std::fstream& from) {
0387   return readVar(from, eta) && readVar(from, phi) && readMany(from, egphoton) && readMany(from, egelectron);
0388 }
0389 bool l1ct::OutputBoard::write(std::fstream& to) const {
0390   return writeVar(eta, to) && writeVar(phi, to) && writeMany(egphoton, to) && writeMany(egelectron, to);
0391 }
0393 void l1ct::OutputBoard::clear() {
0394   egphoton.clear();
0395   egelectron.clear();
0396 }
0398 bool l1ct::Event::read(std::fstream& from) {
0399   uint32_t version;
0400   if (!readVar(from, version))
0401     return false;
0402   if (version != VERSION) {
0403     //dbgCout() << "ERROR: version mismatch between this code (" << VERSION << ") and dump file (" << version << ")."
0404     //          << std::endl;
0405     //dbgCerr() << "ERROR: version mismatch between this code (" << VERSION << ") and dump file (" << version << ")."
0406     //          << std::endl;
0407     abort();
0408   }
0409   return readVar(from, run) && readVar(from, lumi) && readVar(from, event) && && &&
0410          readMany(from, pfinputs) && readMany(from, pvs) && readMany(from, pvs_emu) && readMany(from, out) &&
0411          readMany(from, board_out);
0412 }
0413 bool l1ct::Event::write(std::fstream& to) const {
0414   uint32_t version = VERSION;
0415   return writeVar(version, to) && writeVar(run, to) && writeVar(lumi, to) && writeVar(event, to) && raw.write(to) &&
0416          decoded.write(to) && writeMany(pfinputs, to) && writeMany(pvs, to) && writeMany(pvs_emu, to) &&
0417          writeMany(out, to) && writeMany(board_out, to);
0418 }
0419 void l1ct::Event::init(uint32_t arun, uint32_t alumi, uint64_t anevent) {
0420   clear();
0421   run = arun;
0422   lumi = alumi;
0423   event = anevent;
0424 }
0425 void l1ct::Event::clear() {
0426   run = 0;
0427   lumi = 0;
0428   event = 0;
0429   raw.clear();
0430   decoded.clear();
0431   for (auto& i : pfinputs)
0432     i.clear();
0433   pvs.clear();
0434   pvs_emu.clear();
0435   for (auto& i : out)
0436     i.clear();
0437   for (auto& i : board_out)
0438     i.clear();
0439 }