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0001 /** \file
0002  * Impl of RPCDetId
0003  *
0004  * \author Ilaria Segoni
0005  * \date 02 Aug 2005
0006  */
0008 #include <DataFormats/MuonDetId/interface/RPCDetId.h>
0009 #include <DataFormats/MuonDetId/interface/MuonSubdetId.h>
0011 #include <iostream>
0013 RPCDetId::RPCDetId() : DetId(DetId::Muon, MuonSubdetId::RPC), trind(0) {}
0015 RPCDetId::RPCDetId(uint32_t id) : DetId(id), trind(0) {
0016   //  std::cout<<" constructor of the RPCDetId" <<std::endl;
0017   if (det() != DetId::Muon || subdetId() != MuonSubdetId::RPC) {
0018     throw cms::Exception("InvalidDetId") << "RPCDetId ctor:"
0019                                          << " det: " << det() << " subdet: " << subdetId() << " is not a valid RPC id";
0020   }
0021 }
0022 RPCDetId::RPCDetId(DetId id) : DetId(id), trind(0) {
0023   //  std::cout<<" constructor of the RPCDetId" <<std::endl;
0024   if (det() != DetId::Muon || subdetId() != MuonSubdetId::RPC) {
0025     throw cms::Exception("InvalidDetId") << "RPCDetId ctor:"
0026                                          << " det: " << det() << " subdet: " << subdetId() << " is not a valid RPC id";
0027   }
0028 }
0030 RPCDetId::RPCDetId(int region, int ring, int station, int sector, int layer, int subsector, int roll)
0031     : DetId(DetId::Muon, MuonSubdetId::RPC), trind(0) {
0032   this->init(region, ring, station, sector, layer, subsector, roll);
0033 }
0035 void RPCDetId::buildfromDB(int region,
0036                            int ring,
0037                            int trlayer,
0038                            int sector,
0039                            const std::string& subs,
0040                            const std::string& roll,
0041                            const std::string& dbname) {
0042   bool barrel = (region == 0);
0043   //STATION
0044   int station = -1;
0045   if (barrel) {
0046     if (trlayer == 1 || trlayer == 2)
0047       station = 1;
0048     else if (trlayer == 3 || trlayer == 4)
0049       station = 2;
0050     else
0051       station = trlayer - 2;
0052   } else {
0053     station = abs(ring);
0054   }
0056   //LAYER
0057   //int layer = 1;
0058   //if (barrel && station==1) layer = trlayer;
0059   //if (barrel && station==2) layer = trlayer-2;
0061   //SUBSECTOR
0062   int subsector = 1;
0064   if (barrel) {
0065     if (station == 3 && subs == "+")
0066       subsector = 2;
0067     if (station == 4 &&
0068         (sector == 1 || sector == 2 || sector == 3 || sector == 5 || sector == 6 || sector == 7 || sector == 8 ||
0069          sector == 10 || sector == 12) &&
0070         (subs == "+")) {
0071       subsector = 2;
0072     }
0074     if (station == 4 && sector == 4) {
0075       if (subs == "--")
0076         subsector = 1;
0077       if (subs == "-")
0078         subsector = 2;
0079       if (subs == "+")
0080         subsector = 3;
0081       if (subs == "++")
0082         subsector = 4;
0083     }
0084   }
0086   // ROLL
0087   int iroll = 0;
0089   if (roll == "Backward" || roll == "A")
0090     iroll = 1;
0091   else if (roll == "Central" || roll == "B")
0092     iroll = 2;
0093   else if (roll == "Forward" || roll == "C")
0094     iroll = 3;
0095   else if (roll == "D")
0096     iroll = 4;
0097   else {
0098     std::cout << "** RPC: DBSpecToDetUnit, how to assigne roll to: " << roll << " ???" << std::endl;
0099   }
0101   int trIndex = 0;
0102   if (barrel) {
0103     //cout <<" BARREL: " << endl;
0104     int eta_id = 6 + ring;
0105     int plane_id = station;
0106     if (trlayer == 2)
0107       plane_id = 5;
0108     if (trlayer == 4)
0109       plane_id = 6;
0110     int sector_id = sector * 3;
0111     int copy_id = subsector;
0112     int roll_id = iroll;
0113     trIndex = (eta_id * 10000 + plane_id * 1000 + sector_id * 10 + copy_id) * 10 + roll_id;
0114   } else {
0115     //    cout << "ENDCAP : " << endl;
0116     int eta_id = trlayer;
0117     if (ring > 0)
0118       eta_id = 12 - trlayer;
0119     int plane_id = abs(ring);
0120     int sector_id = sector;
0122     if (region < 0) {
0123       if (sector_id < 20) {
0124         sector_id = 19 + 1 - sector_id;
0125       } else {
0126         sector_id = 36 + 20 - sector_id;
0127       }
0128     }
0129     sector_id -= 1;
0131     //
0132     int copy_id = 1;
0133     int roll_id = iroll;
0134     trIndex = (eta_id * 10000 + plane_id * 1000 + sector_id * 10 + copy_id) * 10 + roll_id;
0135   }
0136   this->buildfromTrIndex(trIndex);
0137 }
0139 void RPCDetId::buildfromTrIndex(int trIndex) {
0140   trind = trIndex;
0141   int eta_id = trIndex / 100000;
0142   int region = 0;
0143   int ring = 0;
0144   if (eta_id <= 3) {
0145     region = -1;
0146     ring = eta_id;
0147   } else if (eta_id >= 9) {
0148     region = 1;
0149     ring = 12 - eta_id;
0150   } else {
0151     region = 0;
0152     ring = eta_id - 6;
0153   }
0154   trIndex = trIndex % 100000;
0155   int plane_id = trIndex / 10000;
0156   int station = 0;
0157   int layer = 0;
0158   if (plane_id <= 4) {
0159     station = plane_id;
0160     layer = 1;
0161   } else {
0162     station = plane_id - 4;
0163     layer = 2;
0164   }
0165   trIndex = trIndex % 10000;
0166   int sector_id = trIndex / 100;
0168   // RE+1/1 :: the chamber at x=0 (phi=0) start as CH02 instead of CH01, which is not desired
0169   // while for other chambers: RE+1/(2,3) and RE+2,3,4/(2,3) the rotation seems to be arbitrary
0170   // I will leave the code for the existing chambers as it is, but will remove RE+1/1 from selection
0171   // These lines are programmed very asymmetric between Pos \& Neg endcap:
0172   // - it affects the whole Negative Endcap
0173   // - it affects the whole RE+/-1 Station
0174   // - it affects all RE+(1,2,3,4)/(2,3)
0175   // ==> why does it act differently on RE-(2,3,4)/1 and RE+(2,3,4)/1 ???
0176   if (region != 0) {
0177     if (!(ring == 1 && station > 1 && region == 1)) {
0178       // skip RE+1/1 (ri=1, st=1, re=-1,+1)
0179       if (!(ring == 1 && station == 1 && region != 0)) {
0180         sector_id += 1;
0181         if (sector_id == 37)
0182           sector_id = 1;
0183       }
0184     }
0185   }
0187   if (region == -1) {
0188     if (sector_id < 20) {
0189       sector_id = 19 + 1 - sector_id;
0190     } else {
0191       sector_id = 36 + 20 - sector_id;
0192     }
0193   }
0194   trIndex = trIndex % 100;
0195   int copy_id = trIndex / 10;
0196   int sector = (sector_id - 1) / 3 + 1;
0197   if (region != 0) {
0198     sector = (sector + 1) / 2;
0199   }
0200   int subsector = 0;
0201   if (region == 0) {
0202     subsector = copy_id;
0203   } else {
0204     if (ring == 1 && station > 1) {
0205       // 20 degree chambers
0206       subsector = ((sector_id + 1) / 2 - 1) % 3 + 1;
0207     } else {
0208       // 10 degree chambers
0209       subsector = (sector_id - 1) % 6 + 1;
0210     }
0211     //     std::cout <<" RE"<<station*region<<"/"<<ring<<" sector_id "<<sector_id
0212     //            << " sector "<<sector <<" sub "<<subsector<<std::endl;
0213   }
0215   int roll = trIndex % 10;
0216   this->init(region, ring, station, sector, layer, subsector, roll);
0217 }
0219 void RPCDetId::init(int region, int ring, int station, int sector, int layer, int subsector, int roll) {
0220   int minRing = 0;
0221   int maxRing = RPCDetId::maxRingForwardId;
0222   if (!region) {
0223     minRing = RPCDetId::minRingBarrelId;
0224     maxRing = RPCDetId::maxRingBarrelId;
0225   }
0227   if (region < minRegionId || region > maxRegionId || ring < minRing || ring > maxRing || station < minStationId ||
0228       station > maxStationId || sector < minSectorId || sector > maxSectorId || layer < minLayerId ||
0229       layer > maxLayerId || subsector < minSubSectorId || subsector > maxSubSectorId || roll < minRollId ||
0230       roll > maxRollId) {
0231     throw cms::Exception("InvalidDetId") << "RPCDetId ctor:"
0232                                          << " Invalid parameters: "
0233                                          << " region " << region << " ring " << ring << " station " << station
0234                                          << " sector " << sector << " layer " << layer << " subsector " << subsector
0235                                          << " roll " << roll << std::endl;
0236   }
0238   int regionInBits = region - minRegionId;
0239   int ringInBits = 0;
0240   if (region != 0)
0241     ringInBits = ring - minRingForwardId;
0242   if (!region)
0243     ringInBits = ring + RingBarrelOffSet - minRingBarrelId;
0245   int stationInBits = station - minStationId;
0246   int sectorInBits = sector - (minSectorId + 1);
0247   int layerInBits = layer - minLayerId;
0248   int subSectorInBits = subsector - (minSubSectorId + 1);
0249   int rollInBits = roll;
0251   id_ |= (regionInBits & RegionMask_) << RegionStartBit_ | (ringInBits & RingMask_) << RingStartBit_ |
0252          (stationInBits & StationMask_) << StationStartBit_ | (sectorInBits & SectorMask_) << SectorStartBit_ |
0253          (layerInBits & LayerMask_) << LayerStartBit_ | (subSectorInBits & SubSectorMask_) << SubSectorStartBit_ |
0254          (rollInBits & RollMask_) << RollStartBit_;
0255 }
0257 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RPCDetId& id) {
0258   os << " Re " << id.region() << " Ri " << id.ring() << " St " << id.station() << " Se " << id.sector() << " La "
0259      << id.layer() << " Su " << id.subsector() << " Ro " << id.roll() << " Tr " << id.trIndex() << " ";
0261   return os;
0262 }